197 research outputs found

    Building a hybrid and networked university through long-term lifelong learning agreements with the surrounding society

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    The current study focused on lifelong learning as a tool for higher education institutions to build relationships with surrounding society. As a theoretical point of departure, the study built on empowerment and human capital discourses of lifelong learning and the ivory tower, the factory, and the network as modes of higher education institutions' collaboration with the surrounding society. The study focused on a lifelong learning initiative to move a higher education institution towards a hybrid and networked mode. Particularly, the initiative focused on building long-term relationships with organisations in the surrounding society. Therefore, this paper aims to report results, in terms of a preliminary conceptual framework, from a higher education lifelong learning initiative. It answers the following research question: How can higher education institutions build hybrid and networked long-term relationships with the surrounding society through lifelong learning initiatives? The study was based on a design-based research method and described and analysed the conceptual development of a Swedish collaborative lifelong learning initiative between a higher education institution and an organisation. Data included in the analysis is taken from documents and field notes, including a long-term agreement, conceptual documents, and plans. The studied initiative included three phases. The first phase, preparatory work, embraced a course for the top management team of the organisation to strengthen their ability to plan, lead and organise professional and organisational development, followed by identifying the needs of the organisation. The second phase, implementation, included dialogue and analysis of the identified needs and development and implementation of suitable courses matching prioritised needs. The third phase, follow-up, included an evaluation of the different parts of the initiative, possible impacts, and a discussion of further needs of collaboration for both professional and organisational development. The conceptual development work included the design of a hybrid and networked framework based on the idea of collaboration partners subscribing to higher education courses under a long-term agreement called POD (collaboration for Professional and Organisational Development). Among others, these PODs include regular dialogues on the needs of the organisations and courses built on networked learning principles. Bring-your-own-data is a core principle to ensure a strong link between theory and practice. The early stage of the initiative included promising results, going in the direction of becoming a hybrid and networked higher education institution by signing its first POD

    Visual assessment of body condition and skin soiling in cattle by professionals and undergraduate students using photo slides

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    We aimed to study to what extent body condition and skin soiling in cattle are rated differently depending on the profession, education and professional experience of assessors. Data were collected at 15 group-training sessions in the years 2009-2016. Totally, 569 persons; Swedish animal welfare inspectors, veterinarians/advisers, animal welfare scientists, other animal professionals as well as undergraduate students in animal science rated a set of 6-40 photos with respect to animal body condition, animal skin soiling, and recommended corrective action in response to perceived animal soiling. The more extensive animal science education, the less prone animal welfare inspectors were to give higher body condition scores. Students had a higher overall probability of rating the degree of soiling higher than the animal welfare inspectors and veterinarians/advisers. Students also recommended stricter corrective actions than did welfare inspectors and veterinarians/advisers, and veterinarians/advisers recommended less strict actions than animal welfare inspectors

    Age-Related Olfactory Decline is Associated with the BDNF Val66met Polymorphism: Evidence from a Population-Based Study

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    The present study investigates the effect of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) val66met polymorphism on change in olfactory function in a large scale, longitudinal population-based sample (n = 836). The subjects were tested on a 13 item force-choice odor identification test on two test occasions over a 5-year-interval. Sex, education, health-related factors, and semantic ability were controlled for in the statistical analyses. Results showed an interaction effect of age and BDNF val66met on olfactory change, such that the magnitude of olfactory decline in the older age cohort (70–90 years old at baseline) was larger for the val homozygote carriers than for the met carriers. The older met carriers did not display larger age-related decline in olfactory function compared to the younger group. The BDNF val66met polymorphism did not affect the rate of decline in the younger age cohort (45–65 years). The findings are discussed in the light of the proposed roles of BDNF in neural development and maintenance

    Interval training compared with continuous training in patients with COPD

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    SummaryThe aim of this study was to compare the effects of interval training (3-min intervals) with continuous training on peak exercise capacity (W peak), physiological response, functional capacity, dyspnoea, mental health and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with moderate or severe COPD.Sixty patients exercised twice weekly for 16 weeks after randomisation to interval- or continuous training. Target intensity was â©Ÿ80% of baseline W peak in the interval group (I-group) and â©Ÿ65% in the continuous group (C-group). Patients were tested by spirometry, ergometer cycle test, cardiopulmonary test and a 12min walk test. Dyspnoea was measured by the dyspnoea scale from Chronic Obstructive Disease Questionnaire (CRDQ), mental health by Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HAD) and HRQoL by the Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form 36 (SF-36).After training, W peak, peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak) and exhaled carbon dioxide (VCO2 peak) increased significantly in both groups, no significant differences between the groups. Minute ventilation (VE peak) increased only in the C-group. At identical work rates (isotime) VO2, VCO2 and VE were significantly more decreased in the I-group than in the C-group (p<0.05). Functional capacity, dyspnoea, mental health, and HRQoL improved significantly in both groups, no difference between the groups.Interval training and continuous training were equally potent in improving peak exercise capacity, functional exercise capacity, dyspnoea, mental health and HRQoL in patients with moderate or severe COPD. At isotime, the physiological response to training differed between the groups, in favour of the interval training

    Predictors of fear of childbirth and depressive symptoms among pregnant women: a cross-sectional survey in Pwani region, Tanzania

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    Background: Many women experience fear of childbirth (FoB) and depressive symptoms (DS) during pregnancy, but little is known about FoB among Tanzanian women. The current study aimed to assess the prevalence of FoB and DS among pregnant women and determine predictors of each and both, focusing on sociodemographic and obstetric predictors. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at six health facilities in two districts in Tanzania between 2018 and 2019. In total, 694 pregnant women with gestational age between 32 and 40weeks and expecting vaginal delivery were consecutively recruited and assessed for FoB and DS. We collected data through interviews using 6 and 4-points Likert Scale of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire Version A and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, respectively. Women who scored ≄66 and≄10 were categorised as having FoB and DS, respectively. We performed multivariable logistic regression to investigate the predictors of FoB and DS. Results: The prevalence rates of FoB and DS among pregnant women were 15.1 and 17.7%, respectively. FoB and DS were more likely in women aged above 30 years [Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) 6.29, 95%CI 1.43–27.84] and in single mothers (AOR 2.57, 95%CI 1.14–5.78). Women with secondary education and above (AOR 0.22, 95%CI 0.05–0.99) and those who had given birth previously (AOR 0.27, 95% CI 0.09–0.87) were less likely to have FoB in combination with DS Women who had previous obstetric complications, and those who did not receive any social support from male partners in previous childbirth were more likely to have FoB and DS. FoB was strongly associated with DS (AOR 3.42, 95%CI 2.12–5.53). DS only was more common in women who had inadequate income (AOR 2.35, 95%CI 1.38–3.99) or had previously experienced a perineal tear (AOR 2.32, 95%CI 1.31–4.08). Conclusions: Not having a formal education, having only primary education, being aged above 30 years, being single, being nulliparous, having experienced obstetric complications, and having a lack of social support from a male partner during previous pregnancy and childbirth were predictors of FoB and DS during pregnancy. FoB and DS were strongly associated with each other. It is vital to identify at-risk women early, to ofer support during pregnancy and childbirth

    Additive clinical impact of epidermal growth factor receptor and podocalyxin-like protein expression in pancreatic and periampullary adenocarcinomas

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    The outcome of periampullary adenocarcinomas remains poor with few treatment options. Podocalyxin-like protein (PODXL) is an anti-adhesive protein, the high expression of which has been shown to confer a poor prognosis in numerous malignancies. A correlation and adverse prognostic synergy between PODXL and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been observed in colorectal cancer. Here, we investigated whether this also applies to periampullary adenocarcinomas. We analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of PODXL and EGFR in tissue microarrays with tumors from two patient cohorts; (Cohort 1, n=175) and (Cohort 2, n=189). The effect of TGF-beta -induced expression and siRNA-mediated knockdown of PODXL and EGFR, were investigated in pancreatic cancer cells (PANC-1) in vitro. We found a correlation between PODXL and EGFR in these cancers, and a synergistic adverse effect on survival. Furthermore, silencing PODXL in pancreatic cancer cells resulted in the down-regulation of EGFR, but not vice versa. Consequently, these findings suggest a functional link between PODXL and EGFR, and the potential combined utility as biomarkers possibly improving patient stratification. Further studies examining the mechanistic basis underlying these observations may open new avenues of targeted treatment options for subsets of patients affected by these particularly aggressive cancers.Peer reviewe

    Novel Allosteric Mechanism of Dual p53/MDM2 and p53/MDM4 Inhibition by a Small Molecule

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    Restoration of the p53 tumor suppressor for personalised cancer therapy is a promising treatment strategy. However, several high-affinity MDM2 inhibitors have shown substantial side effects in clinical trials. Thus, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of action of p53 reactivating molecules with alternative functional principle is of the utmost importance. Here, we report a discovery of a novel allosteric mechanism of p53 reactivation through targeting the p53 N-terminus which promotes inhibition of both p53/MDM2 (murine double minute 2) and p53/MDM4 interactions. Using biochemical assays and molecular docking, we identified the binding site of two p53 reactivating molecules, RITA (reactivation of p53 and induction of tumor cell apoptosis) and protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). Ion mobility-mass spectrometry revealed that the binding of RITA to serine 33 and serine 37 is responsible for inducing the allosteric shift in p53, which shields the MDM2 binding residues of p53 and prevents its interactions with MDM2 and MDM4. Our results point to an alternative mechanism of blocking p53 interaction with MDM2 and MDM4 and may pave the way for the development of novel allosteric inhibitors of p53/MDM2 and p53/MDM4 interactions

    UtegÄende nötkreatur och fÄr

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    Detta yttrande har tillkommit efter en begĂ€ran frĂ„n Jordbruksverket om sammanstĂ€llning av forskning om faktorer som Ă€r viktiga för djurskyddet och djurvĂ€lfĂ€rden vid hĂ„llande av nötkreatur och fĂ„r utomhus, med eller utan ligghall, i nordiskt klimat under den kalla Ă„rstiden dĂ„ betestillvĂ€xt inte sker, s.k. utegĂ„ngsdjur. RĂ„det konstaterar att det finns en betydligt större mĂ€ngd vetenskaplig litteratur om nötkreatur Ă€n om fĂ„r. FullstĂ€ndiga och systematiska bedömningar av vĂ€lfĂ€rden hos utegĂ„ngsdjur förekommer knappast. Det finns ocksĂ„ en del luckor i det vetenskapliga underlaget som visar pĂ„ behov av ytterligare forskning. UtegĂ„ngsdjur av bĂ„de fĂ„r och nötkreatur förekommer i stora delar av den tempererade vĂ€rlden som har vinter med kortare eller lĂ€ngre perioder med minusgrader och snö. Flera andra platser dĂ€r utegĂ„ngsdrift tillĂ€mpas, t.ex. norra USA, Kanada och Sydön pĂ„ Nya Zeeland, har ett kallare och torrare vinterklimat Ă€n vad som Ă€r vanligt i södra och mellersta Sverige som i stĂ€llet ofta har milda vintrar med fuktig vĂ€derlek. Nötkreatur och fĂ„r som gĂ„r utomhus pĂ„verkas av flera klimatfaktorer som definierar deras termiska nĂ€rmiljö, frĂ€mst temperatur, vindhastighet, nederbörd och solinstrĂ„lning. Det Ă€r svĂ„rt att ange vilken samlad effekt pĂ„ djurvĂ€lfĂ€rden som olika kombinationer av dessa faktorer har under praktiska förhĂ„llanden vid utegĂ„ng vintertid. Fuktig vĂ€derlek runt fryspunkten kan i kombination med stark vind vara mer pĂ„frestande för djuren Ă€n lĂ€gre temperaturer vid torr vĂ€derlek utan vind. Den praktiska betydelsen av detta Ă€r dock sannolikt lĂ„g, om djuren har möjlighet att söka skydd. Blöt pĂ€ls kan i kombination med stark vind orsaka stora vĂ€rmeförluster, men utan vindpĂ„verkan blir vinterpĂ€ls inte genomblöt av nederbörd och behĂ„ller dĂ€rför en betydande del av sin vĂ€rmeisolerande förmĂ„ga. En blöt liggyta ökar kroppens vĂ€rmeförluster och Ă„tminstone nötkreatur föredrar mjuka, torra och rena liggplatser. Det finns trots detta inte tillrĂ€ckligt vetenskapligt stöd för att avgöra ifall sĂ„dana liggplatskvaliteter Ă€r helt nödvĂ€ndiga för att uppnĂ„ en god djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd eller ej. För att hĂ„lla en jĂ€mn kroppstemperatur anpassar djuren sin fysiologi och sitt beteende varigenom vĂ€rmeproduktionen och vĂ€rmeförlusterna regleras. Om temperaturen underskrider den nedre kritiska temperaturen, kommer fysiologiska och beteendemĂ€ssiga mekanismer att aktiveras för att öka vĂ€rmeproduktionen och minska vĂ€rmeavgivningen. Djuren huttrar, ökar sitt foderintag, söker lĂ€, placerar sig frĂ„n vindriktningen och utnyttjar vĂ€rmestrĂ„lningen frĂ„n andra djur. Nötkreatur tycks ha förmĂ„ga att lĂ€ra sig att hitta och utnyttja olika mikroklimat i terrĂ€ngen eller i skydd av andra djur. Den termoneutrala zonen pĂ„verkas av mĂ„nga djurspecifika faktorer sĂ„som ras, Ă„lder, hĂ€lsotillstĂ„nd, beteende och grad av tillvĂ€njning, liksom av omstĂ€ndigheter i miljön sĂ„som stark solinstrĂ„lning och blĂ„st, liksom att pĂ€lsen förlorar delar av sin isolerande förmĂ„ga nĂ€r den blir smutsig och blöt av gödsel, jord eller regn. Djuren kan Ă€ven anpassa sig mer lĂ„ngsiktigt till klimatförhĂ„llandena genom att sĂ€tta eller tappa pĂ€ls och genom att förĂ€ndra sin hormoninsöndring och Ă€mnesomsĂ€ttning sĂ„ att den termoneutrala zonen förskjuts. Det finns husdjursraser som sĂ€rskilt har utvecklat förmĂ„gan att hantera kallt respektive varmt klimat, t.ex. genom att ansĂ€tta kroppsfett. Det Ă€r osannolikt att vuxna utegĂ„ende nötkreatur och fĂ„r hamnar utanför sin termoneutrala zon sĂ„ lĂ€nge de Ă€r torra, i god kondition, har tillrĂ€ckligt med foder och ges möjlighet att vĂ€nja sig gradvis vid klimatet, eftersom deras metaboliska förmĂ„ga Ă€r tillrĂ€cklig för att bibehĂ„lla vĂ€rmebalansen. Djurens överskottsvĂ€rme bidrar till att blöt pĂ€ls torkar. Nyfödda djur (sannolikt upp till ett par veckors Ă„lder) Ă€r dock kĂ€nsligare, 6 liksom sjuka djur och djur i dĂ„lig kondition. Kalvnings- och lamningssĂ€songen för utegĂ„ende djur bör dĂ€rför förlĂ€ggas utanför den kallaste delen av Ă„ret, och sjuka djur kan behöva tas inomhus. MarkförhĂ„llandena behöver beaktas sĂ„ att djuren har tillgĂ„ng till en bĂ€rande markyta utan synliga vattensamlingar. NĂ€r det inte Ă€r betessĂ€song Ă€r det viktigt att marken bĂ€r pĂ„ ytor dĂ€r djuren vistas en stor del av tiden. Vid hög belĂ€ggning ökar djurens tramp och gödsel belastningen pĂ„ mark och vegetation. Resurser som foder, vatten och konstruerade skydd kan behöva placeras pĂ„ drĂ€nerad markyta eller flyttas dĂ„ och dĂ„ för att undvika upptrampade, smutsiga och halkiga förhĂ„llanden. För att djuren inte ska vara lĂ„ngvarigt blöta och förlora extra vĂ€rme behövs tillgĂ„ng till nĂ„got slags skydd mot regn och hĂ„rd vind. Behovet av konstruerade skydd Ă€r dock oklart och beror sannolikt pĂ„ individuella djurfaktorer, klimatförhĂ„llanden och förekomst av naturliga skydd, frĂ€mst vegetation och terrĂ€ngformationer. Det har inte visats att konstruerade skydd överlag skulle vara bĂ€ttre för djurens vĂ€lfĂ€rd Ă€n naturliga skydd, om sĂ„dana finns tillgĂ€ngliga för samtliga djur i flocken, eller att djurens beteende skulle vara mycket annorlunda med tillgĂ„ng till konstruerat vindskydd Ă€n med naturliga skydd. Effekten av konstruerade skydd Ă€r i hög grad beroende av att de utformas och placeras korrekt. AnvĂ€ndning av konstruerade skydd kan innebĂ€ra ökat markslitage, större gödselbelastning och sĂ€mre renhet hos djuren, i de fall det leder till en större koncentration av djur pĂ„ en begrĂ€nsad yta. Även i anslutning till naturliga skydd kan motsvarande problem ses, om djuren koncentreras till liten yta. Husdjur Ă€r motiverade till rörelse och möjligheter att röra sig förbĂ€ttrar deras vĂ€lfĂ€rd. Djur som hĂ„lls frigĂ„ende har ett större energibehov Ă€n djur med begrĂ€nsad rörelsefrihet. Foderbehovet vid kalla förhĂ„llanden pĂ„verkas av den termiska nĂ€rmiljön och djurens nedre kritiska temperatur. Utfodringen bör ske avskilt frĂ„n liggplatsen för att minska belastningen av gödsel, urin och tramp dĂ€r djuren ska ligga. Om fodertillgĂ„ngen Ă€r begrĂ€nsad vid lĂ„ga temperaturer kan djuren Ă€ndĂ„ öka sin vĂ€rmeproduktion pĂ„ bekostnad av tillvĂ€xt av kroppsvĂ€vnad eller mjölkproduktion. Vid lĂ„ga temperaturer Ă€r vattenförlusterna genom avdunstning och behovet av vatten för att tĂ€cka dessa lĂ€gre. Behovet av dricksvatten kan under vissa förhĂ„llanden tĂ€ckas genom intag av snö, men vĂ€lfĂ€rdskonsekvenserna Ă€r inte helt utredda och dĂ€rtill behöver snöns hygieniska kvalitet beaktas. UtegĂ„ende djur kan i vissa omrĂ„den utsĂ€ttas för rovdjursangrepp. Det finns begrĂ€nsat med belĂ€gg för effektiviteten hos olika rovdjurssĂ€krande Ă„tgĂ€rder. UtegĂ„ng minskar i allmĂ€nhet risken för klövsjukdomar och ektoparasiter, samt förbĂ€ttrar djurvĂ€lfĂ€rden pĂ„ flera sĂ€tt. Klövspaltinflammation, klöveksem, digital dermatit och klövröta orsakas av en kombination av bakteriell smitta och en fuktig och smutsig nĂ€rmiljö. Angrepp av löss Ă€r vanligt i svenska besĂ€ttningar av nötkreatur och fĂ„r över hela landet och kan orsaka klĂ„da och hĂ„ravfall, vilket kan sĂ€tta ner djurens vĂ€lfĂ€rd. Lössen trivs bra dĂ€r det Ă€r fuktigt ochvarmt och gynnas av lĂ„ng och tjock pĂ€ls, liksom av att djuren hĂ„ller sig nĂ€ra varandra. Det Ă€r vanligare med löss pĂ„ stall Ă€n utomhus. Det Ă€r olĂ€mpligt att massbehandla utegĂ„ende djur med hĂ„ravfall rutinmĂ€ssigt mot löss utan att först sĂ€kerstĂ€lla diagnosen, eftersom det ökar risken för resistensproblem och kan skada mikrofaunan i djurens spillning. Smittsamma sjukdomar kan hĂ€rbĂ€rgeras och spridas av vilda djur och överföras till utegĂ„ende husdjur genom direkt eller indirekt kontakt. 7 Ett gott förhĂ„llande mellan mĂ€nniska och djur Ă€r ett allmĂ€nt accepterat kriterium för gott djurskydd. En god skötare behöver förstĂ„ principerna för effektiv djurhantering och ha en positiv instĂ€llning till djuren. Lantbruksdjur kan vĂ€njas vid hantering och transport. Att hĂ„lla nötkreatur och fĂ„r utomhus Ă„ret om, t.ex. i ranchdrift eller andra extensiva system, innebĂ€r vanligtvis en minskning av kontakten mellan mĂ€nniska och djur. Ovana vid hantering medför en ökad risk att djuren blir mer skygga och kan bli stressade, rĂ€dda och ibland aggressiva nĂ€r hantering och fixering Ă€ndĂ„ blir nödvĂ€ndigt. VĂ€l utformade fasta eller mobila hanteringsanlĂ€ggningar för veterinĂ€rbehandling, lastning, kalvning pĂ„ bete, hantering av nykalvade kor och andra arbetsrutiner kan göra arbetet mer effektivt och minska stress och risker för skador bĂ„de för djur och mĂ€nniska. Tillsynen av djuren Ă€r en utmaning i extensiv djurhĂ„llning, sĂ€rskilt runt kalvning och lamning i kallt klimat, eftersom det kan vara svĂ„rt att hitta alla djur och att komma tillrĂ€ckligt nĂ€ra för att genomföra en tillfredstĂ€llande kontroll av kondition, eventuella skador och sjukdomar. Digitala hjĂ€lpmedel kan anvĂ€ndas för att effektivisera tillsynen, men kunskapen Ă€r begrĂ€nsad om hur det kan göras i praktiken. Digitala hjĂ€lpmedel kan inte helt ersĂ€tta direkt kontakt mellan mĂ€nniskor och djur. Olycksriskerna för djurskötare vid djurhantering beror bland annat pĂ„ vilka hanteringsanordningar som gĂ„rden har och hur vana djuren Ă€r vid att bli hanterade. Det saknas vetenskapligt baserad kunskap om arbetsmiljö och sĂ€kerhet vid hantering av nötkreatur utomhus. DominansförhĂ„llanden bestĂ€mmer hur olika individer utnyttjar resurser som Ă€r begrĂ€nsade. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför viktigt att alla djur fĂ„r tillgĂ„ng till de resurser som krĂ€vs för en acceptabel djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd
