2,812 research outputs found

    Role of the self-interaction error in studying chemisorption on graphene from first-principles

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    Adsorption of gaseous species, and in particular of hydrogen atoms, on graphene is an important process for the chemistry of this material. At the equilibrium geometry, the H atom is covalently bonded to a carbon that puckers out from the surface plane. Nevertheless the \emph{flat} graphene geometry becomes important when considering the full sticking dynamics. Here we show how GGA-DFT predicts a wrong spin state for this geometry, namely SzS_z=0 for a single H atom on graphene. We show how this is caused by the self-interaction error since the system shows fractional electron occupations in the two bands closest to the Fermi energy. It is demonstrated how the use of hybrid functionals or the GGA+UU method an be used to retrieve the correct spin solution although the latter gives an incorrect potential energy curve

    Recent developments in Vorton Theory

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    This article provides a concise overview of recent theoretical results concerning the theory of vortons, which are defined to be (centrifugally supported) equilibrium configurations of (current carrying) cosmic string loops. Following a presentation of the results of work on the dynamical evolution of small circular string loops, whose minimum energy states are the simplest examples of vortons, recent order of magnitude estimates of the cosmological density of vortons produced in various kinds of theoretical scenario are briefly summarised.Comment: 6 pages Latex. Contribution to 1996 Cosmology Meeting, Peyresq, Franc

    Locally produced legumes and seaweed. Sustainable protein sources for a self-sufficient European animal production?

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    The animal feeding industry is looking for new local sources of high quality protein in order to reduce import and ensure sustainable and environmental friendly animal production systems. Local legumes and seaweeds may be alternative sources of protein. We present in this paper the background for the ongoing Norwegian Research Council project Legumes and seaweeds as alternative protein sources for sheep (AltPro), which aims to investigate the suitability and potential of legumes and seaweeds as new and underutilized protein sources in sheep diets. The project addresses several critical aspects for the future development of the agriculture industry in Norway applicable to other European countries from an integrated social and natural scientific approach: 1. use of protein sources alternative to soya, 2. environmental, climatic, societal and economical sustainability, 3. animal health and welfare

    Kinematics of Nearby Subdwarf Stars

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    We present an analysis of the space motions of 742 subdwarf stars based on the sample of Carney et al. (1994, CLLA). Hipparcos parallaxes, TYC2+HIP proper motions and Tycho2 proper motions were combined with radial velocities and metallicities from CLLA. The kinematical behavior is discussed in particular in relation to their metallicities. The majority of these sample stars have metal abundances of [Fe/H] >-1 and represent the thick disk population. The halo component, with [Fe/H] <-1.6, is characterized by a low mean rotation velocity and a radially elongated velocity ellipsoid. In the intermediate metallicity range (-1.6 < [Fe/H] <-1), we find a significant number of subdwarfs with disklike kinematics. We interpret this population of stars as a metal-weak thick disk population.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The cluster population of the irregular galaxy NGC 4449 as seen by the Hubble Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    We present a study of the star cluster population in the starburst irregular galaxy NGC 4449 based on B, V, I, and Ha images taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope. We derive the cluster properties such as size, ellipticity, and total magnitudes. Cluster ages and masses are derived fitting the observed spectral energy distributions with different population synthesis models. Our analysis is strongly affected by the age-metallicity degeneracy; however, if we assume a metallicity of ~1/4 solar, as derived from spectroscopy of HII regions, we find that the clusters have ages distributed quite continuously over a Hubble time, and they have masses from ~10^3 M_sun up to ~2 x 10^6 M_sun, assuming a Salpeters' IMF down to 0.1 M_sun. Young clusters are preferentially located in regions of young star formation, while old clusters are distributed over the whole NGC 4449 field of view, like the old stars (although we notice that some old clusters follow linear structures, possibly a reflection of past satellite accretion). The high SF activity in NGC 4449 is confirmed by its specific frequency of young massive clusters, higher than the average value found in nearby spirals and in the LMC (but lower than in other starburst dwarfs such as NGC 1705 and NGC 1569), and by the flat slope of the cluster luminosity function (dN(L_V)\propto L_V^{-1.5} dL for clusters younger than 1 Gyr). We use the upper envelope of the cluster log(mass) versus log(age) distribution to quantify cluster disruption, and do not find evidence for the high (90%) long-term infant mortality found by some studies. For the red clusters, we find correlations between size, ellipticity, luminosity and mass: brighter and more massive clusters tend to be more compact, and brighter clusters tend to be also more elliptical.Comment: Accepted for publication on AJ, one data point changed in Fig. 1
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