55 research outputs found

    Att sätta sig själv på kartan - En studie om konsten att attrahera ekonomistudenter

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    Uppsatsens titel: ”Att sätta sig på kartan” - En studie om konsten att attrahera ekonomistudenter Seminariedatum: 2007-06-04 Kurs: FEK 591 Magisteruppsats, Företagsekonomi, 10 poäng Författare: Maria Arfwidsson, Katarina Gabrielsson, Sophie Laurell Handledare: Tony Huzzard Nyckelord: Attraktion, Image, Employer branding, Självförtroende, Imageförtroende Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla en större förståelse till varför de valda fallföretaget i dagsläget inte ses som en attraktiv arbetsgivare för nyutexaminerade ekonomer. Metod: Studien är en fallstudie med en kvalitativ induktiv ansats. Studiens empiri har huvudsakligen samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer, semistrukturerade intervjuer och fokusgruppdiskussioner. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien bygger på litteratur om image, identitet, employer branding samt teorier kring generation Y. Empiri: Studiens empiri består av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter på fallföretaget samt två fokusgruppdiskussioner med magisterstudenter vid Ekonomihögskolan i Lund. Relevant sekundärdata för studien har även beaktats. Resultat: En möjlig förklaring till varför fallföretaget i dagsläget inte framstår som en attraktiv arbetsgivare för ekonomistudenter är att de inte synts tillräckligt tydligt där studenterna de vill attrahera befinner sig. Studien har funnit att detta troligtvis beror på att fallföretaget saknar imageförtroende. Imageförtroende har visat sig vara en grundläggande förutsättning för att företag ska lyckas i deras attraktionsarbete. Imageförtroende är uppbyggt av två beståndsdelar självförtroende och självinsikt, med ett sådant kan företag öka sin attraktionskraft gentemot en vald målgrupp

    Прилад для вимірювання розмірів деталей із низькомодульних матеріалів

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    Background: Enhanced secondary preventive follow-up after stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) is necessary for improved adherence to recommendations regarding blood pressure (BP) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. We investigated whether nurse-led, telephone-based follow-up was more efficient than usual care at improving BP and LDL-C levels at 12 months after hospital discharge. Methods: We randomized 537 patients to either nurse-led, telephone-based follow-up (intervention) or usual care (control). BP and LDL-C measurements were performed at 1 month (baseline) and 12 months post-discharge. Intervention group patients who did not meet target values at baseline received additional follow-up, including titration of medication and lifestyle counselling, to reach treatment goals (BP < 140/90 mmHg, LDL-C < 2.5 mmol/L). Results: At 12 months, mean systolic BP, diastolic BP and LDL-C was 3.3 (95% CI 0.3 to 6.3) mmHg, 2.3 mmHg (95% CI 0.5 to 4.2) and 0.3 mmol/L (95% CI 0.1 to 0.4) lower in the intervention group compared to controls. Among participants with values above the treatment goal at baseline, the difference in systolic BP and LDL-C was more pronounced (8.0 mmHg, 95% CI 4.0 to 12.1, and 0.6 mmol/L, 95% CI 0.4 to 0.9). A larger proportion of the intervention group reached the treatment goal for systolic BP (68.5 vs. 56.8%, p = 0.008) and LDL-C (69.7% vs. 50.4%, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Nurse-led, telephone-based secondary preventive follow-up, including medication adjustment, was significantly more efficient than usual care at improving BP and LDL-C levels by 12 months post-discharge

    Premonitory symptoms in migraine : A cross-sectional study in 2714 persons

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    Aim To describe the frequency and number of premonitory symptoms (PS) in migraine, the co-occurrence of different PS, and their association with migraine-related factors. Methods In this cross-sectional study, a validated questionnaire was sent to Finnish migraine families between 2002 and 2013 to obtain data on 14 predefined PS, migraine diagnoses, demographic factors, and migraine characteristics. The estimated response rate was 80%. Results Out of 2714 persons, 2223 were diagnosed with migraine. Among these, 77% reported PS, with a mean number of 3.0 symptoms compared to 30% (p Conclusion PS are experienced by a majority of migraineurs. More severe migraine is associated with a higher burden of PS. Since the material was not entirely representative of the general population of migraineurs, caution should be exercised in generalizing the results.Peer reviewe

    Headache in Schoolchildren : Epidemiology, Pain Comorbidity and Psychosocial Factors

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    Headache is the most frequently reported pain in children and is associated with missed schooldays, anxiety, depressive symptoms and various physical symptoms. A secular trend of increasing headache prevalence has been suggested. Few studies have focused on tension-type headache among children from the general population. The aims of this thesis were to describe the prevalence, incidence and prognosis of tension-type headache, migraine and overall headache in schoolchildren, to identify medical, psychological and social factors associated with these headache types, and to determine whether the prevalence of headache has increased over the last decades. In 1997, 1850 schoolchildren aged 7-15 years from the city of Uppsala participated in a questionnaire study and 1371 (74.1%) responded. Out of these, a randomly selected, stratified sample of 131 children and their parents were interviewed. Three years later, 122 children from the interview sample replied to an identical headache questionnaire. Compared with a similar study in 1955, a significantly lower proportion of schoolchildren reported no headache. The prevalence of tension-type headache increased with age and was significantly higher in girls than boys after the age of twelve. Similar age and gender differences were obtained for migraine. A higher proportion of girls reported frequent headache than boys. Children with headache, especially those with migraine, as well as their first-degree relatives suffered from other pains and physical symptoms more frequently than headache-free children and their first-degree relatives. Although the likelihood of experiencing the same headache diagnosis and symptoms at follow-up was high, about one fifth of children with migraine developed tension-type headache and vice versa. Female gender was a predictor of migraine and frequent headache a predictor of overall headache at follow-up. The estimated annual incidence for tension-type headache, migraine and overall headache was 81, 65 and 131 per 1000 children, respectively. In conclusion, the results indicate that headache has become increasingly common among schoolchildren over the last decades. Prevention and treatment of headache is particularly important for girls since they have high prevalence of headache, frequent headache episodes and a poor outcome. In children with headache, diagnoses and treatment should be reassessed regularly and other pains should be asked about and treated as well

    Headache in Schoolchildren : Epidemiology, Pain Comorbidity and Psychosocial Factors

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    Headache is the most frequently reported pain in children and is associated with missed schooldays, anxiety, depressive symptoms and various physical symptoms. A secular trend of increasing headache prevalence has been suggested. Few studies have focused on tension-type headache among children from the general population. The aims of this thesis were to describe the prevalence, incidence and prognosis of tension-type headache, migraine and overall headache in schoolchildren, to identify medical, psychological and social factors associated with these headache types, and to determine whether the prevalence of headache has increased over the last decades. In 1997, 1850 schoolchildren aged 7-15 years from the city of Uppsala participated in a questionnaire study and 1371 (74.1%) responded. Out of these, a randomly selected, stratified sample of 131 children and their parents were interviewed. Three years later, 122 children from the interview sample replied to an identical headache questionnaire. Compared with a similar study in 1955, a significantly lower proportion of schoolchildren reported no headache. The prevalence of tension-type headache increased with age and was significantly higher in girls than boys after the age of twelve. Similar age and gender differences were obtained for migraine. A higher proportion of girls reported frequent headache than boys. Children with headache, especially those with migraine, as well as their first-degree relatives suffered from other pains and physical symptoms more frequently than headache-free children and their first-degree relatives. Although the likelihood of experiencing the same headache diagnosis and symptoms at follow-up was high, about one fifth of children with migraine developed tension-type headache and vice versa. Female gender was a predictor of migraine and frequent headache a predictor of overall headache at follow-up. The estimated annual incidence for tension-type headache, migraine and overall headache was 81, 65 and 131 per 1000 children, respectively. In conclusion, the results indicate that headache has become increasingly common among schoolchildren over the last decades. Prevention and treatment of headache is particularly important for girls since they have high prevalence of headache, frequent headache episodes and a poor outcome. In children with headache, diagnoses and treatment should be reassessed regularly and other pains should be asked about and treated as well

    Headache in Schoolchildren : Epidemiology, Pain Comorbidity and Psychosocial Factors

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    Headache is the most frequently reported pain in children and is associated with missed schooldays, anxiety, depressive symptoms and various physical symptoms. A secular trend of increasing headache prevalence has been suggested. Few studies have focused on tension-type headache among children from the general population. The aims of this thesis were to describe the prevalence, incidence and prognosis of tension-type headache, migraine and overall headache in schoolchildren, to identify medical, psychological and social factors associated with these headache types, and to determine whether the prevalence of headache has increased over the last decades. In 1997, 1850 schoolchildren aged 7-15 years from the city of Uppsala participated in a questionnaire study and 1371 (74.1%) responded. Out of these, a randomly selected, stratified sample of 131 children and their parents were interviewed. Three years later, 122 children from the interview sample replied to an identical headache questionnaire. Compared with a similar study in 1955, a significantly lower proportion of schoolchildren reported no headache. The prevalence of tension-type headache increased with age and was significantly higher in girls than boys after the age of twelve. Similar age and gender differences were obtained for migraine. A higher proportion of girls reported frequent headache than boys. Children with headache, especially those with migraine, as well as their first-degree relatives suffered from other pains and physical symptoms more frequently than headache-free children and their first-degree relatives. Although the likelihood of experiencing the same headache diagnosis and symptoms at follow-up was high, about one fifth of children with migraine developed tension-type headache and vice versa. Female gender was a predictor of migraine and frequent headache a predictor of overall headache at follow-up. The estimated annual incidence for tension-type headache, migraine and overall headache was 81, 65 and 131 per 1000 children, respectively. In conclusion, the results indicate that headache has become increasingly common among schoolchildren over the last decades. Prevention and treatment of headache is particularly important for girls since they have high prevalence of headache, frequent headache episodes and a poor outcome. In children with headache, diagnoses and treatment should be reassessed regularly and other pains should be asked about and treated as well

    Parkinsonian symptoms in normal pressure hydrocephalus : a population-based study

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    It may be challenging to differentiate normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) from neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease. In this population-based study, we wanted to describe the frequency of parkinsonian symptoms among individuals with and without NPH, and whether the motor examination part of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-m) score differs between these groups. Furthermore, we wanted to find out whether there was a relationship between UPDRS-m score, NPH symptoms, and radiological signs of NPH. A sample of 168 individuals over the age of 65 with and without self-reported symptoms of NPH underwent a computerized tomography of the brain and clinical examination, including UPDRS-m to grade parkinsonian symptoms. According to diagnostic guidelines, 38 fulfilled criteria for NPH, whereas 130 had unlikely NPH. Bradykinesia was significantly more common among those with NPH (79%) compared to those with unlikely NPH (32%) (p < 0.001). The corresponding figures for rigidity were 43 vs. 15% (p < 0.001), for postural instability 71 vs. 22% (p < 0.001), and for tremor at rest 5 vs. 6% (not significant). The total UPDRS-m score was significantly higher among individuals with NPH (median = 12) than without (median = 1) and correlated significantly with the degree of NPH symptoms (r = -0.72) and ventriculomegaly (r = 0.31). In this study, parkinsonian symptoms, except resting tremor, were frequent in individuals with NPH and correlated with the severity of NPH symptoms. Asymmetric symptoms were uncommon. We recommend a liberal use of neuroradiological imaging when investigating a patient with parkinsonian features

    Vecntricular volume in relation to lumbar CSF levels of amyloid-beta 1-42, tau and phosphorylated tau in iNPH, is there a dilution effect?

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    Background: Levels of the biomarkers amyloid-beta 1-42 (A beta 42), tau and phosphorylated tau (p-tau) are decreased in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH). The mechanism behind this is unknown, but one potential explanation is dilution by excessive CSF volumes. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of a dilution effect, by studying the relationship between ventricular volume (VV) and the levels of the CSF biomarkers. Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and lumbar CSF was acquired from 136 patients with a median age of 76 years, 89 men and 47 females, selected for surgical treat-ment for iNPH. The CSF volume of the lateral and third ventricles was segmented on MRI and related to preoperative concentrations of A beta 42, tau and p-tau. Results: In the total sample W (Median 140.7 mL) correlated weakly (r(s) = - 0.17) with A beta 42 (Median 534 pg/mL), but not with tau (Median 216 pg/mL) nor p-tau (Median 31 pg/mL). In a subgroup analysis, the correlation between W and A beta 42 was only present in the male group (r(s) = - 0.22, p= 0.038). Further, A beta 42 correlated positively with tau (r(s) =0.30, p= 0.004) and p-tau (r(s) = 0.26, p = 0.012) in males but not in females. Conclusions: The findings did not support a major dilution effect in iNPH, at least not in females. The only result in favor for dilution was a weak negative correlation between VV and A beta 42 but not with the other lumbar CSF biomarkers. The different results between males and females suggest that future investigations of the CSF pattern in iNPH would gain from sex-based subgroup analysis

    Volumetric effect of shunt adjustments in normal pressure hydrocephalus : a randomized, double-blind trial

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    OBJECTIVE MRI volumetry could be used as an alternative to invasive tests of shunt function. In this study, the authors aimed to assess the difference in ventricular volume (VV) before and after surgery and at different performance levels (PLs) of the shunt. METHODS This study was a randomized, double-blind trial with a crossover design. The study sample consisted of 36 patients (25 men, 11 women) with a median age of 76 years. All patients had idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) and received a Strata shunt at the regional hospital in & Ouml;stersund, Sweden, with an initial PL of 1.5. Participants underwent MRI with volumetric sequences before surgery and four times postoperatively: at 1 month before randomization to either PL 1.0 (n = 15) or 2.5 (n = 17); at 2 months before crossover to PL 2.5 or 1.0; at 3 months before lowering the PL to 0.5; and finally, at 3 months and 1 day after surgery before resetting the PL to 1.5. VV was measured semiautomatically using quantitative MRI. Both the patient and the examiner of clinical tests and volumetry were blinded to the PL. RESULTS VV changed significantly between the presurgical level (median 129 ml) and the different shunt settings, i.e., PL 1.0 (median 115 ml), 1.5 (median 120 ml), and 2.5 (median 128 ml; p < 0.001). A unidirectional change in VV was observed for all participants between PL 1.0 and PL 2.5 (median 12 ml, range 2.1-40.7 ml, p < 0.001). No significant change was noted in VV after 24 hours at PL 0.5. Eight participants had asymptomatic subdural effusions at PL 1.0. CONCLUSIONS The consistent decrease in VV after shunt surgery and between PL 2.5 and 1.0 supports the idea that MRI volumetry could be a noninvasive method for evaluating shunt function in iNPH, preventing unnecessary shunt revisions. However, further studies on retest variability of VV as well as verification against advanced testing of shunt function are needed before a clinical implementation of this method can be performed

    Dual-Task Performance in Older Adults With and Without Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

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    Two of the main features of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) are disturbed gait and cognition. These features are typically investigated separately, but here we combined walking with a cognitive task to investigate if older adults with iNPH were more susceptible to dual-task interference on walking than those without iNPH. In total, 95 individuals from the general population participated in our study. Of these, 20 were classified as Possible iNPH (median [interquartile range, IQR] 80 years [75-82.5]) and 75 as Unlikely iNPH (74 years [72-78]). Conversation, 10-m walking, semantic and phonemic verbal fluency were performed either combined or independently. "Stopping walking while talking" was noted. Pairwise comparisons and multiple logistic regression analyses were used. We found that the Possible iNPH group was older, stopped walking more frequently during the conversation, and had a slower single-task pace. The dual-task pace was slower for both groups. Only single-task walking pace could predict Possible iNPH when adjusted for age. We could establish a dual-task cost on gait performance in this sample of older adults from the general population, but the cost was not exclusive for individuals with Possible iNPH. To further assess the value of dual-task testing in iNPH, including observations of stopping walking while talking, a study of a clinical iNPH material with more severe symptoms would be valuable