119 research outputs found

    PIK3C2G in Multiform Glioblastoma

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    From the Washington University Office of Undergraduate Research Digest (WUURD), Vol. 12, 05-01-2017. Published by the Office of Undergraduate Research. Joy Zalis Kiefer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Associate Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences; Lindsey Paunovich, Editor; Helen Human, Programs Manager and Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences Mentor: Milan Chhed

    Serviceorientiertes Mehrkanal-Beaconing in Fahrzeug-Ad-hoc-Netzen

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    The interconnection of vehicles is an important topic concerning the enhancement of traffic safety and trffic efficiency. Therefore, vehicles exchange position and state information with each other to establish an awareness level for the calculation of collision probabilities with their neighbors. To recognize critical safety situations it is essential to receive information reliably. However, these systems are typically based on wireless ad-hoc networks that cannot guarantee reliable packet transmission. This is especially the case in situations where a high number of communication nodes exist. The aim of this work at hand is the definition of a beaconing algorithm that enables the establishment of a desired awareness level for critical safety situations especially in high density traffic scenarios. First, representative scenarios for collision detection and collision avoidance were specified and metrics for the evaluation of the beaconing algorithms were defined. Based on these metrics the performance of beaconing algorithms with different static periodical update rates was evaluated. It is presented that these kinds of beaconing algorithms cannot provide sfficient results with respect to the required constant information throughput in high density traffic situations. To provide a high awareness level for each vehicle in its individual situation in spite of an unreliable communication channel a service-oriented beaconing approach is dened in this work. It is based on a request/response communication scheme to compensate particular packet loss. Hereby, a broadcast and a unicast occurrence of the algorithm are defined accordingly to the corresponding representative scenarios. It is presented that the service-oriented beaconing approach provides a signicant benefit with respect to the information throughput for low and middle traffic density situations. However, in high density situations the benefit of this approach is decreasing due to the increased communication overhead. This is a result of using one single communication channel. To achieve a high awareness level also in high density trac situations, a signi- cant modification was defined. Therefore, the usage of multiple communication channels was introduced to distribute the communication load over several channels. It is specified to send all service responses on a dedicated service channel to reduce the load on the control channel where the service requests are transmitted. After an extensive evaluation of the multi-channel utilization in vehicle ad-hoc networks using IEEE 802.11p it is shown that the multi-channel version of the service-oriented beaconing approach can achieve significant benefits concerning the information throughput for the collision detection and collision avoidance scenarios even in high density traffic situations.Die Vernetzung von Fahrzeugen untereinander ist ein wichtiger Aspekt im Hinblick auf die Erh�ohung der Verkehrssicherheit und -effizienz. Daf�ur tauschen Fahrzeuge mit ihren Nachbarn Positions- und Zustandsinformationen aus, um eine Wissensbasis zur Berechnung von Kollisionswahrscheinlichkeiten aufzubauen. Um kritische Situationen erkennen zu können, ist es notwendig, Informationen zuverl�assig empfangen zu können. Allerdings werden zur Umsetzung derartiger Systeme typischerweise WLAN-basierte Ad-hoc-Netze verwendet, welche vor allem bei einer hohen Anzahl an Teilnehmern keine zuverlässige Übertragung von Nachrichten gewährleisten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen Beaconing-Algorithmus zu entwickeln, welcher es ermöglicht bei jeder Fahrzeugdichte die geforderte Wissensbasis zur Erkennung von sicherheitskritischen Situationen aufzubauen. Aufbauend auf der Spezifizierung der Situationen zur Kollisionserkennung und Kollisionsvermeidung und den damit definierten Metriken zur Beurteilung von Beaconing Algorithmen, wird zun�achst die Güte von Beaconing-Ansätzen mit unterschiedlichen statischen Beacon-Wiederholratn untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass dieser Ansatz die Anforderungen nach einem gleichbleibenden Informationsdurchsatz bei hohen Fahrzeugdichten nicht erfüllen kann. Um trotz der unzuverlässigen Nachrichtenübertragung den geforderten Informationsdurchsatz in Abhängigkeit der individuellen Situation eines jeden Fahrzeugs zu gew�ahrleisten, wird in dieser Arbeit ein serviceorientierter Beaconing-Ansatz eingeführt. Hierbei wird jeweils eine Variante für die entsprechende spezifizierte Situation definiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass der serviceorientierte Ansatz unter Nutzung von einem Kommunikationskanal bei niedrigen und mittleren Fahrzeugdichten eine Verbesserung des Informationsdurchsatzes erzielen kann. Bei hohen Fahrzeugdichten sinkt der Mehrwert allerdings aufgrund des hohen Nachrichtenaufkommens. Auf diesen Erkenntnissen wird eine Mehrkanal- Variante des Beaconing-Ansatzes vorgeschlagen. Hierbei sollen zur Serviceerbringung gesonderte Kan�ale genutzt werden, um die Kommunikationslast besser verteilen zu können. Nach einer ausgiebigen Evaluierung der Mehrkanalnutzung in Fahrzeuge-Ad-hoc-Netzen und unter Berücksichtigung der dabei existierenden Einschränkungen kann gezeigt werden, dass die Mehrkanal-Variante des serviceorientierten Beaconing-Ansatzes signifikante Verbesserungen für den Informationsdurchsatz sowohl in der Kollisionserkennungs- als auch Kollisionsvermeidungsphase über alle Fahrzeugdichten erzielen kann

    « De la singularité de l’événement à Mai 68 : le sens de l’universel »

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    Vingt ans après la publication de son premier Manifeste pour la philosophie (Paris, Seuil, 1989), Alain Badiou publie ces temps-ci un Second manifeste pour la philosophie (Paris, Fayard, 2009) L’entretien qui suit prend pour point de départ ce qui le retient : une vérité est à la fois produite avec des matériaux particuliers, dans un monde défini, et cependant, reconnue, comprise dans un monde différent, à des distances temporelles immenses, elle est aussi transtemporelle. Aliocha Wald Lasows..

    Newborn mid-upper arm circumference identifies low-birth weight and vulnerable infants: A secondary analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Low birth weight (LBW) infants are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Identification of LBW may not occur in settings where access to reliable scales is limited. Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) may be an accessible, low-cost measure to identify LBW and vulnerable infants. OBJECTIVES: We explored the validity of newborn MUAC in identifying LBW and vulnerable newborns in rural Sierra Leone. METHODS: This study was a secondary analysis of infant data from a randomized controlled clinical trial of supplementary food and anti-infective therapies compared with standard care for undernourished pregnant women. Data for singleton liveborn infants with birth measurement and 6-mo survival data were included in this analysis. The primary outcome was validity of MUAC in identifying low-birth weight (LBW) neonates. Secondary outcomes included validity of MUAC and head circumference (HC) in identifying weight-for-length RESULTS: The study population included 1167 infants, 229 (19.6%) with LBW. Birth MUAC ( CONCLUSIONS: MUAC was used successfully to identify LBW infants and infants at risk of neonatal mortality in Sierra Leone. Further evidence is needed to support increased use of newborn MUAC measurement to identify LBW infants and infants at risk of neonatal mortality in community settings where scales are not available. Primary trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT03079388. LAY SUMMARY: Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) can be used to identify infants with low birth weight and infants at risk for neonatal mortality, with an MUAC ≤9.0 cm indicating the highest risk

    A novel intervention combining supplementary food and infection control measures to improve birth outcomes in undernourished pregnant women in Sierra Leone: A randomized, controlled clinical effectiveness trial

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    BACKGROUND: Innovations for undernourished pregnant women that improve newborn survival and anthropometry are needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 3. This study tested the hypothesis that a combination of a nutritious supplementary food and several proven chemotherapeutic interventions to control common infections would increase newborn weight and length in undernourished pregnant women. METHODS AND FINDINGS: This was a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical effectiveness trial of a ready-to-use supplementary food (RUSF) plus anti-infective therapies compared to standard therapy in undernourished pregnant women in rural Sierra Leone. Women with a mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) ≤23.0 cm presenting for antenatal care at one of 43 government health clinics in Western Rural Area and Pujehun districts were eligible for participation. Standard of care included a blended corn/soy flour and intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy (IPTp). The intervention replaced the blended flour with RUSF and added azithromycin and testing and treatment for vaginal dysbiosis. Since the study involved different foods and testing procedures for the intervention and control groups, no one except the authors conducting the data analyses were blinded. The primary outcome was birth length. Secondary outcomes included maternal weight gain, birth weight, and neonatal survival. Follow-up continued until 6 months postpartum. Modified intention to treat analyses was undertaken. Participants were enrolled and followed up from February 2017 until February 2020. Of the 1,489 women enrolled, 752 were allocated to the intervention and 737 to the standard of care. The median age of these women was 19.5 years, of which 42% were primigravid. Twenty-nine women receiving the intervention and 42 women receiving the standard of care were lost to follow-up before pregnancy outcomes were obtained. There were 687 singleton live births in the intervention group and 657 in the standard of care group. Newborns receiving the intervention were 0.3 cm longer (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.09 to 0.6; p = 0.007) and weighed 70 g more (95% CI 20 to 120; p = 0.005) than those receiving the standard of care. Those women receiving the intervention had greater weekly weight gain (mean difference 40 g; 95% CI 9.70 to 71.0, p = 0.010) than those receiving the standard of care. There were fewer neonatal deaths in the intervention (n = 13; 1.9%) than in the standard of care (n = 28; 4.3%) group (difference 2.4%; 95% CI 0.3 to 4.4), (HR 0.62 95% CI 0.41 to 0.94, p = 0.026). No differences in adverse events or symptoms between the groups was found, and no serious adverse events occurred. Key limitations of the study are lack of gestational age estimates and unblinded administration of the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we observed that the addition of RUSF, azithromycin, more frequent IPTp, and testing/treatment for vaginal dysbiosis in undernourished pregnant women resulted in modest improvements in anthropometric status of mother and child at birth, and a reduction in neonatal death. Implementation of this combined intervention in rural, equatorial Africa may well be an important, practical measure to reduce infant mortality in this context. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03079388

    Peindre, Ă©crire, Ă©chafauder

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    « Hé, Titi », souffle Lolo par la fenêtre ouverte : « Viens-tu voir guillotiner ?... » Montés sur les épaules l’un de l’autre, bousculant les passants, grimpant au réverbère, pour rien au monde Titi et Lolo ne voudraient manquer le spectacle de ces trois condamnés qui, place de Grève, montent à l’échafaud. Encore n’est-ce rien à côté de ce que la machine a pu produire dans ses meilleurs jours : « Ce n’est rien que ça. Mon père en a vu jusqu’à des soixante par jour ; dans la révolution, qu’les..

    De la beauté des femmes

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    Il me semble souvent que la littérature romanesque du XIXe siècle nous convie à ce bal où furent admis uniquement les proches, les enfants de ceux qui sont montés sur l’échafaud. Ce fut là, écrit Octave Uzanne qu’on vint bientôt « contempler les nouvelles Modes du jour, et les jeunes filles qui y dansaient les valses de récente importation rivalisaient de toilettes et de grâces », Les Modes de Paris. Devenu après les tumultes de la Terreur le point de mire de tout Paris, le bal des victimes f..

    Traité des silhouettes

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    Depuis la charrette des condamnés qui mène à l’échafaud, l’œil grand ouvert sur la lunette, la foule admire l’appareil révolutionnaire de cette mise à mort. Des corps qu’on y traîne, attachés sur la bascule, la tête seule, soudainement, paraît, engagée dans la gangue, clouée au pilori, dans l’attente du couperet. On imagine alors un instant de silence. La pose est prise. Ne bougeons plus. Déclic de guillotine, – et la tête tranchée : « Tu montreras ma tête au peuple, elle en vaut la peine. » ..
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