26 research outputs found

    Clarify The Nature of Guidance and Counseling of Learning

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    guidance and counseling of learning is one of the services against student counselor at the school, other than a private tutoring service-social, and career guidance services. The issue is, the counselors themselves have not been clear about the nature of the guidance and counseling of learning, how broad in scope, space and how to carry it out is still a blur. Nature of the guidance and counseling of learning is a process of learning support is given to children of normal/relative-– both are having problems or learning difficulties so that they can carry out the learning events because it has been prevented or resolved the difficulty. The scope of the guidance and counseling of learning only include students with relatively normal. While the students, who was has learning disorders (learning disorder) do not include guidance and counseling of learning. Tutoring methods are evocative affective domain the student so that he can push himself to learn. Evocative it for example through learning motivation, the creation of an atmosphere of fun, learning how to learn effectively, information processing, and the empowerment of the brain to learn

    Classical philosophy: influence the education philosophy of age

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    Education with philosophy has a close relationship because philosophy is a view of life that leads to the goal of education. According to Dewey, changes that occur in society must exist and inevitable because education is always changing. The perennialism view at the moment that education is regarded as a container to direct the center of culture. While human beings are able to solve the problem and achieve its goals rationally. This condition of development in the flow of philosophy one of which is essentialism. And education as a tool to process humanize human, with the difference of orientation and philosophy that became his belief. Differences philosophy in a nation will bring a difference in the perspective or purpose of education itself. Learning with the P4C contributes to raising children to be sensitive individuals who respect different perspectives and are able to shape their own rights, have ethical values, take care and improve themselves, and embrace new ideas

    Classical philosophy: influence the education philosophy of age

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    Education with philosophy has a close relationship because philosophy is a viewof life that leads to the goal of education. According to Dewey, changes that occur in society must exist and inevitable because education is always changing. The perennialism view at the moment that education is regarded as a container to direct the center of culture. While human beings are able to solve the problem and achieve its goals rationally. This condition of development in the flow of philosophy one of which is essentialism. And education as a tool to process humanize human, with the difference of orientation and philosophy that became his belief. Differences philosophy in a nation will bring a difference in the perspective or purpose of education itself. Learning with the P4C contributes to raising children to be sensitive individuals who respect different perspectives and are able to shape their own rights, have ethical values, take care and improve themselves, and embrace new ideas

    Profil Psychological Well Being Siswa MTs di Kabupaten Malang

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    Abstract: MTs students as teenagers are faced with experiences and challenges as they grow. This study aims to measure the psychological well being of 153 respondents through a survey research design. The instrument used is a psychological well being scale and analyzed through descriptive statistics and graphs. The results showed that the psychological well being condition was in the medium category and tended to be high. Adolescents who have high psychological well being have self-acceptance, Positive relations with others, Autonomy, Environmental Mastery, Environmental Mastery and personal growth. Increasing psychological well being is needed by teenagers. in overcoming challenges in his life, problem solving abilities and optimizing his potential.Abstract: Siswa MTs sebagai remaja dihadapkan pada pengalaman dan tantangan ketika mereka tumbuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kondisi psychological well being dari 153 responden melalui desain penelitian survei. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala psychological well being dan dianalisis melalui statistik deskriptif dan grafik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi psychological well being berada pada kategori sedang dan cenderung tinggi. Remaja yang memiliki psychological well being yang tinggi memiliki penerimaan pada diri sendiri, mampu membina hubungan positif dengan orang lain, memiliki kemandirian, mampu menguasai lingkungan, memiliki tujuan dalam hidup dan pertumbunhan pribadi. Peningkatan psychological well being diperlukan remaja. dalam mengatatsi tantangan dalam hidupnya,kemampuan problem solving dan optimalisasi potensi yang dimilikinya

    Panduan Konseling dengan Teknik Coping Self-Talk untuk Mengatasi Body Dysmorphic Disorder Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Abstract: This research and development aim to create a counseling guideline with coping self-talk technique to resolve vocational high school students' body dysmorphic disorder. It used a research and development model from Borg and Gall. The results of the assessment carried out by experts and field assessment on the user candidate were analyzed using the inter-rater agreement model. The validity index of the experts and users demonstrates very high criteria. This counseling guideline has followed the requirements from the National Education Standard Institution and four acceptability aspects so that it is feasible to be used.Abstrak: Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan panduan konseling dengan teknik coping self-talk untuk mengatasi body dysmorphic disorder siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK). Penelitian ini menggunakan model research and development yang dikembangkan oleh Borg dan Gall. Uji ahli dan uji lapangan calon pengguna dianalisis menggunakan inter-rater agreement model. Indeks validitas uji ahli dan calon pengguna menunjukkan kriteria sangat tinggi. Produk panduan konseling sudah memenuhi kriteria Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) dan memenuhi empat aspek akseptabilitas sehingga produk sudah layak dan dapat digunakan

    The Effectiveness of Transtheoretical Model to Reduce Compulsive Internet Use of Senior High School Students

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    Abstract: This research aims at examining the effectiveness of transtheoretical model to reduce compulsive internet use of Senior High School students. This research employed single subject design approach. The subject of this research is four students of X graders at St. Joseph Senior High School Malang which obtained high compulsive internet use score. This research utilized transtheoretical model counseling guidebook, compulsive internet use scale, observation and interview guidebook. The results of significant visual and score margin between pre-test and post-test indicate that transtheoretical model is effective to reduce compulsive internet use among Senior High School students.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keefektifan transtheoretical model untuk menurunkan compulsive internet use siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan single subject design. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari empat siswa kelas X SMA Kolese Santo Yusup Malang yang memiliki skor compulsive internet use dalam kategori tinggi. Instrumen yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah panduan pelaksanaan konseling transtheoretical model, skala compulsive internet use, pedoman observasi dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis visual menunjukkan adanya perbedaan tingkat compulsive internet use siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi berupa konseling transtheoretical model.DOI: https://doi.org/10.17977/um001v3i12018p00

    Experiential Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Multikultural Mahasiswa

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    Abstract: The study aims at measuring the effectiveness of experiential learning model for improving the multicultural competence of non-Javanese students in the Malang City. The true-experiment type quantitative study is conducted by using the pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects were 20 non-Javanese students in several universities in Malang City that had low multicultural competence. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was implemented in order to compare the score of the students before and after the treatment. In addition, Mann-Whitney U Test was also implemented in order to compare the level of effectiveness statistically between the control group and the experimental group after the provision of the treatment. The results of the study show that the experimental group has significant mean score of multicultural competence in comparison to the control group. The statement implies that the experiential learning model has been effective in improving the multicultural competence of non-Javanese students.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur keefektifan model experiential learning dalam meningkatkan kompetensi multikultural mahasiswa luar Jawa di Kota Malang. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis true experiment ini menggunakan desain pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek penelitian adalah 20 mahasiswa luar Jawa pada beberapa Perguruan Tinggi di Kota Malang yang memiliki kategori kompetensi multikultural rendah. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test untuk mengukur perbandingan skor sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan. Analisis Mann-Whitney U Test digunakan untuk membandingkan tingkat keefektifan secara statistik antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol sesudah diberikan perlakuan. Hasil yang menunjukkan peningkatan nilai rata-rata kompetensi multikultural secara signifikan pada kelompok eksperimen dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol menunjukkan bahwa model experiential learning efektif untuk meningkatkan kompetensi multikultural mahasiswa luar Jawa.DOI: https://doi.org/10.17977/um001v3i32018p11


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    Abstract: This research aims to discover the effectiveness of group-counseling sociodramas to reduce verbal aggressive acts of junior High School students. The research design used is quasi-experiment, which is one Group Pre-test Post-test Design. The treatment given to experimental group is sosiodramas. Researcher  does a measurement before and after the treatment given to see whether there is a change shown by research subjects. the subjects are 16 eight-graders of SMP Negeri 15 Malang with high verbal aggressiveness scores. The pre-test and the post-test is in the form of verbal aggressive acts inventory which are done once each. Treatment giving is done in five meetengs. The analysis result using SPSS 16 for windows, Wilcoxon Signed Ranked Test score shows different value (Z= -3.517a) with 0.000 (P= 0.000 < 0,05), which proves group-counseling sociodramas are effective to reduce verbal aggressive acts of Junior High School students.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan teknik sosiodrama melalui bimbingan kelompok untuk mengurangi perilaku agresif verbal siswa SMP. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu yaitu one Group Pretest Postest Design. Treatment yang diberikan pada kelompok eksperimen adalah teknik sosiodrama. Peneliti melakukan pengukuran sebelum dan setelah perlakuan untuk melihat perubahan subyek penelitian. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 16 siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 15 Malang yang memiliki skor agresivitas verbal tinggi. Pretest dan postest berupa inventory perilaku garesif verbal yang masing-masing dilaksanakan sekali. Pemberian treatment dilakukan sebanyak lima kali pertemuan. Dari hasil analisis SPSS 16 for windows, nilai uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test dapat diketahu nilai beda  (Z= -3.517a) dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.000 (P= 0.000 < 0,05) menunjukkan bahwa teknik sosiodrama melalui bimbingan kelompok efektif untuk mengurangi perilaku agresif verbal siswa SMP.Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um001v1i22016p06


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    Student problems at school are often being a hot topic that never ends in the school environment. 70% of the average student in school ever had problems, including, family problems, social conflict, behavioral deviations, economic problems, difficulties in understanding lessons, health problems, pressure from others and problems of self-competence and self-confidence. The results of interviews with school counselors, showed a significant decrease in academic achievement with an increase in cases that occurred or experienced by students at school. Teachers, school principals and school counselors are always required to immediately resolve problems that occur to students as soon as possible without having risks that an impact on the negative image of the institution / school and damage the performance imagery that has been obtained by the institution with great struggle and hard work. To maintain the achievement, the school will impose sanctions on students who violate school rules or commit uncommon breaking norm in school or outside school with various punishments to them. On the other hand, providing rewards / prizes for those who have great achievement in academics and non-academics to make the institution / name of the school became famous and outstanding. The results of the study the influence of peer interpersonal communication on increasing student academic success is quite high in some high schools in the Pontianak city by 77% of the total 264 respondents. Various efforts to prevent and resolve student problems are carried out by school counselors in handling various cases that occur in the school environment through observation, dialogue and long discussions with counselors in the school. Researchers traced cases that occurred at schools in Pontianak and studied counseling guidance programs implemented at schools in helping educational institutions / schools guide, direct and assist students in overcoming various problems that they faced. Through peer counseling activities and optimizing peer interpersonal communication in the student environment at school. The researcher conducted a survey of several schools in Pontianak, including High School, Vocational High School and Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic high school), by conducting observations and interviews with students and school counselors on the formation of peer-counseling in the school environment through interpersonal peer communication that exists in teaching and learning process activities and non-academic activities in schools.  Article visualizations


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    This study is based on the importance of conception and cultural propositions as efficacy in the implementation of counseling practices as a key in problem-solving. Indonesia is a great nation having various religions, tribes, cultures and it is even listed as a country with the largest amount of local wisdom in the world. Therefore, it would be feasible if it has a goal to create a knot of Counseling filled by Indonesian culture with a grounded dialogue between soul sciences that live in Indonesian human cognition. One of the indigenous cultures of the Indonesian nation, especially in Java, which contains the noble values underlying the personality of the Java life, is puppet. The presence of Semar in puppet performance art is considered as a very popular figure by the Javanese community as the core figure of the inner world of Java society. Semar's noble set of values in handling the Pandavas' problems foster a philosophy that lends itself and presents views on Indonesian cultural counseling practices. The focus in this study is to investigate the construction of Semar counseling based on Semar's noble values.  Article visualizations