540 research outputs found


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    This study analyzed the students’ needs for English teaching materials which boost the development of their needs for English speaking competence. The research respondents were students of Senior High School 8 in Sidrap Regency.   The findings indicated that 1) students’ needs were having the skill to communicate in English and good preparation of English speaking skills to join the competition of job seeking (target needs), the need for English teaching materials in games and group work (learning needs). 2) Related to the teaching materials expected to meet students’ needs of learning English, some points were found fulfilled: 1) ability to communicate in English and to prepare students to compete in job seeking, 2) assist students to improve English speaking skills, 3) teaching materials from textbooks, social media, and games, and 4) contribution of teaching materials to students’ lack of speaking ability dues to the lack of vocabulary and good pronunciation

    Improving Reading Comprehension of The Tenth Grade Office Administration Students of SMK Negeri 1 Pinrang by Using Experience-Text-Relationship (ETR) Method

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    The objective of the research is to find out the improvement of the student’s reading comprehension after the researcher applies Experience-Text-Relationship (ETR) Method at the tenth grade office administration students of SMK Negeri 1 Pinrang. The research design in this research was pre-experimental method with one group pre-test, treatment and post-test. The population in this research was the tenth grade students’ office administration students of SMK Negeri 1 Pinrang consist of 105 students. The sample of this research was Class X Ap2 consist of 35 students. The researcher used purposive sampling because the teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Pinrang recommended this class. The researcher applies 30 items of multiple choice test. The result of this research indicated the students’ mean score in pre-test is 34.54 and mean score in post-test is 87.08. It can be concluded that the rate percentage in post-test was higher than the rate percentage in pre-test in teaching reading. This showed that Experience-Text-Relationship (ETR) method can improved students’ reading comprehension. Based on the result finding, the t-test was greater than the value of t-table (5.12 ≥ 2.021). This showed that Experience-Text-relationship (ETR) Method can improve students’ reading comprehension


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    As for most Indonesian learners of English, classroom is the only place to learn and to practice English either with classmates or teachers. However, they do not to have plenty of opportunities to practice in English when they leave the classrooms. This has encouraged many of the learners seek strategies that allow them to learn and to use English outside the walls of the classrooms. This paper aims to introduce an approach which can be used as an English learning strategy for EFL learners that they can learn and practice English outside the classroom. This approach is hereinafter referred to as the Society-Based English Community (SOBAT). Therefore, the discussion of this paper focuses on three main points. First, it presents a theoretical discussion on the SOBAT concept. Second, it introduces procedures that can be used by EFL learners to establish SOBAT. Third, it outlines several proposed activities that can be carried out in this community. Forming this community is believed to be able to provide four main benefits: providing the EFL learners with plenty of opportunities not only to learn but also to practice English collectively, forming a habit of using English as intensive as possible for the sake of establishing a community of English whose members actively communicate in English and use English the first lingua franca, giving the members a chance to become interactive, creative, active and effective EFL learners, developing their assertiveness, critical thinking, leadership, initiative as well as inclusiveness by taking a part in discussions and debates on important issues of this country

    Internal friction of ion exchanged Li₂O•Al₂O₃•2SiO₂ glasses

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    Li₂O•Al₂O₂•2SiO₂ glass fibers were ion-exchanged from 1 to 300 minutes in a sodium nitrate bath at 366ºC. The internal friction was measured along with the lithium and sodium concentration profiles. As sodium progressively replaced lithium, the alkali internal friction peak became smaller while a new peak (mixed alkali peak) appeared and increased in magnitude. These changes in the internal friction are similar to those that occur upon the addition of a second alkali to glasses prepared by conventional melting. The magnitude of both internal friction peaks in ion exchanged glasses was dependent on the overall glass composition. The magnitude of the alkali peak depended upon the unexchanged glass core, whereas that of the mixed alkali peak depended upon the exchanged layer on the glass surface. Dissolving the exchanged surface layer led to the restoration of the original alkali peak and the disappearance of the mixed alkali peak. Changing the alkali distribution did not affect much the mixed alkali peak, but caused the alkali peak to shift to higher temperatures and become smaller. The activation energy for both peaks remained essentially constant during ion exchange of the chilled fibers and this is attributed to the rigid network structure at 366ºC. The height of the alkali peak can be used to determine the maximum depth of penetration of the second alkali --Abstract, pages iv-v

    Estimation of the pesticide exposure during spraying among applicators.

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    Pesticide exposure used in paddy farming was estimated using whole body dosimetry. The respondents were applicators from Sekinchan, Selangor who participated voluntarily in this study. They were given cotton coveralls to wear before spraying pesticide in the fields. After they had completed their task, the coveralls were collected from pesticide applicators immediately. The coveralls were cut into nine pieces representing parts of the body from shoulder to leg to assess the part of the applicator‘s body that will be exposed the most to pesticide during spraying. Each cutting pieces of the coveralls was extracted using acetone: hexane (1:1) solvent mixture followed by cleanup using C-18 Solid Phase Extraction. The solvent extracts were analyzed for chlorpyrifos using GCMS. The result indicated that different pieces of the coveralls have different concentrations of chlorpyrifos residues. The highest concentration of chlorpyrifos residues was found at the bottom left leg and bottom right leg of the body. Biomonitoring of pesticide exposure was also performed on the same applicators using their urine samples collected four times that is before and within two days after spraying. The result showed that 2,3,6 trichloro 2-pyridinol (TCP), a chlorpyrifos metabolite was detected in the urine samples

    Hubungan keberkesanan latihan dengan prestasi kerja

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    This study aims to evaluate the training effectiveness and its relationship with the job performance of newly appointed customs officers who have undergone the Program Pengajian Asas Operasi Perkastaman (PPAOP) course at Royal Customs Academy (RCAM), Melaka. Data were gathered from 84 respondents using self administered questionnaires. Correlation analysis revealed that training seems to have a positive relationship with post training job performance. The study also showed there was a significant positive relationship between pre- and post-training job performance. The study showed that RCAM plays its role effectively in developing competent officers. It is suggested that RCAM should pay serious attention to the quality of methodology and teaching aids, facilitators, customs module and management module especially contents, methodology and teaching techniques


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    The impact of Foreign Direct Investment, export, economic growth and total fixed investment on unemployment in Turkey for the period of 1987-2007 was examined. Johansen cointegration technique was applied to determine long run relationship. The empirical findings suggest that there are two cointegrating vectors during the concerned period of time in Turkey

    Analysis of the benefits of livestock to oil palm in an integrated system : evidence from selected districts in Johor, Malaysia.

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    Symbiotic relationships have been known to exist in Livestock-oil palm integration; this survey demonstrates with statistical figures based on current evidence on only the benefits of livestock on oil palm in an integrated system. Data were collected from 255 respondents under smallholder scheme in districts of Johor for the 2011 production season; basic descriptive statistics and farm budget tools were used for analysis. Results indicate that farmers maintain an average farm size of 2.52 ha to obtain an average Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) yield of 18.45 t/ha/yr, representing 2.6 t/ha/yr or 14.1% increase in yield due to livestock integration, an average labour cost of RM5.12/manhour was estimated and Total Variable Cost (TVC) constitute 88% of cost of production as against 12% for Total Fixed Cost (TFC). The research also estimated a reduction in cost of weeding worth RM534.68/ha/yr; from RM568.17/ha/yr down to RM33.49/ha/yr; commensurate to 94% saved cost from weeding operations, 15% reduction in cost of labour and 8.6% reduction in total cost of production due to the influence of livestock grazing. Furthermore, analyses show that FFB accounts for the majority (81%) of the revenue in the integration system, while the livestock constitute (15%), Palm Oil Fronds (POF) (3%) and animal dung (0.03%). Although the revenue from the by-products is meager, but an indicator that revenue diversification is feasible to achieve increase in revenue and finally, a net income of RM7431.479/ha/yr was estimated. The production constraints identified in the smallholder livestock-oil palm integration were grouped into technical, economical, ecological and environmental constraints and suggestions were proffered on the management of the constraints with the view to minimize their militating effects for a more efficient and productive system to enhance better the income of the farmers

    Motivation of first-time, repeat, and serial backpackers: a Malaysian perspective

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    The objectives of this study are to identify the main travel motivations of Malaysian backpackers and to investigate the differences in travel motivations between different groups of backpackers namely; first-time, repeat, and serial backpackers. This study used convenience sampling approach, and the data were obtained through self-administered online survey of Malaysian backpackers. Based on a sample of 249, the non-normally distributed data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA), assessment of median scores and Kruskal-Wallis H tests. The findings show that the main factor which motivates Malaysian backpackers to go on a backpacking trip is stimulation (push), while the least is recognition (push). The results also indicated that there are differences in Malaysian backpackers’ motivation based on their travel experience level. The limitation of the study is that the samples are skewed toward females, and the majority (87%) are aged between 21 and 35 years old