151 research outputs found

    Earconsampler: a tool for designing emotional auditory driver-vehicle interfaces

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    Presented at the 15th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2009), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 18-22, 2009EarconSampler is a simple tool for designing and modifying auditory driver-vehicle interfaces. It allows for creating melodic patterns of wav-snippets and easy adjustment of parameters such as tempo and pitch. It also contains an analysis section where sound quality parameters, urgency and emotional response to the sound is calculated / predicted, so that the user directly can see how a certain parameter affects perception and emotional response

    Comparison of Static and Driving Simulator Venues for the Tactile Detection Response Task

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    The general objective of the present study was to validate a low-cost, static, version of the Tactile Detection Response Task (TDRT) intended for driver-vehicle interface evaluation in industrial settings. The static TDRT venue was compared to the more commonly used driving simulator venue, where the TDRT and the secondary task under evaluation are performed during simulated driving. The results indicated that the effect of venue was additive over a range of visual-manual and cognitive secondary tasks, which offers preliminary support for the static TDRT venue as a surrogate for the driving simulator TDRT venue. However, a more detailed analysis revealed a counterintuitive effect for one of the visual-manual secondary tasks (SuRT), where the easier version of the task (as confirmed by subjective workload ratings) yielded a stronger effect on the TDRT than the more difficult version. Possible explanations and implications for the TDRT and its application to driver-vehicle interface evaluation are discussed

    Power-Efficient Time-Domain Dispersion Compensation Using Optimized FIR Filter Implementation

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    We investigate fixed-point aspects and time-domain ASIC implementations of CD compensation. An optimized implementation gives significant power dissipation reduction for short links, with further reduction if pulse shaping is considered

    Subjective testing of the performance of reverberation enhancement using virtual reality environmens

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    Presented of the 6th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), Atlanta, GA, April 2-5, 2000Various systems for the purpose of performing subjective audiovisual tests have been evaluated. Auralizations and visualizations of two different halls in the Göteborg University School of Music have been made using CATT-Acoustic and VR-Creator/EON Studio. These simulations have been used in a subjective test for the purpose of evaluating the visual influence on room acoustical parameters, the realism and emotional parameters in a hall equipped with a reverberation enhancement system. The results show that depending on the room and type of stimuli, perceived room size, auditory source width and distance to sound source, are clearly influenced by the visual impression

    Silencing of retrotransposons in Dictyostelium by DNA methylation and RNAi

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    We have identified a DNA methyltransferase of the Dnmt2 family in Dictyostelium that was denominated DnmA. Expression of the dnmA gene is downregulated during the developmental cycle. Overall DNA methylation in Dictyostelium is ∼0.2% of the cytosine residues, which indicates its restriction to a limited set of genomic loci. Bisulfite sequencing of specific sites revealed that DnmA is responsible for methylation of mostly asymmetric C-residues in the retrotransposons DIRS-1 and Skipper. Disruption of the gene resulted in a loss of methylation and in increased transcription and mobilization of Skipper. Skipper transcription was also upregulated in strains that had genes encoding components of the RNA interference pathway disrupted. In contrast, DIRS-1 expression was not affected by a loss of DnmA but was strongly increased in strains that had the RNA-directed RNA polymerase gene rrpC disrupted. A large number of siRNAs were found that corresponded to the DIRS-1 sequence, suggesting concerted regulation of DIRS-1 expression by RNAi and DNA modification. No siRNAs corresponding to the standard Skipper element were found. The data show that DNA methylation plays a crucial role in epigenetic gene silencing in Dictyostelium but that different, partially overlapping mechanisms control transposon silencing

    Dimensioning a energy system for the new school in Jumkil : implementing geothermal heat pump, photovoltaic system and battery storage

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a modern and energy efficient system solution for a school in Jumkil, combining solar power, battery storage and geothermal heat pump system. By using models, simulations and available literature the study examines the dimensions of the included components for optimal coverage of the schools energy demand. The type of solar cells used is monochrystalline silicon solar cells and from an economical point of view, the installed effect should be 55 kWp. For such a solution the optimal battery capacity is 60 kWh and the battery technique used is vanadium redox flow battery. The vanadium redox flow battery technique is safe, have a long lifetime as well as a high depth of discharge. Implementing a smaller photovoltaic plant of 22 kWp reduces the need of battery capacity to 20 kWh. The battery is used for several applications, for example storage of the excess solar production and reducing the power peaks to eliminate expensive charge. An inverter heat pump of 79 kW is installed to cover the heat demand. The study also shows that a geothermal automatically controlled heat pump combined with floor heating is the best combination to reduce electricity costs annually. In interaction with the self-produced power and the vanadium redox flow battery the system allows the school to reduce their electricity consumption and thus the need of buying power from the grid decreases.Syftet med studien är att designa en modern och energieffektiv systemlösning för en skola i Jumkil där systemlösningen består av en solcellsanläggning, ett batterilager och en varvtalsstyrd värmepump. Genom att använda modeller, simuleringar och tillgänglig litteratur undersöker studien vilka dimensioner de olika komponenterna bör ha för att täcka skolans värme- och elbehov. Solcellerna som implementeras är av typen monokristallina kiselsolceller och från ett ekonomiskt perspektiv bör den installerade effekten vara 55 kWp. För en sådan lösning är den optimala batterikapaciteten 60 kWh och är av typen flödesbatteri. Fördelarna med flödesbatterier är att de är säkra, har lång livslängd och stort urladdningsdjup. Om en mindre solcellsanläggning med en installerad effekt på 22 kWp installeras kan batterikapaciteten reduceras till 20 kWh. Batteriet används bland annat för att lagra överskottet av producerad solel och för att kapa effekttoppar vilket minskar kostnaderna för inköpt el. Även en bergvärmepump med en effekt på 79 kW installeras för att täcka värmebehovet. Studien visar att kombinationen av bergvärmepumpen och golvvärme är det bästa sättet att minska årliga elkostnader. Tillsammans med den egenproducerade elen och flödesbatteriet kan skolan minska sin elförbrukning och på så sätt minska behovet av att köpa el från nätet

    The SNARE Protein SNAP23 and the SNARE-Interacting Protein Munc18c in Human Skeletal Muscle Are Implicated in Insulin Resistance/Type 2 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE-Our previous studies suggest that the SNARE protein synaptosomal-associated protein of 23 kDa (SNAP23) is involved in the link between increased lipid levels and insulin resistance in cardiomyocytes. The objective was to determine whether SNAP23 may also be involved in the known association between lipid accumulation in skeletal muscle and insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes in humans, as well as to identify a potential regulator of SNAP23. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-We analyzed skeletal muscle biopsies from patients with type 2 diabetes and healthy, insulin-sensitive control subjects for expression (mRNA and protein) and intracellular localization (subcellular fractionation and immunohistochemistry) of SNAP23, and for expression of proteins known to interact with SNARE proteins. Insulin resistance was determined by a euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp Potential mechanisms for regulation of SNAP23 were also investigated in the skeletal muscle cell line L6. RESULTS-We showed increased SNAP23 levels in skeletal muscle from patients with type 2 diabetes compared with that from lean control subjects Moreover, SNAP23 was redistributed from the plasma membrane to the microsomal/cytosolic compartment in the patients with the type 2 diabetes Expression of the SNARE-interacting protein Munc18c was higher in skeletal muscle from patients with type 2 diabetes Studies in L6 cells showed that Munc18c promoted the expression of SNAP23. CONCLUSIONS-We have translated our previous in vitro results into humans by showing that there is a change in the distribution of SNAP23 to the interior of the cell in skeletal muscle from patients with type 2 diabetes. We also showed that Munc18c is a potential regulator of SNAP23. Diabetes 59: 1870-1878, 201

    Psychiatric comorbidities in women with cardiometabolic conditions with and without ADHD : a population-based study

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    © 2023. The Author(s).BACKGROUND: Leveraging a large nationwide study of Icelandic women, we aimed to narrow the evidence gap around female attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and cardiometabolic comorbidities by determining the prevalence of obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases among women with ADHD and examine the association between cardiometabolic conditions and co-occurring ADHD with anxiety and mood disorders, alcoholism/substance use disorder (SUD), self-harm, and suicide attempts. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the nationwide, all-female, population-based SAGA Cohort Study (n = 26,668). To ascertain diagnoses and symptoms, we used self-reported history of ADHD diagnoses, selected cardiometabolic conditions and psychiatric disorders, and measured current depressive, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms through appropriate questionnaires (PHQ-9, GAD-7, and PCL-5). We calculated age-adjusted prevalences of cardiometabolic conditions by women's ADHD status and estimated adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), using modified Poisson regression models. Similarly, we assessed the association of cardiometabolic conditions and co-occurring ADHD with current psychiatric symptoms and psychiatric disorders, using adjusted PRs and 95% CIs. RESULTS: We identified 2299 (8.6%) women with a history of ADHD diagnosis. The age-adjusted prevalence of having at least one cardiometabolic condition was higher among women with ADHD (49.5%) than those without (41.7%), (PR = 1.19, 95% CI 1.14-1.25), with higher prevalence of all measured cardiometabolic conditions (myocardial infarctions (PR = 2.53, 95% CI 1.83--3.49), type 2 diabetes (PR = 2.08, 95% CI 1.66-2.61), hypertension (PR = 1.23, 95% CI 1.12-1.34), and obesity (PR = 1.18, 95% CI 1.11-1.25)). Women with cardiometabolic conditions and co-occurring ADHD had, compared with those without ADHD, substantially increased prevalence of (a) all measured mood and anxiety disorders, e.g., depression (PR = 2.38, 95% CI 2.19-2.58), bipolar disorder (PR = 4.81, 95% CI 3.65-6.35), posttraumatic stress disorder (PR = 2.78, 95% CI 2.52-3.07), social phobia (PR = 2.96, 95% CI 2.64-3.32); (b) moderate/severe depressive, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms with PR = 1.76 (95% CI 1.67-1.85), PR = 1.97 (95% CI 1.82-2.12), and PR = 2.01 (95% CI 1.88-2.15), respectively; (c) alcoholism/SUD, PR = 4.79 (95% CI 3.90-5.89); and (d) self-harm, PR = 1.47 (95% CI 1.29-1.67) and suicide attempts, PR = 2.37 (95% CI 2.05-2.73). CONCLUSIONS: ADHD is overrepresented among women with cardiometabolic conditions and contributes substantially to other psychiatric comorbidities among women with cardiometabolic conditions.Peer reviewe

    Locus Reference Genomic sequences: an improved basis for describing human DNA variants

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    As our knowledge of the complexity of gene architecture grows, and we increase our understanding of the subtleties of gene expression, the process of accurately describing disease-causing gene variants has become increasingly problematic. In part, this is due to current reference DNA sequence formats that do not fully meet present needs. Here we present the Locus Reference Genomic (LRG) sequence format, which has been designed for the specific purpose of gene variant reporting. The format builds on the successful National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) RefSeqGene project and provides a single-file record containing a uniquely stable reference DNA sequence along with all relevant transcript and protein sequences essential to the description of gene variants. In principle, LRGs can be created for any organism, not just human. In addition, we recognize the need to respect legacy numbering systems for exons and amino acids and the LRG format takes account of these. We hope that widespread adoption of LRGs - which will be created and maintained by the NCBI and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) - along with consistent use of the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS)-approved variant nomenclature will reduce errors in the reporting of variants in the literature and improve communication about variants affecting human health. Further information can be found on the LRG web site: http://www.lrg-sequence.org