117 research outputs found

    Oligoastrocytoma: A Vanishing Tumor Entity

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    Oligoastrocytoma (OA) was a glioma recognized in the current World Health Organization (WHO) classification of the central nervous system (CNS) tumors as a mixed tumor with an astrocytic and an oligodendroglial component. Its definability was, however, poor so that its prevalence varies in the various collections. A series of contributions of the literature and the “International Society of Neuropathology (ISN) – Haarlem Consensus” recently denied its existence as a tumor entity on the basis of 1p/19q, isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and α-thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked (ATRX) status. Most tumors previously diagnosed as OAs were, therefore, reclassified as either oligodendrogliomas or astrocytomas

    Study of Realistic Antenna Patterns in 5G mmWave Cellular Scenarios

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    Large antenna arrays and millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies have been attracting growing attention as possible candidates to meet the high requirements of future 5G mobile networks. In view of the large path loss attenuation in these bands, beamforming techniques that create a beam in the direction of the user equipment are essential to perform the transmission. For this purpose, in this paper, we aim at characterizing realistic antenna radiation patterns, motivated by the need to properly capture mmWave propagation behaviors and understand the achievable performance in 5G cellular scenarios. In particular, we highlight how the performance changes with the radiation pattern used. Consequently, we conclude that it is crucial to use an accurate and realistic radiation model for proper performance assessment and system dimensioning.Comment: to be published in 2018 IEEE ICC Communications QoS, Reliability, and Modeling Symposium (ICC18 CQRM), Kansas City, USA, May 201

    Textiles, basketry and cordage from the Early Neolithic settlement of La Marmotta, Lazio

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    Archaeological investigation of Circum-Alpine lake, or pile, dwellings has afforded unprecedented insight into Neolithic and Bronze Age societies. The discovery in 1989 of a submerged settlement near Rome added an early (eighth millennium BP) geographical outlier to this distribution. Two decades of excavation at La Marmotta have identified more than a dozen dwellings and an enormous assemblage of organic remains. Here, the authors present an overview of the textiles, basketry and cordage recovered, and the tools used to manufacture them. The assemblage paints a more complete picture of the technological expertise of Neolithic societies and their ability to exploit and process plant materials to produce a wide range of crafts

    Protein-enriched Platelet-Rich Plasma (PEF-PRP) a New Products for Tissue Regeneration Developed Through the Ultrafiltration of PRP - Preclinical Study

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    Background: Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a blood component used for the biological treatment in many fields of regenerative medicine. The term PRP is currently applied to numerous blood components with different cellular and protein compositions. The optimal platelet concentration and the best technique for preparing PRP have not yet been defined and it is, therefore, important to understand the specific biological roles of the individual components. The aqueous part of PRP is plasma, which is an acellular component with containing proteins that are important for tissue regeneration. Objective: This preclinical study evaluated the biological characteristics and effects on proliferation (in an in vitro model) of a blood component Protein-Enriched Filtered PRP (PEFPRP) obtained through the ultrafiltration of low-concentration PRP and compared these effects with those of a standard PRP and other blood components preparation. Method: PEFPRP is a plasma enriched obtained by ultrafiltration of a plasma with low concentration platelets and its effects have been compared with those of a standard PRP and other blood components preparation. Result and Conclusion: PEFPRP provides a high concentration of proteins which have an important accessory function in in-vitro proliferation and could be highly significant in-vivo, accelerating tissue regeneration

    Del medio natural a los paisajes pastorales : ocupación de las zonas de alta montaña en los Pirineos centrales de Cataluña desde el Mesolítico a la Edad del Bronce (c. 9000-1000 cal ANE)

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    En este artículo presentamos los resultados de los trabajos de investigación arqueológica y paleoambiental llevados a cabo entre 2000 y 2014 en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM) y en su área periférica. Dichos trabajos comprenden la prospección sistemática de la mayor parte del territorio, entre 1500 y 3000 m de altitud, que ha permitido documentar 350 sitios arqueológicos, proporcionando 78 dataciones radiocarbónicas que comprenden una secuencia de ocupación de la zona de 10700 años. Asimismo, se ha completado la excavación de tres yacimientos arqueológicos: Cova del Sardo de Boí, Abric de l'Estany de la Coveta I y el Dolmen de la Font dels Coms. El análisis arqueológico y paleoambiental de los sitios, de diversos perfiles y de 5 registros lacustres permiten modelizar la historia de las actividades económicas humanas en la alta montaña y el proceso de construcción de los primeros paisajes pastorales.Artikulu honetan, Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM) parke nazionalean eta parkearen eremu periferikoan 2000. urtetik 2014ra eginiko ikerketa arkeologiko eta paleoanbientalen emaitzak aurkeztuko ditugu. Eginiko lanen artean daude lurraldearen zatirik handienaren prospekzio sistematikoa, 1.500-3000 m-ko altitudean egina, eta horri esker, 350 gune arkeologiko dokumentatu eta 78 datazio erradiokarboniko eskuratu ditugu, gunean 10700 urtean izandako okupazioaren sekuentziari lotutakoak. Era berean, hiru aztarnategi arkeologikoren indusketa ere burutu dugu: Cova del Sardo de Boí, Abric de l'Estany de la Coveta I eta Dolmen de la Font dels Coms. Guneen, profilen eta 5 aintzari-erregistroren inguruan egindako azterketa arkeologiko eta paleoanbientalak aukera ematen dute goi mendietako giza jarduera ekonomikoen historia eta lehen artzantza-paisaien eraikitze-prozesua modelizatzeko.This paper presents the results of the archaeological and palaeoecological research conducted between 2000 and 2014 in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park (PNAESM). This included the systematic survey of the most of the National Park territory, included at altitudes between 1500 and 3000 m a.s.l. During the surveys, 350 archaeological sites have been detected and 78 radiocarbon dates have been realized, providing a sequence of human occupation from 10700 cal BP to modern times. In addition, three archaeological sites with stratified deposits have been fully excavated: Cova del Sardo de Boí, Abric de l'Estany de la Coveta I and Dolmen de la Font dels Coms. In parallel, 5 sedimentary cores have been extracted from lakes and one pigbog, from the Natural Park of Alt Pirineu (PNAP) and National Park (PNAESM) areas, providing a full palaeoecological sequence from the last 17.000 years cal BP. This archaeological and palaeoecological dataset (e.g. soil-sites and lake records) allowed advancing new models about the anthropization of the high-altitude areas and the social construction of pastoral landscapes

    Lifestyle medicine and psychological well-being toward health promotion: a cross-sectional study on Palermo (Southern Italy) undergraduates

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    (1) Aim: To assess the attitude toward Lifestyle Medicine and healthy behaviours among students in the healthcare area and to demonstrate its association to psychological well-being; (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study is conducted among 508 undergraduates of the University of Palermo (140 (27.6%) in the healthcare area and 368 (72.4%) in the non-healthcare area), during the academic year 2018–2019. Psychological well-being is measured through two dimensions of eudaimonia and hedonia, using the 10-item Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motives for Activities-Revised (HEMA-R) scale, with answers coded on a 7-point scale. The association between demographic and modifiable behavioural risk factors for chronic diseases is assessed through crude and adjusted Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals; (3) Results: Orientation to both hedonia and eudaimonia is significantly associated to the Mediterranean diet (ORAdj = 2.28; 95% CI = (1.42–3.70)) and drinking spirits less than once a week (ORAdj = 1.89; 95% CI = (1.10–3.27)) and once a week or more (ORAdj = 6.02; 95% CI = (1.05–34.52)), while these conditions occur together less frequently for current smokers (ORAdj = 0.38; 95% CI = (0.18–0.81)). Students inclined to well-being consider healthcare professionals as models for their patients and all people in general (OR = 1.96, 95% CI = (1.28–3.00)); (4) Conclusions: The positive relation found between a virtuous lifestyle and psychological well-being suggests the construction, development and cultivation of individual skills are a means to succeed in counteracting at risk behaviours for health

    The at risk child clinic (ARCC): 3 years of health activities in support of the most vulnerable children in Beira, Mozambique

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    The concept of “children at risk” changes worldwide according to each specific context. Africa has a large burden of overall risk factors related to childhood health and development, most of which are of an infective or social origin. The aim of this study was to report and analyze the volumes of activities of fifteen At Risk Child Clinics (ARCCs) within the Beira District (Mozambique) over a 3 year-period in order to define the health profile of children accessing such health services. We retrospectively analyzed the data from all of the children accessing one of the 15 Beira ARCCs from January 2015 to December 2017. From this, 17,657 first consultations were registered. The motivations for accessing the services were in order of relevance: HIV exposure (n. 12,300; 69.7%), other risk conditions (n. 2542; 14.4%), Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) (n. 1664; 9.4%), Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) (n. 772; 4.4%), and TB exposure (n. 542; 3.1%). During the first consultations, 16,865 children were screened for HIV (95.5%), and 7.89% tested HIV-positive. In our three years of experience, HIV exposure was the main indication for children to access the ARCCs in Mozambique. ARCCs could represent a strategic point to better understand health demands and to monitor the quality of care provided to this vulnerable population group, however significant effort is needed to improve the quality of the data collection

    Focused ultrasound to diagnose HIV-associated tuberculosis (FASH) in the extremely resource-limited setting of South Sudan: a cross-sectional study

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    Our cross-sectional study aimed at evaluating the diagnostic performance of Focused Assessment with Sonography for HIV-associated tuberculosis (FASH) to detect extrapulmonary tuberculosis in extremely resource-limited settings, with visceral leishmaniasis as a differential diagnosis with overlapping sonographic feature

    La Cova del Sardo de Boí i l'explotació de l'alta muntanya als Pirineus occidentals en època neolítica

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    Les excavacions arqueològiques a la Cova del Sardo de Boí (anys 2006 a 2008) junt a un extens programa de prospecció arqueològica al Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici han permès documentar el procés de colonització i poblament dels espais d'alta muntanya del nord-oest de Catalunya des de inicis de l'Holocè. La seqüència prehistòrica de la Cova del Sardo cobreix pràcticament tres mil anys, entre el 5.500 i el 2.500 ca lANE. Junt amb d'altres jaciments documentats aporta indicis sobre les dinàmiques del poblament neolític en petits abrics i cavitats, que a partir del 3.000 calANE esdevé molt més intens i extens i experimenta una profunda modificació entorn el 2.400 calANE. Les dades paleoecològiques obtingudes a la zona completen la imatge d'aquestes primeres ocupacions humanes en aquest sector dels Pirineu