607 research outputs found

    Assessment of Equine Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia (EAT) by flow cytometry

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    RATIONALE: Thrombocytopenia is a platelet associated process that occurs in human and animals as result of i) decreased production; ii) increased utilization; iii) increased destruction coupled to the presence of antibodies, within a process know as immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMT); or iv) platelet sequestration. Thus, the differentiation of the origin of IMT and the development of reliable diagnostic approaches and methodologies are important in the clarification of IMT pathogenesis. Therefore, there is a growing need in the field for easy to perform assays for assessing platelet morphological characteristics paired with detection of platelet-bound IgG. OBJECTIVES: This study is aimed to develop and characterize a single color flow cytometric assay for detection of platelet-bound IgG in horses, in combination with flow cytometric assessment of platelet morphological characteristics. FINDINGS: The FSC and SSC evaluation of the platelets obtained from the thrombocytopenic animals shows several distinctive features in comparison to the flow cytometric profile of platelets from healthy animals. The thrombocytopenic animals displayed i) increased number of platelets with high FSC and high SSC, ii) a significant number of those gigantic platelets had strong fluorescent signal (IgG bound), iii) very small platelets or platelet derived microparticles were found significantly enhanced in one of the thrombocytopenic horses, iv) significant numbers of these microplatelet/microparticles/platelet-fragments still carry very high fluorescence. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes the development and characterization of an easy to perform, inexpensive, and noninvasive single color flow cytometric assay for detection of platelet-bound IgG, in combination with flow cytometric assessment of platelet morphological characteristics in horses

    Prevalence of magnetic reconnection in the near-Sun heliospheric current sheet

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    During three of its first five orbits around the Sun, Parker Solar Probe (PSP) crossed the large-scale Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) multiple times and provided unprecedented detailed plasma and field observations of the near-Sun HCS. We report the common detections by PSP of reconnection exhaust signatures in the HCS at heliocentric distances of 29.5-107 solar radii during Encounters 1, 4 and 5. Both sunward and antisunward-directed reconnection exhausts were observed. In the sunward reconnection exhausts, PSP detected counterstreaming strahl electrons, indicating that HCS reconnection resulted in the formation of closed magnetic field lines with both ends connected to the Sun. In the antisunward exhausts, PSP observed dropouts of strahl electrons, consistent with the reconnected HCS field lines being disconnected from the Sun. The common detection of reconnection in the HCS suggests that reconnection is almost always active in the HCS near the Sun. Furthermore, the occurrence of multiple long-duration partial crossings of the HCS suggests that HCS reconnection could produce chains of large bulges with spatial dimensions of up to several solar radii. The finding of the prevalence of reconnection in the HCS is somewhat surprising since PSP has revealed that the HCS is much thicker than the kinetic scales required for reconnection onset. The observations are also in stark contrast with the apparent absence of reconnection in most of the small-scale and much more intense current sheets encountered near perihelia, many of which are associated with ‘switchbacks’. Thus, the PSP findings suggest that large-scale dynamics either locally in the solar wind or within the coronal source of the HCS (at the tip of helmet streamers) plays a critical role in triggering reconnection onset

    International evidence-based medicine survey of the veterinary profession: information sources used by veterinarians

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    Veterinarians are encouraged to use evidence to inform their practice, but it is unknown what resources (e.g. journals, electronic sources) are accessed by them globally. Understanding the key places veterinarians seek information can inform where new clinically relevant evidence should most effectively be placed. An international survey was conducted to gain understanding of how veterinary information is accessed by veterinarians worldwide. There were 2137 useable responses to the questionnaire from veterinarians in 78 countries. The majority of respondents (n = 1835/2137, 85.9%) undertook clinical work and worked in a high income country (n = 1576/1762, 89.4%). Respondents heard about the survey via national veterinary organisations or regulatory bodies (31.5%), online veterinary forums and websites (22.7%), regional, discipline-based or international veterinary organisations (22.7%) or by direct invitation from the researchers or via friends, colleagues or social media (7.6%). Clinicians and non-clinicians reportedly used journals most commonly (65.8%, n = 1207/1835; 75.6%, n = 216/286) followed by electronic resources (58.7%, n = 1077/1835; 55.9%, n = 160/286), respectively. Respondents listed a total of 518 journals and 567 electronic sources that they read. Differences in veterinarian preference for resources in developed, and developing countries, were found. The nominated journals most read were the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (12.7% of nominations) for clinicians and the Veterinary Record (5.7%) for non-clinicians. The most accessed electronic resource reported was the Veterinary Information Network (25.6%) for clinicians and PubMed (7.4%) for non-clinicians. In conclusion, a wide array of journals and electronic resources appear to be accessed by veterinarians worldwide. Veterinary organisations appear to play an important role in global communication and outreach to veterinarians and consideration should be given to how these channels could be best utilised for effective dissemination of key research findings

    The Radial Dependence of Proton-scale Magnetic Spectral Break in Slow Solar Wind during PSP Encounter 2

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    International audienceMagnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind are commonly observed to follow a power-law spectrum. Near proton-kinetic scales, a spectral break occurs that is commonly interpreted as a transition to kinetic turbulence. However, this transition is not yet entirely understood. By studying the scaling of the break with various plasma properties, it may be possible to constrain the processes leading to the onset of kinetic turbulence. Using data from the Parker Solar Probe, we measure the proton-scale break over a range of heliocentric distances, enabling a measurement of the transition from inertial to kinetic-scale turbulence under various plasma conditions. We find that the break frequency f(b) increases as the heliocentric distance r decreases in the slow solar wind following a power law of f(b) similar to r(-1.11). We also compare this to the characteristic plasma ion scales to relate the break to the possible physical mechanisms occurring at this scale. The ratio f(b)/f(c) (f(c) for Doppler-shifted ion cyclotron resonance scale) is close to unity and almost independent of plasma beta(p). While f(b)/f(p) (f(p) for Doppler-shifted proton thermal gyroradius) increases with beta(p) approaching to unity at larger beta(p), f(b)/f(d) (f(d) for Doppler-shifted proton inertial length) decreases with beta(p) from unity at small beta(p). Due to the large comparable Alfven and solar wind speeds, we analyze these results using both the standard and modified Taylor hypotheses, demonstrating the robust statistical results

    Constraining Ion-Scale Heating and Spectral Energy Transfer in Observations of Plasma Turbulence

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    International audienceWe perform a statistical study of the turbulent power spectrum at inertial and kinetic scales observed during the first perihelion encounter of the Parker Solar Probe. We find that often there is an extremely steep scaling range of the power spectrum just above the ion-kinetic scales, similar to prior observations at 1 A.U., with a power-law index of around −4. Based on our measurements, we demonstrate that either a significant (>50%) fraction of the total turbulent energy flux is dissipated in this range of scales, or the characteristic nonlinear interaction time of the turbulence decreases dramatically from the expectation based solely on the dispersive nature of nonlinearly interacting kinetic AlfvĂ©n waves

    Sharp Alfvenic impulses in the near-Sun solar wind

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    Measurements of the near-Sun solar wind by Parker Solar Probe have revealed the presence of largenumbers of discrete Alfv ́enic impulses with an anti-Sunward sense of propagation. These are similarto those previously observed near 1 AU, in high speed streams over the Sun’s poles and at 60 solarradii. At 35 solar radii, however, they are typically shorter and sharper than seen elsewhere. Inaddition, these spikes occur in “patches” and there are also clear periods within the same stream whenthey do not occur; the timescale of these patches might be related to the rate at which the spacecraftmagnetic footpoint tracks across the coronal hole from which the plasma originated. While the velocityfluctuations associated with these spikes are typically under 100 km/s, due to the rather low Alfv ́enspeeds in the streams observed by the spacecraft to date, these are still associated with large angulardeflections of the magnetic field - and these deflections are not isotropic. These deflections do notappear to be related to the recently reported large scale, pro-rotation solar wind flow. Estimates ofthe size and shape of the spikes reveal high aspect ratio flow-aligned structures with a transverse scaleof≈104km. These events might be signatures of near-Sun impulsive reconnection events

    Caregiver Recognition of Childhood Diarrhea, Care Seeking Behaviors and Home Treatment Practices in Rural Burkina Faso: A Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Introduction: To design effective national diarrhea control programs, including oral rehydration solution (ORS) and therapeutic zinc supplementation, information is needed on local perceptions of illness, external care seeking behaviors, and home treatment practices. Methods: A cross-sectional, community-based household survey was conducted in the Orodara Health District, Burkina Faso. Caregivers of 10,490 children,27 months were interviewed to assess child diarrhea prevalence and related car

    Kinetic‐Scale Turbulence in the Venusian Magnetosheath

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    While not specifically designed as a planetary mission, NASA's Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission uses a series of Venus gravity assists (VGAs) in order to reduce its perihelion distance. These orbital maneuvers provide the opportunity for direct measurements of the Venus plasma environment at high cadence. We present first observations of kinetic scale turbulence in the Venus magnetosheath from the first two VGAs. In VGA1, PSP observed a quasi‐parallel shock, ÎČ âˆŒ 1 magnetosheath plasma, and a kinetic range scaling of k−2.9. VGA2 was characterized by a quasi‐perpendicular shock with ÎČ âˆŒ 10, and a steep k−3.4 spectral scaling. Temperature anisotropy measurements from VGA2 suggest an active mirror mode instability. Significant coherent waves are present in both encounters at sub‐ion and electron scales. Using conditioning techniques to exclude these electromagnetic wave events suggests the presence of developed sub‐ion kinetic turbulence in both magnetosheath encounters
