223 research outputs found

    Bröstarvingars rÀtt till arv - en utredning om laglottens berÀttigande i dagens samhÀlle

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    I denna uppsats undersöks det svenska laglottssystemet. Bland annat undersöks vilka intressen som motiverar utformningen av det svenska laglottsinstitutet samt vilka intressen som talar för och emot att behĂ„lla laglotten. Störst fokus ligger pĂ„ bröstarvingars rĂ€tt att Ă€rva men Ă€ven andra intressen som har betydelse för laglottens berĂ€ttigande berörs. En variant av dagens laglottsystem har funnits sedan medeltiden, och laglotten har i princip varit materiellt oförĂ€ndrad sedan dess lagstadgande Ă„r 1857. Laglotten Ă€r sĂ„ledes vĂ€l etablerad i det svenska rĂ€ttssystemet. Sedan 1900-talets början har laglottens berĂ€ttigande frĂ€mst motiverats av att garantera bröstarvingars rĂ€tt till arv och att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla rĂ€ttvisa bröstarvingarna sinsemellan. I uppsatsen tas upp Ă€ndringar som berör laglotten under 1900-talet och förslag som under 1980-talet lades fram för att avskaffa laglotten. Debatten kring laglotten rör huruvida laglotten fortfarande kan anses vara berĂ€ttigad i och med den samhĂ€llsutveckling som skett. De som vill att laglotten ska avskaffas menar att bestĂ€mmelsen Ă€r förĂ„ldrad, och att det finns andra intressen som behöver tillgodoses sĂ„som makars och sambors arvsrĂ€ttsliga stĂ€llning och arvlĂ„tarens rĂ€tt att fĂ„ bestĂ€mma över sin egendom. En majoritet verkar dock anse att laglotten fortfarande Ă€r berĂ€ttigad. Att avskaffa laglotten skulle innebĂ€ra en att radikala Ă€ndringar behöver företas inom hela arvsrĂ€tten.This essay examines the statutory share of inheritance in the Swedish inheritance system. In Sweden, the statutory share of inheritance means that a deceased person are forced by law to leave half of his or hers property to his or hers direct heirs (children, children’s children etcetera). The interests that legitimate the statutory share of inheritance are being examined and compared to the interests for abolishing the system. The main focus is on the direct heirs right to inheritance, but the interests of other heirs or prospective heirs are also included. The statutory share of inheritance is a well-established law that has existed since the Middle Ages. The current regulation was laid down in law in the year 1857 and has, in essence, not been changed since. This essay focuses on the development with connection to the system during the 20th and 21st century. There have been a lot of discussions among both politicians and lawyers regarding to keep or to abolish the current regulation. The main motives during the 20th century for keeping the current law has been the direct heirs right to inherit and the wish to create justice between the deceased persons children. Those who wish to abolish the system believe that the current regulations are out-dated and that there are other interests, for example spouse’s legal inheritance status, that needs to be meet instead. Even thought there are a lot of people who criticise the system, it seems that most people still want to keep the current regulations. To abolish the law of statutory share of inheritance will mean that radical changes need to be undertaken throughout the legal inheritance system

    Gestaltningsförslag för en minneslund ur ett miljöpsykologiskt perspektiv

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    I Stockholms södra skĂ€rgĂ„rd ligger Utö. Med sin prĂ€gel av skĂ€rgĂ„rd och f.d. gruvbyggd Ă€r detta en vĂ€ldigt karaktĂ€ristisk miljö. Detta ska Ă€ven prĂ€gla den nya minneslund som kyrkan Ă€r i behov av. Minneslunden Ă€r ett meditativt rum. DĂ€r ska finnas plats för sorg, eftertanke och att lĂ€kas av den omgivande naturen. Hur gör man för att skapa en restorativ miljö? Hur skulle en sĂ„dan Ă„terhĂ€mtande miljö se ut nĂ€r den anpassas till förhĂ„llandena pĂ„ Utö? Detta arbete ger ett gestaltningsförslag för en minneslund pĂ„ Utö med utgĂ„ngspunkt i forskning inom miljöpsykologi, livsĂ„skĂ„dningsvetenskap och församlingsbornas önskemĂ„l. Metoden som anvĂ€nds Ă€r KartlĂ€ggning‐Analys‐Formgivning. KartlĂ€ggningen av teorier kring miljöer som ger stöd för Ă„terhĂ€mtning ligger till grund för analyserna av omrĂ„det. Analyserna utgĂ„r Ă€ven frĂ„n fĂ€ltstudier och samtal med församlingsmedlemmar och kyrkans ledning. DĂ€refter presenteras gestaltningsförslaget. Förslaget, som kommit att kallas Minnenas Lund, har en kulturmarksprĂ€gel dĂ€r havet Ă€ven i fortsĂ€ttningen fĂ„r spela en betydande roll som blickfĂ„ng. Viktigt har varit att skapa en trygg miljö och möjligheten för besökaren att fĂ„ kĂ€nna avskildhet frĂ„n den yttre verkligheten. LikasĂ„ lades vikt vid att etablera en kĂ€nsla av pondus och andlig tyngd i rummet. VĂ€xtvalet utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n material som har anknytning till ön eller som har karaktĂ€rer vilka anspelar pĂ„ skĂ€rgĂ„rdsmiljön. Platsen tar hĂ€nsyn till mĂ€nniskor med varierande förmĂ„ga i rörelse och förstĂ„else. Tydligheten och avlĂ€sligheten i miljön har spelat en lika stor roll som möjligheten till framkomlighet. Som en del i tillgĂ€nglighetsanpassningen av arbetet har en blogg uppförts för att tillgĂ€ngliggöra och sprida kunskap.Utö is an island in the southern part of Stockholm archipelago. Due to its marine location and by having a mine until the end of the 19th century, the island is of a very specific character. These features are therefore chosen to characterize the Memorial grove planed by the church. The Memorial grove has a meditative function, where the visitor is invited to mourn, reflect and process grief while being supported by the surrounding nature. How do you create a place specific and restorative environment? This bachelor thesis is a design proposal for the Memorial grove at Utö cemetery. The method for this project is a Survey‐Analyses‐Design. The design is based on theories of environmental psychology and studies in systematic Theology (Ethics and Philosophy of Religion) as well as on interviews with the parish members. Together with field studies this data is used in the analysis phase. The Memorial grove proposal includes the sense of cultural heritage where the sight of the ocean plays a major role. The importance of creating a feeling of security and privacy, as well as establishing a sense of authority and spiritual emphasism was central in the design process. The choice of plant material was chosen to mirror or allude to the features of the island and the archipelago flora. Accessibility for people with psychical disabilities and mental disorders was considered. Therefore design preferences based on coherence and legibility were as important as accessibility. To further promote the concept of accessibility and to spread topic-related knowledge, a project related Blog open for the general public was created

    Histological characterization of myocardial tissue from dogs affected by myxomatous mitral valve disease

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    Myxomatös mitralisklaffdegeneration (MMVD) Àr den vanligaste hjÀrtsjukdomen hos hund. Sjukdomen debuterar vanligtvis hos medelÄlders till Àldre hundar och det Àr frÀmst smÄ- mellanstora raser som drabbas. Cavalier King Charles spaniel kan ha utvecklat MMVD redan vid tvÄ-tre Ärs Älder. Genetiska studier har identifierat loci (omrÄden i genomet) kopplade till tidig utveckling av sjukdomen. Sjukdomen leder till en myxomatös degeneration av mitralisklaffarna vilket leder till lÀckage av blod frÄn vÀnster kammare till vÀnster förmak. Med tiden leder detta till att förmak och kammare dilateras. Dilatationen gör att sammansÀttningen och strukturen i myokardiet förÀndras. Först förÀndras kompositionen hos extracellulÀra matrix och myocyterna förlÀngs. Senare i sjukdomsförloppet ses fibrotisering i myokardiet med ackumulering av kollagenfibrer. FörÀndringarna gör sÄ smÄningom att hjÀrtat fÄr en minskad elasticitet och den systoliska funktionen reduceras. I slutskedet av sjukdomen Àr det inte ovanligt drabbade hundar utvecklar kongestiv hjÀrtsvikt. MÄlsÀttningen med denna studie var att studera och dokumentera histologiska förÀndringar i vÀnster kammarvÀgg hos hundar med MMVD och friska kontrollhundar. Observationer och mÀtningar av fibrotisering, myocytutseende, fettinfiltration och kÀrltjocklek har gjorts hos 14 hundar med MMVD samt 11 friska kontrollhundar. Undersökningen visade att, i jÀmförelse med kontrollhundar, hade MMVD hundar tjockare kÀrlvÀggar och de tenderade att ha mer fibros i myokardiet, men ingen skillnad förelÄg i fettmÀngd, myocytfibertjocklek och myocytstriering. Detta Àr information som kan vara viktig för ökad inblick i och förstÄelse för sjukdomsutvecklingen.Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is the most common cardiovascular disease in dogs. Dogs that develop the disease are often middle aged or elderly and of small to middle sized breeds. Some breeds, like Cavalier King Charles spaniel, are sometimes affected at two to three years of age. Recent studies have identified genetic loci associated with early development of the disease. The disease is characterized by a myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve which leads to thickening of the valves. Because of the abnormal valve morphology, blood starts leaking in to the left atrium leading to enlargement of the left heart chambers. Dilatation of the left ventricle and atrium causes changes in the myocardium. The structure of extracellular matrix changes, myocyte fiber elongate and accumulation of collagen fibers occur. Eventually the elasticity of the cardiac wall decreases and the systolic function reduce. In the end stage it is not uncommon that the dogs develop congestive heart failure due to the disease. In this study microscopic changes in the left ventricular wall have been assessed in 14 dogs affected by MMVD and in 11 healthy control dogs. Amount of fibrosis, appearance of the myocytes, fat infiltration and size of arteries have been investigated. This study showed that dogs with MMVD had significant thicker arteries than the healthy control dogs. The analysis did not show a significant difference between affected and healthy dogs according to the amount of fat in the myocardium. The amount of fibrosis was almost statistically significant between affected dogs and control dogs, meaning that dogs with MMVD had more fibrosis. This information is important for deeper knowledge about the development of MMVD

    Straw as an Alternative to Grass Forage in Horses-Effects on Post-Prandial Metabolic Profile, Energy Intake, Behaviour and Gastric Ulceration

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    Simple Summary Many leisure horses have low energy requirements and obesity is common. Straw has a low energy content and could be a forage option for these horses. However, a previous study suggested that providing straw as the only forage was associated with an increased risk for gastric ulcers. This study evaluated replacing 50% of the daily forage allowance with a good hygienic quality wheat straw. Six horses were fed both the control diet (grass forage only, CON) and the straw diet (50:50 grass forage and straw, S). Each diet was fed for three weeks and all horses were evaluated on both diets. Diet did not affect the prevalence of gastric ulcers. Feed intake time was longer and daily energy intake lower on diet S, compared to CON. Plasma insulin levels were lower on diet S compared to CON, which could be beneficial for horses with overweight or insulin dysregulation. The results suggest that good hygienic wheat straw provided at 50% of the forage ration does not cause gastric ulcers, but may prolong feeding time and promote a metabolic profile more suitable for overweight horses. Including straw as part of the ration therefore may improve welfare for horses with low energy requirements. Straw's low energy content means it is a roughage option for horses with low energy requirements. Previously, in a field study, straw was associated with an increased risk for gastric ulcers. This study evaluated the effect on gastric ulcers, metabolic profile and behaviour of replacing, in a forage-only ration, 50% of the daily allowance with wheat straw. Six equines were studied in a 2 x 21-day cross-over design. The control diet (CON: 100% grass forage) and the straw diet (S: 50% grass forage and 50% straw [DM basis]) were iso-energetic. Gastroscopy was performed prior to the study and on day 21 and blood samples were collected and behavioural observations were performed. Diet did not affect squamous or glandular gastric ulcer scores (p > 0.05). Feed intake time was longer (p < 0.05) plus energy intake and plasma insulin concentrations were lower on diet S compared to CON (p < 0.0001). Plasma serotonin concentrations tended to be higher on diet S compared to CON (p = 0.05). The results suggest that good hygienic quality wheat straw can be included for up to 50% of the diet without causing gastric ulcers and that it can extend feeding time and promote a metabolic profile more suitable for overweight horses

    Microalgae for municipal wastewater nutrient remediation: mechanisms, reactors and outlook for tertiary treatment

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    This review explores the use of microalgae for nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment, considering recent improvements in the understanding of removal mechanisms and developments of both suspended and non-suspended systems. Nutrient removal is associated to both direct and indirect uptake, with the former associated to the biomass concentration and growth environment (reactor). Importantly, direct uptake is influenced by the Nitrogen:Phosphorus content in both the cells and the surrounding wastewater, with opposite trends observed for N and P. Comparison of suspended and non-suspended systems revealed that whilst all were capable of achieving high levels of nutrient removal, only non-suspended immobilized systems could do so with reduced hydraulic retention times of less than 1 day. As microalgae are photosynthetic organisms, the metabolic processes associated with nutrient assimilation are driven by light. Optimization of light delivery remains a key area of development with examples of improved mixing in suspended systems and the use of pulsating lights to enhance light utilization and reduce costs. Recent data provide increased confidence in the use of microalgae for nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment, enabling effluent discharges below 1 mg L−1 to be met whilst generating added value in terms of bioproducts for energy production or nutrient recovery. Ultimately, the review suggests that future research should focus on non-suspended systems and the determination of the added value potential. In so doing, it is predicted that microalgae systems will be significant in the delivery of the circular economy

    A Triple-Transgenic Immunotolerant Mouse Model

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    ABSTRACTAvoiding unwanted immunogenicity is of key importance in the development of therapeutic drug proteins. Animal models are of less predictive value because most of the drug proteins are recognized as foreign proteins. However, different methods have been developed to obtain immunotolerant animal models. So far, the immunotolerant animal models have been developed to assess one protein at a time and are not suitable for the assessment of combination products. Our aim was to develop an animal model for evaluating the impact of manufacturing and formulation changes on immunogenicity, suitable for both single protein and combination products. We constructed two lines of transgenic mice expressing the three human coagulation factors, II, VII, and X, by inserting a single vector containing the three coagulation factors encoding sequences separated by insulator sequences derived from the chicken beta-globin locus into the mouse genome. Immunization of transgenic mice from the two lines and their wild-type littermates showed that transgenic mice from both lines were immunotolerant to the expressed human coagulation factors. We conclude that transgenic mice immunotolerant to multiple proteins can be obtained, and that these mice are potentially useful as animal models in the assessment of immunogenicity in response to manufacturing changes. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 102:1116-1124, 201

    Co-Designing with Extreme Users: A Framework for User Participation in Design Processes

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    The demand for user participation in design processes is increasing, and there is a need to formulate guidance on how to involve disabled users and their representative organisations. Their participation contributes an extreme user perspective to the design process. The aim of this study was to develop an empirically grounded framework for user participation in co-design processes, involving the users with wide range of characteristics. The study was theoretically grounded in ‘participatory design’ and ‘value sensitive design’ and used an exploratory study design with online workshops to iteratively collect and analyse data. All participants collaborated on an online Miro-board to identify themes and formulate guiding principles for the framework. We propose a framework consisting of three themes: participation fundamentals, participation ethics and participation practicalities, entailing 11 guiding principles. By applying this framework, the premises, methods and activities in the design process will be accessible to all participants, and user participation in design projects will become more transparent, equitable and easier to implement. It will enable all users, people with disabilities and others, to participate and contribute to a design that can be used by the widest range of people

    Effect of a spacer on total systemic and lung bioavailability in healthy volunteers and in vitro performance of the Symbicort\uae (budesonide/formoterol) pressurized metered dose inhaler

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    Introduction: Many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma experience difficulties in coordinating inhalation with pressurized metered-dose inhaler (pMDI) actuation. The use of a spacer device can improve drug delivery in these patients. The aim of this study was to establish the relative bioavailability of single doses of Symbicort\uae (budesonide/formoterol) pMDI 160/4.5 ÎŒg/actuation (2 actuations) used with and without a spacer device. In addition, an in vitro study was conducted to characterize performance of the inhaler when used in conjunction with a spacer device. Methods: A Phase I, randomized, open-label, single-dose, single-center, crossover study in 50 healthy volunteers (NCT02934607) assessed the relative bioavailability of single-dose Symbicort\uae pMDI 160/4.5 ÎŒg/actuation (2 actuations) with and without a spacer (AeroChamber Plus\uae Flow-Vu\uae). Inhaled doses were administered without or with activated charcoal (taken orally) to estimate total systemic exposure and exposure through the lung, respectively. The in vitro study characterized the effect of the spacer with respect to delivered dose, fine particle dose, and dose during simulated breathing of budesonide and formoterol. Results: In terms of total systemic exposure, use of the spacer increased the relative bioavailability determined by AUC(0-last) and Cmax by 68% (spacer:no spacer treatment ratio, 167.9%; 90% CI, 144.1 to 195.6) and 99% (ratio, 198.7%; 90% CI, 164.4 to 240.2) for budesonide, and 77% (ratio, 176.6%; 90% CI, 145.1 to 215.0) and 124% (ratio, 223.6%; 90% CI, 189.9 to 263.3) for formoterol, respectively, compared with pMDI alone. Similarly, the lung exposure of budesonide and formoterol increased (AUC(0-last) and Cmax by 146% [ratio, 246.0%; 90% CI, 200.7 to 301.6] and 127% [ratio, 226.5%; 90% CI, 186.4 to 275.4] for budesonide, and 173% [ratio, 272.8%; 90% CI, 202.5 to 367.4] and 136% [ratio, 236.2%; 90% CI, 192.6 to 289.6] for formoterol, respectively) when the pMDI was administered through the spacer. When assessed by AUC(0-last) quartile without spacer, subjects in the lowest exposure quartile (indicating poor inhalation technique) with Symbicort\uae pMDI 160/4.5 ÎŒg/actuation (2 actuations) had markedly increased total systemic and lung exposure when the same dose was administered with the spacer. In contrast, for subjects in the highest exposure quartile with pMDI alone, total systemic and lung exposure of formoterol and budesonide was similar with and without the spacer. In the in vitro study, the fine particle dose (&lt;5 ÎŒm) of both budesonide and formoterol from the spacer at delay time (i.e. pause period after actuation) = 0 s (instantaneous) after actuation was similar to the fine particle dose when not using the spacer. The delivered doses of budesonide and formoterol from the spacer were both lower compared with the doses administered without the spacer. There was also a decrease in delivered dose with increasing delay time. Conclusions: The clinical study demonstrated that in subjects with poor inhalation technique the use of the AeroChamber Plus\uae Flow-Vu\uae spacer increased the bioavailability of Symbicort\uae pMDI to a level observed in subjects with good inhalation technique without a spacer. The findings from the in vitro study support the fine particle dose characteristics of Symbicort\uae pMDI with the AeroChamber Plus\uae Flow-Vu\uae spacer
