578 research outputs found

    Dissecting the role of NtrC and RpoN in the expression of assimilatory nitrate and nitrite reductases in Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens

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    Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens, a nitrogen- fixing endosymbiont of soybeans, is a model strain for studying rhizobial denitrification. This bacterium can also use nitrate as the sole nitrogen (N) source during aerobic growth by inducing an assimilatory nitrate reductase encoded by nasC located within the narK-bjgb-flp-nasC operon along with a nitrite reductase encoded by nirA at a different chromosomal locus. The global nitrogen two-component regulatory system NtrBC has been reported to coordinate the expression of key enzymes in nitrogen metabolism in several bacteria. In this study, we demonstrate that disruption of ntrC caused a growth defect in B. diazoefficiens cells in the presence of nitrate or nitrite as the sole N source and a decreased activity of the nitrate and nitrite reductase enzymes. Furthermore, the expression of narK-lacZor nirA-lacZ transcriptional fusions was significantly reduced in the ntrC mutant after incubation under nitrate assimilation conditions. AB. diazoefficiens rpoN 1/2 mutant, lacking both copies of the gene encoding the alternative sigma factor σ54, was also defective in aerobic growth with nitrate as the N source as well as in nitrate and nitrite reductase expression. These results demonstrate that the NtrC regulator is required for expression of the B. diazoefficiens nasC and nirA genes and that the sigma factor RpoN is also involved in this regulation.Instituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Assessment of feedback devices for performance monitoring in master’s swimmers

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    In recent years, new portable performance monitoring devices have appeared in swimming. The study aims to establish the current validity of the FORM Goggles, Finis Stopwatch, and the Garmin Swim 2 Watch, for the partial and total times and stroke count (experiment 1; n = 17) and to compare the effect of the devices considered as valid in monitoring the pace of master swimmers (experiment 2; n = 10). The FORM Goggles and the Finis Stopwatch showed good level of agreement and accuracy (Bland Altman plots showed homoscedasticity and in most cases Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient were>0.95, and the error magnitude<0.2 seconds). These systems allow better pace control compared to Garmin Swim 2, with a difference between target and actual time below 1.5 %. However, the results showed that the concurrent feedback provided by FORM Smart Swim Goggles could offer greater advantages than the traditional feedback provided via the Finis Stopwatch at the end of each series, as swimmers were closer to the target time (p < 0.05). In conclusion both the FORM Goggles and the Finis Stopwatch, showed a good validity and could serve for performance monitoring in swimming, allowing the Form Goggles better pace control.CTS-527Agencia de Innovación y Desarollo de Andalucía [B- SEJ-164-UGR20 “SWIM FOR LIFE”

    Two-Sided Antibacterial Cellulose Combining Probiotics and Silver Nanoparticles

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    This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU) (projects FEDER PID2019-111461GB-I00 and Ramon y Cajal RYC-2016-21042). L.S. acknowledges the Spanish MICIU for the predoctoral contract within the FPU program (FPU16/01360).The constant increase of antibiotic-resistant bacteria demands the design of novel antibiotic-free materials. The combination of antibacterials in a biocompatible biomaterial is a very promising strategy to treat infections caused by a broader spectrum of resistant pathogens. Here, we combined two antibacterials, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and living probiotics (Lactobacillus fermentum, Lf), using bacterial cellulose (BC) as scaffold. By controlling the loading of each antibacterial at opposite BC sides, we obtained a two-sided biomaterial (AgNP-BC-Lf) with a high density of alive and metabolically active probiotics on one surface and AgNPs on the opposite one, being probiotics well preserved from the killer effect of AgNPs. The resulting two-sided biomaterial was characterized by Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). The antibacterial capacity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA), an opportunistic pathogen responsible for a broad range of skin infections, was also assessed by agar diffusion tests in pathogen-favorable media. Results showed an enhanced activity against PA when both antibacterials were combined into BC (AgNP-BC-Lf) with respect to BC containing only one of the antibacterials, BC-Lf or AgNP-BC. Therefore, AgNP-BC-Lf is an antibiotic-free biomaterial that can be useful for the therapy of topical bacterial infections.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU) (project FEDER) PID2019-111461GB-I00Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU) (Project Ramon y Cajal) RYC-2016-21042Spanish MICIU FPU16/0136

    Epigenetics of Skeletal Diseases

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Epigenetic mechanisms modify gene activity in a stable manner without altering DNA sequence. They participate in the adaptation to the environment, as well as in the pathogenesis of common complex disorders. We provide an overview of the role of epigenetic mechanisms in bone biology and pathology. RECENT FINDINGS: Extensive evidence supports the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms (DNA methylation, post-translational modifications of histone tails, and non-coding RNAs) in the differentiation of bone cells and mechanotransduction. A variety of epigenetic abnormalities have been described in patients with osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and skeletal cancers, but their actual pathogenetic roles are still unclear. A few drugs targeting epigenetic marks have been approved for neoplastic disorders, and many more are being actively investigated. Advances in the field of epigenetics underscore the complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors as determinants of osteoporosis and other common disorders. Likewise, they help to explain the mechanisms by which prenatal and post-natal external factors, from nutrition to psychological stress, impact our body and influence the risk of later disease.Acknowledgements: Supported by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI 16/0915), which can be co-funded by the European Union (FEDER Funds)

    Presencia de diferentes formas de estimación en el currículo de educación primaria

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    La estimación es una componente clave de la competencia matemática y una habilidad fundamental para la vida cotidiana. Adoptamos una amplia concepción de este término que incluye cinco formas de estimación. Tres de ellas han sido consideradas tradicionalmente en la literatura: la estimación en cálculo, la estimación de cantidades (o de magnitudes discretas) y la estimación en la medida (o de magnitudes continuas). La estimación en la recta numérica es referida recientemente en la literatura como una forma de estimación que actúa de predictor del rendimiento en matemáticas a lo largo de la educación obligatoria y de posteriores dificultades en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Además, reconocemos una quinta acepción relativa a contextos probabilísticos. Desde este enfoque múltiple, realizamos un análisis de la presencia de la estimación en el currículo de educación primaria español

    Relación entre niveles de galanina materna y desenlaces adversos maternos y perinatales: revisión de la literatura

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    Introducción: Galanina es un neuropéptido que regula el metabolismo energético y la función reproductiva en mamíferos. Se ha asociado con incremento en la sensibilidad a la insulina en músculo esquelético, tejido adiposo y placentario. Objetivo: Revisar la evidencia disponible acerca de la relación entre los niveles de galanina materna y potenciales desenlaces adversos maternos y perinatales. Estrategia de búsqueda: Se realizó una búsqueda en: MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS y SciELO sin restricción de fechas de publicación, hasta el 31 de agosto de 2016, teniendo en cuenta únicamente artículos publicados en inglés y español. Se utilizó la combinación manual de términos MeSH (Medical Subject headings) relacionados con medición de galanina y su asociación con diferentes patologías maternas y perinatales. Criterios de selección: Los criterios de inclusión fueron: (i) medición de galanina en humanos; (ii) medición de galanina durante la gestación y/o el puerperio. Criterios de exclusión: (i) Artículos en idiomas diferentes al inglés y español (ii) Desenlaces que no contemplan patología obstétrica. Recolección de datos y análisis: Dos autoras (D.D. y L.A.) revisaron independientemente los estudios para inclusión, extrajeron los datos y evaluaron el riesgo de sesgo en los estudios incluidos. Se resolvió cualquier desacuerdo mediante consenso. Se evaluó la calidad de la evidencia usando la aproximación GRADE. Resultados: Se obtuvieron en total 202 artículos, de los cuales cuatro de tipo prospectivo observacional (183 participantes) cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Los datos fueron extraídos en tablas para resumir los resultados. La industria farmacéutica no patrocinó ninguno. Tres estudios no reportaron fuentes de financiación. De acuerdo a la aproximación GRADE los cuatro estudios fueron catalogados como evidencia de calidad baja. Encontramos en primera instancia que los niveles de galanina al final de la gestación son similares a los niveles en mujeres no embarazadas. A su vez, existe una correlación positiva entre la concentración sérica de galanina materna y el desarrollo de diabetes mellitus gestacional, así como con los niveles de glicemia en ayunas, a la primera y segunda hora después de la ingesta de una carga de glucosa y correlación positiva también con el índice de masa corporal y marcadores de resistencia a la insulina como el índice de HOMA-IR. Conclusiones: En esta revisión de la literatura, la evidencia limitada sugiere que existe una correlación positiva entre las concentraciones de galanina en suero materno y la presentación de diabetes gestacional. No existe hasta el momento en la bibliografía revisada evidencia que demuestre una correlación o asociación entre galanina y otras patologías obstétricas en humanos.Abstract. Introduction: Galanin is a neuropeptide that regulates energetic metabolism and reproductive function in mammals. It has been associated with increased insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle, adipose and placental tissue. Objective: Review available evidence on the relationship between maternal galanin levels and potential maternal and perinatal adverse outcomes. Data sources: A systematic search was conducted in: MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS and SciELO without restriction of publication dates, until August 31, 2016, taking into account only articles published in English and Spanish. We used the manual combination of MeSH terms (Medical Subject headings) related to measurement of galanin and its association with different maternal and perinatal pathologies. Selection criteria: The inclusion criteria were: (i) measurement of galanin in humans; (ii) measurement of galanin during gestation and / or puerperium. Exclusion criteria: (i) Articles in languages other than English and Spanish (ii) Outcomes that do not include obstetric pathology. Data collection and analysis: Two authors (D.D. and L.A.) independently reviewed the inclusion studies, extracted the data and assessed the risk of bias in the included studies. Any disagreement was resolved by consensus. The quality of the evidence was evaluated using the GRADE approach. Results: A total of 202 articles were obtained, of which four observational prospective type (183 participants) met the inclusion criteria. The data were extracted in tables to summarize the results. The pharmaceutical industry did not sponsor any. Three studies did not report sources of funding. According to the GRADE approach, the four studies were classified as evidence of low quality. We found in the first instance that serum levels of galanin at the end of gestation are similar to levels in nonpregnant women. In turn, there is a positive correlation between maternal serum galanin concentration and the development of gestational diabetes mellitus, as well as fasting blood glucose levels, at the first and second hour after ingestion of a glucose load and a positive correlation also with body mass index and insulin resistance markers such as the HOMA-IR index. Conclusions: In this literature review, limited evidence suggests that exists a positive correlation between serum levels of maternal galanin and gestational diabetes mellitus. It does not exist to the moment any evidence that demonstrates a correlation or association between galanin and others obstetric pathologies in human.Otr

    Brain Structural Correlates of Reward Sensitivity and Impulsivity in Adolescents with Normal and Excess Weight

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    Introduction: Neuroscience evidence suggests that adolescent obesity is linked to brain dysfunctions associated with enhanced reward and somatosensory processing and reduced impulse control during food processing. Comparatively less is known about the role of more stable brain structural measures and their link to personality traits and neuropsychological factors on the presentation of adolescent obesity. Here we aimed to investigate regional brain anatomy in adolescents with excess weight vs. lean controls. We also aimed to contrast the associations between brain structure and personality and cognitive measures in both groups. Methods: Fifty-two adolescents (16 with normal weight and 36 with excess weight) were scanned using magnetic resonance imaging and completed the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (SPSRQ), the UPPS-P scale, and the Stroop task. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was used to assess possible between-group differences in regional gray matter (GM) and to measure the putative differences in the way reward and punishment sensitivity, impulsivity and inhibitory control relate to regional GM volumes, which were analyzed using both region of interest (ROI) and whole brain analyses. The ROIs included areas involved in reward/somatosensory processing (striatum, somatosensory cortices) and motivation/impulse control (hippocampus, prefrontal cortex). Results: Excess weight adolescents showed increased GM volume in the right hippocampus. Voxel-wise volumes of the second somatosensory cortex (SII) were correlated with reward sensitivity and positive urgency in lean controls, but this association was missed in excess weight adolescents. Moreover, Stroop performance correlated with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex volumes in controls but not in excess weight adolescents. Conclusion: Adolescents with excess weight have structural abnormalities in brain regions associated with somatosensory processing and motivation

    Prevention of Emotional Disorders and Symptoms Under Health Conditions: A Pilot Study using the Unified Protocol in a Fertility Unit

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    Emotional Disorders (EDs) are common in women who undergo fertility treatments. The Unified Protocol (UP) is a transdiagnostic intervention that has demonstrated efficacy in preventing EDs under different health conditions. The aim of this pilot study is to: 1) improve emotional dysregulation for the prevention of anxiety and depressive symptoms in women undergoing intrauterine inseminations (IUI); 2) assess their acceptability (e.g., satisfaction and adherence rates). Method: Five women undergoing IUI, with no clinical diagnoses, responded to measures of mood (anxiety and depression), affect, quality of life and emotional dysregulation in the pre- and post-assessments, and at the 1-, 3- and 6-month follow-ups. The UP was adapted to be applied during six face-to-face group sessions lasting 2 h. The COVID-19 pandemic situation implied changing to an online format to end the program. Results: The results showed that women did not develop EDs, and no statistically significant pre-post and pre-follow-up differences were found for anxiety, depression, quality of life and emotional dysregulation (all p > .050). A tendency towards improvement in the post-assessment evaluation was noted. Satisfaction with the format and UP program was high. Conclusions: It would seem that programs focusing on therapeutic common factors like the UP could have an emotional preventive effect during IUI

    Interacciones sociales en las personas con deficiencia mental: reflexiones en torno a las posibilidades de integración.

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    Nuestra ponencia tiene como objetivo describir someramente las características de las interacciones sociales de los niños con deficiencia mental para cuestionarnos si es posible, pese a los procedimientos que empleemos en el aula o en cualquier otro contexto en el que se establezcan relaciones sociales, una integración completa. Para extraer las conclusiones, dos alumnas de Educación Especial de la E.U. Magisterio Virgen de Europa” realizarán, por un lado, una entrevista a personas con discapacidad que se consideran más o menos integradas; por otro, se pasará una encuesta a alumnos que estudian magisterio para ver cuáles son las actitudes ante este reto que plantea la integración de los futuros maestros, directamente implicados en la misma. Además, hemos analizado algunos aspectos teóricos extraídods de la bibliografía citada al final de la ponencia. Terminaremos extrayendo conclusiones de los datos analizados y las respuestas obtenidas en un caso y en otro.Eje: Educación especialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI