69 research outputs found


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    Honey that has a moisture content above 22% should be done moisture reduction process. reduction of water content is done so that honey does not undergo fermentation and has a longer shelf life. One of the ways that can be used to reduce water content in honey is evaporation. Evaporation is of converting some of the water content in the material into steam by utilizing temperatures close to the boiling point of water. However, the minor content of honey, such as the diastase enzyme, is very sensitive to high temperatures. Therefore, vacuum evaporation is used so that the process uses a lower temperature to minimize the damage to the diastase enzyme. The research method was carried out in 3 stages, namely sampling, evaporation process, and sample testing. The results of this study indicate that the process of vacuum evaporation and vacuum cooling can change the proximate content of cassava honey to comply with SNI

    Desain Dan Uji Prototipe Alat Pasteurisasi Susu Berbasis Teknologi Irradiasi Ultraviolet (Kajian Dosis Uv)

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    The process of milk pasteurization generally use thermal method. The method can cause microorganisms inactive on the other side, the method result in the degradation of quality food. An alternative method that can be used is by using technology of ultraviolet irradiation. Ultraviolet light has short wavelength with a very strong antimicrobacterialenergy.The mechanism of its wor is by absorbing the energy by nucleid acid without causing damaged on the surface of cel. The absorbed energy will cause the bonding of tymine (dimer tymine) so that the function of nucleic acid is disturbed and it cause the dead of microorganism (Lay and of Hastowo, 1992). The devices used in this research are ultraviolet lamp type C, spiral hose, supporting frame, materials containers and the devices for measuring the amount of microbes, fat, specific gravity and colour. Materials used in this research is fresh milk that obtained from KUD DAU Malang. The result are pasteurization process with UV irradiation decrease microorganisms and fat in milk

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pengasin Telur Puyuh (Coturnix coturnix) Berbasis Dehidrasi Osmosis Bertekanan Statis

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    Abstrak Pengasinan merupakan salah satu metode pengawetan telur puyuh yang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 14 hari jika dilakukan secara konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang alat pengasin telur puyuh yang mampu mengurangi waktu pembuatan telur puyuh asin. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pembuatan rancang bangun alat pengasin telur puyuh berbasis dehidrasi osmosis bertekanan statis serta pengujian alat pengasin dan telur puyuh yang dihasilkan. Parameter alat yang diuji adalah kebocoran tekanan dan tekanan maksimum. Parameter telur puyuh hasil pengasinan yang diamati adalah kerusakan fisik, kandungan kadar air, kadar garam dan kadar lemaknya untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian larutan garam dan lama perendaman yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan alat pengasin telur puyuh berbasis dehidrasi osmosis bertekanan statis dibuat dengan diameter 22 cm dan tinggi 20 cm. Kapasitas tampung alat sebanyak 330 butir atau sekitar 3,5 kg telur puyuh. Terjadi kebocoran tekanan pada alat sebesar 0,05 bar setiap 15 menit dari total tekanan 1 bar yang digunakan dengan Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) dari alat sebesar 5,56 bar. Alat pengasin telur mampu mengasinkan telur puyuh dengan waktu 30-90 menit dengan kadar garam terendah 1,63% dan kadar garam tertinggi 2,3%. Telur puyuh asin yang dihasilkan telah memenuhi SNI 01-4277-1996 mengenai standar telur asin yang mengharuskan telur asin memiliki kadar garam minimum sebesar 2,0%. Kata kunci: garam, pengawetan, pengujian, perancangan Abstract Salting is one method of preserving quail eggs that requires around 14 days of conventional process. This study aims to design a quail egg salting appliance that can make salted quail eggs faster. The method used is salted quail egg appliance design, based on static pressure osmosis dehydration and testing of the salting appliance and quail eggs produced. The parameters of the salting appliance are maximum pressure and pressure leaks. Parameters of quail egg salting results observed were physical damage, moisture content, salt content and fat content to determine the effect of giving salt solutions and different immersion times. The results showed that quail egg salting appliance based on static pressure osmosis dehydration was made with a diameter of 22 cm and a height of 20 cm. The capacity of the appliance is 330 quail eggs or about 3.5 kg of quail eggs. There is a pressure leak on the appliance of 0.05 bar every 15 minutes from the total pressure of 1 bar used with the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) of the tool at 5.56 bars. Egg salting appliance can marinate quail eggs with 30-90 minutes with the lowest salt content of 1.63% and 2.3% highest. Salted quail eggs produced have met SNI 01-4277-1996 regarding the standard of salted eggs which require salted eggs to have a minimum salinity of 2.0%. Keywords: design, preservation, salt, testin

    Low Budget Respirometer Chamber Design Based on Wireless Sensor Network

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    Fresh fruit respiration information is essential optimizing food storage systems. Meanwhile, respiration is defined as the process of oxygen production and carbon dioxide release during storage in a closed respiratory chamber. Therefore, this study aims to design a low-budget computerized respiratory chamber for enhancing fruit packaging and storage system. Real-time fruit respiration can be measured by applying wireless gas sensors network. The respirometer consisted of 3,600 mL glass jar with a screw stainless lid, while the electrochemical and non-dispersive infrared sensors were mounted on the cover of the glass jar for collecting data on the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and temperature during mangoes’ respiration. Arduino USB port was used to record all measured parameters consisting of oxygen (%) and carbon dioxide concentrations (ppm, as well as temperature in the respiration chamber. Additionally, a controlled cooling chamber was applied to maintain the temperature during storage, while data communication was supported by Xbee S2C based on radio frequency. According to the respirometer real-time reading, there was a decrease in oxygen concentration caused by increasing carbon dioxide release with temperature. The low-budget respirometer was used to measure the respiration rate and record the data through a wireless sensor network system. The data plot shows that the respiration rate increased as the storage temperature and the respiratory quotient ranged from 0.32-0.44

    Antioxidant Deterioration in Active Composite Film during Storage

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    Pure polylactic acid is widely used for packaging, but it has limitation due to its oxygen barrier property. We investigated oxygen scavenging active packaging by incorporating synthetic antioxidant butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT) into matrix composite film (plasticized polylactic acid-natrium montmorillonite/NaMMT) using direct casting. The 2.2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) or antiradical activity was used to investigate oxygen scavenging of butylated hydroxytoluene in PLA active composite film during 15 storage days at 30oC. Oxygen permeability was calculated by using ASTM F3136-15 method. BHT oxidation rate of the active film composite film was 0.043 times per day. The BHT was estimated fully deteriorate after 108 storage days. The research revealed that the oxygen barrier property improved by 2.3 times compared to the passive polylactic composite film. BHT concentration between 5-10% was enough to significantly reduce oxygen permeability value. Oxygen permeability value and antiradical activity deterioration was significant correlated at 97 to 99 percents
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