16 research outputs found

    Errors and omissions in hospital prescriptions: a survey of prescription writing in a hospital

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    Background: The frequency of drug prescription errors is high. Excluding errors in decision making, the remaining are mainly due to order ambiguity, non standard nomenclature and writing illegibility. The aim of this study is to analyse, as a part of a continuous quality improvement program, the quality of prescriptions writing for antibiotics, in an Italian University Hospital as a risk factor for prescription errors. Methods: The point prevalence survey, carried out in May 26-30 2008, involved 41 inpatient Units. Every parenteral or oral antibiotic prescription was analysed for legibility (generic or brand drug name, dose, frequency of administration) and completeness (generic or brand name, dose, frequency of administration, route of administration, date of prescription and signature of the prescriber). Eight doctors (residents in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine) and two pharmacists performed the survey by reviewing the clinical records of medical, surgical or intensive care section inpatients. The antibiotics drug category was chosen because its use is widespread in the setting considered. Results: Out of 756 inpatients included in the study, 408 antibiotic prescriptions were found in 298 patients (mean prescriptions per patient 1.4; SD \ub1 0.6). Overall 92.7% (38/41) of the Units had at least one patient with antibiotic prescription. Legibility was in compliance with 78.9% of generic or brand names, 69.4% of doses, 80.1% of frequency of administration, whereas completeness was fulfilled for 95.6% of generic or brand names, 76.7% of doses, 83.6% of frequency of administration, 87% of routes of administration, 43.9% of dates of prescription and 33.3% of physician's signature. Overall 23.9% of prescriptions were illegible and 29.9% of prescriptions were incomplete. Legibility and completeness are higher in unusual drugs prescriptions. Conclusion: The Intensive Care Section performed best as far as quality of prescription writing was concerned when compared with the Medical and Surgical Sections. Nevertheless the overall illegibility and incompleteness (above 20%) are unacceptably high. Values need to be improved by enhancing the safety culture and in particular the awareness of the professionals on the consequences that a bad prescription writing can produc

    Errors and omissions in hospital prescriptions: a survey of prescription writing in a hospital

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    Background: The frequency of drug prescription errors is high. Excluding errors in decision making, the remaining are mainly due to order ambiguity, non standard nomenclature and writing illegibility. The aim of this study is to analyse, as a part of a continuous quality improvement program, the quality of prescriptions writing for antibiotics, in an Italian University Hospital as a risk factor for prescription errors. Methods: The point prevalence survey, carried out in May 26-30 2008, involved 41 inpatient Units. Every parenteral or oral antibiotic prescription was analysed for legibility (generic or brand drug name, dose, frequency of administration) and completeness (generic or brand name, dose, frequency of administration, route of administration, date of prescription and signature of the prescriber). Eight doctors (residents in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine) and two pharmacists performed the survey by reviewing the clinical records of medical, surgical or intensive care section inpatients. The antibiotics drug category was chosen because its use is widespread in the setting considered. Results: Out of 756 inpatients included in the study, 408 antibiotic prescriptions were found in 298 patients (mean prescriptions per patient 1.4; SD \ub1 0.6). Overall 92.7% (38/41) of the Units had at least one patient with antibiotic prescription. Legibility was in compliance with 78.9% of generic or brand names, 69.4% of doses, 80.1% of frequency of administration, whereas completeness was fulfilled for 95.6% of generic or brand names, 76.7% of doses, 83.6% of frequency of administration, 87% of routes of administration, 43.9% of dates of prescription and 33.3% of physician's signature. Overall 23.9% of prescriptions were illegible and 29.9% of prescriptions were incomplete. Legibility and completeness are higher in unusual drugs prescriptions. Conclusion: The Intensive Care Section performed best as far as quality of prescription writing was concerned when compared with the Medical and Surgical Sections. Nevertheless the overall illegibility and incompleteness (above 20%) are unacceptably high. Values need to be improved by enhancing the safety culture and in particular the awareness of the professionals on the consequences that a bad prescription writing can produc

    SeaConditions: a web and mobile service for safer professional and recreational activities in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Abstract. Reliable and timely information on the environmental conditions at sea is key to the safety of professional and recreational users as well as to the optimal execution of their activities. The possibility of users obtaining environmental information in due time and with adequate accuracy in the marine and coastal environment is defined as sea situational awareness (SSA). Without adequate information on the environmental meteorological and oceanographic conditions, users have a limited capacity to respond, which has led to loss of lives and to large environmental disasters with enormous consequent damage to the economy, society and ecosystems. Within the framework of the TESSA project, new SSA services for the Mediterranean Sea have been developed. In this paper we present SeaConditions, which is a web and mobile application for the provision of meteorological and oceanographic observation and forecasting products. Model forecasts and satellite products from operational services, such as ECMWF and CMEMS, can be visualized in SeaConditions. In addition, layers of information related to bathymetry, sea level and ocean-colour data (chl a and water transparency) are displayed. Ocean forecasts at high spatial resolutions are included in the version of SeaConditions presented here. SeaConditions provides a user-friendly experience with a fluid zoom capability, facilitating the appropriate display of data with different levels of detail. SeaConditions is a single point of access to interactive maps from different geophysical fields, providing high-quality information based on advanced oceanographic models. The SeaConditions services are available through both web and mobile applications. The web application is available at www.sea-conditions.com and is accessible and compatible with present-day browsers. Interoperability with GIS software is implemented. User feedback has been collected and taken into account in order to improve the service. The SeaConditions iOS and Android apps have been downloaded by more than 105 000 users to date (May 2016), and more than 100 000 users have visited the web version

    Effect of wearing a face mask on hand-to-face contact by children in a simulated school environment: the Back-to-School COVID-19 Simulation Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance Wearing a face mask in school can reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission but it may also lead to increased hand-to-face contact, which in turn could increase infection risk through self-inoculation. Objective To evaluate the effect of wearing a face mask on hand-to-face contact by children while at school. Design, Setting, and Participants This prospective randomized clinical trial randomized students from junior kindergarten to grade 12 at 2 schools in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, during August 2020 in a 1:1 ratio to either a mask or control class during a 2-day school simulation. Classes were video recorded from 4 angles to accurately capture outcomes. Interventions Participants in the mask arm were instructed to bring their own mask and wear it at all times. Students assigned to control classes were not required to mask at any time (grade 4 and lower) or in the classroom where physical distancing could be maintained (grade 5 and up). Main Outcomes and Measures The primary outcome was the number of hand-to-face contacts per student per hour on day 2 of the simulation. Secondary outcomes included hand-to-mucosa contacts and hand-to-nonmucosa contacts. A mixed Poisson regression model was used to derive rate ratios (RRs), adjusted for age and sex with a random intercept for class with bootstrapped 95% CIs. Results A total of 174 students underwent randomization and 171 students (mask group, 50.6% male; control group, 52.4% male) attended school on day 2. The rate of hand-to-face contacts did not differ significantly between the mask and the control groups (88.2 vs 88.7 events per student per hour; RR, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.78-1.28; P = >.99). When compared with the control group, the rate of hand-to-mucosa contacts was significantly lower in the mask group (RR, 0.12; 95% CI, 0.07-0.21), while the rate of hand-to-nonmucosa contacts was higher (RR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.08-1.82). Conclusions and Relevance In this clinical trial of simulated school attendance, hand-to-face contacts did not differ among students required to wear face masks vs students not required to wear face masks; however, hand-to-mucosa contracts were lower in the face mask group. This suggests that mask wearing is unlikely to increase infection risk through self-inoculation. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0453125

    Cultural heritage and earthquakes: bridging the gap between geophysics, archaeoseismology and engineering

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    This is the editoral of a special issue that is focused on the multidisciplinary approach to cultural heritage preservation, with special care to the impact of earthquakes and their associated effects. For that, we have collected a number of representative studies involving the different research fields, each addressing the problem through a specialized methodological perspective. The final goal is to set up a common ground for interaction, highlighting the need for scientific collaboration and coordinated inter- vention. Below, we briefly summarize the main contri- butions to this special issue, which have been rationally sorted to highlight the diversity in the backgrounds of the different authors and in their methodological approaches, but at the same time to emphasize similar aspects of the addressed problematics and common objectives

    POE factory

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    L’INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera è stato uno dei primi istituti di ricerca italiani a dotarsi di personale specializzato nella comunicazione della scienza (ufficio POE, public outreach & education). Il POE arricchisce l’offerta culturale lombarda con un ricco programma di conferenze multimediali presso la due sedi, di osservazioni notturne attraverso telescopi professionali, laboratori didattici, partecipazioni a festival e iniziative. POE factory è il portale web che raccoglie e presenta le attività della sede di Milano e di Merate

    Terveysvalmennusohjelma suun terveydenhuollon päivystyspotilaille

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää terveysvalmennusohjelma suun terveydenhuollon päivystykseen edistämään päivystyspotilaan suun terveyttä. Ohjelmassa keskeistä oli haastaa potilas ottamaan enemmän vastuuta omasta suun terveydestä. Terveysvalmennusohjelma vahvistaa moniammatillista yhteistyötä, kun suuhygienisti tulee osaksi suun terveydenhuollon päivystystä. Teoriat ja käsitteet, jotka ohjasivat työtä terveysvalmennusohjelman suunnittelu- ja toteutusvaiheessa olivat terveydenlukutaito, salutogeeninen eli terveyslähtöinen lähestymistapa sekä Transteoreettinen muutosvaihemalli. Terveysvalmennusohjelma perustuu suun terveyttä edistävään elämänhallinnan vahvistamiseen, terveydenlukutaidon kehittämiseen ja terveyskäyttäytymisen muutoksen ohjaamiseen. Näiden avuksi laadimme ajanvaraukseen oman vastaanottoaikalajin terveysvalmennukselle. Kehitimme myös suun terveysvalmennuskortin, jonka avulla voidaan arvioida potilaan suun omahoidon tasoa ja muutoshalukkuutta. Potilaan terveydenlukutaidon vahvistamiseen suunnittelimme idean audiovisuaalisen materiaalin käyttämisestä päivystyksen odotustilassa. Osana kehittämisprojektia kirjoitettiin kolme suun terveydenedistämiseen liittyvää artikkelia. Alan ammattijulkaisuihin kirjoitetuista artikkeleista ensimmäinen esittelee päivystyspotilaan terveysvalmennusprosessin, joka edistää potilaan suunterveyttä ja vahvistaa koherenssin tunnetta. Toinen kirjoitetuista artikkeleista esittelee valmentavaa terveysneuvontaa ja herättää suuhygienistit pohtimaan terveydenedistämisen toimintatapojaan. Kolmas artikkeli kirjoitettiin ja julkaistiin pääkaupunkiseudulla jaettavassa Varttilehdessä. Sen tarkoitus oli herättää lukija pohtimaan omia suun terveystottumuksiaan. Suomessa ei ole aikaisemmin kehitetty päivystyspotilaille suunnattua suun terveydenedistämisen ohjelmaa. Kehittämämme suun terveysvalmennusohjelma tarjoaa uutta näkökulmaa terveydenedistämiseen suun terveydenhuollossa.The health coaching program for patients in dental emergency. The purpose of this study was to create health coaching program to support oral health and to strengthen teamwork in dental emergency. The main point in this study was to improve patient knowledge about oral health and to challenge him/her to take more responsibility about their oral health. Theories which guided us in our planning and making process were Health literacy, Salutogenic method and Transtheoretical model of behavior change. In this project we created health coaching process for dental emergency patient’s guidance, silent dialect, appointment for oral health promotion. As a part of this study we wrote three health promoting articles. First article concentrated patient’s health coaching, sense of coherence and teamwork in dental emergency. Second article introduced health coaching in patient guidance and to challenge hygienists to think of their behaving models. Third article was published 17th November 2010 in Vartti-magazine which is delivered in the capital area. The purpose of this article was to make readers to assess of they own oral health behavior. This health coaching program is ready to be tested in dental emergency. For the moment there is no other health coaching programs in dental emergency in Finland. That’s why health coaching program gives you new perspective to support oral health