261 research outputs found

    Estrategia de comunicación para la salud mental: Afrontamiento post-confinamiento en estudiantes de Enfermería y otras disciplinas

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    Introduction: Humanitarian crises are caused by different climatic, social, political, cultural and health factors, which drastically modify the life of the population and its different contexts, generating mental, neurological and substance-related problems. Objective: Design and execute a communication campaign for mental health to face the impact generated by COVID-19 and support for future humanitarian crisis situations. Materials and methods: Focused and collective group interventions based on the thematic content of the Virtual Course - Humanitarian mhGAP - COVID-19 of the Virtual Campus of Public Health of the Pan American Health Organization. Results: 5 interventions were performed; 4 group interventions and 1 Stand for induced demand, to 101 nursing students and 190 students from other disciplines at the San Antonio campus of the Universidad de los Llanos. Conclusions: The active participation of the participants in the interventions carried out was positive, in addition, the application of the pre and post test allowed to demonstrate the positive impact in terms of the level of knowledge and perception of the topics addressed in the people intervened.Introducción: La crisis humanitarias, son causadas por diferentes factores climáticos, sociales, políticos, culturales y sanitarios, que modifican drásticamente la vida de la población y sus diferentes contextos, generando problemas mentales, neurológicos y relacionados con el uso de sustancias. Objetivo: Diseñar y ejecutar una campaña de comunicación para la salud mental para el afrontamiento del impacto generado por el COVID-19 y soporte para futuras situaciones de crisis humanitarias. Materiales y métodos: Intervenciones grupales focalizadas y colectivas con base en el contenido temático del Curso Virtual - mhGAP Humanitario - COVID-19 del Campus Virtual de Salud Pública de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Resultados: Se realizaron 5 intervenciones; 4 intervenciones grupales y 1 Stand para demanda inducida, a 101 estudiantes de enfermería y 190 estudiantes de otras diciplinas en la sede San Antonio de la Universidad de los Llanos. Conclusiones: Fue positiva la participación activa de los participantes en las intervenciones realizadas, ademas la aplicación del pre y post test permitió evidenciar el impacto positivo en lo que se refiere al nivel de conocimientos y percepción sobre las temáticas abordadas en las personas intervenidas

    Tratamiento con fludrocortisona en una paciente con cerebro perdedor de sal asociado a meningitis por criptococosis

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    Introducción: el cerebro perdedor de sal (CPS) es un síndrome de etiología confusa, responsable de un trastorno hidroelectrolítico de hiponatremia hipovolémica significativa, descrito en pacientes con afección del sistema nervioso central (SNC) por traumas o infecciones. Objetivo: describir el caso de una paciente con CPS de presentación atípica, quien requirió fludrocortisona como opción novedosa en su tratamiento. Presentación del caso: mujer de 65 años que ingresó a urgencias por alteración en estado de conciencia, hiponatremia severa y signos vitales estables. No cursó con diarrea, emesis o fiebre. Se sospechó de síndrome de secreción inadecuada de hormona antidiurética (SIADH) y se manejó con restricción hídrica que empeoró la hiponatremia. Tras identificar hemoconcentración y poliuria se orientó el diagnóstico a CPS, lo que dirigió a tratamiento con solución hipertónica complementado con fludrocortisona, esencial para alcanzar niveles de seguridad. Finalmente, se realizó una punción lumbar que confirmó meningitis por criptococosis como origen del síndrome. Discusión y conclusión: el CPS tiene una presentación inusual y este caso demuestra que el tratamiento con fludrocortisona es útil para casos refractarios de origen infeccioso

    Thermally-activated shape memory effect on biodegradable nanocomposites based on PLA/PCL blend reinforced with hydroxyapatite

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    [EN] In this work, the effect of the addition of different amount of nanosized hydroxyapatite (nHA) on the shape memory behavior of blends based on poly (lactic acid) (PLA) and poly (epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) has been studied. In particular PLA/PCL blend with 70 wt % PLA has been reinforced with 0.5, 1 and 3 wt % nHA. Moreover, the relationship between the morphology and the final properties of the nanocomposites has been investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy, confocal Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. In particular, PeakForce has been used to study quantitative nanomechanical properties of the multifunctional materials leading to conclusion that nHA increase the phase separation between PLA and PCL as well as act as reinforcements for the PCL-rich phase of the nanocomposites. Furthermore, excellent thermally-activated shape memory response has been obtained for all the nanocomposites at 55 degrees C. Finally, the disintegration under composting conditions at laboratory scale level was studied in order to confirm the biodegradable character of these nanocomposites. Indeed, these materials are able to be used for biomedical issues as well as for packaging applications where both thermally-activated shape memory effect and biodegradability are requested.Authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, MINEICO, (MAT2017-88123-P) and the Regional Government of Madrid (S2013/MIT-2862) for the economic support. M.P.A. and L.P. acknowledge the Juan de la Cierva (FJCI-2014-20630) and Ramon y Cajal (RYC-2014-15595) contracts from the MINEICO, respectively. The authors also thanks CSIC for the I-Link project (I-Link1149).Peponi, L.; Sessini, V.; Arrieta, MP.; Navarro-Baena, I.; Sonseca Olalla, Á.; Dominici, F.; Giménez Torres, E.... (2018). Thermally-activated shape memory effect on biodegradable nanocomposites based on PLA/PCL blend reinforced with hydroxyapatite. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 151:36-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2018.02.019S365115

    Diagnosis of Genetic White Matter Disorders by Singleton Whole-Exome and Genome Sequencing Using Interactome-Driven Prioritization

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    Background and Objectives Genetic white matter disorders (GWMD) are of heterogeneous origin, with >100 causal genes identified to date. Classic targeted approaches achieve a molecular diagnosis in only half of all patients. We aimed to determine the clinical utility of singleton whole-exome sequencing and whole-genome sequencing (sWES-WGS) interpreted with a phenotype- and interactome-driven prioritization algorithm to diagnose GWMD while identifying novel phenotypes and candidate genes. Methods A case series of patients of all ages with undiagnosed GWMD despite extensive standard-of-care paraclinical studies were recruited between April 2017 and December 2019 in a collaborative study at the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) and neurology units of tertiary Spanish hospitals. We ran sWES and WGS and applied our interactome-prioritization algorithm based on the network expansion of a seed group of GWMD-related genes derived from the Human Phenotype Ontology terms of each patient. Results We evaluated 126 patients (101 children and 25 adults) with ages ranging from 1 month to 74 years. We obtained a first molecular diagnosis by singleton WES in 59% of cases, which increased to 68% after annual reanalysis, and reached 72% after WGS was performed in 16 of the remaining negative cases. We identified variants in 57 different genes among 91 diagnosed cases, with the most frequent being RNASEH2B, EIF2B5, POLR3A, and PLP1, and a dual diagnosis underlying complex phenotypes in 6 families, underscoring the importance of genomic analysis to solve these cases. We discovered 9 candidate genes causing novel diseases and propose additional putative novel candidate genes for yet-to-be discovered GWMD. Discussion Our strategy enables a high diagnostic yield and is a good alternative to trio WES/WGS for GWMD. It shortens the time to diagnosis compared to the classical targeted approach, thus optimizing appropriate management. Furthermore, the interactome-driven prioritization pipeline enables the discovery of novel disease-causing genes and phenotypes, and predicts novel putative candidate genes, shedding light on etiopathogenic mechanisms that are pivotal for myelin generation and maintenance

    ClinPrior: an algorithm for diagnosis and novel gene discovery by network-based prioritization

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    BackgroundWhole-exome sequencing (WES) and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) have become indispensable tools to solve rare Mendelian genetic conditions. Nevertheless, there is still an urgent need for sensitive, fast algorithms to maximise WES/WGS diagnostic yield in rare disease patients. Most tools devoted to this aim take advantage of patient phenotype information for prioritization of genomic data, although are often limited by incomplete gene-phenotype knowledge stored in biomedical databases and a lack of proper benchmarking on real-world patient cohorts.MethodsWe developed ClinPrior, a novel method for the analysis of WES/WGS data that ranks candidate causal variants based on the patient's standardized phenotypic features (in Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) terms). The algorithm propagates the data through an interactome network-based prioritization approach. This algorithm was thoroughly benchmarked using a synthetic patient cohort and was subsequently tested on a heterogeneous prospective, real-world series of 135 families affected by hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) and/or cerebellar ataxia (CA).ResultsClinPrior successfully identified causative variants achieving a final positive diagnostic yield of 70% in our real-world cohort. This includes 10 novel candidate genes not previously associated with disease, 7 of which were functionally validated within this project. We used the knowledge generated by ClinPrior to create a specific interactome for HSP/CA disorders thus enabling future diagnoses as well as the discovery of novel disease genes.ConclusionsClinPrior is an algorithm that uses standardized phenotype information and interactome data to improve clinical genomic diagnosis. It helps in identifying atypical cases and efficiently predicts novel disease-causing genes. This leads to increasing diagnostic yield, shortening of the diagnostic Odysseys and advancing our understanding of human illnesses

    Cuéntame + sobre medio ambiente & robótica

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    Recopilación de cuentos escritos por niños asociados a las temáticas de medio ambiente y robótica en instituciones educativas de municipios adscritos a la Tecnoacademia Itinerante del Meta.El águila y el león / Saudith Torres, Eliat Torres, Katerin Yepes -- Los planeta vecinos / Karen Rangel -- Madre naturaleza /Andrés Felipe Pereira Sabby -- Un día natural / Andrés Felipe Pereira Sabby -- Un paseo por el parque / Andrés Mantilla F. -- Al parecer no tan pequeño / Bryan Camilo Agudelo Galindo F. -- Adolescentes del mundo verde / Laura Camila Morales Marín -- Colores del sembrador / Levi Botero y Diego Ortiz -- El bosque / Danna Pinzón F. -- El guardián del medio ambiente / Jesús López, Santiago Martínez -- El planeta enfermo / Gabriela Rivadeneira, Emily Medina, Nelvis Torres -- El problema ambiental / Sofía Rojas -- Cuento ambiental los jóvenes del planeta verde / Heidy Luque F. -- El sueño / Heidy Luque F. -- El medio ambiente y los humanos / Iván David Aguillón Orjuela – Emma y el pingüino perdido / Joshep López F. -- Ayudando al planeta / Juan David Pérez F. -- Cuento sobre el medio ambiente / Juan David Pérez Moreno -- Cuidemos el medio ambiente / Nixon Santiago Fuentes -- Superando todo tipo de obstáculos / Jhon Torres, Wilfran Quisacue -- El bosque y su bello esplendor / Tatiana Calderón F. -- Los desplazados / Angelo Esneider Rey Vargas -- El primer televisor de la historia / Claudia Daniela Piedrahíta -- Cuidemos la vida acuática / Schneider Steven Barrera – El señor árbol / Deyvid Rodríguez Ramírez -- El bosque y sus maravillas / Maikol Andrés Tevero Ramírez -- El medio ambiente / Sarah Valentina Montero -- El medio ambiente / Freddy Andrés Zabal -- El medio ambiente / Maikol Andrés Tejero Ramírez -- Desenlace / Maikol Andrés Tejero Ramírez -- El pez robot / Samuel Saray Quevedo -- Un robot en mi casa / Jaime Leonardo Calderón Betancurt, Dayanna Nicol Torres González -- Jardín curioso / Juan David Jaramillo F. – Pedro el castor / Kevin Stiven Rojas Silva -- El bosque herido / Laura Nieto Cabuyaro -- Protejamos la sabana / Laura Valentina Bobadilla Galindo -- La gota de agua / Lizeth Barreiro Rodríguez -- Los protectores del bosque / Samuel Santiago Cifuentes -- Cuidemos nuestro planeta / Luis Alejandro Ramos Céspedes -- El W / María Alejandra Torres Ochoa -- El medio ambiente -- Mi lugar favorito -- Mi naturaleza mi vida / Tatiana Corredor -- El tesoro pedido / Santiago Muñoz Gutiérrez -- Sin agua no hay vida / Tatiana Corredor -- Cuento medio ambiente / Juan Camilo Ocampo Aguilar -- El bosque y sus maravillas / Maikol Andrés Tevero Ramírez -- El medio ambiente -- Conquistando la luna / Ana Higuera Cabuyarona85 página

    Annual Conference on Formative Research on EFL. Practices thar inspire change.

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    The conference papers of the Annual Conference on Formative Research on EFL. Practices thar inspire change collect pedagogical experiences, research reports, and reflections about social issues, language teaching, teaching training, interculturality under the panorama of the Covid-19 pandemic. Each paper invites the reader to implement changes in their teaching practice through disruptive pedagogies, reflect on the social and emotional consequences of the lockdown, new paths for teacher training and different approaches for teaching interculturality. We expect to inspire new ways to train pre-service teachers and teach languages in this changing times

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Línea de investigación en Helicobacter pylori para la formación de recurso humano en ciencia, tecnología e innovación en el programa de microbiología

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    Este libro nace de la unión de un maestro altamente calificado y alumnos dedicados con unas creatividades activas y dispuestas a trabajar por resolver los problemas que trae una bacteria a la humanidad. Las investigaciones aquí consignadas son producto de los trabajos de grado de los estudiantes del programa de Microbiología, quienes además fueron miembros del semillero de investigación, MICROORGANISMOS DE IMPORTANCIA EN SALUD HUMANA Y ANIMAL “OBVIO-MICROBIO”. Apoyados y dirigidos por la doctora Adalucy Alvarez-Aldana, quien gracias a su amplio conocimiento en el microorganismo supo sembrar curiosidad sobre el mismo durante las sesiones del semillero, incentivando a muchos de sus alumnos a dedicar su trabajo de grado a resolver alguna pregunta que les surgiera en torno a este microorganismo. Aunque diferentes son las investigaciones, todas fueron trazadas con un fin común, entregarle a la humanidad un poco más de conocimiento sobre Helicobacter pylori, por esto la unión de estas investigaciones en una sola consigna, son importantes para entender más sobre todo lo que rodea esta bacteria y pretenden resolver muchos misterios que aún aquejan la epidemiología detrás de la misma. Estos trabajos son fruto de muchos esfuerzos, materiales y académicos, de personas grandiosas, de la unión de universidades, doctores y docentes de diferentes disciplinas, razón que demuestra una vez más que la unión hace la fuerza, porque solo llegarás más rápido, pero en compañía llegarás más lejos. Además, contamos con la fortuna de tener un capitulo invitado, cuyo tema no es sobre Helicobacter pylori, pero si un sobre un tópico de gran interes en la actualidad como es la resistencia bacteriana. Capitulo titulado: “Caracterización epidemiológica y microbiológica de las bacteriemias y su perfil de resistencia durante el periodo junio 2011 a junio 2015”