22 research outputs found

    Target and PADC Track Detectors for Rare Isotope Studies

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    A higher yield of rare isotope production methods, for example, isotope separation on-line (ISOL), is expected to be developed for the EURISOL facility. In this paper as a part of the ongoing project, high power-target assembly and passive detector inclusion are given. Theoretical calculations of several configurations were done using Monte Carlo code FLUKA aimed to produce 1015 fiss/s on LEU-Cx target. The proposed radioactive ion beam (RIB) production relies on a high-power (4 MW) multibody target; a complete target design is given. Additionally we explore the possibility to employ PADC passive detector as a complementary system for RIB characterization, since these already demonstrated their importance in nuclear interactions phenomenology. In fact, information and recording rare and complex reaction product or short-lived isotope detection is obtained in an integral form through latent track formation. Some technical details on track formation and PADC detector etching conditions complete this study

    Radioactivity concentration and heavy metal content in fuel oil and oil-ashes in Venezuela

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    Environmental radiation levels are modified in regions where the oil industrial activity is more aggressive, such as in the Zulia State and the Orinoco´s Oil Belt. In these regions Venezuela is producing 1750 thousand barrels of oil from the near-to-the-surface or deep oil drilling, being its 2003 total OPEC market share 2932 thousand barrels of oil per day [1]. Petroleum constitutes an important source of energy and as the majority of natural sources it contains radionuclides and their disintegration products. The combustion of oil concentrates in the ashes those radioelements, which later enters the environment by different pathways producing adverse effects on the quality of man life. The concentration of radioelements varies greatly between oil fields, and then still requiring local survey studies in this area. Moreover due to the recent national interest in recycling processes, it becomes important to take care in the selection of materials that may contain by-products of industrial origin. In fact the oil ashes and other mining by-products are employable in the building industry. The concentration of radioactivity and heavy metals in crude oil, fuel oil Nº 6 and the ashes from power plants were determined. The analysis includes the two major thermoelectric power plants in Venezuela, Ricardo Zuluaga on the northern seaside of Caracas and Planta Centro on the littoral of Carabobo State. The study covers different samples: fuel oil No 6, heavy and medium petroleum as well as fuel Oil No6 ashes. Gamma spectrometry was used for measuring 226Ra, 214Pb, 214Bi, 228Ac, 212Pb, 212Bi, 208Tl and 40K, and heavy metallic cations were determined by ICP-MS, which also allows the direct determination of 232Th and 238U. In this material (oil ashes) the total activity concentration is above 300 Bq.kg-1. Some criteria from the literature have been compared and used to investigate the applicability of oil ashes as an additive for building materials. The combustion concentrate also heavy metal cations, as is the case of Pb, Ni, Mn, V, Zn among others. The found high metal concentrations can represent an important environmental risk since the high amount of sulfates in the Venezuelan oil and ashes contributes to their dissolution and bioavailability

    Algoritmo matemático eficiente para la resolución, por el método de diferencias finitas, de la ecuación de difusión-advección acoplada a modelos cinéticos de transferencia de seudo-primer orden

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    Los modelos cinéticos de seudo-primer orden han demostrado su utilidad para estudiar el comportamiento de una gran variedad sustancias: radionúclidos, metales pesados, pesticidas, petróleo, etc., siendo capaces de describir los procesos de intercambio con el sustrato o la retención de fluidos en estructuras porosas. Sin embargo, los modelos hidrodinámicos que incluyen la simulación de dichos procesos, están limitados por las exigencias computacionales que se derivan de resolver simultáneamente la difusión-advección y el transporte reactivo. En este trabajo se presenta un algoritmo que permite realizar éste cálculo reduciendo el tiempo de cómputo (hasta diez mil veces)The pseudo first order kinetic models have shown it usefulness to study the behavior of a great variety of substances: radionuclides, heavy metals, pesticides, oil, etc. These models are able to describe the complex exchange processes with the substrates or the partial retention of fluids in the porous structures. However, the hydrodynamic models which incorporate the numerical simulation of those processes are limited due to the computing exigencies when resolving the diffusion-advection together with the reactive transport. In this work we present an algorithm that allows this calculation reducing the computing time (up to 10 thousand times

    Environmental Alpha Radiation from the Soil at a Prehispanic Ancient Sacred Site in Lima, Perú

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    In the present work, we investigate the concentration of radon and its alpha-emitting progeny at the archaeological site of Huaca 20 in Lima, Peru. The site holds significant cultural and historical importance as an ancient pre-Inca ruin, providing valuable insights into the lives and rituals of its former inhabitants. We quantified the radon levels accurately with passive CR-39TM detectors deployed within specially designed chambers at the site for 28 days. In a controlled laboratory environment, we processed the detectors afterward, examining and analyzing the resulting tracks using advanced microscopy and the ImageJ analysis software. The ground-level concentration of radon and its alpha-emitting progeny was determined, revealing elevated levels ranging from (2.4 ± 0.6) to (8.9 ± 0.9) (kBq/m^3). These findings underscore the unique presence of radon at Huaca 20 and highlight the potential impact on microorganisms at ground level. Likewise, these results can contribute to studies on the radiological risks faced by visitors, excavators, and archaeologists. Finally, we show the spatial distribution of radon concentrations within the site by creating an iso-concentration map. The iso-concentration map reveals a relation between areas with elevated radon levels and the good preservation of funerary contexts

    The effect of customer perceived value on customer satisfaction: a case study of Malay upscale restaurants

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    Stiff competition and increasingly high operating costs have driven many international and domestic players to introduce new outlet concepts. Malay fine dining, upscale restaurant segment is gaining popularity among Malaysian, especially in Kuala Lumpur. This study examined the effect of perceived value on customer satisfaction in Malay upscale restaurants in terms of emotional responses, monetary prices, behavioral price and reputation. Primary data were gathered from 170 questionnaires returned by respondents from five Malay upscale restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, and statistically analysed using SPSS version 21. The findings of this study revealed that monetary prices had a high positive relationship with customer satisfaction. In addition, the beta value for emotional responses (β=0.530, p<0.01), behavioral price (β=0.180, p<0.01) and reputation (β=0.168, p<0.01) also indicated the respective contributions made to customer satisfaction

    Comprehensive Study of Natural Radioactivity in Building Materials: A Case Study in Ica, Peru

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    This study evaluates radon exhalation rates and assesses the potential radiological risks of external exposure to primordial radionuclides in building materials employed in the Ica region of Peru, particularly those with high uranium content. The radon exhalation rates are currently measured using a combination of a closed chamber and an active monitor. We proposed a novel method that effectively ensured a hermetic seal for the closed chamber and guaranteed that the efficient maintenance of secular equilibrium. The obtained results ranged from below the detection limit (BDL) to a maximum of 52.3 mBq · kg−1h−1. Gamma spectrometry was employed to measure the concentrations of radionuclides by utilizing a 3′ × 3′ NaI detector. The analysis of cement samples revealed a strong positive correlation between the activity concentration of radium and the radon exhalation rate. The activity concentrations for radionuclides varied, with values ranging from BDL to 60.6 mBq · kg−1h−1 for 226Ra, BDL to 22.3 mBq · kg−1h−1 for 232Th, and BDL to 1074 mBq · kg−1h−1 for 40K. These findings contribute valuable insight to decision-making processes in the Peruvian construction industry, particularly regarding material safety and radiological risk management

    Radiaciones ionizantes y su impacto Primer Simposio Internacional sobre Medioambiente (ISE 2017)

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    Son ya varias las décadas en las que en América Latina se ha trabajado arduamente sobre las radiaciones ionizantes; tanto en las ionizantes directas, tales como las partículas beta positivas y negativas, las partículas alfa, los protones, los mesones cargados, los muones y los iones pesados, así como también en las ionizantes indirectas (las producidas por partículas sin cargas), como las generadas por fotones con energías superiores a los 10 keV y los neutrones. Por otro lado, las radiaciones no ionizantes también han sido objeto de detallados estudios, y muy especialmente las provenientes del Sol, como el factor natural más influyente sobre la Tierra. En esta obra se presentan algunos de los avances en los que han participado reconocidos científicos latinoamericanos, como el Dr. Héctor Vega Carrillo, Dr. Daniel Palacios, Dra. Patrizia Pereyra, Dra. Sheila Serrano, y el Dr. Manuel Ernesto Delgado, entre otros. Esta obra puede ser de interés para profesionales del área de la protección radiológica, la ingeniería ambiental, física de la atmósfera y áreas afines, así como para estudiantes

    Chernóbil, una visión global

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    Se rese&ntilde;an las causas del accidente y los informes sobre la mortalidad causada por el mismo seg&uacute;n reportes cient&iacute;ficamente autorizados emitidos a los 20 a&ntilde;os por el Organismo Internacional de Energ&iacute;a At&oacute;mica (OIEA) y el World Health Organization (WHO) haciendo notar que la mortalidad fue y ha sido exagerada por razones de &iacute;ndole pol&iacute;tica. Para poner en perspectiva el da&ntilde;o debido al accidente se rese&ntilde;an otros desastres como son 1.- las pruebas nucleares realizadas por razones belicistas por USA, USSR, Inglaterra, Francia, China, India, Paquist&aacute;n y Corea del Norte. 2.- El accidente de Bohpal en la India, 3.- La mortalidad debida al uso de carb&oacute;n para generar energ&iacute;a, 4.-El accidente de TACOA y 5.- La mortandad anual por violencia en Venezuela. Dada la demanda mundial por energ&iacute;a el&eacute;ctrica y el actual rechazo al uso del uranio en reactores nucleares, se rese&ntilde;a una alternativa: el reactor de torio de sal fundida que presenta ventajas que resuelven casi todas las causas del rechazo al uso de la energ&iacute;a nuclear