731 research outputs found

    Genomics of Acute Myeloid Leukemia: The Next Generation

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is, as other types of cancer, a genetic disorder of somatic cells. The detection of somatic molecular abnormalities that may cause and maintain AML is crucial for patient stratification. The development of mutation-specific therapeutic interventions will hopefully increase cure rates and improve patients’ quality of life. This review illustrates how next generation sequencing technologies are changing the study of cancer genomics of adult AML patients

    La realidad virtual como entorno fortalecedor para el cambio personal: la contribución del laboratorio de tecnología aplicada a la neuropsicología

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    When we exercise real choice, we gain increased control over our lives and are able to change ourselves. However for many subjects it is not easy to exercise effective choices: patients often don’t have the knowledge, skills, assertiveness, or self esteem needed. In this situation Virtual Reality (VR), an artificial reality that projects the user into a 3D space generated by the computer, may offer a critical advantage to the therapist. The enriched experience and the total level of control on its features, transform VR in an “empowering environment”, where patients can start to explore and act without feeling actually threatened. The attempt of defining, developing and testing VR tools supporting personal empowerment is the main goal of the Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Laboratory –ATN-P Lab– at the Istituto Auxologico Italiano. The paper describes the actual work done by the ATN-P Lab. in this area. Specifically, the open source "NeuroVR" system and its potential clinical applications –anxiety disorders, obesity and eating disorders– are presented and discussed.La capacidad de elección nos proporciona control sobre nuestras vidas y nos ofrece posibilidades de cambio. Sin embargo, para muchas personas no es fácil realizar elecciones efectivas; por ejemplo, los pacientes carecen muchas veces del conocimiento, la habilidad, la asertividad o autoestima necesarias. En esas situaciones, la realidad virtual (RV), una realidad artificial que coloca al sujeto en un espacio generado por el ordenador, puede ser para el terapeuta un recurso decisivo. La experiencia enriquecida y el control total sobre todos sus aspectos transforman la RV en un “entorno fortalecedor”, en el que los pacientes pueden comenzar a explorar y actuar sin sentirse amenazados. El principal objetivo del “Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Laboratory” (ATN-P Lab), perteneciente al Instituto Auxologico Italiano, es intentar definir, desarrollar y probar aplicaciones basadas en RV que faciliten el fortalecimiento personal. En este artículo se describe el trabajo que se viene realizando sobre este tema en ese laboratorio. Se presenta y discute, específicamente, el sistema de código abierto denominado “NeuroVR”, así como sus aplicaciones clínicas potenciales sobre los trastornos de ansiedad, la obesidad y los trastornos alimentarios

    Pluralidad de voces en la reflexión sobre el proceso de investigación: Trayectorias de colaboración en el contexto argentino

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    This article describes the trajectories of collaboration experienced by three individuals in three different roles (informant, research assistant, and supervisor) in two research projects about English as a foreign language reading in a higher education context in Argentina. Data come from reflection logs and retrospective narratives written by them from 2009 to 2016 which were analyzed using content analysis, focusing on a continuum of collaboration. The article aligns with the critique of the discourse of “newer researcher” as a linear developmental trajectory as it illustrates the participants’ fluid, critical, complex, and personally relevant pathways. Placed within the debate regarding the affordances, complexities and challenges of the measured university, this research contributes perspectives from a peripheral setting generally underrepresented in the literature.Este artículo describe las trayectorias de colaboración de tres individuos con diferentes roles (informante, asistente de investigación y supervisor) en dos proyectos de investigación sobre la lectura en inglés como lengua extranjera en un contexto de educación superior de Argentina. Los datos incluyen sus diarios de reflexión y narrativas retrospectivas escritos durante 2009–2016, que fueron analizados usando análisis de contenido, con el foco en el continuo de colaboración de Macfarlane. El artículo se alinea con la crítica al discurso del “investigador novato” como una trayectoria de desarrollo lineal ya que el estudio ilustra los caminos fluidos, críticos, complejos y personalmente relevantes experimentados por los participantes. La investigación contribuye perspectivas de un contexto de la periferia.Fil: Porto, Melina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Pesci, Anahí Laura. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Riva, Mariela Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Singularidades de un escritor transatlántico: Entrevista a Vicente Luis Mora

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    Entrevista realizada al escritor Vicente Luis Mora (Córdoba, España, 1970), con motivo de su visita al Centro de Letras Hispanoamericanas de nuestra Facultad de Humanidades (UNMdP, Argentina), para impartir una conferencia titulada "La red como espacio literario transatlántico y global en lengua castellana: entre España y Argentina", el 26 de mayo de 2014. Fue realizada por la Dra. Laura Scarano, Investigadora principal del Conicet, Profesora Titular de Literatura Española Contemporánea y Directora del Grupo Semiótica del Discurso del Celehis, y la Mag. Sabrina Riva, integrante de dicho equipo, auxiliar docente de la UNMdP y actualmente Becaria de la Fundación Carolina en la Universidad de Alicante (España)

    Peak shape clustering reveals biological insights

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    Background: ChIP-seq experiments are widely used to detect and study DNA-protein interactions, such as transcription factor binding and chromatin modifications. However, downstream analysis of ChIP-seq data is currently restricted to the evaluation of signal intensity and the detection of enriched regions (peaks) in the genome. Other features of peak shape are almost always neglected, despite the remarkable differences shown by ChIP-seq for different proteins, as well as by distinct regions in a single experiment. Results: We hypothesize that statistically significant differences in peak shape might have a functional role and a biological meaning. Thus, we design five indices able to summarize peak shapes and we employ multivariate clustering techniques to divide peaks into groups according to both their complexity and the intensity of their coverage function. In addition, our novel analysis pipeline employs a range of statistical and bioinformatics techniques to relate the obtained peak shapes to several independent genomic datasets, including other genome-wide protein-DNA maps and gene expression experiments. To clarify the meaning of peak shape, we apply our methodology to the study of the erythroid transcription factor GATA-1 in K562 cell line and in megakaryocytes. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that ChIP-seq profiles include information regarding the binding of other proteins beside the one used for precipitation. In particular, peak shape provides new insights into cooperative transcriptional regulation and is correlated to gene expression

    Basic Caenorhabditis Elegans Methods: Synchronization And Observation

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    Research into the molecular and developmental biology of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was begun in the early seventies by Sydney Brenner and it has since been used extensively as a model organism (1). C. elegans possesses key attributes such as simplicity, transparency and short life cycle that have made it a suitable experimental system for fundamental biological studies for many years (2). Discoveries in this nematode have broad implications because many cellular and molecular processes that control animal development are evolutionary conserved (3). C. elegans life cycle goes through an embryonic stage and four larval stages before animals reach adulthood. Development can take 2 to 4 days depending on the temperature. In each of the stages several characteristic traits can be observed. The knowledge of its complete cell lineage (4,5) together with the deep annotation of its genome turn this nematode into a great model in fields as diverse as the neurobiology (6), aging (7,8), stem cell biology (9) and germ line biology (10). An additional feature that makes C. elegans an attractive model to work with is the possibility of obtaining populations of worms synchronized at a specific stage through a relatively easy protocol. The ease of maintaining and propagating this nematode added to the possibility of synchronization provide a powerful tool to obtain large amounts of worms, which can be used for a wide variety of small or high-throughput experiments such as RNAi screens, microarrays, massive sequencing, immunoblot or in situ hybridization, among others. Because of its transparency, C. elegans structures can be distinguished under the microscope using Differential Interference Contrast microscopy, also known as Nomarski microscopy. The use of a fluorescent DNA binder, DAPI (4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), for instance, can lead to the specific identification and localization of individual cells, as well as subcellular structures/defects associated to them

    La realidad virtual como entorno fortalecedor para el cambio personal: la contribución del laboratorio de tecnología aplicada a la neuropsicología

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    When we exercise real choice, we gain increased control over our lives and are able to change ourselves. However for many subjects it is not easy to exercise effective choices: patients often don’t have the knowledge, skills, assertiveness, or self esteem needed. In this situation Virtual Reality (VR), an artificial reality that projects the user into a 3D space generated by the computer, may offer a critical advantage to the therapist. The enriched experience and the total level of control on its features, transform VR in an “empowering environment”, where patients can start to explore and act without feeling actually threatened. The attempt of defining, developing and testing VR tools supporting personal empowerment is the main goal of the Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Laboratory –ATN-P Lab– at the Istituto Auxologico Italiano. The paper describes the actual work done by the ATN-P Lab. in this area. Specifically, the open source "NeuroVR" system and its potential clinical applications –anxiety disorders, obesity and eating disorders– are presented and discussed.La capacidad de elección nos proporciona control sobre nuestras vidas y nos ofrece posibilidades de cambio. Sin embargo, para muchas personas no es fácil realizar elecciones efectivas; por ejemplo, los pacientes carecen muchas veces del conocimiento, la habilidad, la asertividad o autoestima necesarias. En esas situaciones, la realidad virtual (RV), una realidad artificial que coloca al sujeto en un espacio generado por el ordenador, puede ser para el terapeuta un recurso decisivo. La experiencia enriquecida y el control total sobre todos sus aspectos transforman la RV en un “entorno fortalecedor”, en el que los pacientes pueden comenzar a explorar y actuar sin sentirse amenazados. El principal objetivo del “Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Laboratory” (ATN-P Lab), perteneciente al Instituto Auxologico Italiano, es intentar definir, desarrollar y probar aplicaciones basadas en RV que faciliten el fortalecimiento personal. En este artículo se describe el trabajo que se viene realizando sobre este tema en ese laboratorio. Se presenta y discute, específicamente, el sistema de código abierto denominado “NeuroVR”, así como sus aplicaciones clínicas potenciales sobre los trastornos de ansiedad, la obesidad y los trastornos alimentarios

    On Multi‐Model Assessment of Complex Degradation Paths: The Fate of Diclofenac and Its Transformation Products

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    We present a methodology to quantify the impact of model structure and parametric uncertainty on formulations targeting biotransformation processes of Emerging Contaminants in subsurface water resources. The study is motivated by recognizing that modeling of bio-mediated reactions of recalcitrant compounds in soil and aquifers is plagued by uncertainty. At the same time, process-based models often require the parameterization of complex physico-chemical processes, a situation which is exacerbated by the paucity of direct observations. Thus, assessment and formulation of modeling tools capable to balance complexity and reliability is a key challenge. The modeling strategy proposed here aims at pairing and applying a suite of quantitative tools starting from a prior diagnosis of multiple uncertainty sources and leading to parameter estimation and model selection in the presence of a limited number of observations. The methodology is illustrated through application to a multi-step, reactive scenario involving biotransformation of the pharmaceutical diclofenac (DCF) in groundwater. Our framework includes four plausible models. These are obtained through successive simplifications of a recently developed highly complex model. Such simplifications are accomplished consistent with the results of a comprehensive Multi-Model Global Sensitivity Analysis. The latter allows ranking the levels of influence of system processes on model outputs by incorporating the effects of model formulation and parametric uncertainties. The kinetic of the loop-initiating process (DCF nitrosation, linked to the temporal evolution of N-cycle components) is documented as dominating in explaining the variability of model outputs of environmental interest. Model discrimination criteria suggest that a simplified counterpart of the reference model is favored to interpret available data. Our modeling approach can assist interpretation and prototyping of a wide range of contaminant biotransformation models. The latter is a key objective also for the purpose of developing credible (environmental) risk assessment tools and designing experimental sampling campaigns