132 research outputs found

    Contact-free mapping of electronic transport phenomena of polar domains in SrMnO3 films

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license.-- et al.High-resolution mapping of electronic transport phenomena plays an increasingly important role for the characterization of ferroic domains and their functionality. At present, spatially resolved electronic transport data are commonly gained from local two-point measurements, collected in line-by-line scans with a conducting nanosized probe. Here, we introduce an innovative experimental approach based on low-energy electron microscopy. As a model case, we study polar domains of varying conductance in strained SrMnO3. By a direct comparison with conductive atomic force and electrostatic force microscopy, we reveal that the applied low-energy electron-microscopy experiment can be considered as an inverse I(V) measurement, providing access to the local electronic conductance with nanoscale resolution and short data-acquisition times in the order of 10-102 ms. Low-energy electrons thus hold yet unexplored application opportunities as a minimal-invasive probe for local electronic transport phenomena, opening a promising route towards spatially resolved, high-throughput sampling at the nanoscale.We thank HZB for the allocation of synchrotron beam time and we thankfully acknowledge financial support by HZB. Research at the ETH was financed in part by the SNF (Proposal No. 200021_149192). L. M., E. L., P. A. A., and J. A. P. acknowledge financial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Project No. MAT2014-51982-C2 and Gobierno de Aragón under Project No. E26.Peer Reviewe

    Relaxation Mechanisms and Strain-Controlled Oxygen Vacancies in Epitaxial SrMnO3 Films

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    : SrMnO3 has a rich epitaxial strain-dependent ferroic phase diagram, in which a variety of magnetic orderings, even ferroelectricity, and thus multiferroicity, are accessible by gradually modifying the strain. Different relaxation processes, though, including the presence of strain-induced oxygen vacancies, can severely curtail the possibility of stabilizing these ferroic phases. Here, we report on a thorough investigation of the strain relaxation mechanisms in SrMnO3 films grown on several substrates imposing varying degrees of strain from slightly compressive (−0.39%) to largely tensile ≈+3.8%. First, we determine the strain dependency of the critical thickness (tc) below which pseudomorphic growth is obtained. Second, the mechanisms of stress relaxation are elucidated, revealing that misfit dislocations and stacking faults accommodate the strain above tc. Yet, even for films thicker than tc, the atomic monolayers below tc are proved to remain fully coherent. Therefore, multiferroicity may also emerge even in films that appear to be partially relaxed. Last, we demonstrate that fully coherent films with the same thickness present a lower oxygen content for increasing tensile mismatch with the substrate. This behavior proves the coupling between the formation of oxygen vacancies and epitaxial strain, in agreement with first-principles calculations, enabling the strain control of the Mn3+/Mn4+ ratio, which strongly affects the magnetic and electrical properties. However, the presence of oxygen vacancies/Mn3+ cations reduces the effective epitaxial strain in the SrMnO3 films and, thus, the accessibility to the strain-induced multiferroic phase

    Retour d’expérience sur la co-construction d’un guide sur la gouvernance territoriale

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    La gouvernance territoriale est devenue un enjeu majeur et une question centrale pour la mise en oeuvre des politiques publiques. Dans le cadre du programme de recherche en partenariat PSDR, un collectif hybride composé de chercheurs, de professionnels du développement territorial et d’acteurs locaux s’est réuni au sein du projet Gouv.Innov. En s’appuyant sur plusieurs terrains d’étude, ce collectif a progressivement construit une définition de la gouvernance territoriale ainsi qu’une grille d’analyse qui sont apparues suffisamment robustes pour traiter la multiplicité des situations rencontrées sur le terrain. Un guide méthodologique a ensuite été co-construit pour la mise en oeuvre de la gouvernance territoriale, visant surtout à faciliter l’apprentissage et à stimuler la réflexivité. Cet article présente les principaux résultats de ce projet de recherche en partenariat et les perspectives envisagées en insistant sur l’importance des apprentissages collectifs lors de la construction du guide. Nous concluons par une réflexion sur les modalités de mise en oeuvre et l’intérêt d’une recherche en partenariat telle qu’elle a pu être menée dans le projet Gouv.Innov et des premières retombées concrètes

    Strain-induced coupling of electrical polarization and structural defects in SrMnO3 films

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    Letter.-- et al.Local perturbations in complex oxides, such as domain walls, strain and defects, are of interest because they can modify the conduction or the dielectric and magnetic response, and can even promote phase transitions. Here, we show that the interaction between different types of local perturbations in oxide thin films is an additional source of functionality. Taking SrMnO 3 as a model system, we use nonlinear optics to verify the theoretical prediction that strain induces a polar phase, and apply density functional theory to show that strain simultaneously increases the concentration of oxygen vacancies. These vacancies couple to the polar domain walls, where they establish an electrostatic barrier to electron migration. The result is a state with locally structured room-temperature conductivity consisting of conducting nanosized polar domains encased by insulating domain boundaries, which we resolve using scanning probe microscopy. Our 'nanocapacitor' domains can be individually charged, suggesting stable capacitance nanobits with a potential for information storage technology.M.F., D.M. and M.L. acknowledge funding from grant ‘ETH-06 12-2’ and from SNF proposal no. 200021-149192. The authors acknowledge funding through the SNF R’equip Program (no. 206021-144988). Financial support from Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through projects MAT2011-27553-C02, MAT2012-38213-C02-01, MAT2014-51982-C2 and from Regional Gobierno de Aragón through project E26 is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Polar-Graded Multiferroic SrMnO3 Thin Films

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    Engineering defects and strains in oxides provides a promising route for the quest of thin film materials with coexisting ferroic orders, multiferroics, with efficient magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature. Precise control of the strain gradient would enable custom tailoring of the multiferroic properties but presently remains challenging. Here we explore the existence of a polar-graded state in epitaxially strained antiferromagnetic SrMnO3 thin films, whose polar nature was predicted theoretically and recently demonstrated experimentally. By means of aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy we map the polar rotation of the ferroelectric polarization with atomic resolution, both far from and near the domain walls, and find flexoelectricity resulting from vertical strain gradients. The origin of this particular strain state is a gradual distribution of oxygen vacancies across the film thickness, according to electron energy loss spectroscopy. Herein we present a chemistry-mediated route to induce polar rotations in oxygen-deficient multiferroic films, resulting in flexoelectric polar rotations and with potentially enhanced piezoelectricity

    Nature of antiferromagnetic order in epitaxially strained multiferroic SrMnO3 thin films

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    et al.Epitaxial films of SrMnO3 and bilayers of SrMnO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 have been deposited by pulsed laser deposition on different substrates, namely, LaAlO3 (001), (LaAlO3)0.3(Sr2AlTaO6)0.7 (001), and SrTiO3 (001), allowing us to perform an exhaustive study of the dependence of antiferromagnetic order and exchange bias field on epitaxial strain. The Néel temperatures (TN) of the SrMnO3 films have been determined by low-energy muon spin spectroscopy. In agreement with theoretical predictions, TN is reduced as the epitaxial strain increases. From the comparison with first-principles calculations, a crossover from G-type to C-type antiferromagnetic orders is proposed at a critical tensile strain of around 1.6±0.1%. The exchange bias (coercive) field, obtained for the bilayers, increases (decreases) by increasing the epitaxial strain in the SrMnO3 layer, following an exponential dependence with temperature. Our experimental results can be explained by the existence of a spin-glass (SG) state at the interface between the SrMnO3 and La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films. This SG state is due to the competition between the different exchange interactions present in the bilayer and favored by increasing the strain in the SrMnO3 layer.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through Project Nos. MAT2011-28532-C03-02, MAT2011-27553-C02, MAT2012- 38213-C02-01, and MAT2014-51982-C2 including FEDER funding, by the Aragon Regional Government through projects E26 and CTPP4/11 and by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme under a contract for an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative Reference 312483-ESTEEM2. N. Marcano acknowledges the support of the Centro Universitario de la Defensa en Zaragoza (through Project 2013-03).Peer Reviewe

    Innovation et gouvernance territoriale : une analyse par les dispositifs

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    International audienceCette communication vise à présenter les outils méthodologiques d'analyse/évaluation de la gouvernance territoriale élaborés dans le cadre du projet de recherche PSDR Gouv.Innov sur les innovations organisationnelles relatives à la gouvernance territoriale. Il s'agit d'étudier les transformations introduites par les politiques de développement durable au niveau des dispositifs de gouvernance territoriale visant à favoriser une gestion intégrée des espaces ruraux. Dans un contexte de recomposition de l'action publique où les procédures d'aménagement sont plutôt normées par des représentations urbaines, l'accent est mis sur la question des modalités de représentation des activités rurales, pour lesquelles nous faisons l'hypothèse qu'elles sont sous représentées. Les premiers résultats méthodologiques permettent, dans une première partie, de proposer une définition générique et pragmatique de la gouvernance territoriale et de préciser la notion de dispositifs de gouvernance comme objet d'observation. A partir de cette définition une grille d'analyse permettant d'appréhender l'ensemble des dimensions en jeu dans les processus de gouvernance territoriale est élaborée. Dans la deuxième partie nous explorons l'intérêt de la notion de dispositif pour observer les processus de gouvernance et proposons une grille de collecte et de structuration des informations pour constituer des chroniques des dispositifs étudiés. / This paper seeks to present the methodological tools used in the analysis/evaluation of territorial governance developed during research undertaken within the framework of the PSDR Gouv-Innov project on organisational innovations with respect to territorial governance. It involves the study of the changes resulting from the emergence of sustainable development policies in territorial governance systems aiming to implement the integrated management of rural areas. In a context of changes in the way in which public action is implemented (for instance, public-private partnerships), where development procedures are usually standardised by urban representations, the emphasis is placed on the issue of the representation of rural activities, the hypothesis being that they are under-represented. The initial methodological results lead, in the first instance, to a proposition for a generic and pragmatic definition of territorial governance and a clarification of the notion of governance systems as objects of observation. This definition can be used as the basis of a framework to address all the analytical dimensions of the territorial governance process. In the second part, the authors explore the idea of system in order to observe governance processes and suggest a matrix for the collection and structuring of information in order to report on the studied systems

    Comment étudier (analyser) la gouvernance territoriale ? Mise à l'épreuve d'une grille de lecture

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    International audienceDans cet article nous présentons une grille d'analyse de la gouvernance territoriale que nous avons construite dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire à partir d'une définition commune de la gouvernance territoriale. La gouvernance territoriale est devenue une question centrale dans le développement territorial et un enjeu pour l'élaboration des politiques publiques. Elaborer une grille d'analyse sur la gouvernance territoriale ne va pas de soi ; nous illustrerons son opérationnalisation à partir des travaux de terrain réalisés dans trois situations dans la région de Languedoc Roussillon. Les dispositifs et outils sont contextuels et les modes de gouvernances pluriels selon les objectifs et les dynamiques antérieures. Enfin nous en tirerons des enseignements pour l'étude de la gouvernance tant sur la production des connaissances que sur l'opérationnalité de cette grille. / In this paper we present an analytical framework of territorial governance that we built as part of a multidisciplinary research project based on a common definition of territorial governance. Territorial governance has become a central issue in regional development and a challenge for public policy. Develop an analytical framework on territorial governance does not just happen, and we illustrate its operationalization based on fieldwork conducted in three situations in Languedoc-Roussillon. Devices and tools are contextual and plural forms of governance based on the objectives and dynamics earlier. Finally we will draw lessons for the study of governance both in the production of knowledge about the operational capability of the grid

    Innovations et gouvernance territoriale : une analyse par les dispositifs

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    Cette communication vise à présenter les outils méthodologiques d'analyse/évaluation de la gouvernance territoriale élaborés dans le cadre du projet de recherche PSDR Gouv.Innov sur les innovations organisationnelles relatives à la gouvernance territoriale. Il s'agit d'étudier les transformations introduites par les politiques de développement durable au niveau des dispositifs de gouvernance territoriale visant à favoriser une gestion intégrée des espaces ruraux. Dans un contexte de recomposition de l'action publique où les procédures d'aménagement sont plutôt normées par des représentations urbaines, l'accent est mis sur la question des modalités de représentation des activités rurales, pour lesquelles nous faisons l'hypothèse qu'elles sont sous représentées. Les premiers résultats méthodologiques permettent, dans une première partie, de proposer une définition générique et pragmatique de la gouvernance territoriale et de préciser la notion de dispositifs de gouvernance comme objet d'observation. A partir de cette définition une grille d'analyse permettant d'appréhender l'ensemble des dimensions en jeu dans les processus de gouvernance territoriale est élaboré. Dans la deuxième partie nous explorons l'intérêt de la notion de dispositif pour observer les processus de gouvernance et proposons une grille de collecte et de structuration des informations pour constituer des chroniques des dispositifs étudiés.(Résumé d'auteur

    The EMT factor ZEB1 paradoxically inhibits EMT in BRAF-mutant carcinomas

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    Despite being in the same pathway, mutations of KRAS and BRAF in colorectal carcinomas (CRCs) determine distinct progression courses. ZEB1 induces an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and is associated with worse progression in most carcinomas. Using samples from patients with CRC, mouse models of KrasG12D and BrafV600E CRC, and a Zeb1-deficient mouse, we show that ZEB1 had opposite functions in KRAS-and BRAF-mutant CRCs. In KrasG12D CRCs, ZEB1 was correlated with a worse prognosis and a higher number of larger and undifferentiated (mesenchymal or EMT-like) tumors. Surprisingly, in BrafV600E CRC, ZEB1 was associated with better prognosis; fewer, smaller, and more differentiated (reduced EMT) primary tumors; and fewer metastases. ZEB1 was positively correlated in KRAS-mutant CRC cells and negatively in BRAF-mutant CRC cells with gene signatures for EMT, cell proliferation and survival, and ERK signaling. On a mechanistic level, ZEB1 knockdown in KRAS-mutant CRC cells increased apoptosis and reduced clonogenicity and anchorage-independent growth; the reverse occurred in BRAFV600E CRC cells. ZEB1 is associated with better prognosis and reduced EMT signature in patients harboring BRAF CRCs. These data suggest that ZEB1 can function as a tumor suppressor in BRAF-mutant CRCs, highlighting the importance of considering the KRAS/BRAF mutational background of CRCs in therapeutic strategies targeting ZEB1/EMT
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