23 research outputs found
An analysis of prehospital critical care events and management patterns from 97 539 emergency helicopter medical service missions : A retrospective registry-based study
BACKGROUND It is largely unknown how often physicians in emergency helicopter medical services (HEMS) encounter various critical care events and if HEMS exposure is associated with particular practice patterns or outcomes. OBJECTIVES This study aimed: to describe the frequency and distribution of critical care events; to investigate whether HEMS exposure is associated with differences in practice patterns and determine if HEMS exposure factors are associated with mortality. DESIGN A retrospective registry-based study. SETTING Physician-staffed HEMS in Finland between January 2012 and August 2019. PARTICIPANTS Ninety-four physicians who worked at least 6 months in the HEMS during the study period. Physicians with undeterminable HEMS exposure were excluded from practice pattern comparisons and mortality analysis, leaving 80 physicians. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES The primary outcome measure was a physician's average annual frequencies for operational events and clinical interventions. Our secondary outcomes were the proportion of missions cancelled or denied, time onsite (OST) and proportion of unconscious patients intubated. Our tertiary outcome was adjusted 30-day mortality of patients. RESULTS The physicians encountered 62 [33 to 98], escorted 31 [17 to 41] and transported by helicopter 2.1 [1.3 to 3.5] patients annually, given as median [interquartile range; IQR]. Rapid sequence intubation was performed 11 [6.2 to 16] times per year. Physicians were involved in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) 10 [5.9 to 14] and postresuscitation care 5.5 [3.1 to 8.1] times per year. Physicians with longer patient intervals had shorter times onsite. Proportionally, they cancelled more missions and intubated fewer unconscious patients. A short patient interval [odds ratio (OR); 95% confidence interval (CI)] was associated with decreased mortality (0.87; 95% CI, 0.76 to1.00), whereas no association was observed between mortality and HEMS career length. CONCLUSION Prehospital exposure is distributed unevenly, and some physicians receive limited exposure to prehospital critical care. This seems to be associated with differences in practice patterns. Rare HEMS patient contacts may be associated with increased mortality.Peer reviewe
Well-being at work among helicopter emergency medical service personnel in Finland
Personnel engaged in emergency medical services (EMS) and in helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) perform challenging missions 24/7. This underlines the importance of overall well-being at work among these personnel. Only healthy personnel can successfully perform challenging HEMS missions in the long run.
Fatigue due to an imbalance between overall strain and recovery is an occupational hazard that may compromise both well-being at work and operational and patient safety in HEMS settings. However, there are no evidence-based recommendations available on how to mitigate fatigue at HEMS work. For this reason, it is important to create a comprehensive picture of HEMS personnel’s overall well-being at work, including on-duty fatigue, at the national level.
The research aim of the present study was to assess the overall well-being at work among HEMS personnel in Finland, with the main emphasis on fatigue and the balance between strain and recovery. To make the results as useful as possible for development actions, different occupational groups, duties, and task load levels were considered in the assessment.
The development aim of the present study was to a) identify the main development needs to promote the overall balance between strain and recovery in HEMS professionals and b) introduce a future improvement plan to achieve this goal
Cerebral oxygen desaturation events during and functional outcomes after prehospital anaesthesia : A prospective pilot study
Background: During prehospital anaesthesia, oxygen delivery to the brain might be inadequate to match the oxygen consumption, with unknown long-term functional outcomes. We aimed to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring cerebral oxygenation during prehospital anaesthesia and determining the long-term outcomes. Methods: We performed a prospective observational feasibility study in two helicopter emergency medical services units. Frontal lobe regional oxygen saturation (rSO(2)) of adult patients undergoing prehospital anaesthesia was monitored with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) by a Nonin H500 oximeter. The outcome was evaluated with a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at 30 days and 1 year. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was measured with a 15D instrument at 1 year. Results: Of 101 patients enrolled, 83 were included. The mean baseline rSO(2) was 79% (73-84). Desaturation for at least 5 min to rSO(2) below 50% or a decrease of 10% from baseline occurred in four (5%, 95% CI 2%-12%) and 19 (23%, 95% CI 15-93) patients. At 1 year, 32 patients (53%, 95% CI 41-65) achieved favourable neurological outcomes. The median 15D score was 0.889 (Q1-Q3, 0.796-0.970). Conclusion: Monitoring cerebral oxygenation with a hand-held oximeter during prehospital anaesthesia and collecting data on functional outcomes and HRQoL are feasible. Only half of the patients achieved a favourable functional outcome. The effects of cerebral oxygenation on outcomes during prehospital critical care need to be assessed in future studies.Peer reviewe
Loppuraportti: Valtakunnallinen selvitys ensihoitopalvelun toiminnasta
Selvitys perustuu pääasiassa Hätäkeskuslaitokselta saatuun ensihoitotehtäviä koskevaan aineistoon vuosilta 2010 – 2014. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa ensihoitopalvelun toiminnasta sekä toiminnan muutoksista. Selvityksessä todettiin, että ensihoitopalvelun nykyiset tiedot eivät ole kansallisella tasolla luotettavia, mikä haittaa toiminnan analysointia ja kehittämistä merkittävästi. Nykyinen päivystyksellisten potilasvirtojen ohjaus ja ensihoitoresurssien käyttö toteutuvat epätarkoituksenmukaisesti. Ensihoitopalveluun näyttää tulleen pysyvänä mallina potilaiden hoidon tarpeen tarkempi arvio ja palvelun kohdistuminen myös hoito- ja hoivalaitoksiin. Ensihoitopalveluiden kustannuskehitys ei ole johtunut yksinomaan ensihoidon järjestämisvastuun siirrosta kunnilta sairaanhoitopiireille.
Ensihoitopalveluun tarvitaan kansallinen tietovaranto, josta saadaan luotettavasti toiminta- ja kustannustiedot ja johon perustuen voidaan toimintaa johtaa tiedolla. Tietovarannon avulla on kyettävä yhdistämään päivystyksellisten potilaiden koko hoitoketjun tiedot hätäkeskustoiminnasta lopulliseen hoitopaikkaan ja hoitojaksoon hoidon vaikuttavuuden ja tuloksellisuuden seuraamiseksi. Resurssien käyttöä tulee parantaa johtamalla toimintaa yhteistyöalueittain ja toteuttamalla kansallinen toimialan puhelinneuvontapalvelu. Myös ensihoitohenkilöstön koulutussuunnittelussa on huomioitava muuttunut toimintakenttä. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon päivystysjärjestelmää on kehitettävä tärkeänä osana yhteiskunnan kokonaisturvallisuutta
Valtakunnallinen selvitys ensihoitopalvelun toiminnasta : Väliraportti 2
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön päätöksellä käynnistettiin valtakunnallinen selvitys ensihoitopalvelun tehtävistä. Selvityksen perustana on maan kaikki hätäkeskuksista tulleet ensihoitotehtävät viiden vuoden ajalta.
Tällä hetkellä emme pysty kansallisesti tuottamaan ensihoitopalvelun toiminnan keskeisiä tun-nuslukuja, eikä järjestelmässä tapahtuneiden muutosten vaikuttavuutta voida siten myöskään luotettavasti arvioida. On välttämätöntä luoda kansallinen ensihoitopalvelun tietovaranto, jotta pystymme suunnittelemaan ja ohjaamaan resurssien käyttöä tarkoituksenmukaisesti ja reaaliaikaisesti. Siihen tulee kerätä sekä ensihoitopalvelua kuvaavat kansalliset operatiiviset tiedot (hätäkeskustietojärjestelmä, viranomaisten kenttäjärjestelmä) että niihin yhdistettyinä kansallisesti kerätyt potilastiedot (kansallinen ensihoitokertomus, Potilastiedon arkisto).
Ensihoitopalvelun suunnittelussa tulee huomioida sekä tehtävävolyymin muuttuminen pelkäs-tään hätätilapotilaista kohti laajempaa päivystyspotilaiden kirjoa että nykyistä paremmin verkottumisesta muihin sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon lähipalveluihin.
Hätäkeskusten toiminta on päivystyksellisten potilasvirtojen ohjauspaikkana aliarvioitu. Sosiaali- ja terveystoimen rakenneuudistuksen yhteydessä tulee uudelleen arvioida hätäkeskusten rajapinnassa oleva toiminta. Tehtävien riskinarviointi ja tarkoituksenmukainen resurssien käyttö edellyttävät sosiaali- ja terveystoimen päivystystoiminnan johto- ja koordinaatiokeskusten perustamista. Näihin keskuksiin keskitettäisiin myös kansallinen kansalaisten terveydenhuollon puhelinneuvonta ja -ohjaus
The first seven years of nationally organized helicopter emergency medical services in Finland - the data from quality registry
Background: Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) play an important role in prehospital care of the critically ill. Differences in funding, crew composition, dispatch criteria and mission profile make comparison between systems challenging. Several systems incorporate databases for quality control, performance evaluation and scientific purposes. FinnHEMS database was incorporated for such purposes following the national organization of HEMS in Finland 2012. The aims of this study are to describe information recorded in the database, data collection, and operational characteristics of Finnish HEMS during 2012-2018.Methods: All dispatches of the six Finnish HEMS units recorded in the national database from 2012 to 2018 were included in this observational registry study. Five of the units are physician staffed, and all are on call 24/7. The database follows a template for uniform reporting in physician staffed pre-hospital services, exceeding the recommended variables of relevant guidelines.Results: The study included 100,482 dispatches, resulting in 33,844 (34%) patient contacts. Variables were recorded with little or no missing data. A total of 16,045 patients (16%) were escorted by HEMS to hospital, of which 2239 (2%) by helicopter. Of encountered patients 4195 (4%) were declared deceased on scene. The number of denied or cancelled dispatches was 66,638 (66%). The majority of patients were male (21,185, 63%), and the median age was 57.7 years. The median American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Scale classification was 2 and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance class 0. The most common reason for response was trauma representing 26% (8897) of the patients, followed by out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 20% (6900), acute neurological reason excluding stroke 13% (4366) and intoxication and related psychiatric conditions 10% (3318). Blunt trauma (86%, 7653) predominated in the trauma classification.Conclusions: Gathering detailed and comprehensive data nationally on all HEMS missions is feasible. A national database provides valuable insights into where the operation of HEMS could be improved. We observed a high number of cancelled or denied missions and a low percentage of patients transported by helicopter. The medical problem of encountered patients also differs from comparable systems
Spoken Language Skills in Children With Bilateral Hearing Aids or Bilateral Cochlear Implants at the Age of Three Years
Objectives: Early hearing aid (HA) fitting and cochlear implants (CIs) aim to reduce the effects of hearing loss (HL) on spoken language development. The goals of this study were (1) to examine spoken language skills of children with bilateral HAs and children with bilateral CIs; (2) to compare their language skills to the age-norms of peers with normal hearing (NH); and (3) to investigate factors associated with spoken language outcomes. Design: Spoken language results of 56 Finnish children with HL were obtained from a nationwide prospective multicenter study. Children with HL comprised two groups: children with mild-to-severe HL who used bilateral HAs (BiHA group, n = 28) and children with profound HL who used bilateral CIs (BiCI group, n = 28). Children's spoken language comprehension, expressive and receptive vocabulary, and phonological skills were compared with normative values of children with NH at the age of three years. Odds ratio (OR) was calculated to compare proportions of children below age-norms in BiHA and BiCI groups. Factors associated with spoken language outcomes were modeled with analysis of covariance. Results: At the age of 3 years, 50%-96% of children with HL performed 1 SD or more below the mean of the normative sample of age-peers with NH in spoken language skills, depending on the language domain. Receptive vocabulary and phonological skills were the most vulnerable language domains. In receptive vocabulary, 82% of the children in the BiHA group and 50% of the children in the BiCI group scored 1 SD or more below the normative mean. The BiHA group was 4.4 times more likely to have poorer receptive vocabulary than the BiCI group. In phonological skills, 96% of children in the BiHA group and 60% of the children in the BiCI group scored 1 SD or more below the normative mean. The BiHA group was 18.0 times more likely to have poorer phonological skills than the BiCI group. The analysis of covariance models showed that unaided pure-tone average, PTA(0.5-4 kHz), had a significant effect on spoken language comprehension in the BiHA group. For the BiCI group, age at HL diagnosis and age at CI activation had a significant effect on expressive vocabulary. High maternal level of education had a significant effect on language comprehension and expressive vocabulary and female gender on phonological skills. Conclusions: At the age of 3 years, especially receptive vocabulary and phonological skills caused difficulties for children with HL showing also considerable individual variation. Children with bilateral HAs seemed to be more likely to have poorer receptive vocabulary and phonological skills than children with bilateral CIs. A variety of factors was associated with outcomes in both groups. Close monitoring of spoken language skills of children with HL is important for ensuring similar opportunities for all children with HL and timely intervention, when needed.Peer reviewe
Spoken Language Skills in Children With Bilateral Hearing Aids or Bilateral Cochlear Implants at the Age of Three Years
Objectives: Early hearing aid (HA) fitting and cochlear implants (CIs) aim to reduce the effects of hearing loss (HL) on spoken language development. The goals of this study were (1) to examine spoken language skills of children with bilateral HAs and children with bilateral CIs; (2) to compare their language skills to the age-norms of peers with normal hearing (NH); and (3) to investigate factors associated with spoken language outcomes. Design:Spoken language results of 56 Finnish children with HL were obtained from a nationwide prospective multicenter study. Children with HL comprised two groups: children with mild-to-severe HL who used bilateral HAs (BiHA group, n = 28) and children with profound HL who used bilateral CIs (BiCI group, n = 28). Children's spoken language comprehension, expressive and receptive vocabulary, and phonological skills were compared with normative values of children with NH at the age of three years. Odds ratio (OR) was calculated to compare proportions of children below age-norms in BiHA and BiCI groups. Factors associated with spoken language outcomes were modeled with analysis of covariance. Results: At the age of 3 years, 50%-96% of children with HL performed 1 SD or more below the mean of the normative sample of age-peers with NH in spoken language skills, depending on the language domain. Receptive vocabulary and phonological skills were the most vulnerable language domains. In receptive vocabulary, 82% of the children in the BiHA group and 50% of the children in the BiCI group scored 1 SD or more below the normative mean. The BiHA group was 4.4 times more likely to have poorer receptive vocabulary than the BiCI group. In phonological skills, 96% of children in the BiHA group and 60% of the children in the BiCI group scored 1 SD or more below the normative mean. The BiHA group was 18.0 times more likely to have poorer phonological skills than the BiCI group. The analysis of covariance models showed that unaided pure-tone average, PTA(0.5-4 kHz), had a significant effect on spoken language comprehension in the BiHA group. For the BiCI group, age at HL diagnosis and age at CI activation had a significant effect on expressive vocabulary. High maternal level of education had a significant effect on language comprehension and expressive vocabulary and female gender on phonological skills. Conclusions: At the age of 3 years, especially receptive vocabulary and phonological skills caused difficulties for children with HL showing also considerable individual variation. Children with bilateral HAs seemed to be more likely to have poorer receptive vocabulary and phonological skills than children with bilateral CIs. A variety of factors was associated with outcomes in both groups. Close monitoring of spoken language skills of children with HL is important for ensuring similar opportunities for all children with HL and timely intervention, when needed.</p
Short-term and long-term survival in critical patients treated by helicopter emergency medical services in Finland: a registry study of 36 715 patients
Objectives This study aimed to describe the short-term and long-term mortality of patients treated by prehospital critical care teams in Finland.Design and setting We performed a registry-based retrospective study that included all helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) dispatches in Finland from 1 January 2012 to 8 September 2019. Mortality data were acquired from the national Population Register Centre to calculate the standardised mortality ratio (SMR).Participants All patients encountered by Finnish HEMS crews during the study period were included.Main outcomes Mortalities presented at 0 to 1 day, 2 to 30 days, 31 days to 1 year and 1 to 3 years for different medical reasons following the prehospital care. Patients were divided into four groups by age and categorised by gender. The SMR at 2 to 30 days, 31 days to 1 year and 1 to 3 years was calculated for the same groups.Results Prehospital critical care teams participated in the treatment of 36 715 patients, 34 370 of whom were included in the study. The cumulative all-cause mortality at 30 days was 27.5% and at 3 years was 36.5%. The SMR in different medical categories and periods ranged from 23.2 to 72.2, 18.1 to 22.4, 7.7 to 9.2 and 2.1 to 2.6 in the age groups of 0 to 17 years, 18 to 64 years, 65 to 79 years and ≥80 years, respectively.Conclusions We found that the rate of mortality after a HEMS team provides critical care is high and remains significantly elevated compared with the normal population for years after the incident. The mortality is dependent on the medical reason for care and the age of the patient. The long-term overmortality should be considered when evaluating the benefit of prehospital critical care in the different patient groups
Impact of icing weather conditions on the patients in helicopter emergency medical service: a prospective study from Northern Finland
Abstract Background A high number of denied or cancelled HEMS missions are caused by poor weather conditions especially during winter season. Furthermore, many helicopter manufacturers have denied their helicopters to be operated in known icing conditions. Icing is a widely known phenomenon in aviation, but there is a lack of evidence about its influence on HEMS operations and patients. Methods A prospective observational study of HEMS missions in Northern Finland was conducted over a 1-year period in 2017. A patient was included in the study when the use of helicopter was denied or cancelled due to icing weather conditions. Patients were categorised into two groups based on whether definitive treatment was delayed or not according to previously defined end-points. Results During the study period the Finnish northernmost HEMS unit received 1940 missions. A total of 391 missions (20%) could not be operated by helicopter because of poor weather conditions. In 142 of these missions (36%) icing was one of the limiting weather factors. The year-round incidence of icing was 7.3/100 missions. A total of 57 patients were included in the analysis. Icing weather conditions, resulting in denied helicopter flights, caused a delay in definitive treatment for 21 patients (37%). Definitive treatment was more often delayed in trauma and internal medicine patients than in neurological patients. Nevertheless, the patients whose definitive treatment was delayed were located closer to the hospital. The estimated time that would have been saved by helicopter transport was more than 60 min for 10 patients with delayed treatment. Conclusions In this study the incidence of icing weather conditions was substantial compared to all HEMS missions in year 2017. The delay in definitive treatment was accentuated among trauma and internal medicine patients. During the 1-year study period many patients whose definitive treatment was delayed would have had a notable (> 60 min) time saved by helicopter transport. A helicopter equipped with an adequate ice protection system for the weather conditions in Northern Finland would have shortened the delay in patients’ definitive treatment significantly