2,674 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Dark Matter Distribution at the Galactic Center

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    Annihilation radiation from neutralino dark matter at the Galactic center (GC) would be greatly enhanced if the dark matter were strongly clustered around the supermassive black hole (SBH). The existence of a dark-matter "spike" is made plausible by the observed, steeply-rising stellar density near the GC SBH. Here the time-dependent equations describing gravitational interaction of the dark matter particles with the stars are solved. Scattering of dark matter particles by stars would substantially lower the dark matter density near the GC SBH over 10^10 yr, due both to kinetic heating, and to capture of dark matter particles by the SBH. This result suggests that enhancements in the dark matter density around a SBH would be modest whether or not the host galaxy had experienced the scouring effects of a binary SBH.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    The Black Hole Mass-Bulge Luminosity Relationship for Active Galactic Nuclei from Reverberation Mapping and Hubble Space Telescope Imaging

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    We investigate the relationship between black hole mass and bulge luminosity for AGNs with reverberation-based black hole mass measurements and bulge luminosities from two-dimensional decompositions of Hubble Space Telescope host galaxy images. We find that the slope of the relationship for AGNs is 0.76-0.85 with an uncertainty of ~0.1, somewhat shallower than the M_BH \propto L^{1.0+/-0.1} relationship that has been fit to nearby quiescent galaxies with dynamical black hole mass measurements. This is somewhat perplexing, as the AGN black hole masses include an overall scaling factor that brings the AGN M_BH-sigma relationship into agreement with that of quiescent galaxies. We discuss biases that may be inherent to the AGN and quiescent galaxy samples and could cause the apparent inconsistency in the forms of their M_BH-L_bulge relationships.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures and 2 tables, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Diffraction microtomography with sample rotation: influence of a missing apple core in the recorded frequency space

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    Diffraction microtomography in coherent light is foreseen as a promising technique to image transparent living samples in three dimensions without staining. Contrary to conventional microscopy with incoherent light, which gives morphological information only, diffraction microtomography makes it possible to obtain the complex optical refractive index of the observed sample by mapping a three-dimensional support in the spatial frequency domain. The technique can be implemented in two configurations, namely, by varying the sample illumination with a fixed sample or by rotating the sample using a fixed illumination. In the literature, only the former method was described in detail. In this report, we precisely derive the three-dimensional frequency support that can be mapped by the sample rotation configuration. We found that, within the first-order Born approximation, the volume of the frequency domain that can be mapped exhibits a missing part, the shape of which resembles that of an apple core. The projection of the diffracted waves in the frequency space onto the set of sphere caps covered by the sample rotation does not allow for a complete mapping of the frequency along the axis of rotation due to the finite radius of the sphere caps. We present simulations of the effects of this missing information on the reconstruction of ideal objects.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, presented at Focus On Microscopy 200

    Detailed Surface Photometry of Dwarf Elliptical and Dwarf S0 Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster

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    We analyze new V-band images of 14 dwarf S0 galaxies and 10 dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, in combination with R-band images of 70 dwarf elliptical galaxies from an earlier paper. We compute the intensity-weighted mean ellipticity, the mean deviations from elliptical isophotes, and a newly defined parameter to measure isophotal twists. We also fit each major-axis profile to a power law Σ(a) α exp[-(a/as)n], where n is allowed to vary. Consistent with other studies of the Virgo dwarf ellipticals, we find that the profile shapes for the entire sample is strongly peaked near n=1 (exponential profiles) and that no galaxies have n=1/4 (de Vaucouleurs profile). The faintest galaxies all have nearly exponential profiles, while the brighter ones on average have n<1. The correlation between ellipticity and the boxy/disky parameter is similar to that of large elliptical galaxies, suggesting that dwarfs may also be divided into two groups with differing internal dynamics. The Virgo dEs also show a greater degree of isophotal twisting than more luminous elliptical galaxies. There does not seem to be any combination of parameters from the surface photometry that statistically correlates with the dE/dS0 designation: in particular, the dS0 galaxies do not, on average, have more pointed (disky) isophotes than the dEs

    O-6 Optical Property Degradation of the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera-2 Pick Off Mirror

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    Degradation in the performance of optical components can be greatly affected by exposure to the space environment. Many factors can contribute to such degradation including surface contaminants; outgassing; vacuum, UV, and atomic oxygen exposure; temperature cycling; or combinations of parameters. In-situ observations give important clues to degradation processes, but there are relatively few opportunities to correlate those observations with post-flight ground analyses. The return of instruments from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) after its final servicing mission in May 2009 provided such an opportunity. Among the instruments returned from HST was the Wide-Field Planetary Camera-2 (WFPC-2), which had been exposed to the space environment for 16 years. This work focuses on the identifying the sources of degradation in the performance of the Pick-off mirror (POM) from WFPC-2. Techniques including surface reflectivity measurements, spectroscopic ellipsometry, FTIR (and ATR-FTIR) analyses, SEM/EDS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) with and without ion milling, and wet and dry physical surface sampling were performed. Destructive and contact analyses took place only after completion of the non-destructive measurements. Spectroscopic ellipsometry was then repeated to determine the extent of contaminant removal by the destructive techniques, providing insight into the nature and extent of polymerization of the contaminant layer


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    WFPC-2 images are used to study the central structure of M31, M32, and M33. The dimmer peak, P2, of the M31 double nucleus is centered on the bulge to 0.1", implying that it is the dynamical center of M31. P2 contains a compact source discovered by King et al. (1995) at 1700 A. This source is resolved, with r_{1/2} approx0.2 pc. It dominates the nucleus at 3000 A, and is consistent with late B-early A stars. This probable cluster may consist of young stars and be an older version of the cluster of hot stars at the center of the Milky Way, or it may consist of heavier stars built up from collisions in a possible cold disk of stars orbiting P2. In M32, the central cusp rises into the HST limit with gamma approx0.5, and the central density rho_0>10^7M_sol pc^-3. The V-I and U-V color profiles are flat, and there is no sign of an inner disk, dust, or any other structure. This total lack of features seems at variance with a nominal stellar collision time of 2 X 10^10 yr, which implies that a significant fraction of the light in the central pixel should come from blue stragglers. InM33, the nucleus has an extremely steep gamma=1.49 power-law profile for 0.05"<r<0.2" that becomes shallower as the HST resolution limit is approached. The profile for r<0.04" has either a gamma approx 0.8 cusp or a small core with r_c ~<0.13 pc. The central density is rho_0 > 2 10^6M_sol pc^-3, and the implied relaxation time is only ~3 X 10^6 yr, indicating that the nucleus is highly relaxed. The accompanying short collision time of 7 X 10^9 yr predicts a central blue straggler component quantitatively consistent with the strong V-I and B-R color gradients seen with HST and from the ground.Comment: 44 pages, 22 figures (7 as separate JPEG images), submitted to The Astronomical Journal. Full postscript image available at http://www.noao.edu/noao/staff/lauer/lauer_paper

    The Isophotal Structure of Early-Type Galaxies in the SDSS: Dependence on AGN Activity and Environment

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    We study the dependence of the isophotal shape of early-type galaxies on their absolute B-band magnitude, their dynamical mass, and their nuclear activity and environment, using an unprecedented large sample of 847 early-type galaxies identified in the SDSS by Hao et al (2006). We find that the fraction of disky galaxies smoothly decreases with increasing luminosity. The large sample allows us to describe these trends accurately with tight linear relations that are statistically robust against the uncertainty in the isophotal shape measurements. There is also a host of significant correlations between the disky fraction and indicators of nuclear activity (both in the optical and in the radio) and environment (soft X-rays, group mass, group hierarchy). Our analysis shows however that these correlations can be accurately matched by assuming that the disky fraction depends only on galaxy luminosity or mass. We therefore conclude that neither the level of activity, nor group mass or group hierarchy help in better predicting the isophotal shape of early-type galaxies.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Methylxanthines and Neurodegenerative Diseases: An Update

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    Methylxanthines (MTX) are purine derived xanthine derivatives. Whereas naturally occurring methylxanthines like caffeine, theophylline or theobromine are widely consumed in food, several synthetic but also non-synthetic methylxanthines are used as pharmaceuticals, in particular in treating airway constrictions. Besides the well-established bronchoprotective effects, methylxanthines are also known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties, mediate changes in lipid homeostasis and have neuroprotective effects. Known molecular mechanisms include adenosine receptor antagonism, phosphodiesterase inhibition, effects on the cholinergic system, wnt signaling, histone deacetylase activation and gene regulation. By affecting several pathways associated with neurodegenerative diseases via different pleiotropic mechanisms and due to its moderate side effects, intake of methylxanthines have been suggested to be an interesting approach in dealing with neurodegeneration. Especially in the past years, the impact of methylxanthines in neurodegenerative diseases has been extensively studied and several new aspects have been elucidated. In this review we summarize the findings of methylxanthines linked to Alzheimer´s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis since 2017, focusing on epidemiological and clinical studies and addressing the underlying molecular mechanisms in cell culture experiments and animal studies in order to assess the neuroprotective potential of methylxanthines in these diseases

    Factors affecting farmers’ willingness to grow alternative biofuel feedstocks across Kansas

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    Energy conservation has emerged as one of the biggest challenges of the world in the XXI century, and not different from many countries, the US has created plans and policies to stimulate renewable energy alternative. Among the important alternatives for energy conservation is the use of biomass energy. Despite these stimuli production predictions are not confident that production would achieve the planned target for the U.S. Consequently, the predictions raise questions about farmer's willingness to grow bioenergy crops or produce alternative cellulosic feedstocks. In other words, farmers and landholders may not be willing to grow bioenergy crops. With this concerns in mind, the study advances previous research about bioenergy production by evaluating farmer's and landholder's willingness to produce different varieties of biofuel feedstocks. To achieve our goals, we used a mail survey of Kansas farmers conducted from January to April of 2011. The survey contained questions related to how farmers make their land-use decisions covering a wide array of topics. Through this survey, we evaluate the effect of farm characteristics, farm management practices, farmer perceptions (such as risk aversion), physical variables (such as soil, weather, and the availability of water for irrigation) on farmers' willingness to produce value-added feedstocks (e.g., corn stover), dedicated annual bioenergy crops (e.g., energy sorghum), and dedicated perennial bioenergy crops (e.g., switchgrass) for biofuel production in Kansas, though the use of logistic regressions and marginal effects