20 research outputs found

    Observations of the microphysical evolution of convective clouds in the southwest of the United Kingdom

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    The COnvective Precipitation Experiment (COPE) was designed to investigate the origins of heavy convective precipitation over the southwestern UK, a region that experiences flash flooding due to heavy precipitation from slow-moving convective systems. In this study, the microphysical and dynamical characteristics of developing turrets during 4 days in July and August 2013 are analyzed. In situ cloud microphysical measurements from the University of Wyoming King Air and vertically pointing W-band radar measurements from Wyoming Cloud Radar are examined, together with data from the ground-based NXPol radar. The 4 days presented here cover a range of environmental conditions in terms of wind shear and instability, resulting in a similarly wide variability in observed ice crystal concentrations, both across days as well as between clouds on individual days. The highest concentration of ice was observed on the days in which there was an active warm-rain process supplying precipitation-sized liquid drops. The high ice concentrations observed ( > 100L−1) are consistent with the production of secondary ice particles through the Hallett–Mossop process. Turrets that ascended through remnant cloud layers above the 0°C level had higher ice particle concentrations, suggesting that entrainment of ice particles from older clouds or previous thermals may have acted to aid in the production of secondary ice through the Hallett–Mossop process. Other mechanisms such as the shattering of frozen drops may be more important for producing ice in more isolated clouds

    Radar-derived structural and precipitation characteristics of ZDR columns within warm-season convection over the United Kingdom

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    Analyses of the radar-observed structure and derived rainfall statistics of warm-season convection developing columns of enhanced positive differential reflectivity (ZDR) over England’s southwest peninsula are presented here. Previous observations of ZDR columns in developing cumulonimbus clouds over England were rare. The observations presented herein suggest otherwise, at least in the southwesterly winds over the peninsula. The results are the most extensive of their kind in the UK; the data were collected using the National Centre for Atmospheric Science dual-polarization X-band radar (NXPol) during the COnvective Precipitation Experiment (COPE). In contrast to recent studies of ZDR columns focused on deep clouds that developed in high-instability environments, the COPE measurements show relatively frequent ZDR columns in shallower clouds, many only 4-5 km deep. The presence of ZDR columns is used to infer an active warm rain process has contributed to precipitation evolution in convection deep enough for liquid and ice growth to take place. Clouds with ZDR columns were identified objectively in three COPE deployments, with both discrete convection and clouds embedded in larger convective complexes developing columns. Positive ZDR values typically extended to 1-1.25 km above 0°C in the columns, with ZDR ≥ 1 dB sometimes extending nearly 4 km above 0°C. Values above 3 dB typically occurred in the lowest 500 m above 0°C, with coincident airborne measurements confirming supercooled raindrops’ presence. Statistical analyses indicated that the convection which produced ZDR columns was consistently associated with the larger derived rainfall rates compared to the overall convective population sampled by the NXPol during COPE

    A multisensor investigation of rime splintering in tropical maritime cumuli

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    Three flights from the Ice in Clouds Experiment-Tropical (ICE-T) field campaign examined the onset of ice near the ascending cloud tops of tropical maritime cumuli as they cooled from 0� to -14�C. Careful quantitative analysis of ice number concentrations included manual scrutiny of particle images and corrections for possible particle-shattering artifacts. The novel use of the Wyoming Cloud Radar documented the stage of cloud development and tops relative to the aircraft sampling, complemented the manual estimates of graupel concentrations, and provided new clear evidence of graupel movement through the rime-splintering zone. Measurements of ice-nucleating particles (INPs) provided an estimate of primary initiated ice. The data portray a dynamically complex picture of hydrometeor transport contributing to, and likely resulting from, the rime-splintering process. Hundreds per liter of supercooled raindrops ascended within the updrafts as the cloud tops reached 0�C and contributed in part to the 0.1 L-1 graupel detected soon after the cloud tops cooled to -5�C. Rime splintering could thus be initiated upon first ascent of the cloud top through that zone and arguably contributed to the 1 L-1 or more graupel observed above it. Graupel ascending/descending into, or balanced within, the rime-splintering zone were found. In wider, less isolated clouds with dying updrafts and tops near -14�C, ice particle concentrations sometimes reached 100 L-1. Future 3D numerical modeling will be required to evaluate if rime splintering alone can explain the difference of three to four orders of magnitude in the observed INPs and the graupel observed at -5�C and colder

    Observations of clouds, aerosols, precipitation, and surface radiation over the Southern Ocean: an overview of CAPRICORN, MARCUS, MICRE, and SOCRATES

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    Weather and climate models are challenged by uncertainties and biases in simulating Southern Ocean (SO) radiative fluxes that trace to a poor understanding of cloud, aerosol, precipitation, and radiative processes, and their interactions. Projects between 2016 and 2018 used in situ probes, radar, lidar, and other instruments to make comprehensive measurements of thermodynamics, surface radiation, cloud, precipitation, aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), and ice nucleating particles over the SO cold waters, and in ubiquitous liquid and mixed-phase clouds common to this pristine environment. Data including soundings were collected from the NSF–NCAR G-V aircraft flying north–south gradients south of Tasmania, at Macquarie Island, and on the R/V Investigator and RSV Aurora Australis. Synergistically these data characterize boundary layer and free troposphere environmental properties, and represent the most comprehensive data of this type available south of the oceanic polar front, in the cold sector of SO cyclones, and across seasons. Results show largely pristine environments with numerous small and few large aerosols above cloud, suggesting new particle formation and limited long-range transport from continents, high variability in CCN and cloud droplet concentrations, and ubiquitous supercooled water in thin, multilayered clouds, often with small-scale generating cells near cloud top. These observations demonstrate how cloud properties depend on aerosols while highlighting the importance of dynamics and turbulence that likely drive heterogeneity of cloud phase. Satellite retrievals confirmed low clouds were responsible for radiation biases. The combination of models and observations is examining how aerosols and meteorology couple to control SO water and energy budgets.Greg M. McFarquhar … Andrew R. Klekociuk … et al

    Coupling between land ecosystems and the atmospheric hydrologic cycle through biogenic aerosol pathways

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    Important land surface characteristics affect the way in which water is transferred to the atmosphere, processed in the atmosphere, and eventually returned to the surface. In turn, the amount of water in the atmosphere and returning to Earth affects many of the key properties of the land surface. It is hypothesized that feedbacks between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere by way of biogenic aerosol pathways exist, and that these feedbacks can be important in both direct and indirect radiative processes. By investigating this coupled cycle, a better understanding of the Earth system, including climate change, regional and global atmospheric chemistry, haze and visibility, weather, and changes in land cover is obtained