197 research outputs found

    Graphic Interlude: Digital Subjectivities

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    This graphic interlude features a selection of pictures from Figures urbaines, a photographic series by Claire Larsonneur, which was displayed at the Usine Utopik and the chĂąteau of Cerisy la Salle during the Posthuman seminar in June 2016. Each picture echoes an excerpt from science-fiction. All photographs were taken in public spaces and are unedited: those urban figures were graffiti, shop displays, reflections and may no longer exist.Cet interlude iconographique comporte une sĂ©lection d’images de Figures urbaines, une sĂ©rie photographique de Claire Larsonneur, exposĂ©e Ă  l’Usine Utopik et au chĂąteau de Cerisy la Salle dans le cadre du colloque Posthumains et subjectivitĂ©s numĂ©riques, juin 2016. Chaque image fait Ă©cho Ă  un texte de science-fiction. Toutes les photographies ont Ă©tĂ© prises dans l’espace public, sans retouches : ces figures urbaines furent des graffiti, des installations en vitrine, des reflets et n’existent sans doute dĂ©jĂ  plus

    Ned Beauman’s Glow, or the hallucinated city

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    Dans son troisiĂšme roman Glow (2014), Ned Beauman renouvelle la figure du Londres littĂ©raire et du paysage urbain en posant sur la mĂ©tropole le regard d’un millĂ©nial dont l’univers mental est profondĂ©ment modifiĂ© par l’usage de la drogue. Beauman, que Granta avait listĂ© en 2013 parmi les dix meilleurs jeunes romanciers britanniques, reprend tous les codes de la culture urbaine underground dans son portrait des quartiers sud de Londres en 2010. Sous sa plume les lieux les plus ordinaires tels que les laveries automatiques, les HLM, les ponts ferroviaires ou les fast-food pointent vers un univers parallĂšle alternatif, tissĂ© de rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle, oĂč prospĂšrent les trafics et l’exploitation humaine. Je me propose d’étudier comment la trĂšs riche intertextualitĂ© de Glow, tant visuelle que littĂ©raire, s’articule Ă  des enjeux spĂ©cifiquement contemporains tels que la connexion numĂ©rique, la surveillance Ă©lectronique et la valence des bogues. S’inspirant des Ă©crits critiques d’Alexander Galloway et d’Eric Sadin sur l’interface et le monitoring numĂ©riques, on peut voir dans le brouillage systĂ©matique des frontiĂšres de la perception par le biais des stupĂ©fiants ou de la technologie une forme d’exploit, une stratĂ©gie d’émancipation du cadre Ă©touffant des citĂ©s modernes rĂ©gies par les multinationales. Il serait rĂ©ducteur de dire que le paysage mental et le paysage territorial se reflĂštent dans Glow : il semble plutĂŽt qu’ils s’interpellent et se cannibalisent l’un l’autre et, ce faisant, remettent en question nos Ă©vidences.Ned Beauman’s third novel Glow (2014) revisits the tradition of literary cityscapes and the long history of London fiction through the combined exploration of drug-altered mindscapes and millennial attitudes. Beauman, who was listed in the 2013 selection of Best Young British Novelists by Granta, turns the setting of 21st century South London into a stage where he replays some of the main tenets of urban underground culture. His depiction of ordinary locations such as launderettes, council blocks, railway bridges, junk food joints is cleverly associated with disturbing suggestions of a distinct parallel universe, unstable and rife with trafficking, exploitation and virtual reality. I propose to explore the rich intertextuality of Glow, both visual and literary, and show how it is woven into typically contemporary issues, such as connectedness, surveillance and bugs. Following the critical perspectives of Alexander Galloway and Eric Sadin on the interface and digital monitoring, one may read Beauman’s systematic blurring of the frontiers of perception through drug experimentation and bizarre medical conditions as a “exploit”, a strategy to free oneself of the stifling framework of corporate digital cities. In Glow one could hardly posit that mindscape and cityscape reflect each other: we rather sense that they challenge and cannibalise each other in a thought-provoking way

    Video introduction to issue 7

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    This video introduces the thematic contributions on ‘Digital Subjectivities’.La vidĂ©o prĂ©sente les contributions thĂ©matiques sur “Digital subjectivites” (‘le sujet digital’)

    When Bodies Go Digital

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    This article intends to investigate contemporary works of art (“Rain Room”, “On Air”), fiction (David Mitchell, Jeannette Winterson, Thomas Pynchon, Kazuo Ishiguro) and films (The Congress, Black Mirror) together with emerging social practices to charter the impact of digital technologies on our relation to the body. Devices such as Google Glasses or Go-Pro cameras prompt a reframing of our perceptions through borrowed and enriched sensory experiences. Digital practices, tailored to blend in seamlessly with our daily activities, contribute to implement further the logic of immersion and compositing described by Lev Manovich in his analysis of new media. Beyond the field of media, digital technologies are also playing a role in the re-engineering of the human body itself. Bodies are being produced, tailored and marketed in a society that thrives on continuous body-display and monitoring, raising political and economic issues. Those digital body-chimeras could be described as unstable entities that threaten our sense of order and of ourselves, echoing Kristeva’s analysis of abjection.Comment les technologies numĂ©riques affectent-elles notre relation au corps ? C’est par l’exploration conjointe de pratiques sociales Ă©mergentes et d’un corpus d’Ɠuvres de fiction contemporaines (David Mitchell, Jeannette Winterson, Thomas Pynchon, Kazuo Ishiguro), de films (The Congress, Black Mirror) et d’Ɠuvres d’art (“Rain Room”, “On Air”) qu’on tentera de rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question. Les conditions usuelles de la perception sont affectĂ©es par des objets tels que les Google glasses ou les camĂ©ras Go-Pro, lesquelles gĂ©nĂšrent des expĂ©riences sensorielles inĂ©dites, empruntĂ©es ou enrichies. Les dispositifs numĂ©riques, conçus afin de s’insĂ©rer sans heurts dans notre vie quotidienne, participent du dĂ©veloppement de la logique immersive, fondĂ©e sur la technique de composition d’images, que dĂ©crit Lev Manovich dans son analyse des nouveaux mĂ©dias. Par delĂ  le champ mĂ©diatique, les technologies numĂ©riques jouent Ă©galement un rĂŽle dans l’ingĂ©nierie corporelle : au sein d’une sociĂ©tĂ© de contrĂŽle qui valorise l’exposition et la surveillance permanente des corps, ceux-ci se voient produits, standardisĂ©s et mis sur le marchĂ©, ce qui soulĂšve de nombreuses questions politiques et Ă©conomiques. Les corps-chimĂšres numĂ©riques ne sont-ils pas des entitĂ©s instables, susceptibles de mettre en danger la maniĂšre dont nous faisons sens du sujet et du monde, relevant de l’abjection telle que la dĂ©finit Kristeva 

    La gouvernance métropolitaine du transport collectif dans la région montréalaise : le cas du SRB Pie-IX

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    MontrĂ©al parle de disposer d’un service rapide par bus depuis une dizaine annĂ©es. En 2015, les travaux pour rĂ©aliser le premier tronçon du projet appelĂ© le SRB Pie-IX commencent Ă  peine. Comment justifier des dĂ©lais de rĂ©alisation de plusieurs annĂ©es alors que d’autres villes y arrivent en moins de 3 ans? Plusieurs Ă©lus et organismes de MontrĂ©al dĂ©noncent une problĂ©matique de gouvernance du transport collectif. Seulement, il n’est pas Ă©vident de saisir la signification de ce concept si souvent invoquĂ© pour justifier, entre autres, les difficultĂ©s de la mĂ©tropole Ă  faire naĂźtre des projets mĂ©tropolitains de transport collectif. Certains Ă©voquent la responsabilitĂ© du gouvernement, d’autres avancent la mauvaise rĂ©partition des rĂŽles et responsabilitĂ©s ou encore dĂ©plorent le trop grand nombre d’intervenants dans la rĂ©gion mĂ©tropolitaine. La gouvernance est un concept Ă  la fois flou et complexe qui cherche Ă  Ă©tablir la bonne conduite des affaires publiques comme celle de la gestion mĂ©tropolitaine du transport collectif. Cependant, le systĂšme de transport collectif fait intervenir une multitude de parties prenantes aux intĂ©rĂȘts contradictoires. La « bonne gouvernance » serait d’établir une collaboration fructueuse qui dĂ©passe les limites institutionnalisĂ©es des intervenants pour rĂ©aliser des projets d’envergure mĂ©tropolitaine, comme le SRB Pie-IX.Montreal talks to have a rapid bus service for ten years. In 2015, work to produce the first draft of the section called SRB Pie-IX just beginning. How to justify delays in carrying out several years while other cities get there in less than 3 years? Several elected officials and Montreal organizations denounce a problem of governance of public transit. It’s is not easy to grasp the significance of this concept so often invoked to justify, among others, the difficulties to realize metropolitan projects. Some point to the government's responsibility, others argue the poor distribution of roles and responsibilities or regrets too many players in the metropolitan area. Governance is a concept both blurred and complex that seeks to establish the conduct of public affairs like the management of metropolitan public transit. However, the transit system involves a multitude of stakeholders with conflicting interests. The 'good governance' would be to establish a fruitful collaboration that goes beyond the limits of institutionalized stakeholders to achieve metropolitan scale projects, such as the project SRB Pie-IX

    Online Translation Pricing Issues

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    Digital technologies such as translation platforms, crowdsourcing or neural machine translation disrupt the economics of translation. Benchmarking the pricing policies of nine global language services firms uncovers a shift towards online business models that contributes to reshaping the traditional volume-based content-oriented model of translation towards a range of linguistic services focused on user experience.Digital technologies such as translation platforms, crowdsourcing and neural machine translation disrupt the economics of translation. Benchmarking the pricing policies of nine global language services firms uncovers a shift towards online business models that contribute to reshaping the traditional volume-based content-oriented model of translation towards a range of linguistic services focused on user experience.Les tecnologies digitals, com les plataformes de traducciĂł, el crowdsourcing i la traducciĂł automĂ tica neuronal han creat disrupciĂł en l'economia de la traducciĂł. L'anĂ lisi de les polĂ­tiques de preus de nou empreses de serveis lingĂŒĂ­stics d'abast mundial revela un canvi cap a models en lĂ­nia que contribueixen a reformar el model de traducciĂł tradicional basat en el volum i orientat al contingut per oferir un catĂ leg de serveis lingĂŒĂ­stics centrat en l'experiĂšncia d'usuari.Las tecnologĂ­as digitales como las plataformas de traducciĂłn, el crowdsourcing y la traducciĂłn automĂĄtica neuronal disrumpen la economĂ­a de la traducciĂłn. El anĂĄlisis de las polĂ­ticas de precios de nueve empresas de servicios lingĂŒĂ­sticos de envergadura mundial muestra un cambio hacia modelos de negocio en lĂ­nea que contribuyen a reformar el modelo de traducciĂłn basado en el volumen y orientado al contenido para ofrecer un catĂĄlogo de servicios lingĂŒĂ­sticos centrado en la experiencia de usuario

    Authors, Users and Pirates: Copyright Law and Subjectivity

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    In current debates over copyright law, the author, the user, and the pirate are almost always invoked. Some in the creative industries call for more legal protection for the authors; activists and academics promote user rights and user-generated content; and online pirates openly challenge the strict enforcement of copyright law. James Meese offers a new way to think about these three central subjects of copyright law, proposing a relational framework that encompasses all three. Meese views authors, users and pirates as interconnected subjects, analyzing them as a relational triad. He argues that addressing the relationships among the three subjects will shed light on how the key conceptual underpinnings of copyright law are justified in practice. His work rests on the comparative analysis of the legal situation in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada.Les figures de l’auteur, de l’utilisateur et du pirate reviennent sans cesse dans les dĂ©bats autour de la propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle, et particuliĂšrement du copyright anglo-saxon. Au sein des industries culturelles, certains rĂ©clament plus de protection pour les auteurs alors que les universitaires et les militants mettent en avant les droits des utilisateurs et les contenus qu’ils crĂ©ent. Pendant ce temps les pratiques courantes de piraterie en ligne (tĂ©lĂ©chargements, streaming) remettent en question l’application stricte des dispositifs lĂ©gaux de protection des Ɠuvres. James Meese propose une approche nouvelle de la propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle en se focalisant sur l’ensemble des relations qui lient l’auteur, l’utilisateur et le pirate. Il les voit comme des sujets interconnectĂ©s, une triade relationnelle. L’analyse de leurs relations lui permet d’étudier comment les fondements intellectuels du droit du copyright sont justifiĂ©s en pratique. L’étude compare la situation dans divers pays : Australie, États-Unis, Royaume Uni et Canada

    Tip-Clearance Actuation With Magnetic Bearings for High-Speed Compressor Stall Control

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    Magnetic bearings are widely used as active suspension devices in rotating machinery, mainly for active vibration control purposes. The concept of active tip clearance control suggests a new application of magnetic bearings as servo-actuators to stabilize rotating stall in axial compressors. This paper presents a first-of-a-kind feasibility study of an active stall control experiment with a magnetic bearing servo-actuator in the NASA Glenn high-speed single-stage compressor test facility. Together with CFD and experimental data a two-dimensional, incompressible compressor stability model was used in a stochastic estimation and control analysis to determine the required magnetic bearing performance for compressor stall control. The resulting requirements introduced new challenges to the magnetic bearing actuator design. A magnetic bearing servo-actuator was designed which fulfilled the performance specifications. Control laws were then developed to stabilize the compressor shaft. In a second control loop, a constant gain controller was implemented to stabilize rotating stall. A detailed closed loop simulation at 100% corrected design speed resulted in a 2.3% reduction of stalling mass flow which is comparable to results obtained in the same compressor by Weigl et al. (1998) using unsteady air injection. The design and simulation results presented here establish the viability of magnetic bearings for stall control in aero-engine high-speed compressors. Furthermore the paper outlines a general design procedure to develop magnetic bearing servo-actuators for high-speed turbomachinery.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NAG3-1457

    Location, location, location

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    Les trois premiers romans du Britannique David Mitchell (Ghostwritten, Number9dream et Cloud Atlas publiĂ©s entre 1999 et 2004) se distinguent par une structure narrative audacieuse basĂ©e sur une multiplicitĂ© de lieux, rĂ©partis sur l’ensemble du globe et au travers desquels est diffractĂ©e l’intrigue. L’espace tel qu’il le reprĂ©sente joue simultanĂ©ment sur les globalia (autant de non-lieux standardisĂ©s et dĂ©territorialisĂ©s) et les localia (emblĂšmes hypertrophiĂ©s de la localitĂ©), faisant ainsi Ă©cho Ă  la notion de co-spatialitĂ© avancĂ©e par le gĂ©ographe français Jacques LĂ©vy. Cette dualitĂ© est renforcĂ©e par la mise en scĂšne au sein de la narration mĂȘme d’une co-existence entre reprĂ©sentations textuelles et reprĂ©sentations audio-visuelles de l’espace. Prenant les critiques et le public Ă  contre-pied, le dernier ouvrage de Mitchell, Black Swan Green qui retrace 13 mois de la vie d’un adolescent anglais Ă  la campagne et au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 80, renoue apparemment avec des choix plus classiques.Young British novelist David Mitchell achieved fame in his first three novels, Ghostwritten, Number9dream and Cloud Atlas, published between 1999 and 2004, by using audacious narrative techniques involving a diffraction of the plot along a network of distinct locations scattered all over the globe. Exploiting the interplay between globalia (spaces characterized by their standardized features and their indifference to location) and localia (distinctive local features), his portrayal of our contemporary relation to space echoes the notion of co-spatiality produced by French geographer Jacques LĂ©vy. Pushing the analysis further, Mitchell’s novels build upon the coexistence of screen-based and text-based modes of representation to showcase the multiple angles of our evolving relation to space. In contrast, his latest novel Black Swan Green, dedicated to the experience of growing up in the English countryside in the 80s, appears more traditional in form and intent
