1,191 research outputs found

    Experiment measurement of Alford's force in axial-flow turbomachinery

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    Results of experimental measurements made on a small high speed, axial flow test apparatus are presented to verify the existence of Alford's force (that circumferential variation of blade-tip clearances in axial-flow turbomachinery will produce cross-coupled (normal to the eccentricity) aerodynamic forces on the rotor) and to investigate the validity of his mathematical prediction model

    rational design of functionalized lipids with antioxidant and scavenging activity as components of innovative artificial tears

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    openDurante i tre anni di dottorato mi sono occupato del design razionale di lipidi funzionalizzati ad attività antiossidante da utilizzare per la formulazione di lacrime artificiali. Abbiamo scelto i liposomi per veicolare le molecole antiossidanti testate; siamo partiti utilizzando l’Edaravone (EDR), il quale è stato opportunamente funzionalizzato (EDR-C18), senza diminuire le proprietà antiossidanti della molecola. Abbiamo condotto studi sperimentali evidenziando che l’EDR-C18 mantiene elevate capacità antiossidanti, solo a questo punto abbiamo condotto simulazioni di dinamica molecolare utilizzando un sistemi lipidici puri contenti fosfatidilcolina (POPC), e differenti concentrazioni di EDR-C18. I dati di simulazione hanno evidenziato una elevata stabilità dell’EDR-C18 in membrana. Abbiamo quindi determinato la concentrazione ottimale al fine di ottenere una intatta fluidità del sistema e allo stesso tempo una elevata quantità di antiossidante. Partendo da questo modello di simulazione, abbiamo creato altri sistemi di simulazione in cui abbiam investigato l’effetto dei Sali. Abbiamo testato soluzioni saline già comunemente utilizzate nella formulazione di lacrime artificiali, ed abbiamo riscontrato nel CaCl2 il sale maggiormente utile per la nostra strategia. Tali sistemi sono estremamente promettenti per la formulazione di gocce oculari. Un’altra molecola testata è l’epigallocatechin3-Gallato (EGCG). Essa ha la capacità di interagire spontaneamente con sistemi lipidici, perciò non è stata funzionalizzata. Abbiamo condotto delle simulazioni di dinamica molecolare creando sistemi lipidici misti per indagare l’effetto della matrice sulla capacità di inglobamento dell’EGCG. Abbiamo inoltre modulato la concentrazione salina ed abbiamo individuato nel sistema lipidico anionico con una quantità di Magnesio pari a 5:1 in rapporto molare con EGCG, il sistema in cui tutto l’EGCG introdotto viene inglobato, aumentando la biodisponibilità della molecola al massimo possibile.During three years of my PhD course, I studied the rational design of functionalized lipid with antioxidant activity to be used for the formulation of artificial tears. We chosen the liposomes to carrier the antioxidant molecules that we studied; we started using the edaravone (EDR), which has been suitably functionalized (EDR-C18), without decrease the antioxidant properties of the molecule. For this purpose, we made experimental studies showing that the EDR-C18 maintains high antioxidant capacity, only at this point we carried out the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using pure lipid systems containing POPC and different EDR-C18 concentrations. The simulation data showed a high EDR-C18 stability in the membrane. We determined the optimal concentration to obtain an intact fluidity of the system and at the same time a high amount of antioxidant. On the basis on this simulation model, we created other MD systems in which we have investigated the effects of salts. We tested salt solutions already commonly used in the formulation of artificial tears, and we found that CaCl2 is better salt to use for our strategy. Such systems are extremely promising for the formulation of eye drops. Another antioxidant that we studied is the epigallocatechin3-gallate (EGCG). It has the ability to interact spontaneously with lipid system, for this reason, it was not functionalized. We carried out MD simulations creating mixed lipid systems to investigate the effects of the matrix on the EGCG encapsulation. In addition, we modulated on salt concentration and we found that the best model is the anionic lipid system with an amount of magnesium equal to 5:1 in molar ratio with EGCG the system in which all the EGCG introduced is encapsulated, maximizing the bioavailability of the antioxidant compound, that is able to reach the lipid medium of lacrimal tear and to retain in it.SCIENZE DELLA VITA E DELL'AMBIENTEembargoed_20181001Laudadio, EmilianoLaudadio, Emilian

    Some Evidence of the Impact on Non-Wage Labour Cost on Overtime Work and Employment

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    En autant qu'on peut considérer le coût des salaires comme un facteur essentiellement variable, il n'y a guère de motifs qui puissent justifier le recours au travail supplémentaire, si ce n'est dans des cas fortuits : surplus de commandes et absentéisme, par exemple. Cependant, si le coût du travail devient un facteur de production presque fixe, on pourra recourir aux heures supplémentaires délibérément, non plus en cas d'urgence seulement. En réalité, il y a beaucoup d'indices permettant de croire qu'une bonne partie du travail supplémentaire est prévu de longue date, ce qui démontre que les employeurs préfèrent verser davantage en salaire plutôt que d'augmenter le nombre de leurs employés. Comment cela peut-il s'expliquer? On en trouverait la motivation dans le coût de la formation en atelier et, ce qui plus est, dans le coût des avantages sociaux, comme les assurances médicales et les vacances payées.Le but du présent article est de tenter d'établir les interrelations entre la structure actuelle des taux pour travail supplémentaire, l'ampleur du coût des avantages sociaux par homme et le nombre d'heures supplémentaires accomplies. Une quantité donnée de production exige une certaine somme de travail et l'embauchage d'un certain nombre d'employés travaillant un nombre donné d'heures.Ces différents facteurs peuvent se combiner de diverses manières et l'employeur recherche la combinaison qui minimise davantage le coût de la main-d'oeuvre. Si le coût marginal de l'emploi s'élève par rapport au coût marginal des heures, l'emploi diminuera et le nombre des heures s'accroîtra.Cette explication théorique indique qu'il y a un rapport entre le nombre total d'heures supplémentaires autorisées et le coût de la main-d'oeuvre hormis le salaire proprement dit. Sans doute, il y a d'autres facteurs qui entrent en jeu, mais le seulvariable indépendant qui soit significatif, c'est le rapport entre ce coût et le nombre des heures supplémentaires.L'analyse scientifique que l'auteur a faite, a partir de données statistiques canadiennes, est fort intéressante en cette matière. Les résultats se révèlent utiles, non seulement aux spécialistes de l'économie du travail qui se doutaient de l'influence du coût des avantages sociaux sur le niveau de l'emploi, mais aussi aux hommes publics qui ont la responsabilité d'élaborer une législation du travail conforme aux buts sociaux qu'ils recherchent.Total labour costs can be considered to be a function of the hourly wage, a quasi-fixed component {mainly fringe benefits and training cost) and overtime rate. The theoretical model employee in this paper suggests that an increase in the ratio of quasi-fixed cost to overtime rate leads to an increase in the amount of scheduled overtime work instead of employment. The model, tested with Canadian data, yields statistically significant results

    Growth performance and carcass and meat quality of broiler chickens fed diets containing micronized-dehulled peas (Pisum sativum cv. Spirale) as a substitute of soybean meal

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    An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of diets containing peas on productive traits, carcass yields, and fatty acid profiles (breast and drumstick meat) of broiler chickens. Hubbard strain broiler chicks, divided into 2 groups, received from 14 d to slaughtering age (49 d) a wheat middlings-based diet containing soybean (190 g/kg) or micronized-dehulled peas (400 g/kg) as the main protein source. The inclusion of peas did not significantly change the growth performance of birds. The pea level had no effect on the dressing percentage, the percentage of breast or drumstick muscles, and abdominal fat. The muscles of birds fed the pea diet had significant (P < 0.05) lower L * (lightness) and b * (yellowness, drumstick muscle) values and fat content. Instead, total collagen and water-holding capacity values were higher in the pea treatment. The polyunsaturated fatty acid concentration in breast and drumstick muscles was significantly increased with the alternative protein source inclusion, whereas the saturated fatty acid was similar among treatments. The n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio of the broiler drumstick meat decreased significantly in the pea group. Dietary pea inclusion improved the saturation index of meat without altering atherogenic and thrombogenic indexes. It can be concluded that the pea treatment tested had a positive effect on the performance and meat quality of broiler chickens

    Treated fava bean (Vicia faba var. minor) as substitute for soybean meal in diet of early phase laying hens: Egg-laying performance and egg quality

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary dehulled-micronized fava bean (Vicia faba var. minor) seed on egg production, egg weight, feed conversion ratio, eggshell quality, and egg yolk color. In this trial, 18-wk-old laying hens in the early phase of production (ISA Brown) were randomly assigned to 2 groups and fed durum wheat middlings-based diets containing soybean or micronized-dehulled fava bean meal as the main protein source. Eggs were collected and weighed daily. Laying performance, egg quality, and feed conversion ratio were evaluated for 10 wk. The only significant effect detected was for feed intake (P < 0.05), which was lower in hens fed the diet containing fava bean than for hens fed soybean meal, without however any negative effects on feed efficiency. None of the egg quality parameters studied were influenced by dietary treatment, except for yolk color score that was reduced in hens fed the fava bean diet (P < 0.05). We conclude that dehulled-micronized fava beans in the diet did not have a negative influence on productive performance or egg quality of young brown hens

    Prediction of pressure fluctuation in sounding rockets and manifolded recovery systems

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    The determination of altitude by means of barometric sensors in sounding rocket applications is discussed. A method for predicting the performance of such sensing systems is needed. A method is developed for predicting the pressure-time response of a volume subjected to subsonic air flow through from one to four passages. The pressure calculation is based on one-dimensional gas flow with friction. A computed program has been developed which solves the differential equations using a self-starting predictor-corrector integration technique. The input data required are the pressure sensing system dimensions, pressure forcing function(s) at the inlet port(s), and a trajectory over the time of analysis (altitude-velocity-time), if the forcing function is trajectory dependent. The program then computes the pressure-temperature history of the gas in the manifold over the time interval specified
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