220 research outputs found

    Willage: A Two-Tiered Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing Platform for Wireless Mesh Community Networks

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    The success of experiences such as Seattle and Houston Wireless has attracted the attention on the so called wireless mesh community networks. These are wireless multihop networks spontaneously deployed by users willing to share communication resources. Due to the community spirit characterizing such networks, it is likely that users will be willing to share other resources besides communication resources, such as data, images, music, movies, disk quotas for distributed backup, and so on. In other words, it is expected that peer-to-peer applications will be deployed in such type of networks. In this paper we propose Willage, a platform for resource localization in wireless mesh community networks with mobile users. The platform is based on a two-tiered architecture: resources are made available at the lower tier, which is composed of mobile terminals, whereas information on their localization is managed at the upper layer, which is composed of wireless mesh routers. We also introduce Georoy, an algorithm for the efficient retrieval of the information on resource localization based on the Viceroy algorithm. Simulation results show that Willage achieves its goal of enabling efficient and scalable peer-to-peer resource sharing in wireless mesh community networks

    From conception to birth: ancient library sources of embryology and women anatomy kept in the Biblioteca Biomedica of the Università degli Studi di Firenze (Biomedical Library of Florence University)

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    The Biomedical Library of the University of Florence boasts a prestigious group of books collected at first in 1679 at the hospital “Santa Maria Nuova” and then continuously enriched in the course of time up today. The “Antique Collection” consists of 13 incunabola, hundreds of 16th-century books, more than one thousand books on medical subject from the 1600’s, about six thousand 18th-century volumes and several large, valuable anatomical atlases. In this paper the most important, curious and fascinating books dealing with human ontogeny (from embryo generation to birth) and with female anatomy (mostly concerning pregnancy and childbirth) are reported in chronological order starting from the work of Hippocrates. Among the ancient sources useful for the reconstruction of the opinions about obstetrics there are also outstanding handbooks specifically edited for midwives. Many of these antique books are especially precious because they embed a great number of didactic pictures, some of which may compete against any modern book of anatomy, embryology and obstetric. Selected images from these books are shown

    Genetic and epigenetic of colorectal cancer

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    Las influencias genéticas, epigenéticas y los factores de la dieta juegan un rol fundamental en el inicio y progresión del cáncer dado que a partir de ellos se producen las desregulaciones metabólicas. Más específicamente, el cáncer colorrectal (CCR) es una patología influenciada por los hábitos alimentarios y, además, ya se han establecido alteraciones genéticas y epigenéticas que lo producen. Dentro del CCR encontramos síndromes hereditarios (síndrome hereditario no poliposo y poliposis adenomatosa familiar), los cuales presentan mutaciones en la línea germinal (hMLH1) y también alteraciones en la metilación de los promotores, y casos esporádicos, en los que el ambiente y los hábitos de cada individuo, la epigenética, definen en parte el inicio y desarrollo de la neoplasia. Por lo tanto, la epigenética se encuentra instaurada como otro camino de la carcinogénesis. Es de suma importancia definir factores que predigan el CCR en sus inicios, ya que es una patología más bien silenciosa que se observa a nivel clínico en una etapa avanzada.Genetic and epigenetic influences as well as dietary factors play an important role in the initiation and progression of cancer. More specifically, colorectal cancer (CRC) is influenced by dietary habits and it has been established that genetic and epigenetic changes are involved in the carcinogenesis. Within the CRC are hereditary syndromes (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer and familial adenomatous polyposis), which present germ line mutations on specific genes like hMLH1 and also changes on promoter´s methylation, and sporadic cases, where the environment and individual´s habits, both major components of epigenetics, partly define the initiation and development of cancer. Therefore the epigenetic is established as another way of carcinogenesis. Identify the factors that would predict the beginning of CRC is critical, as it is a rather silent disease which is observed clinically at an advanced stage.Fil: Pellegrini, Maria Laura. Hospital Italiano. Instituto de Ciencias Básicas y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Argibay, Pablo. Hospital Italiano. Instituto de Ciencias Básicas y Medicina Experimental; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gomez, Daniel Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Oncología Molecular; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Velusetrag rescues GI dysfunction, gut inflammation and dysbiosis in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease

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    : In patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), constipation is common, and it appears in a prodromal stage before the hallmark motor symptoms. The present study aimed to investigate whether Velusetrag, a selective 5‑HT4 receptor agonist, may be a suitable candidate to improve intestinal motility in a mouse model of PD. Five months old PrP human A53T alpha-synuclein transgenic (Tg) mice, which display severe constipation along with decreased colonic cholinergic transmission already at 3 months, were treated daily with the drug for 4 weeks. Velusetrag treatment reduced constipation by significantly stimulating both the longitudinal and circular-driven contractions and improved inflammation by reducing the level of serum and colonic IL1β and TNF-α and by decreasing the number of GFAP-positive glia cells in the colon of treated mice. No significant downregulation of the 5-HT4 receptor was observed but instead Velusetrag seemed to improve axonal degeneration in Tgs as shown by an increase in NF-H and VAChT staining. Ultimately, Velusetrag restored a well-balanced intestinal microbial composition comparable to non-Tg mice. Based on these promising data, we are confident that Velusetrag is potentially eligible for clinical studies to treat constipation in PD patients

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Prenatal Care Utilization Among Italian and Immigrant Pregnant Women: A Multicenter Survey

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    Objectives: To compare the utilization of prenatal services between immigrant and Italian women during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted at 3 maternity care centers in Italy.Results: We included 1,312 women, 1,198 (91.3%) were Italian and 114 (8.7%) were immigrants. A significantly higher proportion of Italians underwent 8 or more prenatal care visits (64.4% vs. 54.4%, p = 0.03) and more immigrants than Italians attended their appointments at hospital settings (45% vs. 18%, p < 0.001). Regarding prenatal course, Italians were more likely than immigrants to attend a non-hospital setting or an online class (49.6% and 30.2% vs. 34.9% and 11.6%, p = 0.008). A higher influenza vaccine uptake among immigrants compared with Italians was observed (39.5% vs. 19.8%, p < 0.001). Among women not receiving certain prenatal services, immigrants were more likely to state COVID-19 pandemic was the main reason for non-compliance.Conclusion: Immigrant pregnant women were more likely to receive prenatal services at a hospital setting than their Italian counterparts. Among women who did not comply with prenatal services, immigrants were more likely to cite the pandemic as their main reason

    Pharmacological effects of 3-iodothyronamine (T1AM) in mice include facilitation of memory acquisition and retention and reduction of pain threshold

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: 3-Iodothyronamine (T1AM), an endogenous derivative of thyroid hormones, is regarded as a rapid modulator of behaviour and metabolism. To determine whether brain thyroid hormone levels contribute to these effects, we investigated the effect of central administration of T1AM on learning and pain threshold of mice either untreated or pretreated with clorgyline (2.5 mg•kg-1, i.p.), an inhibitor of amine oxidative metabolism. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: T1AM (0.13, 0.4, 1.32 and 4 mg•kg-1) or vehicle was injected i.c.v. into male mice, and after 30 min their effects on memory acquisition capacity, pain threshold and curiosity were evaluated by the following tests: passive avoidance, licking latency on the hot plate and movements on the hole-board platform. Plasma glycaemia was measured using a glucorefractometer. Brain levels of triiodothyroxine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and T1AM were measured by HPLC coupled to tandem MS. ERK1/2 activation and c-fos expression in different brain regions were evaluated by Western blot analysis. RESULTS: T1AM improved learning capacity, decreased pain threshold to hot stimuli, enhanced curiosity and raised plasma glycaemia in a dose-dependent way, without modifying T3 and T4 brain concentrations. T1AM effects on learning and pain were abolished or significantly affected by clorgyline, suggesting a role for some metabolite(s), or that T1AM interacts at the rapid desensitizing target(s). T1AM activated ERK in different brain areas at lower doses than those effective on behaviour. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: T1AM is a novel memory enhancer. This feature might have important implications for the treatment of endocrine and neurodegenerative-induced memory disorders

    Uncinate process deviation in patients with odontogenic sinusitis: a computed tomographic evaluation

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    The uncinate process of the ethmoidis is one of the anatomic boundaries of osti- omeatal complex. Its relationship with the maxillary sinus ostium makes it the key landmark for endoscopic sinus surgery. Many authors denied a direct role of the uncinate process in the development of sinonasal infections (1). Nevertheless, chronic sinonasal diseases are often accompanied by an uncinate process antero-medialization, most notably in presence of an odontogenic etiology. This study aimed to retrospectively analyze uncinate process anatomy on computed tomographic (CT) scans, defining the association between uncinate process inclination and sinonasal health status. Sinonasal CT examinations of 46 individuals were reviewed, comparing patients without clinical and radiographic signs of sinonasal diseases (Group I), and patients diagnosed with odontogenic sinusitis according to the criteria proposed by Felisati et al. (2)(Group II). Uncinate process inclination was calculated by Radiant Dicom Viewer software, as the angle between the straight line connecting the antero- superior and the postero-inferior part of uncinate process, and the axis of symmetry, passing through sphenoidal rostrum and perpendicular to bizygomatic line. For each patient three axial scans (the most cranial, median, the most caudal), in which uncinate process was clearly detectable, were selected and a mean value was computed. Descriptive statistics of uncinate process inclination were calculated separately in the two groups. In Group I the mean angle was13.18° ± 10.33°with confidence limits (CL) (99%) between 6.21° and 20.15°,in Group II the mean angle was 29.89°±9.56° with CL between 24.44° and 35.34°. From these preliminary results, a marked medial devia tion of uncinate process was identified in odontogenic sinusitis compared to healthy sites. Additional assessments are required to confirm the role of this anatomical varia- tion in the pathogenesis of odontogenic sinusitis

    State-of-the-Art Review on Diabetes Care in Italy.

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    Background: Diabetes is a significant health problem in Italy as in other western countries. Objective: To review available epidemiological data and the legislative framework for diabetes care in Italy. Methods: Review of Italian Health Ministry's official documents and analysis of epidemiological data published by Italian Scientific Societies. Findings: Diabetes affects more than 5% of the Italian population. The expenditures for the care of people with diabetes are about €10 billion ($US 11 billion) a year and are increasing over time. Italian law regulates the clinical care of people with diabetes and creates a clinical framework involving medical organizations, prevention programs, personnel training, and legal protection. The National Health Program is structured in essential levels of assistance that can be defined differently in the various regions. In 2013, the "National Diabetes Plan," defining priority areas for intervention, was approved and represents the main regulatory tool for the management of diabetes within the Italian National Health Service. In Italy, the status of diabetes care is being monitored using the data from 2 permanent observatories: the ARNO Observatory Diabetes and the Associazione Medici Diabetologi Annals. Conclusions: A comprehensive approach to diabetes is offered to all citizens, consonant with the constitutionally guaranteed right to health. However, this important effort translates into a relevant financial burden for the National Health Service

    Pro-inflammatory gene expression in solid glioblastoma microenvironment and in hypoxic stem cells from human glioblastoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adaptation to hypoxia and consequent pro-inflammatory gene expression of prostate and breast carcinomas have been implicated in the progression toward cancer malignant phenotype. Only partial data are available for the human tumor glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The aim of our study was to analyze the hypoxic and pro-inflammatory microenvironment in GBMs and to demonstrate that in a stem/progenitor cell line derived from human glioblastoma (GBM-SCs), hypoxia activates a coordinated inflammatory response, evidencing an invasive and migratory phenotype.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From each of 10 human solid glioblastomas, clinically and histopathologically characterized, we obtained three surgical samples taken from the center and the periphery of the tumor, and from adjacent host normal tissue. Molecular and morphological analyses were carried out using quantitative real-time PCR and western blot (WB). GBM stem and differentiated cells were incubated under hypoxic conditions and analyzed for pro-inflammatory gene expression and for invasive/migratory behavior.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A panel of selected representative pro-inflammatory genes (RAGE and P2X7R, COX2, NOS2 and, PTX3) were analyzed, comparing tumor, peritumor and host normal tissues. Tumors containing leukocyte infiltrates (as assessed using CD45 immunohistochemistry) were excluded. Selected genes were overexpressed in the central regions of the tumors (i.e. in the more hypoxic areas), less expressed in peripheral regions, and poorly expressed or absent in adjacent normal host tissues. Western blot analysis confirmed that the corresponding pro-inflammatory proteins were also differently expressed. Hypoxic stem cell lines showed a clear time-dependent activation of the entire panel of pro-inflammatory genes as compared to differentiated tumor cells. Biological assays showed that invasive and migratory behavior was strengthened by hypoxia only in GBM stem cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In human solid glioblastoma we have observed a coordinated overexpression of a panel of pro-inflammatory genes as compared to host normal tissue. We have also evidenced a similar pattern of overexpressed genes in GBM-SCs after hypoxic treatment, showing also a gain of invasive and migratory function that was lost when these stem cells differentiated. We suggest that, as has been previously described for prostatic and mammary carcinoma, in human glioblastoma acquisition of a proinflammatory phenotype may be relevant for malignant progression.</p