22 research outputs found

    Changement de pratiques au CHU Ste-Justine (Montréal) : mise en place des perfusions rapides de rituximab dans une population pédiatrique

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    Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ste-Justine est un hôpital mère-enfant de 550 lits à Montréal. Le rituximab y est utilisé de façon croissante dans diverses indications d oncologie et d immunologie. Les temps de perfusion de cet anticorps recommandés par le fabricant font peser une lourde contrainte sur les soignants et les patients. Pour y faire face, il a été décidé d implanter les perfusions rapides de rituximab à Ste-Justine. Nous avons procédé à une revue bibliographique des perfusions rapides de rituximab. Nous l avons complétée par une étude rétrospective de l utilisation du rituximab dans notre institution. Cette étude se penchait en particulier sur les réactions à la perfusion, effet indésirable redouté dans ce changement de pratiques. Soixante-huit patients ont été recrutés, et 43 réactions à la perfusion constatées chez 30 d entre eux. Ces réactions étaient peu graves, et facilement prises en charge. Elles survenaient pour 88,4% d entre elles lors d une première dose. Nous avons démontré la possibilité d appliquer un protocole de perfusions rapides de rituximab chez une population pédiatrique, à l image de ce qui se pratique chez l adulte. Les perfusions suivantes, à compter d une première perfusion tolérée, se déroulaient sur 90 minutes. Ce protocole s est révélé applicable à une majorité de la population pédiatrique traitée par cet anticorps à Ste-Justine (68,0%). Le traitement de 17 patients pour un total de 37 perfusions rapides a montré une bonne tolérance, avec 2,7% de réactions à la perfusion. Ce changement de pratiques a permis des gains de temps substantiels dans notre centre tout en maintenant une utilisation sécuritaire du rituximab.The University Hospital Ste-Justine is a 550 beds mother-children hospital in Montréal. Rituximab is prescribed in a growing number of indications in oncology and immunology in this hospital. The infusion rates recommended by the manufacturer for this antibody put a heavy strain on hospital resources and patient comfort. To answer this issue, it was decided to implement a rapid-infusion of rituximab protocol in Ste-Justine. We reviewed the literature on rapid-infusion of rituximab. We completed this review with a retrospective study on the use of rituximab at Ste-Justine Hospital. We focused on infusion-related reactions, which is the main side-effect feared with that change of practice. Sixty-eight patients were recruited, 43 infusion-related reactions analyzed in 30 of them. These reactions were benign and easily manageable. They mainly occured on first infusion (88,4%). We proved the feasibility of implementing a rapid infusion protocol in a pediatric population. The subsequent infusions, after a well tolerated first infusion, were administered over 90 minutes. We could include a majority of patients in this protocol (68,0%). A total of 37 infusions administered to 17 patients showed a good tolerance, with 2.7% of infusion-related reactions. Substantial savings of time were made with that change of practice while maintaining security of use of rituximab.ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les dyslipidémies, leurs prises en charge et l éducation thérapeutique du patient à l officine

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    Le cholestérol et les lipides sont indispensables à l organisme. En revanche leur excès est néfaste. Les dyslipidémies font parties des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont une des premières causes de décès en France avec les maladies tumorales. Il existe plusieurs types de dyslipidémies ; elles peuvent être primaire ou secondaire. Les principales dyslipidémies sont liées à une augmentation du cholestérol et/ou des triglycérides. La prise en charge des dyslipidémies repose dans un premier temps sur les règles hygiéno-diététiques avec la mise en place d une alimentation adaptée ainsi que la pratique d une activité physique régulière. Dans un second temps lorsque ces changements ne suffisent pas un traitement hypolipémiant peut être mis en place afin d atteindre les objectifs. L arrivée des statines a permis de réduire la mortalité cardiovasculaire à long terme. L observance des traitements chronique n est pas toujours optimale, ainsi que la connaissance et l application des règles hygiéno-diététiques. L éducation thérapeutique peut aider le patient à mieux vivre avec sa dyslipidémie et ainsi améliorer l observance de la prise en charge. Le pharmacien par sa proximité avec le patient joue donc un rôle essentiel dans la prise en charge des dyslipidémies.Cholesterol and lipids are indipensable for organism. On the other hand an excess is harmful. Dyslipidemia are a cardiovascular risk factor. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the first causes of death in France with tumoral diseases. There are several types of dyslipidemia, either primary or secondary. The main dyslipidemia are related to increased cholesterol and/or triglycerides. The treatment of dyslipidemia is initially based on lifestyle and dietary rules with the introduction of suitable diet and practice of regular physical activity. In a second time, when these changes are not effective, a lipid lowering therapy can be introduced to achieve the objectives. The arrival of statins reduced cardiovascular mortality in long term. Adherence to chronic treatments in not always optimal. As well as knowledge and application of lifestyle and dietary rules. Patient education can help patient to live better with his dyslipidemia and improve the observance of the support.The pharmacist by its proximity to the patient plays a key role in the management of the dyslipidemia.ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Exploration of the breastfeeding women's behaviors of towards medication. Contribution to the design of healt

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    L'allaitement maternel est un réel enjeu de santé publique au regard de ces bénéfices pour la santé de la mère comme de son enfant. La prise de médicaments représente un obstacle à l'allaitement et peut conduire à la non initiation de l'allaitement ou à son sevrage prématuré quelques soient les données biomédicales disponibles. La compréhension des comportements maternels face à la prise de médicament est essentielle à explorer pur pouvoir apporter des interventions éducatives adaptées pour répondre à cette problématique [...].This commentary follows the article of Moni R. Saha and her co-authors, entitled "Postpartum women's use of medicines and breastfeeding practices: a systematic review." As highlighted in this systematic review, medication use is common during the postpartum period often creating difficulty for mothers. Several studies illustrate the negative impact medication has on breastfeeding, initiation and duration despite reassuring advice from health professionals. Current data only describe the use of medication and behavior adopted by mothers when medication is prescribed. The factors influencing maternal behaviors have not been studied. Behaviors depend on knowledge, representations and attitudes.To better understand the behaviors of mothers faced with medication, we conducted a qualitative study, utilizing semistructured interviews to investigate knowledge, risk perception and difficulties women experienced. The study consisted of a description and comparison of the perceived needs of two populations : 19 breastfeeding mothers and 12 health professionals. Divergences between the two populations were highlighted, focusing specifically, on knowledge needed by the women. This commentary is intended to highlight the need for further research essential to explain the influences on maternal behavior when medication is a consideration, allowing health professionals to better help mothers deal with these situations frequently affecting their breastfeeding plans

    Exploration des comportements des femmes allaitantes vis-à-vis des médicaments. Contribution à la conception d'interventions éducatives en santé

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    This commentary follows the article of Moni R. Saha and her co-authors, entitled "Postpartum women's use of medicines and breastfeeding practices: a systematic review." As highlighted in this systematic review, medication use is common during the postpartum period often creating difficulty for mothers. Several studies illustrate the negative impact medication has on breastfeeding, initiation and duration despite reassuring advice from health professionals. Current data only describe the use of medication and behavior adopted by mothers when medication is prescribed. The factors influencing maternal behaviors have not been studied. Behaviors depend on knowledge, representations and attitudes.To better understand the behaviors of mothers faced with medication, we conducted a qualitative study, utilizing semistructured interviews to investigate knowledge, risk perception and difficulties women experienced. The study consisted of a description and comparison of the perceived needs of two populations : 19 breastfeeding mothers and 12 health professionals. Divergences between the two populations were highlighted, focusing specifically, on knowledge needed by the women. This commentary is intended to highlight the need for further research essential to explain the influences on maternal behavior when medication is a consideration, allowing health professionals to better help mothers deal with these situations frequently affecting their breastfeeding plans.L'allaitement maternel est un réel enjeu de santé publique au regard de ces bénéfices pour la santé de la mère comme de son enfant. La prise de médicaments représente un obstacle à l'allaitement et peut conduire à la non initiation de l'allaitement ou à son sevrage prématuré quelques soient les données biomédicales disponibles. La compréhension des comportements maternels face à la prise de médicament est essentielle à explorer pur pouvoir apporter des interventions éducatives adaptées pour répondre à cette problématique [...]

    Understanding Breastfeeding Women’s Behaviors Toward Medication: Healthcare Professionals’ Viewpoint

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    International audienceBackground: Taking medication during breastfeeding is often a major concern for mothers. Knowledge, representations, and attitudes condition a mother’s behavior in this situation. Healthcare professionals, whose medication advice for breastfeeding women is often described in scientific literature as inappropriate, play a major role in counseling mothers. Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of mothers’ behaviors regarding medication use during breastfeeding may influence mothers’ behaviors. Research Aim: The aim of this study was to identify healthcare professionals’ perceptions of breastfeeding women’s knowledge, representations, and attitudes and behaviors about medication use. Method: A cross-sectional, prospective qualitative design was used. Semistructured interviews were conducted with a broad array of healthcare professionals ( N = 20) in different practice settings in the Angers area (France). Thematic analysis of the interview transcripts was carried out using the planned behavior theory of Ajzen. Results: Seventy themes concerning medication use while breastfeeding were identified and then combined into 8 categories. Healthcare professionals perceived that maternal behaviors regarding medication were mostly focused on the child’s safety and were linked to poor knowledge and negative representations, attitudes, and feelings toward medication. Healthcare professionals also perceived significant negative influences from the mother’s friends and family in regard to breastfeeding. Relationships between healthcare professionals and women were problematic when it came to drug use during breastfeeding. Conclusion: Taking into account healthcare professionals’ perceptions of maternal behavior will help improve education for these professionals. Indeed, knowing precisely what difficulties are met by healthcare professionals when they encounter medication use during breastfeeding can help educators improve training for these professionals

    Fiches d'informations sur les médicaments pour les femmes qui allaitent (méthodologie de réalisation et d'évaluation)

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    L allaitement maternel est le mode d alimentation le plus adapté pour les nouveau-nés de par les bénéfices qui en résultent. Toutefois la prise de médicaments peut entrainer un arrêt injustifié. La création de fiches sur les médicaments pour les mères allaitantes nécessite une méthodologie d élaboration et d évaluation adaptée, d après les recommandations en matière de communication et de document écrit pour les patients. Le texte doit interpeler, être clair et concis en utilisant la 1ère personne du singulier, des phrases et mots courts, un titre accrocheur, une présentation en rubriques et des illustrations. L évaluation est en trois temps : lisibilité, illustrations seules et entretiens semi-directifs auprès de femmes majeures, francophones et allaitantes. Ils ciblent la compréhension, l organisation des informations et la qualité de la typographie et des illustrations. Les fiches, Allaitement et Ibuprofène et Allaitement et Tardyferon® , ont permis de tester les méthodologies établies. Ainsi on obtient un niveau de lisibilité d une classe de 6ème, une compréhension des illustrations supérieure à 76% seules et à 90% avec le texte. Les informations sont comprises à 83%, localisées à 83 et 91% et la typographie appréciée à plus de 90%. La présence de biais et de certaines difficultés d analyse des résultats ont aboutis à des ajustements de méthodologie. Ce travail de thèse a donc permis d établir une méthodologie d élaboration et d évaluation spécifique à ces brochures. Elles seront disponibles, à terme, auprès des professionnels de santé, donnant aux mères un accès à des informations validées, claires et ludiques sur la compatibilité d un médicament avec l allaitement.Breast-feeding is the most adapted feeding mode for infants due to ensuing benefits. However medication may lead to an unjustified stopping. Creating medicines leaflet for breast-feeding women requires an appropriate development and evaluation methodology based on communication and written documents for patients recommendations. The text has to use the first person singular, short sentences and words, a catchy title, illustrations and a heading presentation, for the purpose of being clear and concise. The assessment consists of three stages: readability, illustrations without text and semi-guided interview with Francophone breast-feeding women of age. These interviews target understanding, information s organization and the quality of typography and illustrations. We used leaflets, Breast-feeding and Ibuprofen and Breast-feeding and Tardyferon® , to test established methodologies. Thus we get a readability level of a 6th grade, an understanding of illustrations rate without text greater than 76% and 90% with it. Information has an understood rate of 83%, a location rate of 83 and 91%, and more than 90% of patients appreciate the typography. We had to do few methodology adaptations because of bias and some analysis difficulties. Thanks to this doctoral thesis, we set a development and evaluation methodology specifically for these leaflets. They will be available at health professionals in order to give clear, playful and authenticated information about medicine which are compatible with breast-feeding to mothers.ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Preventable or potentially inappropriate psychotropics and adverse health outcomes in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    International audienceObjective : To systematically review and quantitatively synthetize evidence on the use of PIPs linked to adverse health outcomes in older adults.Methods : A Medline, Embase1 and Opengrey libraries search was conducted from 2004 to February 2021, using the PICO model: older people, psychotropic drugs, inappropriate prescribing, and adverse drug events. Fixed-effects and random-effects meta-analysis were performed from 3 eligible studies using an inverse-variance method.Results : Of the 1943 originally identified abstracts, 106 met the inclusion criteria and 7 studies were included in this review. All were of good quality. The number of participants ranged from 318 to 383,150 older adults (54.5–74.4% women). Associations were found between PIPs use and decreased personal care activities of daily living (ADL), unplanned hospitalizations, falls and mortality. In the pooled analysis, association with falls was confirmed (1.23 [95%CI: 1.15;1.32]).Conclusions : Participants of 65 years and older treated with PIPs were more at risk of adverse health outcomes than those using no PIPs, including greater risks of falls, functional disabilities, unplanned hospitalizations, and mortality. Results of the present systematic review and meta-analysis provide additional evidence for an appropriate and safe use of psychotropics in older adults

    Bacterial keratitis treated by strengthened antibiotic eye drops: An 18 months review of clinical cases and antibiotic susceptibilities

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    International audiencePURPOSE:To describe, in patients treated for infectious keratitis, the microorganisms identified and their antibiotic susceptibility over a period of 18 months.METHOD:Retrospective, descriptive, non-comparative study. Medical and biological data were extracted from the patients' file treated with strengthened antibiotic eye drops at Angers University Hospital between January 2015 and June 2016. The main elements noted were the bacteria involved and their susceptibility to antibiotics. Patients' visual acuity at the start and end of treatment was compared.RESULTS:Forty-eight patients were included. Almost one bacterium was identified in 31 patients, totalling 43 pathogens of 24 different species. The most frequently found microorganisms were Gram-positive cocci (55.8%), including Staphylococcus Aureus (14.0%) and Epidermidis (14.0%). All Gram-negative bacilli amounted to 30.2% of the identified bacteria, including 9.3% of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. None of the Gram-positive cocci were resistant to vancomycin and all Gram-negative bacilli were susceptible to ceftazidime and amikacin. Following treatment with at least one of the three antibiotic eye drops produced by our pharmacy (amikacin at 50mg/mL, ceftazidime at 50mg/mL and vancomycin at 25mg/mL), patients' visual acuity was significantly improved (P=0.043).CONCLUSION:The study helped identify the bacterial ecology of patients admitted for infectious keratitis. Among the bacteria identified, none were found to be resistant to any of the three strengthened antibiotic eye drops produced by the hospital pharmacy. These eye drops allowed for a rapid and effective treatment of patients and the improvement of their visual acuity before even identifying the bacteria.ObjectifDécrire, les microorganismes responsables des kératites bactériennes.MéthodeLes données médicales et biologiques ont été extraites rétrospectivement des dossiers médicaux des patients traités pour kératites bactériennes par collyres antibiotiques renforcés. L’identification des germes ainsi que leur sensibilité aux antibiotiques ont été notées. Les acuités visuelles des patients avant l’instauration du traitement et à la fin de celui-ci ont été comparées.RésultatsAu total, 48&nbsp;patients ont été inclus. Au moins un germe bactérien a été identifié chez 31&nbsp;patients, soit 43&nbsp;germes parmi 24&nbsp;espèces différentes. Les cocci à Gram positif ont été les germes les plus fréquemment rencontrés (55,8&nbsp;%), dont Staphyloccocus aureus (14,0&nbsp;%), et Epidermidis (14,0&nbsp;%). Les bacilles à Gram négatif ont représenté 30,2&nbsp;% des germes identifiés, incluant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (9,3&nbsp;%). Aucun cocci à Gram positif n’a été résistant à la vancomycine, tous les bacilles à Gram négatif ont été sensibles à la ceftazidime et l’amikacine. Après traitement avec au moins l’un des trois collyres antibiotiques renforcés produits par la pharmacie du CHU d’Angers (amikacine 50&nbsp;mg/mL, ceftazidime 50&nbsp;mg/mL ou vancomycine 25&nbsp;mg/mL), l’acuité visuelle des patients a été significativement améliorée (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0,043).ConclusionL’écologie bactérienne des patients hospitalisés pour kératite bactérienne et nécessitant un traitement par collyre antibiotique renforcé est désormais connue. Parmi les bactéries identifiées, aucune n’a été résistante à l’un des trois collyres antibiotiques renforcés produits par la pharmacie du CHU. Ces antibiotiques ont permis une amélioration rapide et significative de l’acuité visuelle des patients.</p