3,167 research outputs found

    Marie de Cotteblanche : Préfacière et traductrice de trois dialogues de Pierre Messie

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    Le renouveau d'intérêt porté au « discours préfaciel » des textes littéraires a entraîné depuis quelques années l'étude de l'appareil liminaire d'ouvrages féminins. Anne Larsen se propose de faire l'examen de la dédicace de la première traduction française des trois dialogues scientifiques de Pierre Messie, que publia en 1566 l'érudite parisienne Marie de Cotteblanche. L'analyse de ce texte liminaire est suivi de sa première transcription depuis 1566 et de sa traduction anglaise.The renewed interest in the prefatory discourse of literary texts has occasioned in the last few years the analysis of the prefatory texts of women's writings. Anne Larsen examines the dedicatory epistle to the first French translation of Pierre Messie's three scientific dialogues published in 1566 by the Parisian learned woman, Marie de Cotteblanche. The transcription and English translation of this preface appear here for the first time

    Staged History in Local Settings: The Popular Norwegian Spel Tradition.

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    During the last few decades there has been an enormous increase in locally based historical plays in Norway. These are staged by amateurs, although professionals may hold important positions both on and behind the stage. The dramas have their origin in actual or invented historical events located in the area, and the stage is carefully selected to create an aura of authenticity to the performance. The environment creates dramatic scenery as they are mostly staged outdoor, and the audience frequently have to make an effort to travel to the site of the performance. As the plays are staged annually or biennially, they constitute a regular ritual performance in the community. At the same time, minor changes are allowed for from year to year, and which are widely discussed and appraised by the audience and others. Although these dramas claim to represent historical events and period pictures, their underlying message is of current interest. They become mediums whereby the past is seen through the ideological and moral lenses of the present, and are also catalysts for creating selected memories for the future. As such, they should also be considered on the background of the wider social dramas surrounding the actual plays

    The three-dimensional PWR transient code ANTI; rod ejection test calculation

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    ANTI is a computer program being developed for threedimensional coupled neutronics and thermal-hydraulics description of a PWR core under transient conditions. In this report a test example calculated by the program is described. The test example is a simulation of a control rod ejection from a very small reactor core (to save computing time). In order to show the influence of cross flow between adjacent fuel elements the same calculation was performed both with the cross flow option and with closed hydraulic channels

    Exploring public health nurses experience with cross-cultural service provision and communication regarding infant and child nutrition

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    In Norway, public health nurses have a long history of working with health promotion and, in particular, in relation to maternal and child health. Appropriate feeding practices are of fundamental importance for growth, development and health among infants and young children. As the number of children from immigrant families in Norway increases, more public health nurses are working with families whose cultural backgrounds are markedly different from their own. According to some studies, immigrant mothers experience the infant feeding advice provided by public health nurses as limited. These studies describe inadequate advice about the benefits of breastfeeding and the introduction of solid food, specifically, and about infant and child nutrition in general. This study therefore explores current public health nurses’ perspectives on and experiences with cross cultural service provision and communication regarding infant and child nutrition. A qualitative study design and in-depth interviews and focus group discussions in particular, were employed to investigate this. The data were collected over a period of four months, in three municipalities in Norway (Oslo, Akershus and Østfold), where the prevalence of immigrants is the highest in the country. Research participant were recruited from nine different maternal and child health clinics, and consisted of 24 certified public health nurses. Findings from this study show that language is perceived as a barrier that leads to a superficial level of communication and cause time constrains; lack of a common understanding of cultural knowledge and food pose as an additional barrier; interpreters are fundamental; visual aids strengthen cross-cultural communication when a common language is missing; booklets on infant and child nutrition are used as complements to verbal advice; group meetings are perceived to have potential for strengthening nutrition counseling with immigrant mothers in particular. Based on findings from this study, we suggest the following: cultural education for public health nurses, clear interpreter guidelines/education, providing public health nurses with iPads and access to visual nutrition tools, translating and re-working the booklet ‘Food for Infants’ and making it available on the internet, and acting on public health nurses suggestion regarding the value of providing cross-cultural group meetings for all mothers. The study concludes that such measures are pertinent for strengthening cross-cultural communication regarding infant and child nutrition. Key words: Public health nurses, Immigrant mothers, cross-cultural service provision, Infant and child nutrition, Qualitative, Interview, Focus group discussion

    Towards More Languages for More Students at the University of Copenhagen: The interplay between Locat and Glovbal Drivers of Change

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    This paper discusses the initiation and implementation of a new language strategy at the University of Copenhagen. The strategy targets diverse foreign language competence in students across the University and is based on needs analysis. Advocates and barriers of change are identified at different levels of the university organization.
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