48 research outputs found

    Selected Intangible Factors Of Regional Development: An Analysis Of Spatial Relationships

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    The large diversification of human and social capital in the Polish subregions has been confirmed. Clusters of regions with low levels of human capital have been indicated, whereas in the case of social capital a grouping of its high values was observed. The research also confirmed the positive correlation between GNP per capita and human capital, with high values of both variables in the larget cities. Additionally, there are some subregions with high levels of economic development surrounded by low levels of human and social capital (Łódź, Szczecin, Wrocław). It is possible that high level of GNPpc in these regions was the incentive causing the relocation of human capital from the neighbouring regions. The correlation between GNPpc and social capital, where significant, is of the low-high type. These subregions are located in the east and south of Poland

    The Determinants of Total Factor Productivity in Polish Subregions. Panel Data Analysis

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    The mail goals of the paper are: to estimate the level of TFP in the years 2003-2009 at the level of subregions, and to define the factors which determine this estimated TFP level. The first hypothesis being verified is, that the role of the quality of human capital in stimulating long-run economic growthis crucial and can be measured by the model. The second hypothesis is, that there are some factors affecting the TFP level which are common in all subregions.Główne cele badań prezentowanych w artykule są następujące: oszacowanie wartości TFP w latach 2003-2009 w podregionach, a następnie określenie czynników determinujących łączną produktywność czynników produkcji. Z zastosowaniem modelu ekonometrycznego podjęto próbę weryfikacji hipotezy, iż jakości kapitału ludzkiego odgrywa istotną rolę w stymulowaniu długookresowego wzrostu gospodarczego. Zgodnie z kolejną hipotezą istnieją czynniki wpływające na poziom TFP, wspólne dla wszystkich podregionów

    The Importance Of Human Capital For The Economic Development Of EU Regions

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    According to the research results, the highest levels of human capital are typical of the most affluent regions in Western Europe, while its lowest levels are found in the poorest countries that became EU members only recently and in countries in southern Europe, including Greece. The spatial correlation measures confirm that spatial relationships have effect on the regional resources of human capital, showing that regions rich in human capital border on regions that are similar to them in that respect. The results of the spatial growth regression indicate that the amount of human capital in the region has a significant and positive effect on its GDP per capita

    The analysis of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Poland

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    Introduction: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is defined in literature similarly as a sudden and unexpected death of an infant occurring during sleep and, at the same time, causes of which cannot be explained based on anamnesis, circumstances of death or comprehensive post-mortem examinations. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is considered to be the most frequent cause of death among infants in the developed countries. Incidence of SIDS in the whole world ranges from about 0.1 to 6.0/1,000 live births. As much as 90% concerns deaths in the first year of life of a child, whereas 70% stands for deaths for which the cause remains unknown. In SIDS, about 90% of cases concern children under 1 year old and, in particular, at the age of between 2 and 4 months.The aim: The aim of the study was to present the most significant aspects of SIDS as well as description and analysis of risk factors for occurrence of sudden infant death syndrome based on statistical data.Materials and methods: For the purpose of the study, the secondary data analysis and desk research technique have been applied. The analysis is based on statistical data from the time period 2009-2014 released by the Central Statistical Office of Poland.Results: In 2009-2014, the highest number of deaths of infants and new-borns was reported in 2009 with the number being as high as 2,327. In the following years, the number of deaths of new-borns and infants systematically decreased. In 2010 it was 2,057 and in 2011 – 1,836, in 2012 – 1,791, in 2013 – 1,684, and in 2014 – 1,583. The highest number of deaths of boys was reported in 2009 – 1,298, while the number of deaths of girls in that year, although it was the highest in the analysed period, was lower – 1,029.Conclusions: cases of death were more frequent among boys rather than girls. The highest number of deaths was reported among infants under the age of one month and the number decreased with an increasing infants’ age. More cases of death were reported in the city area rather than in a village

    Standards of analgesic treatment versus hospital practice

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    Introduction: Pain remedying is a fundamental patient law. Modern medicine is acknowledging the mechanism and the warp of pain, commanding more efficient therapeutic means allowing to control the pain.  Multidirectional pain therapy uses variable techniques and medicines which enables to maximize the analgesic effect during the reduction of side effects of each method.Objective: Evaluation of applying standards of analgesic treatment in hospital practice.Material and methods: There were 100 people with severe pain who underwent surgical and orthopedic treatment, as well as, the ones with chronic pain, staying in neurological ward who took part in the examination. Choice of examined patients was random and embraced hospitals patients in the Podkarpackie voivodeship with “Szpital bez Bólu” (eng.: Hospital without pain) certificate.  Examined group comprised of : 57% of women and 44% of men, living in rural (56%) and urban (44%) area. Research methods used in the examinations, were diagnostic opinion poll, records analysis and pain measurements.Results: 42 % of patients can feel the pain intermittently, 37% is not able to estimate how often do pain ailments occur, however, 21% of people suffer from chronic pain ailments. Patients have estimated their pain as follows: severe (26%), difficult to determine (20%), shooting (16%), burning (15%), radiating (10%), dull (8%), stinging (3%) and the one which appears when touched (2%). Having estimated the pain intensity, 53% of respondents claimed that they feel medium pain intensity and 33% claimed to have felt great pain. Nurses in the post-op (54%) and anesthesiologist (26%) are the one, to inform patient about possibilities and eventual methods of post-operative pain management.Conclusions: Pain limits physical functioning of patient. Five-stage scales included in the examination, were VAS and VRS which are sufficient in prophylaxis and pain alleviation but not entirely readable and understandable for all patients. Education of patient influences on the awareness and abilities of evaluating the pain

    The analysis of incidence of risk factors of neoplastic diseases among patients with a diagnosed neoplastic disease

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    Introduction: Risk of neoplastic diseases in the whole world’s population has been increasing regularly. Thanks to the GLOBACAN data base operating under the auspices of the International Union Against Cancer it has been reported that up to 2002 10,900,000 of new cases of cancer were diagnosed and 6,700 deaths were reported. According to the World Health Organization, in 2020 we may expect about 10 million deaths, including 7-8 millions in the developing countries, while this number in the developed countries will not change and will be 2-3 million. The world’s most frequently occurring tumour is lung cancer. It accounts for 12.4% of all tumours diagnosed. According to the epidemiological research, the basic factors responsible for cancer development among people are those environmental factors that result from humans’ behaviour.Objective: The objective is to analyze the occurrence of risk factors of a neoplastic disease among patients with a diagnosed oncological disease.Material and methods: The research involved 500 patients of the oncology department. Women accounted for more than a half of all patients, namely 58%, while men 42%. In order to obtain the research material, a standardized questionnaire has been applied, including interview and physical examination, enabling assessment and analysis of occurrence of cancer risk factors.Results: The most frequently diagnosed tumour among women is breast cancer (20%), while among men the most frequently occurring is prostate cancer (10%). 20% of women and 10% of men lived near high-voltage line. 11% of women were active smokers while 6% passive smokers. When it comes to men, 18% were active smokers, while 5% passive smokers.Conclusions: The most frequent cancer among women is breast cancer, while among men prostate cancer. Smoking does not have a significant influence on cancer development in women, however, it has a significant influence on cancer development in men. Overweight and obesity have a significant influence on cancer development in women, while they have insignificant influence on cancer development in men


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    Problematyka rozwoju regionalnego jest jednym z ważniejszych kierunków badań we współczesnych naukach ekonomicznych. Niniejsza publikacja wpisuje się w szeroko rozumiany nurt badań regionalnych, lokalnych i przestrzenno-czasowych. W szczególności poruszane są w niej zagadnienia zrównoważonego rozwoju, gospodarek opartych na wiedzy, funkcjonowania samorządów regionalnych. Prezentowane analizy zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem zróżnicowanych narzędzi, takich jak: metody i modele ekonometrii przestrzennej, eksploracyjna analiza danych przestrzennych, metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej, hurtowni danych (Data Warehouse) i narzędzi Business Intelligence. Książka jest adresowana do praktyków gospodarczych, analityków, naukowców, studentów i do wszystkich zajmujących się problematyką empirycznych badań regionalnych

    A Chinese tea phenomenon : trends of consumption in Poland in relation to pro-ecological behavior

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    PURPOSE: Poland is the third tea consumer in Europe and after World War II it became beloved beverage of Poles. The study aimed to determine the knowledge, preferences, and habits of Polish consumers regarding the consumption of Chinese tea. Due to urgent need of currently shaping pro-ecological awareness of single consumers become the important trend allowing for implementation of sustainable development rules trough “acting locally and thinking globally”.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The article presents the results of a survey conducted in Poland in the years 2016-2017 among 622 respondents.FINDINGS: The results showed that Chinese tea, especially green tea, is a popular tea infusion in Poland. Most often it is purchased in shops and tea houses, in the form of dry leaves, due to its taste and health properties. Teas are prepared according to individual preferences.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Spreading the knowledge on the consumption of Chinese tea in Poland may be beneficial both for active participants of health-promoting market and those who are involved in the production, distribution, and sale of teas. In a broader sense it may also contribute to satisfying the needs of sustainable development oriented consumers.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Regarding the pro-ecological behaviour of Chinese tea consumers in Poland it was revealed in the research that economic factors influenced positively larger amounts of tea were bought at one time as it generated lower costs. Knowledge and ecological awareness among tea consumers affected negatively on pro-ecological behavior regarding the number of brewing from the one portion of tea as well as the amount of tea prepared at one time.peer-reviewe