110 research outputs found

    Chapter Introduction

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    This book focuses on social transformations as one of the central topics in the social sciences. The study of European social transformations is very valuable in the context of universal discussions within social sciences: explaining invariable, universal attributes of societies and examining changing attributes. The book consists of 20 chapters on European social transformations, written from the perspectives of distinguished scholars from such disciplines as economics, political science, educational science, geography, media and communication studies, public management and administration, social psychology and sociology. The temporal and spatial range of the book is wide, including such global changes as time-space compression, focusing particularly on change processes in Europe during the last two decades. The book consists of four main parts, beginning with an overview of the theoretical and methodological approaches, and then focusing separately on post-communist transformations, institutional drivers of social transformations in the European Union, and European transformations in the context of global processes. The book presents current theoretical, empirical and methodological approaches that complement the scientific literature on social transformations. This book is both an invaluable resource for scholars and an indispensable teaching tool for use in the classroom and will be of interest to students, academics, and policy-makers studying how this diverse region has changed over recent years

    Kooli innovatsiooni mudelid maakoolide näitel (haridusinnovatsioon Eestis) (KIMA)

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    Eduko analüüsigrandi toetusel läbi viidud analüüs ""Kooli innovatsiooni mudelid maakoolide näitel"" toimus 01.09.2010 kuni 31.01.2011 nelja Lõuna-Eesti maakonna koolide baasil. Analüüsi eesmärgiks oli: 1) selgitada maapiirkonna koolide näitel, millised on kooli organisatsiooni sisemised ja väliskeskonna tegurid uuenduste algatamisel ja elluviimisel; 2) millised on koolis muutusi soodustavad ja takistavad tegurid; 3) kirjeldada süsteemselt innovatsioonijuhtumeid kahest maapiirkonna koolist

    Empty spaces and the value of symbols: Estonia's 'war of monuments' from another angle

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    Taking as its point of departure the recent heightened discussion surrounding publicly sited monuments in Estonia, this article investigates the issue from the perspective of the country's eastern border city of Narva, focusing especially upon the restoration in 2000 of a 'Swedish Lion' monument to mark the 300th anniversary of Sweden's victory over Russia at the first Battle of Narva. This commemoration is characterised here as a successful local negotiation of a potentially divisive past, as are subsequent commemorations of the Russian conquest of Narva in 1704. A recent proposal to erect a statue of Peter the Great in the city, however, briefly threatened to open a new front in Estonia's ongoing 'war of monuments'. Through a discussion of these episodes, the article seeks to link the Narva case to broader conceptual issues of identity politics, nationalism and post-communist transition

    The link between ethnic segregation and socio-economic status : An activity space approach

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    The extent to which ethnic segregation results from differences in socio-economic factors remains a seminal topic of debate. The growing literature demonstrating the multifaceted phenomenon of segregation urges more focus on individuals' spatial and social interactions. We applied an activity space approach and considered ethnic differences in individuals' activity spaces as an indicator of spatial segregation. We used mobile phone and survey datasets in Estonia. We show that place-based segregation indices derived from both datasets indicate similar levels of ethnic segregation. From an activity space perspective, the results show that the main socio-economic factor affecting the extensity of activity spaces is self-estimated social status rather than education and income. Results show that ethnic inequality in spatial behaviour is not straightforward, but rather that it is linked to how individuals position themselves in society. We argue that socio-economic factors need to be controlled to examine ethnic segregation from activity space perspective.Peer reviewe

    Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu seminar

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    • Raamatukogu avalikkussuhted / Marju Lauristin • Suhtekorraldus raamatukogus: vajadus ja võimalused / Aira Lepik • Mida peaks arvestama meediaga suheldes Eestis? / Andres Toode • Teabekorraldus on suhtekorralduse tugisammas / Eeva Kumberg • Viis aastat suhtekorraldust Rahvusraamatukogus / Triin Soone • Lugeja hinnangud ja ootused — meie taotlused ja tegemised (lugeja- ja ekspertküsitluse analüüs) / Ilona Smuškina • Näitused raamatukogus — missugused ja kelle jaoks? / Tiina Matsulevitš • Avalikkussuhete dominandid ja ääremaad / Urve Tõnno

    Enacting social transformation through occupation: A narrative literature review

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    Background: In occupational therapy and occupational science there is a drive to confront social and health injustices through occupation-based practices with social transformation as a goal. However, scholars acknowledge a lack of theory to support this developing area of practice. Aim: To explore how occupations have been used to enact social transformation for disadvantaged communities and to elucidate socially transformative outcomes. Methods: A narrative literature review was carried out, focussing specifically on arts-based occupations, using seven databases. Thirty-eight items were included. Results: Three overarching themes emerged: experiences related to giving voice; levels of change and arts-based occupations influence social change. Conclusions: Art forms as a means of expression can support people to make demands for change. This was true whether the art form was adopted at grass roots level, or via formalized projects run by researchers or Non-Government Organizations. Whilst personal change and small scale social change outcomes were achievable, larger scale structural change was not evident. Unintended outcomes in the form of risks to participants were reported. How and why change came about was not clearly articulated; leaving a need for further exploration of the mechanisms and contexts supporting change in the growing field of social transformation through occupation