1,550 research outputs found

    Prediction Based Efficient Resource Provisioning and Its Impact on QoS Parameters in the Cloud Environment

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    The purpose of this paper is to provision the on demand resources to the end users as per their need using prediction method in cloud computing environment. The provisioning of virtualized resources to cloud consumers according to their need is a crucial step in the deployment of applications on the cloud. However, the dynamical management of resources for variable workloads remains a challenging problem for cloud providers. This problem can be solved by using a prediction based adaptive resource provisioning mechanism, which can estimate the upcoming resource demands of applications. The present research introduces a prediction based resource provisioning model for the allocation of resources in advance. The proposed approach facilitates the release of unused resources in the pool with quality of service (QoS), which is defined based on prediction model to perform the allocation of resources in advance. In this work, the model is used to determine the future workload prediction for user requests on web servers, and its impact toward achieving efficient resource provisioning in terms of resource exploitation and QoS. The main contribution of this paper is to develop the prediction model for efficient and dynamic resource provisioning to meet the requirements of end users

    Synthesis of active electrocatalysts using glycine–nitrate chemistry

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    Due to sluggish oxygen reduction reactions, development in the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) field is stagnant. Two solutions, increasing the active surface or use of precious materials, can stimulate the oxygen reduction kinetics on electrodes. Thus, to gain both these benefits, the present article addressed the synthesis of high surface-area mixed oxide ionic–electronic conductor La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3-ÎŽ (LSCF) using chemistry of the propellant glycine–nitrate reaction. In this study, different fuel to oxidant ratios (ψ), 2.0, 2.6, and 3.0 were used to control the exothermicity of reaction and powder properties. The maximum reaction temperature of 1337 K at ψ = 3.0 resulted in coarsened powder. In contrast, comparatively less exothermicity of reaction at ψ = 2.0 resulted in powder with substantial Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area of 10.97 m2 g−1, with maximum powder compaction achieved at sintering of 1273 K. With optimal direct current in-plane electrical conductivity of 341 S cm−1, H2-temperature-programmed reduction showed excellent catalytic activity for the sample obtained at ψ = 2.0. The electrochemical performance comparisons of electrodes in two different cell geometries – with and without a gold catalytic current collecting layer (Au–CCCL) – revealed the least polarization and cell resistance in the cell with Au–CCCL. The electrode area specific resistance and cell conductivity using Au–CCCL were 0.097 Ω cm−2 and 0.15 S cm−1, respectively.publishe

    Investigating the terminology used to describe Ecstasy

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the changing use of language concerning the drug Ecstasy and their potential consequences over the last ten years. Design/methodology/approach – The research used metadata analysis of different resource types to assess the changing frequency with which the terms Ecstasy and MDMA occur. Findings – Since 2011 there has been an increase in the use of the term “MDMA” relative to “Ecstasy”. The prevalence of the term MDMA is higher than that of Ecstasy in both academic literature and web based information resources. This is also found in the public’s own use of the terms. The shift from one term to the other highlights the lack of uniformity in the way Ecstasy and MDMA are reported. This underlines the need for clarity and consistency in reporting this substance so that correct information is disseminated for use by the general public, law enforcement agencies and healthcare professionals. Originality/value – This paper establishes a time line for when the term MDMA began to be used which has not yet been reported on. It compares the relative frequency of the use of the terms Ecstasy and MDMA over time illustrating a change in use and language and whether Ecstasy is still an appropriate term to use

    Pre-main-sequence population in NGC 1893 region: X-ray properties

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    Continuing the attempt to understand the properties of the stellar content in the young cluster NGC 1893 we have carried out a comprehensive multi-wavelength study of the region. The present study focuses on the X-ray properties of T-Tauri Stars (TTSs) in the NGC 1893 region. We found a correlation between the X-ray luminosity, LXL_X, and the stellar mass (in the range 0.2−-2.0 \msun) of TTSs in the NGC 1893 region, similar to those reported in some other young clusters, however the value of the power-law slope obtained in the present study (∌\sim 0.9) for NGC 1893 is smaller than those (∌\sim1.4 - 3.6) reported in the case of TMC, ONC, IC 348 and Chameleon star forming regions. However, the slope in the case of Class III sources (Weak line TTSs) is found to be comparable to that reported in the case of NGC 6611 (∌\sim 1.1). It is found that the presence of circumstellar disks has no influence on the X-ray emission. The X-ray luminosity for both CTTSs and WTTSs is found to decrease systematically with age (in the range ∌\sim 0.4 Myr - 5 Myr). The decrease of the X-ray luminosity of TTSs (slope ∌\sim -0.6) in the case of NGC 1893 seems to be faster than observed in the case of other star-forming regions (slope -0.2 to -0.5). There is indication that the sources having relatively large NIR excess have relatively lower LXL_X values. TTSs in NGC 1893 do not follow the well established X-ray activity - rotation relation as in the case of main-sequence stars.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in New Astronom

    Association of psycho-wellness with various blood types in young medical students

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    Background: There are many stressors that affect student’s mental health. Many evidences indicate that individuals of different blood group have different response to same stressor, suggesting that the genetics of blood type also appear to alter susceptibility to develop neuropsychiatric disease. This study aimed to find out association of blood group with depression so early detection of depression and stress by blood types helps to reduce the overall burden of illness of young students thus improve their academic performance and social life.  Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 226 medical students. They are interrogated as per MMS scale to assess the psycho-wellbeing of students. ABO and Rh blood groups were determined by Anti sera A, Anti sera B and Anti sera D. Data were analysed with Primer version 6 and Chi-square.Results: In the present study it was observed that majority of students belong to blood group B (39.38%), followed by blood group 'O' (27.88%), 'A' (27.66%) and 'AB' (7.08%) respectively. Blood type A was more in red zone and more prone to PTSD (post traumatic syndrome disorders). Whereas blood type B was more prone to suicidal tendency. Proportion of psychomorbidity was found more in Rh+ than Rh (28.16% verse 15%). But these variations were statistically insignificant.  Conclusions: Blood type 'A' and 'Rh+' were more prone to psycho morbidity and ‘B’ for suicidal tendency, while 'O' had least suicidal tendency but this variation was not found significant. So it can be concluded that there is no association between blood type and psycho wellness of individual.

    Thermoluminescence of Cu doped ZnS nanoparticles

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    ZnS nanoparticles doped with Cu were synthesized by wet chemical route method at 4°C temperature. We have investigated the Thermoluminescence (TL) properties of the undoped ZnS and Cu doped ZnS with increase in Cu concentration from 0.5 millimole to 1.5 millimole and also study for different weight of Sodium Hexa Meta Phosphate (SHMP) capping agent from 2gm to 10gm. The XRD studies indicate that most of the samples are cubic in nature. The broadening of peaks tends to increase with increasing weight of capping agent showing decrease in particle size. The crystalline size computed using Scherer formula is found 2nm to 3nm. Absorption spectra show blue shift with different weight of capping agent. TL glow curve shows a single peak at 543 K temperature. Variation in TL intensity as a function of copper concentration is studied and 1mM is found to be the optimum concentration for TL. The trap parameters namely, activation energy (E), order of kinetics (b) and frequency factor(s) of ZnS: Cu sample have been determined using Chen’s method. The effect of heating rates and UV radiation dose for different time on TL glow curve has also been studied

    Maturity determination of red and white pulp dragon fruit

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    There is a huge potential for dragon fruits grown in India but insufficient information may hamper its production and postharvest handling. The aim of this study was to investigate the right harvest time and maturity indices for red and white pulp dragon fruit. Growth and developmental studies were undertaken using destructive (total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity and TSS: acid ratio) and non-destructive methods (fruit weight, specific gravity, peel colour and heat units). Fruits were collected at seven intervals (7, 14, 21, 26, 31, 36 and 41 days after flowering) to assess the right maturity. All these methods were used to standardize the optimum maturity and right time for the harvest of red and white pulp dragon fruit. Harvesting dragon fruits between 31-36 days after flowering (DAF) was found ideal for optimum maturity and quality. Both red and white pulp fruits harvested at 31 DAF showed better quality in terms of physic-chemical and sensory attributes

    Simultaneous detection of controlled substances in waste water

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    This study presents a method of simultaneous detection of both traditional and newly emerged drugs of abuse in wastewater. The method is based on solid phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. This analytical method separates 25 drugs from different classes including amphetamines, cathinones, tropane alkaloids, piperazines plus ketamine, amitriptyline, diazepam and morphine. In addition, newer compounds (methcathinone, mephedrone, butylone), and isomers (1-(2-methoxyphenyl) piperazine, 1-(4-methoxyphenyl) piperazine; 1-(2-flurophenyl) piperazine, 1-(4-flurophenyl) piperazine; 1-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl) piperazine, 1-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl) piperazine) have been separated, with greater sensitivity (×100 order of magnitude). This work reports the detection of butylone, mephedrone, 1-(4-methoxyphenyl) piperazine, 1-(2-flurophenyl) piperazine and 1-methyl-4-benzylpiperazine for the first time in waste water. This suggests that with changes in drug use patterns, constant monitoring of waste water entering treatment plants should be carried out and treatment processes need to be put in place for their removal
