26 research outputs found

    The Difficulties Faced by Students in Reading Comprehension Section of National Examination

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    This thesis is entitled “The Difficulties Faced by Students in Reading Comprehension Section of National Examination”. This study aims at finding out the difficulties faced by senior high school students in reading comprehension section of the national examination and finding out why the students face difficulties in reading comprehension question of national examination. The subject of this study is the first year students of SMA N 1 Bakongan. There are four classes in this grade. As the sample the writer took one class namely X-2 consist of 27 students. This study used qualitative and quantitative research methodology. The data were collected by using a test and questionnaire. The test consists of 20 questions classified into 4 types of reading comprehension question namely main idea questions, detail meaning questions, implied meaning questions and vocabulary questions. The questionnaire consists of 17 questions. Index of difficulty and percentage formula were used to analyze the data. The result of the test showed that the first year students of SMA N 1 Bakongan found difficulties in answering reading test. The students’ difficulties are in answering detail questions (100%), implied meaning questions (80%), vocabulary questions (60%) and main idea questions (40%). The result of the questionnaires showed that the students’ difficulties in answering all aspects of reading questions were caused by some problems, for instance the students could not understand the long reading text, the students could not master the vocabulary and also could not found the similar meaning of words. Then, the students did not know about the terms bottom-up strategy and top-down strategy, because they never learned about that strategies before. So, they never applied it when they answered the questions. Students also had less of concentration and they were nervous when they answered the questions. Finally, they could not determine the main ideas correctly

    Exploring the Links Between Gut Bacteria-Related Metabolites, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Risk, and Heart Failure (HF).

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    This short review synthesizes recent advances in microbiome research on CVD and the associated cardiometabolic phenotypes, moving our understanding from outcomes to causality special emphasis is placed on microbiome and compound/metabiotic pathways, focusing on short-chain fatty acids, trimethylamine N-oxide, and phenylacetylglutamine. Modifying the gut microbiota through specific dietary interventions provides a potential way to identify novel therapeutic targets and refine dietary recommendations for prevention

    Perceptions and barriers of immigrants towards cycling as a mode of transport in Malmo, Sweden.

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    Bicycling is a sustainable, healthy, and affordable mode of transportation that is widely promoted in Swedish cities like Malmo. However, despite the city's efforts to promote cycling, immigrants seem to be less likely to cycles than the native population. This research aims to explore the perceptions of immigrants regarding cycling as a mode of transportation in the city of Malmo, Sweden. Additionally, it aims to identify and examine potential barriers that influence their decision-making process in choosing cycling as a mode of transport. This has been executed by examining previous literature that has focused on similar topics as well as interviews with first- and second-generation immigrants that reside in Rosengard, a neighborhood in Malmo. The findings suggest that several factors hinder immigrants from cycling such as fear, cultural differences and past travel habits

    Perceptions and barriers of immigrants towards cycling as a mode of transport in Malmo, Sweden.

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    Bicycling is a sustainable, healthy, and affordable mode of transportation that is widely promoted in Swedish cities like Malmo. However, despite the city's efforts to promote cycling, immigrants seem to be less likely to cycles than the native population. This research aims to explore the perceptions of immigrants regarding cycling as a mode of transportation in the city of Malmo, Sweden. Additionally, it aims to identify and examine potential barriers that influence their decision-making process in choosing cycling as a mode of transport. This has been executed by examining previous literature that has focused on similar topics as well as interviews with first- and second-generation immigrants that reside in Rosengard, a neighborhood in Malmo. The findings suggest that several factors hinder immigrants from cycling such as fear, cultural differences and past travel habits

    Etude monographique sur l'évolution de la communauté juive de FÚs sous le protectorat français 1912-1956 (étude de la vie sociale, politique, économique et intellectuelle)

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    Notre étude constitue d'une part une monographie de la communauté juive de FÚs dans les différents domaines : historique, politique, social, économique, institutionnel et culturel. D'autre part elle présente une analyse du processus d'évolution des Juifs fassis à travers ces domaines. Sur le plan politique, "les juifs les plus évolués" demandaient sans cesse l'amélioration de leur statut ainsi que la naturalisation qui constitue pour eux une prise de position idéologique. Abandonner le Mellah et se diriger vers la ville nouvelle est considéré comme un changement radical et une adaptation à la civilisation occidentale, à la présence française. La scolarisation est un autre facteur considérable dans l'évolution de la communauté juive fassie. La création des écoles de l'Alliance Israélite Universelle reflÚte mieux cette évolution...ST DENIS-BU PARIS8 (930662101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    LCA AND LCC FOR MULTI-RESIDENTIAL HOUSES : Wood and concrete from an environmental and economic perspective on behalf of Kommunfastigheter i Eskilstuna AB

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    The building construction business in Sweden stands for approximately a third of greenhouse gas emissions nationally. Great focus on environmental work and a good attitude towards a climate-smart construction process have today evolved to a genuine discussion about the way that fits in to secure future generations. Wood construction, an old but continuous method are today under a growth process to cater for the need of housing. Wood construction on a high level however has its difficulties environmentally and economically, where high wood construction buildings have possibly been seen as unnecessary especially in higher apartment buildings. But with time and development forward has it been found that concrete has a high carbon dioxide emission value when producing apartment buildings and the thought of using wood instead has been increasing in the business.  The municipality of Eskilstuna is planning a new residential area in Norra Årby, where three apartment buildings is planning on being built on a deserted parking lot. The designers of these three apartment buildings are examining the possibility to use wood as a main construction material instead of concrete. As a mission of Kommunfastigheter i Eskilstuna AB explores this study this possibility using LCA and LCC over a period of 50 years on one of these buildings that can be later used for future projects. Out of documents on the designers thought of construction has LCA och LCC been produced in the shape of global warming potential per square meter living space and price per square meter living space. The results of LCA and LCC showed that it is cheaper building the apartment building in wood in comparison to concrete, and that the global warming potential was significantly smaller even though the building is designed to be 9 levels. Wood can therefore be used as a substitute for concrete even though the building is high. To secure the results a sensitivity analysis was produced to see of changing the parameters of the study had an impact on the results. This showed that the most significantly economical parameter was the discount rate of the projects.

    Myten om den lyckliga horan : En kvalitativ studie om mÀnniskohandel för sexuella ÀndamÄl av kvinnor

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    Syftet med denna studie Àr att undersöka hur mÀnniskohandel för sexuella ÀndamÄl av kvinnor förstÄs av yrkesverksamma som professionellt arbetar med utsatta kvinnor och frÄgor som berör mÀnniskohandel. Studien genomfördes med sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma som pÄ nÄgot sÀtt arbetar med mÀnniskohandel eller utsatta kvinnor. Respondenterna Àr verksamma i olika delar av landet och frÄn olika verksamheter. Empirin tolkas utifrÄn den postkoloniala feministiska teorin. Resultatet i denna studie visar att yrkesverksamma i Sverige Àr överens om vad begreppet mÀnniskohandel betyder men att förstÄelsen av fenomenet Àr ojÀmn. Resultatet visar ocksÄ att det inte finns en fördjupad förstÄelse kring de bakomliggande orsakerna för mÀnniskohandel för sexuella ÀndamÄl. Dock nÀmner respondenterna att de tror efterfrÄgan Àr en stor del av orsakerna bakom fenomenet. Sammanfattningsvis gÄr det att dra slutsatsen utifrÄn resultatet att det behövs mer forskning kring efterfrÄgan och hur det samspelar med globaliseringen, men Àven att se över de strukturer som lever kvar i dagens samhÀllen efter koloniseringen.2019-06-04</p

    Problem vid beslagtagande av egendom

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    This thesis takes its starting point in the 27 Chapter 1, section 1 of the Swedish code of judicial procedure, where the following is found: “objects reasonably presumed important to a criminal investigation or taken from a person through a criminal act or subject to criminal forfeiture may be seized” In this thesis we have investigated what kinds of problems occur when the seized object is part of an investigation of IT-related criminality. We have used methodological investigations of Swedish laws, legal usage, and the preliminary work with laws. Further have three interviews been made with different actors affected by or involved in seize of objects. These persons were a police officer, a public prosecutor, and a person whose object has been seized. The result we present is that there exist three kinds of problems related to objects that are seized within the demarcation of this study. The problems can be formal, and related to the Swedish laws; the problem can also be technical, where e.g. encryption can make the seized object impossible to understand or interpret; and the problem can also be humanly related. The conclusion is that the seize of objects, that are IT-related in some way, is a challenge for the Swedish judical system.Sammanfattning Denna uppsats tar sin utgĂ„ngspunkt i 7 kap 1§ rĂ€ttegĂ„ngsbalken. "FöremĂ„l, som skĂ€ligen kan antagas Ă€ga betydelse för utredning om brott eller vara genom brott nĂ„gon avhĂ€nt eller pĂ„ grund av brott förverkat, mĂ„ tagas i beslag." Vi har undersökt vilka problem som blir aktuella vid beslagtagande av egendom och gjort en huvudsaklig avgrĂ€nsning mot IT-relaterade beslag. Dels har rĂ€ttssamhĂ€llet ett intresse av att utreda brott, dels har den enskilde medborgaren en rĂ€ttighet att inte bli krĂ€nkt, och sedan mĂ„ste hĂ€nsyn tas till tredje man. Vi har intervjuat tre olika medverkande i ett beslag som görs med stöd av 7 kap 1§ rĂ€ttegĂ„ngsbalken, vilka Ă€r Ă„klagaren, polisen och en som drabbats av ett beslag. Vidare har vi tagit del av nĂ„gra rĂ€ttsfall för att se vilka olika problem som kan bli aktuella. Vi redovisar t ex det i media mycket uppmĂ€rksammade fallet om fildelningssajten Pirate Bay, samt fallet med TV4-journalisten och juristen Trond Sefastsson. I fallet Pirate Bay var det tredje man som ansĂ„g sig drabbats och i TV4-journalistens fall, ansĂ„g Sefastsson sig ha material som var kĂ€llskyddat pĂ„ den beslagtagna datorn. Vi har ocksĂ„ uppmĂ€rksammat ett fall dĂ€r polisen har Ă„terskapat sms-meddelanden som blev en tung del i bevisningen. NĂ€r vi tittat nĂ€rmare pĂ„ barnpornografisk verksamhet kan brottets grad urskiljas genom att bla se pĂ„ mĂ€ngden bilder. MĂ€ngden bilder pĂ„verkar straffets omfattning. AnvĂ€nder en misstĂ€nkt brottsling t ex sig av kryptering och lösenordsfiler sĂ„ kan solen kallna innan polisen ens Ă€r i nĂ€rheten av att knĂ€cka koden. Vi har Ă€ven lĂ€st och redovisat nĂ„gra aktuella utlĂ„tanden frĂ„n Justitieombudsmannen och Justitiekanslern. T ex skriver JK i ett beslut den 19 december 2007 angĂ„ende fallet Trond Sefastsson att det inte inleder nĂ„gon förundersökning mot efterforskningsbeslutet. Hela beslutet presenteras i en bilaga. Vi menar att det finns tre olika sorters problem vid beslag: Formella, mĂ€nskliga och tekniska, dĂ€r vi ser det tekniska problemet som det svĂ„raste att komma till rĂ€tta med. RĂ€ttsvĂ€sendet gör vissa försök att minska problem vid beslag, t ex har Domstolsverket under 2007 startat ett projekt med en domarskola för att höja utbildningskvaliteten pĂ„ domare. Regeringen har för avsikt att tillsĂ€tta en utredning för att se över polisens möjlighet till att fĂ„ ta del av Internet anvĂ€ndares IP-adresser