
Student problems at school are often being a hot topic that never ends in the school environment. 70% of the average student in school ever had problems, including, family problems, social conflict, behavioral deviations, economic problems, difficulties in understanding lessons, health problems, pressure from others and problems of self-competence and self-confidence. The results of interviews with school counselors, showed a significant decrease in academic achievement with an increase in cases that occurred or experienced by students at school. Teachers, school principals and school counselors are always required to immediately resolve problems that occur to students as soon as possible without having risks that an impact on the negative image of the institution / school and damage the performance imagery that has been obtained by the institution with great struggle and hard work. To maintain the achievement, the school will impose sanctions on students who violate school rules or commit uncommon breaking norm in school or outside school with various punishments to them. On the other hand, providing rewards / prizes for those who have great achievement in academics and non-academics to make the institution / name of the school became famous and outstanding. The results of the study the influence of peer interpersonal communication on increasing student academic success is quite high in some high schools in the Pontianak city by 77% of the total 264 respondents. Various efforts to prevent and resolve student problems are carried out by school counselors in handling various cases that occur in the school environment through observation, dialogue and long discussions with counselors in the school. Researchers traced cases that occurred at schools in Pontianak and studied counseling guidance programs implemented at schools in helping educational institutions / schools guide, direct and assist students in overcoming various problems that they faced. Through peer counseling activities and optimizing peer interpersonal communication in the student environment at school. The researcher conducted a survey of several schools in Pontianak, including High School, Vocational High School and Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic high school), by conducting observations and interviews with students and school counselors on the formation of peer-counseling in the school environment through interpersonal peer communication that exists in teaching and learning process activities and non-academic activities in schools.  Article visualizations

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