163 research outputs found

    NRD Trustees: To What Extent Are They Truly Trustees?

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    2000 Oregon Vineyard Report

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    This statewide survey report on vineyards and wineries in Oregon covers bearing and nonbearing acres, size of vineyard operation, variety and county, size distribution, prices, yields, crush, inventory, and sales. The report also contains some comparisons of data for 1999 and 2000. According to this report, wine grape production and production value set record highs for the industry

    2000 Oregon Winery Report

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    This statewide survey report on Oregon wineries covers crush, equivalent wine production, inventory and equivalent inventory, and sales. The report also contains some comparisons of data for 1999 and 2000. According to this report, total sales increased by 27% from the previous year

    Determining the cellular localisation of novel cancer therapeutics

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    Three areas of investigation regarding a novel class of anti-cancer therapeutics, triple-helicate dinuclear compounds known as ‘cylinders’, have been addressed. An improved protocol for the synthesis of a ruthenium cylinder has been developed, utilising microwave synthesis rather than reflux techniques. The use of Sephadex C-25 as a solid phase for column chromatography led to shorter purification protocols. Experiments to determine the cellular localisation of fluorescent ruthenium cylinder using confocal microscopy showed fluorescence within MDA-MB-231 cells, but not within SKOV-3 cells, suggesting preferential uptake between cell lines. Co-localisation experiments suggested localisation of the cylinder within cell nuclei. Synchrotron radiation has been used to image iron cylinder within SKOV-3 cells. High levels of iron are found near the cell membrane, corresponding to areas of high calcium concentration. XANES spectra show that the iron is in an environment closer to that of ferric iron as opposed to the ferrous iron found within the cylinder. The cellular effects of cylinder treatment have been imaged, showing that cell motility is compromised by cylinder treatment. Iron cylinder causes production of NO within MDA-MB-231 cells. Control images showed low levels of fluorescence within MDA-MB-231 cells, suggesting the presence of endogenous NO, which had been debated within literature

    Academics' attitudes towards peer review in scholarly journals and the effect of role and discipline

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    This research contributes to the knowledge on academics’ attitudes towards peer review, through an international and inter-disciplinary survey of academics, which profiles academics’ views on the value of peer review, its benefits and the prevalence of unethical practices. Generally, academics regarded peer review as beneficial to improving their article and felt that peer review contributed significantly to the effectiveness of scholarly communication. Academics agreed that peer review could improve the readability and quality of the published paper, as well as check for accuracy, appropriate methodology, novelty and relevance to the journal. There are significant differences in the views of respondents on the basis of role, with those involved as reviewers and editors being less positive about peer review than authors. In addition, there is evidence of some disciplinary differences in views on the benefits of peer review

    Strategic Planning for Research Use in Nursing Practice

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    Background/Objective: To prepare for a culture change to integrate research utilization into daily nursing practice, the authors conducted a descriptive survey of all registered nurses (RNs) in an integrated healthcare delivery system. The purposes of this study were to assess RNs\u27 knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of nursing research activities, assess factors that support a research environment, and determine facilitating and challenging factors related to conducting regional nursing research. Methods: A 33-item survey based on the Iowa Model for Evidence-Based Practice was developed, validated, and determined to be reliable by the authors. Site coordinators organized and managed the orientation, administration, and collection of data from the 2,736 registered nurses who worked in 6 hospitals, 65 affiliated clinics, and 3 business units. Narrative notes taken by study investigators were analyzed for themes to determine challenging and facilitating factors for conducting regional research. Results: Education and job title significantly predicted knowledge and ability to perform research activities but was not related to willingness to engage in research activities. Several environmental factors were associated with knowledge of, willingness to engage in, and ability to perform research utilization activities. Challenging and facilitating factors to conducting regional research were identified. Conclusions/Implications: Our research environment is changing to value research as shown in the philosophy, conceptual framework, and bylaws for the professional nursing staff. Novice-to-expert research utilization expectations are included in the promotional model for nursing. All RN job descriptions and the annual performance tool were revised to include responsibilities related to research activities. The Iowa Model for Evidence-Based Practice was adopted as the method for creating practice validation and change. Train-the-trainer educational and experiential sessions are being designed for nurse leaders; all new RN employees complete a self-assessment tool of research utilization knowledge and the nursing division strategic goals incorporate research utilization expectations. The elements of this plan may be useful for nurse executives. Healthcare systems are restructuring throughout the world and within the United States. These changes are occurring to better meet the evolving healthcare needs of the population through cost-effective approaches. Within the United States, emerging organized healthcare systems require research related to patient care outcomes and the health systems that can best address them

    Kansallinen ennakointi Suomessa 2020

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    Suomessa on pitkälle kehittynyt ja kansainvälisesti arvostettu kansallinen ennakointijärjestelmä. Toimintaympäristön muutostahdin kiihtyessä ennakoinnin merkitys kasvaa. Suomessa julkishallinnon tekemä ennakointityö on kuitenkin muuttuviin olosuhteisiin nähden yksipuolista: Tulevaisuustietoa kerätään pääasiallisesti omasta lähiympäristöstä ja valtaosalla toimijoista ennakointi perustuu todennäköisten kehityskulkujen ennakointiin uusien mahdollisuuksien ja yllätysten ennakoinnin sijaan. Tämä raportti kuvaa suomalaisen kansallisen ennakointitoiminnan nykytilanteen ja esittää toimenpiteitä sen kehittämiseksi. Analyysi perustuu 78 organisaation kyselyaineistoon (vastausprosentti 44 %), 15 haastatteluun sekä kolmessa työpajassa kerättyyn aineistoon ajanjaksolla 1.2.2019–31.1.2020. Kansallista ennakointia on Suomessa alettu rakentaa 1990-luvulla, ja ennakointijärjestelmää on kehitetty systemaattisesti vuodesta 2004. 2020-luvulla toimintaympäristö ja monimutkaiset haasteet muuttuvat nopeasti. Siksi tarvitaan entistä enemmän ennakointia, jossa tarkastellaan vaihtoehtoisia tulevaisuuden kehityskulkuja sekä toivottuja tulevaisuuskuvia ja pyritään aktiivisesti edistämään toivottuja systeemisiä muutoksia. Tutkimuksen pohjalta esitetään kuusi kehittämiskohdetta kansallisen ennakoinnin päivittämiseksi 2020-luvulle: 1) kehitetään toimijoiden ennakointikyvykkyyttä, 2) vahvistetaan yhteistyötä ja laajennetaan ennakoinnin ekosysteemiä, 3) hyödynnetään vahvemmin globaaleja näkökulmia ja verkostoja, 4) selkeytetään ekosysteemin toimijarooleja ja vahvistetaan koordinointia, 5) vahvistetaan ennakointitiedon viestinnällisyyttä ja virtaamista, 6) kytketään ennakointi vahvemmin päätöksentekoon.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa (tietokayttoon.fi). Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Trust and Credibility in Web-Based Health Information: A Review and Agenda for Future Research

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    Background: Online sources are becoming increasingly important in health information seeking, such that they may have a significant effect on health care decisions and outcomes. Hence, given the wide range of different sources of online health information from different organisations and individuals, it is important to understand how information seekers evaluate and select the sources that they use, and, more specifically how they assess their credibility and trustworthiness. Objectives: This article reviews empirical studies on trust and credibility in the use of online health information. The article seeks to present a profile of the research conducted on trust and credibility in online health information seeking, to identify the factors that impact judgements of trustworthiness and credibility, and to explore the role of demographic factors affecting trust formation. On this basis, it aims to identify the gaps in current knowledge and to propose an agenda for future research. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted. Searches were conducted using a variety of combinations of the terms: online health information, trust, credibility, and their variants, in four multi-disciplinary and four health-oriented databases. Articles selected were published in English from 2000 onwards; this process generated 3827 unique records. After the application of exclusion criteria, this was reduced to a final dataset of 73 articles, which was analysed in full. Results: Interest in this topic has persisted over the last 15 years, with articles being published in medicine, social science and computer science, and focussing mostly on the USA and the UK. Documents in the dataset fell into three categories: those using trust or credibility as a dependent variable, those using trust or credibility as an independent variable, and studies of the demographic factors that influence the role of trust or credibility in online health information seeking. There is a consensus that in terms of website design, clear layout and design, interactive features and the authority of the owner have a positive effect on trust or credibility, whilst advertising has a negative effect. With regard to content features, authority of the author, ease of use and content have a positive effect on trust or credibility formation. Demographic factors influencing trust formation are age, gender and perceived health status. Conclusions: There is considerable scope for further research. This includes: increased clarity of the interaction between the variables associated with health information seeking; increased consistency on the measurement of trust and credibility; a greater focus on specific online health information sources; and, enhanced understanding of the impact of demographic variables on trust and credibility judgement