5,649 research outputs found

    Speckle Interferometry of Metal-Poor Stars in the Solar Neighborhood. I

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    We report the results of speckle-interferometric observations of 109 high proper-motion metal-poor stars made with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We resolve eight objects -- G102-20, G191-55, BD+19^\circ~1185A, G89-14, G87-45, G87-47, G111-38, and G114-25 -- into individual components and we are the first to astrometrically resolve seven of these stars. New resolved systems included two triple (G111-38, G87-47) and one quadruple (G89-14) star. The ratio of single-to-binary-to-triple-to-quadruple systems among the stars of our sample is equal to 71:28:6:1.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Astrophysical Bulleti

    The Detection of Low Mass Companions in Hyades Cluster Spectroscopic Binary Stars

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    We have observed a large sample of spectroscopic binary stars in the Hyades Cluster, using high resolution infrared spectroscopy to detect low mass companions. We combine our double-lined infrared measurements with well constrained orbital parameters from visible light single-lined observations to derive dynamical mass ratios. Using these results, along with photometry and theoretical mass-luminosity relationships, we estimate the masses of the individual components in our binaries. In this paper we present double-lined solutions for 25 binaries in our sample, with mass ratios from ~0.1-0.8. This corresponds to secondary masses as small as ~0.15 Msun. We include here our preliminary detection of the companion to vB 142, with a very small mass ratio of q=0.06+-0.04; this indicates that the companion may be a brown dwarf. This paper is an initial step in a program to produce distributions of mass ratio and secondary mass for Hyades cluster binaries with a wide range of periods, in order to better understand binary star formation. As such, our emphasis is on measuring these distributions, not on measuring precise orbital parameters for individual binaries.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    HAT-P-55b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a Sun-like Star

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    We report the discovery of a new transiting extrasolar planet, HAT-P-55b. The planet orbits a V = 13.207 +/- 0.039 sun-like star with a mass of 1.013 +/- 0.037 solar masses, a radius of 1.011 +/- 0.036 solar radii and a metallicity of -0.03 +/- 0.08. The planet itself is a typical hot Jupiter with a period of 3.5852467 +/- 0.0000064 days, a mass of 0.582 +/- 0.056 Jupiter masses and a radius of 1.182 +/- 0.055 Jupiter radii. This discovery adds to the increasing sample of transiting planets with measured bulk densities, which is needed to put constraints on models of planetary structure and formation theories.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    HAT-P-16b: A 4 Mj Planet Transiting A Bright Star On An Eccentric Orbit

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    We report the discovery of HAT-P-16b, a transiting extrasolar planet orbiting the V = 10.8 mag F8 dwarf GSC 2792-01700, with a period P = 2.775960 +- 0.000003 d, transit epoch Tc = 2455027.59293 +- 0.00031 (BJD), and transit duration 0.1276 +- 0.0013 d. The host star has a mass of 1.22 +- 0.04 Msun, radius of 1.24 +- 0.05 Rsun, effective temperature 6158 +-80 K, and metallicity [Fe/H] = +0.17 +- 0.08. The planetary companion has a mass of 4.193 +- 0.094 MJ, and radius of 1.289 +- 0.066 RJ yielding a mean density of 2.42 +- 0.35 g/cm3. Comparing these observed characteristics with recent theoretical models, we find that HAT-P-16b is consistent with a 1 Gyr H/He-dominated gas giant planet. HAT-P-16b resides in a sparsely populated region of the mass{radius diagram and has a non-zero eccentricity of e = 0.036 with a significance of 10 sigma.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    The compact multiple system HIP 41431

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    The nearby (50 pc) K7V dwarf HIP 41431 (EPIC 212096658) is a compact three-tier hierarchy. Three K7V stars with similar masses, from 0.61 to 0.63 solar, make a triple-lined spectroscopic system where the inner binary with a period of 2.9 d is eclipsing, and the outer companion on a 59-d orbit exerts strong dynamical influence revealed by the eclipse time variation in the Kepler photometry. Moreover, the centre of mass of the triple system moves on a 3.9-yr orbit, modulating the proper motion. The mass of the fourth star is 0.35 solar. The Kepler and ground-based photometry and radial velocities from four different spectrographs are used to adjust the spectro-photodynamical model that accounts for dynamical interaction. The mutual inclination between the two inner orbits is 2{^{circ}.}16 ± 0{^{circ}.}11, while the outer orbit is inclined to their common plane by 21°±16°. The inner orbit precesses under the influence of both outer orbits, causing observable variation of the eclipse depth. Moreover, the phase of the inner binary is strongly modulated with a 59-d period and its line of apsides precesses. The middle orbit with eccentricity e = 0.28 also precesses, causing the observed variation of its radial velocity curve. Masses and other parameters of stars in this unique hierarchy are determined. This system is dynamically stable and likely old

    Dynamical Masses for Low-Mass Pre-Main Sequence Stars: A Preliminary Physical Orbit for HD 98800 B

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    We report on Keck Interferometer observations of the double-lined binary (B) component of the quadruple pre-main sequence (PMS) system HD 98800. With these interferometric observations combined with astrometric measurements made by the Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensors (FGS), and published radial velocity observations we have estimated preliminary visual and physical orbits of the HD 98800 B subsystem. Our orbit model calls for an inclination of 66.8 ±\pm 3.2 deg, and allows us to infer the masses and luminosities of the individual components. In particular we find component masses of 0.699 ±\pm 0.064 and 0.582 ±\pm 0.051 M_{\sun} for the Ba (primary) and Bb (secondary) components respectively. Modeling of the component SEDs finds temperatures and luminosities in agreement with previous studies, and coupled with the component mass estimates allows for comparison with PMS models in the low-mass regime with few empirical constraints. Solar abundance models seem to under-predict the inferred component temperatures and luminosities, while assuming slightly sub-solar abundances bring the models and observations into better agreement. The present preliminary orbit does not yet place significant constraints on existing pre-main sequence stellar models, but prospects for additional observations improving the orbit model and component parameters are very good.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, ApJ in press; tables 2 and 3 to be included in ApJ versio

    HAT-P-49b: A 1.7 M_J Planet Transiting a Bright 1.5 M_S F-Star

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    We report the discovery of the transiting extrasolar planet HAT-P-49b. The planet transits the bright (V = 10.3) slightly evolved F-star HD 340099 with a mass of 1.54M_S and a radius of 1.83 R_S. HAT-P-49b is orbiting one of the 25 brightest stars to host a transiting planet which makes this a favorable candidate for detailed follow-up. This system is an especially strong target for Rossiter- McLaughlin follow-up due to the fast rotation of the host star, 16 km/s. The planetary companion has a period of 2.6915 d, mass of 1.73 M_J and radius of 1.41 R_J. The planetary characteristics are consistent with that of a classical hot Jupiter but we note that this is the fourth most massive star to host a transiting planet with both M_p and R_p well determined.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journa

    HAT-P-15b: A 10.9-day Extrasolar Planet Transiting a Solar-type Star

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    We report the discovery of HAT-P-15b, a transiting extrasolar planet in the `period valley', a relatively sparsely-populated period regime of the known extrasolar planets. The host star, GSC 2883-01687, is a G5 dwarf with V=12.16. It has a mass of 1.01+/-0.04 M(Sun), radius of 1.08+/-0.04 R(Sun), effective temperature 5568+/-90 K, and metallicity [Fe/H] = +0.22+/-0.08. The planetary companion orbits the star with a period 10.863502+/-0.000027 days, transit epoch Tc = 2454638.56019+/-0.00048 (BJD), and transit duration 0.2285+/-0.0015 days. It has a mass of 1.946+/-0.066 M(Jup), and radius of 1.072+/-0.043 R(Jup) yielding a mean density of 1.96+/-0.22 g/cm3. At an age of 6.8+/-2.1 Gyr, the planet is H/He-dominated and theoretical models require about 2% (10 M(Earth)) worth of heavy elements to reproduce its measured radius. With an estimated equilibrium temperature of 820 K during transit, and 1000 K at occultation, HAT-P-15b is a potential candidate to study moderately cool planetary atmospheres by transmission and occultation spectroscopy.Comment: 12 pages with 10 figures and 6 tables in emulateapj format. Submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    HAT-P-4b: A metal-rich low-density transiting hot Jupiter

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    We describe the discovery of HAT-P-4b, a low-density extrasolar planet transiting BD+36 2593, a V = 11.2 mag slightly evolved metal-rich late F star. The planet's orbital period is 3.056536+/-0.000057 d with a mid-transit epoch of 2,454,245.8154 +/- 0.0003 (HJD). Based on high-precision photometric and spectroscopic data, and by using transit light curve modeling, spectrum analysis and evolutionary models, we derive the following planet parameters: Mp= 0.68 +/- 0.04 MJ, Rp= 1.27 +/- 0.05 RJ, rho = 0.41 +/- 0.06 g cm-3 and a = 0.0446 +/- 0.0012 AU. Because of its relatively large radius, together with its assumed high metallicity of that of its parent star, this planet adds to the theoretical challenges to explain inflated extrasolar planets.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ