86 research outputs found

    Axioms as Definitions: Revisiting Poincaré and Hilbert

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    Un problème fondamental dans la réflexion sur les fondements des mathématiques consiste à déterminer ce qu’est un axiome. Cette question est spécialement importante en vue de l’étude de nouveaux axiomes pour la théorie des ensembles (tels que les axiomes de grands cardinaux) dont la légitimité est fortement controversée ; cet article s’insère dans le débat. En analysant les écrits de Poincaré et de Hilbert, nous observons que, malgré les différences profondes dans la pensée de ces deux logiciens, ils parvinrent à la même conception des axiomes de la géométrie qui ne seraient que des définitions déguisées. Nous généralisons cette conception des axiomes comme définitions de concepts à n’importe quel système axiomatique (en particulier aux axiomes de la théorie des ensembles).A fondamental problem in the discussion on the foundations of mathematics is to clarify what an axiom is. This is especially important in the light of the most recent advances in set theory where new axioms have been proposed whose legitimacy is highly controversial (for example, large cardinal axioms); this paper is a contribution to this discussion. By analysing the view of Poincaré and Hilbert on axioms, we observe that, despite the deep differences in their philosophical thinking, the two logicians came to the same conception of the axioms of geometry as definitions in disguise. We revisit and generalise this view by arguing that any axiomatic system (set theory in particular) is the definition of some concepts

    As aulas de educação física nos CEIM’S de Criciúma/SC

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    Trabalho de Conclusão do Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharelado no Curso de Educação Física da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.O foco desta pesquisa se inspira no tema: As aulas de Educação Física dos CEIM’s de Criciúma SC. Justifica-se pelo fato de querer compreender como a Educação Física esta inserida no contexto escolar e como é a participação do educando neste contexto. Buscando resolver o seguinte problema: quais os conhecimentos são trabalhados na Educação Física nos CEIM’s de Criciúma SC. Estabelece como objetivo geral: Identificar quais os conhecimentos são trabalhados na Educação Física do CEIM’s de Criciúma enquanto componente curricular obrigatório. Para nortear este estudo, traçou-se as seguintes questões norteadoras: Qual a participação do professor de educação física na construção do projeto político pedagógico. Qual o tema o professor considera mais importante nas aulas de educação física. Como é realizada a avaliação na educação infantil. A fundamentação teórica esta organizada em três capítulos, o primeiro capitulo fala sobre a história da criança, conceitos e leis. O segundo, esta contextualizando a construção do projeto político pedagógico, logo, o terceiro capitulo enfatiza a proposta curricular da rede municipal de Criciúma. Esta fundamentação esta subsidiada por vários autores, entre eles: ARIÉS (1981), KRAMER (2003), SAYÃO (1997), VIGOTSKI (1994), LIBÂNEO (2001). Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva qualitativa, tendo como população alvo os professores de educação física dos CEIM’s de Criciúma SC. A amostra é simples, intencional, constituída por 05 professores de educação física dos CEIM’s de Criciúma. O instrumento para levantamento de dados da pesquisa foi um questionário com 08 perguntas abertas. Por ultimo construímos um quadro com as perguntas elaboradas e respostas dos professores, e a posteriori das respostas, estabelecemos três categorias para analise e discussão dos dados. A realização desta pesquisa possibilitou maior conhecimento sobre a participação do educando de Educação Física no contexto escolar e sua importância para o desenvolvimento infantil

    Performance of the FMF First-Trimester Preeclampsia-Screening Algorithm in a High-Risk Population in The Netherlands

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the performance of the first-trimester Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) screening algorithm, including maternal characteristics and medical history, blood pressure, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and placenta growth factor, crown rump length, and uterine artery pulsatility index, for the prediction of preeclampsia in a high-risk population in the Netherlands. METHODS: This is a prospective cohort including nulliparous women and women with preeclampsia or intrauterine growth restriction in previous pregnancy. We screened patients at 11-14 weeks of gestation to calculate the risk for preeclampsia. The primary outcome was preeclampsia and gestational age at delivery. Performance of the model was evaluated by area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves (AUCs) and calibration graphs; based on the ROC curves, optimal predicted risk cutoff values for our study population were defined. RESULTS: We analyzed 362 women, of whom 22 (6%) developed preeclampsia. The algorithm showed fair discriminative performance for preeclampsia <34 weeks (AUC 0.81; 95% CI 0.65-0.96) and moderate discriminative performance for both preeclampsia <37 weeks (AUC 0.71; 95% CI 0.51-0.90) and <42 weeks (AUC 0.71; 95% CI 0.61-0.81). Optimal cutoffs based on our study population for preeclampsia <34, <37, and <42 weeks were 1:250, 1:64, and 1:22, respectively. Calibration was poor. CONCLUSIONS: Performance of the FMF preeclampsia algorithm was satisfactory to predict early and preterm preeclampsia and less satisfactory for term preeclampsia in a high-risk population. However, by addressing some of the limitations of the present study, the performance can potentially improve. This is essential before implementation is considered

    With or Without You: Altered Plant Response to Boron-Deficiency in Hydroponically Grown Grapevines Infected by Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus Suggests a Relation Between Grapevine Leaf Mottling and Deformation Symptom Occurrence and Boron Plant Availability

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    Despite the increasing spread of Grapevine Leaf Mottling and Deformation (GLMD) worldwide, little is known about its etiology. After identification of grapevine Pinot gris virus (GPGV) as the presumptive causal agent of the disease in 2015, various publications have evaluated GPGV involvement in GLMD. Nevertheless, there are only partial clues to explain the presence of GPGV in both symptomatic and asymptomatic grapevines and the mechanisms that trigger symptom development, and so a consideration of new factors is required. Given the similarities between GLMD and boron (B)-deficiency symptoms in grapevine plants, we posited that GPGV interferes in B homeostasis. By using a hydroponic system to control B availability, we investigated the effects of different B supplies on grapevine phenotype and those of GPGV infection on B acquisition and translocation machinery, by means of microscopy, ionomic and gene expression analyses in both roots and leaves. The transcription of the genes regulating B homeostasis was unaffected by the presence of GPGV alone, but was severely altered in plants exposed to both GPGV infection and B-deficiency, allowing us to speculate that the capricious and patchy occurrence of GLMD symptoms in the field may not be related solely to GPGV, but to GPGV interference in plant responses to different B availabilities. This hypothesis found preliminary positive confirmations in analyses on field-grown plants

    Follow-up of patients with early breast cancer: Is it time to rewrite the story?

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    The guidelines for follow-up in breast cancer survivors support only performance of periodic physical examination and annual mammography. However, medical oncologists and primary care physicians routinely recommend both blood tests and non-mammographic imaging tests in asymptomatic patients, leading to an increased anxiety related to false-positive results and higher medical expenses. Recently, advanced imaging technologies have improved sensitivity/specificity to detect metastatic lesions before symptoms arise. Considering the progress made in the treatment of metastatic disease and the rapid evolution of targeted therapy, that requires customization of the strategy according to molecular characteristics of the disease, patients could derive real benefit to early detection of disease recurrence. This hypothesis must be tested in a prospective clinical trial

    Evaluación de la producción de materia seca en variedades de alfalfa (Medicago sativa) de diferentes grados de reposo invernal, en el área bajo riego de La Pampa

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    Publicado en: Revista Argentina de Producción Animal 34 (Supl. 1)El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar las variedades comerciales que mejor se comportan en la zona en cuanto a su producción de materia seca y cobertura.AER Colonia 25 de MayoFil: Zamora, Carlos Damián. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil. Agencia de Extensión Rural Colonia 25 de Mayo; ArgentinaFil: Sartor, Paolo Daniel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil. Agencia de Extensión Rural Colonia 25 de Mayo; ArgentinaFil: Fontanella, Dardo Roy. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil. Agencia de Extensión Rural Colonia 25 de Mayo; ArgentinaFil: Aumassanne, Carolina Manuela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil. Agencia de Extensión Rural Colonia 25 de Mayo; ArgentinaFil: Fontana, Laura María Celia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz, María de los Angeles. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; Argentin