25 research outputs found

    Interplay of RFX transcription factors 1, 2 and 3 in motile ciliogenesis

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    Cilia assembly is under strict transcriptional control during animal development. In vertebrates, a hierarchy of transcription factors (TFs) are involved in controlling the specification, differentiation and function of multiciliated epithelia. RFX TFs play key functions in the control of ciliogenesis in animals. Whereas only one RFX factor regulates ciliogenesis in C. elegans, several distinct RFX factors have been implicated in this process in vertebrates. However, a clear understanding of the specific and redundant functions of different RFX factors in ciliated cells remains lacking. Using RNA-seq and ChIP-seq approaches we identified genes regulated directly and indirectly by RFX1, RFX2 and RFX3 in mouse ependymal cells. We show that these three TFs have both redundant and specific functions in ependymal cells. Whereas RFX1, RFX2 and RFX3 occupy many shared genomic loci, only RFX2 and RFX3 play a prominent and redundant function in the control of motile ciliogenesis in mice. Our results provide a valuable list of candidate ciliary genes. They also reveal stunning differences between compensatory processes operating in vivo and ex vivo

    The Ciliogenic Transcription Factor RFX3 Regulates Early Midline Distribution of Guidepost Neurons Required for Corpus Callosum Development

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    The corpus callosum (CC) is the major commissure that bridges the cerebral hemispheres. Agenesis of the CC is associated with human ciliopathies, but the origin of this default is unclear. Regulatory Factor X3 (RFX3) is a transcription factor involved in the control of ciliogenesis, and Rfx3–deficient mice show several hallmarks of ciliopathies including left–right asymmetry defects and hydrocephalus. Here we show that Rfx3–deficient mice suffer from CC agenesis associated with a marked disorganisation of guidepost neurons required for axon pathfinding across the midline. Using transplantation assays, we demonstrate that abnormalities of the mutant midline region are primarily responsible for the CC malformation. Conditional genetic inactivation shows that RFX3 is not required in guidepost cells for proper CC formation, but is required before E12.5 for proper patterning of the cortical septal boundary and hence accurate distribution of guidepost neurons at later stages. We observe focused but consistent ectopic expression of Fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) at the rostro commissural plate associated with a reduced ratio of GLIoma-associated oncogene family zinc finger 3 (GLI3) repressor to activator forms. We demonstrate on brain explant cultures that ectopic FGF8 reproduces the guidepost neuronal defects observed in Rfx3 mutants. This study unravels a crucial role of RFX3 during early brain development by indirectly regulating GLI3 activity, which leads to FGF8 upregulation and ultimately to disturbed distribution of guidepost neurons required for CC morphogenesis. Hence, the RFX3 mutant mouse model brings novel understandings of the mechanisms that underlie CC agenesis in ciliopathies

    The ciliogenic transcription factor Rfx3 is required for the formation of the thalamocortical tract by regulating patterning of prethalamus and ventral telencephalon

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    Primary cilia are complex subcellular structures that play key roles during embryogenesis by controlling the cellular response to several signaling pathways. Defects in the function and/or structure of primary cilia underlie a large number of human syndromes collectively referred to as ciliopathies. Often, ciliopathies are associated with mental retardation (MR) and malformation of the corpus callosum. However, the possibility of defects in other forebrain axon tracts, which could contribute to the cognitive disorders of these patients, has not been explored. Here, we investigate the formation of the corticothalamic/thalamocortical tracts in mice mutant for Rfx3, which regulates the expression of many genes involved in ciliogenesis and cilia function. Using DiI axon tracing and immunohistochemistry experiments, we show that some Rfx3-/- corticothalamic axons abnormally migrate toward the pial surface of the ventral telencephalon (VT). Some thalamocortical axons (TCAs) also fail to leave the diencephalon or abnormally project toward the amygdala. Moreover, the Rfx3-/- VT displays heterotopias containing attractive guidance cues and expressing the guidance molecules Slit1 and Netrin1. Finally, the abnormal projection of TCAs toward the amygdala is also present in mice carrying a mutation in the Inpp5e gene, which is mutated in Joubert Syndrome and which controls cilia signaling and stability. The presence of identical thalamocortical malformations in two independent ciliary mutants indicates a novel role for primary cilia in the formation of the corticothalamic/thalamocortical tracts by establishing the correct cellular environment necessary for its development

    New phenotype associated with an Arg116Cys mutation in the CRYAA gene: nuclear cataract, iris coloboma, and microphthalmia.

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: To describe a new phenotype with an arginine-to-cysteine mutation at position 116 (Arg116Cys) in the CRYAA gene. METHODS: We investigated a 4-generation French family with autosomal dominant cataract and performed a genetic linkage analysis using microsatellite DNA markers encompassing 15 known cataract loci. Exons 1, 2, and 3 and flanking intronic sequences of the CRYAA gene were amplified and analyzed using direct sequencing. RESULTS: All of the affected individuals had nuclear cataract and iris coloboma. Genetic analysis revealed the previously described Arg116Cys mutation in the CRYAA gene in the heterozygous state in all of the affected members of the family but not in unaffected individuals. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first case to date in which an Arg116Cys mutation in the CRYAA gene was associated with nuclear cataract and iris coloboma. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study indicates that an Arg116Cys mutation in the CRYAA gene could be associated with an unusual phenotype in affected individuals. In this family, the clinical observation of iris coloboma allows for the possibility of identifying individuals carrying the mutation. Iris coloboma is particularly important in terms of perinatal diagnosis because its detection in the newborn requires a careful and regular examination of the lens

    RFX3 governs growth and beating efficiency of motile cilia in mouse and controls the expression of genes involved in human ciliopathies

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    Cilia are cellular organelles that play essential physiological and developmental functions in various organisms. They can be classified into two categories, primary cilia and motile cilia, on the basis of their axonemal architecture. Regulatory factor X (RFX) transcription factors have been shown to be involved in the assembly of primary cilia in Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila and mice. Here, we have taken advantage of a novel primary-cell culture system derived from mouse brain to show that RFX3 is also necessary for biogenesis of motile cilia. We found that the growth and beating efficiencies of motile cilia are impaired in multiciliated Rfx3(-/-) cells. RFX3 was required for optimal expression of the FOXJ1 transcription factor, a key player in the differentiation program of motile cilia. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time that RFX3 regulates the expression of axonemal dyneins involved in ciliary motility by binding directly to the promoters of their genes. In conclusion, RFX proteins not only regulate genes involved in ciliary assembly, but also genes that are involved in ciliary motility and that are associated with ciliopathies such as primary ciliary dyskinesia in humans

    RFX2 Is a Major Transcriptional Regulator of Spermiogenesis

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    Spermatogenesis consists broadly of three phases: proliferation of diploid germ cells, meiosis, and finally extensive differentiation of the haploid cells into effective delivery vehicles for the paternal genome. Despite detailed characterization of many haploid developmental steps leading to sperm, only fragmentary information exists on the control of gene expression underlying these processes. Here we report that the RFX2 transcription factor is a master regulator of genes required for the haploid phase. A targeted mutation of Rfx2 was created in mice. Rfx2-/- mice are perfectly viable but show complete male sterility. Spermatogenesis appears to progress unperturbed through meiosis. However, haploid cells undergo a complete arrest in spermatid development just prior to spermatid elongation. Arrested cells show altered Golgi apparatus organization, leading to a deficit in the generation of a spreading acrosomal cap from proacrosomal vesicles. Arrested cells ultimately merge to form giant multinucleated cells released to the epididymis. Spermatids also completely fail to form the flagellar axoneme. RNA-Seq analysis and ChIP-Seq analysis identified 139 genes directly controlled by RFX2 during spermiogenesis. Gene ontology analysis revealed that genes required for cilium function are specifically enriched in down- and upregulated genes showing that RFX2 allows precise temporal expression of ciliary genes. Several genes required for cell adhesion and cytoskeleton remodeling are also downregulated. Comparison of RFX2-regulated genes with those controlled by other major transcriptional regulators of spermiogenesis showed that each controls independent gene sets. Altogether, these observations show that RFX2 plays a major and specific function in spermiogenesis

    Developmental expression profiles of genes downregulated in <i>Rfx2</i><sup>-/-</sup> testis.

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    <p>Expression patterns derived from [<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005368#pgen.1005368.ref029" target="_blank">29</a>], are shown for genes that are downregulated in <i>Rfx2</i><sup>-/-</sup> testis at P21 (left plots) or P30 (right plots). The plots show the expression patterns for all genes in the group (top) or for genes exhibiting expression patterns that are the most consistent with activation by RFX2 (lower). Gene totals are less than in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005368#pgen.1005368.g006" target="_blank">Fig 6</a> because genes exhibiting unreliably low read values in the Laiho et al. data set were not included.</p

    The characteristic acrosome organelle fails to develop properly in <i>Rfx2</i><sup>-/-</sup> mice.

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    <p>(A-H) Periodic acid shiff (PAS) / light green stained segments of testis sections from <i>Rfx2</i><sup><i>+/+</i></sup> mice (A-D) and comparable sections from <i>Rfx2</i><sup><i>-/-</i></sup> mice (E-H). Developmental stages of the seminiferous tubules are noted on each panel. Insets show a 3-fold magnification of a spermatid from the respective section (box). Insets show in: (A, E) step 2 spermatids, (B, F) step 5 spermatids, (C, G) step 7 spermatids. (I-P) High power views of individual cells with the acrosomes stained by fluorescently-tagged peanut agglutinin. For <i>Rfx2</i><sup><i>+/+</i></sup> sections, different step of acrosome development are shown (I: step 2, J-L: step 6–7 spermatids). For <i>Rfx2</i><sup><i>-/-</i></sup> sections, variations in acrosome morphology are shown for spermatids that are about to arrest (M-P). In the majority of cases the acrosome fails to spread normally over the anterior end of the nucleus and frequently occurs as unattached vesicles (arrows).</p