22 research outputs found
The article discusses the mechanism of action of the epilam film during the
operation of epilated drills and the influence of cutting conditions,
processing conditions on their condition. Tribological tests were carried out
using a special installation, where the test conditions are close to the
conditions characteristic of the drilling process. Based on the results of the
experiment, it was found that the effectiveness of epilam film directly
depends on the cutting speed, which determines the temperature in the
contact zone. Research has shown that use of oil-based LCTF MR-7 (МР-7)
has the best effect on the state of epilam coating
Today, the use of aerodynamic dryers for drying various types of fruit crops
is very current. In them, the electric energy spent on the drive of the
centrifugal fan is transformed into thermal energy due to the mutual friction
of the air flows circulating in the closed chamber. In order to increase the
energy efficiency of the drying process, the heat of the waste drying agent
was used in the research. The presented dryer was equipped with a
combined heat exchanger. In order to predict the thermal performance of
the combined heat exchanger depending on external factor variables, the
dependence of the temperature of the fresh drying agent at the outlet of
the combined heat exchanger on the dryer operation time is theoretically
determined on the basis of the heat balance equation. The air solar
collector in the combined heat exchanger made it possible to increase the
temperature of the drying agent at the outlet by another 10 oC without
extra costs of electrical energy. A comparative analysis of the results of
experimental and theoretical studies showed their high convergence
The article considers the main prospects for the use of the method of
coating plasma spraying. The essence of plasma spraying is disclosed, and
the main advantages and disadvantages of this coating formation method
are indicated. The method is characterized by high productivity and the
possibility of forming high-quality coatings on machine parts for various
functional purposes. It was found that the low stability of the spraying
process, the structural complexity of the plasmatron and the need for
mathematical modeling are constraining factors in designing new
technological processes of plasma spraying. The possibility of further
increasing the efficiency of plasma spraying by developing methods and
means of automation and computerization of the spraying process is
substantiated. Obtaining the required physical and mechanical properties
of coatings applied to worn working surfaces of machine parts by plasma
spraying is achieved by using modern electronic computing machines in the
development of technological application processes. Based on the research
a mathematical model for evaluating the method of plasma coating
deposition was obtained. It allows the choice of applied materials and
technological processes, as well as modeling options of design and
technology solutions that meet the optimization condition. The data
obtained from the results of studies allow evaluation of the impact of
technological modes of coating formation on the optimization parameter
At present, a strategically important task of technological independence of
Russian industries is restoration of worn-out parts of machines and
equipment by plasma methods based on the use of coatings of different
functional purpose. The purpose of this study is to solve the actual problem
of choosing the rational modes of plasma coating in the process of
restoration of worn parts, subjected to intensive wear in the operation
process. To solve this problem, the experimental studies of the elasticity
characteristics in the plasma-deposited coatings were carried out. The
study results allowed determining the most optimal range of rational
modes of plasma coating deposition in terms of obtaining high elastic
properties of plasma coatings as the key stage of resource-saving
technology for restoration of worn parts of machinery and equipment
Block and gradient copoly(2-oxazoline) micelles : strikingly different on the inside
Herein, we provide a direct proof for differences in the micellar structure of amphiphilic diblock and gradient copolymers, thereby unambiguously demonstrating the influence of monomer distribution along the polymer chains on the micellization behavior. The internal structure of amphiphilic block and gradient co poly(2-oxazolines) based on the hydrophilic poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PMeOx) and the hydrophobic poly(2-phenyl-2-oxazoline) (PPhOx) was studied in water and water ethanol mixtures by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), small angle neutron scattering (SANS), static and dynamic light scattering (SLS/DLS), and H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Contrast matching SANS experiments revealed that block copolymers form micelles with a uniform density profile of the core. In contrast to popular assumption, the outer part of the core of the gradient copolymer micelles has a distinctly higher density than the middle of the core. We attribute the latter finding to back-folding of chains resulting from hydrophilic hydrophobic interactions, leading to a new type of micelles that we refer to as micelles with a "bitterball-core" structure
The article the main scientific approaches to determining the financial potential and factors of its formation; the definition of migration capital, the author analyses modern tendencies of movement. It is proved that the remittances of labour migrants have a significant impact on the formation of financial capacity as the host country and exporting countries of labor force. Listed on potential socio-economic threats, which may be due to excessive attraction of migration capital into donor countries of labor migration and its outflow from the donor countries, the migration of capital; the necessity of state regulation of migration processes
Сучасні тенденції соціального розвитку регіонів України
Social changes in the country cause the execution of the systematic identification and diagnosis of the problems of social development of the regions for the constant adjustment and improvement of state administrative activity that defined the objectives of the given work. The article reveals the state and general trends of the territorial dynamics of social processes, the level of interregional differentiation by main aspects of social development for the period 2007–2017. It has been demonstrated that, despite a certain positive dynamics, the current state of social development in most regions of Ukraine is unsatisfactory and is characterized by low quality of life indicators (in almost 70% of regions the level of regional human development is below the average Ukrainian figures). Interurban asymmetry is fixed (overall urban settlements in almost all aspects have better results of social development). There is an imbalance in social development by its main elements, which creates a significant imbalance in providing opportunities for the realization of the social rights of the population depending on the place of residence (a number of regions which are leading according to one social indicator are simultaneously outsiders in others). The growth of disproportions in the social development of regions is indicated by a number of features, first of all, by the rates of approaching target values; indicators characterizing the comfort of living of the population, social environment, material well-being, employment of the population. It has been found that interregional imbalances of social development are the result of a combination of external and internal factors, including weaknesses in public administration at the national and regional levels. The necessity of concentrating the attention of the authorities on the most problematic aspects of the development of the social and humanitarian sphere in each region, strengthening the regional component of state policy, activating the regions themselves in solving specific social problems, increasing the effectiveness of state-management mechanisms for social equation of regional development were proven.У статті розкрито стан і загальні тенденції територіальної динаміки соціальних процесів, рівень міжрегіональної диференціації за основними аспектами соціального розвитку. Установлено негативні тенденції перебігу соціальних процесів у регіональному вимірі, які мають переважно усталений характер: низький рівень соціального розвитку більшості регіонів України; незбалансованість соціального розвитку в межах регіону; збереження міжпоселенської асиметрії соціального розвитку, особливо за рівнем доступу до соціальних благ та послуг; зростання диспропорційності соціального розвитку регіонів за ступенем наближення до цільових орієнтирів, окремими складовими соціального розвитку. Доведено необхідність концентрації уваги владних структур на найбільш проблемних аспектах розвитку соціогуманітарної сфери в кожному регіоні, посилення регіональної складової державної політики, активізації самих регіонів у вирішенні конкретних соціальних проблем, підвищення ефективності державно-управлінських механізмів соціального вирівнювання регіонального розвитку
The article analyzes the essence and the main forms of manifestation of globalization, which forms the main trends of world development of countries in modern conditions, characterized by some of the trends and also identifies the main instruments of macroeconomic regulation, which synchronizes the development of the economy at the national and supranational levels and the use of which can provide increase of efficiency of functioning of the economy
Виділення поліклональних антитіл до колагену методом іонообмінної хроматографії на колонці з DEAE-сефарозою
Background. Development of new methods for isolation and purification of polyclonal antibodies.Objective. Analysis of the efficiency of the ion exchange column with DEAE-Sepharose at isolation of polyclonal antibodies to collagen.Methods. IgG were isolated from precipitated γ-globulin fraction of serum of immunized rabbit by ion exchange chromatography on column with DEAE-Sepharose.Results. It was determined that the IgG output at volume ratio of 4:3 of starting material and the carrier applied to the column is 1.67 times higher than the ratio of 2:3. It is shown that IgG goes out of the column together with the protein that has a molecular weight of about 57–60 kDa. We found that 5.123 mg of IgG with minor impurities of serum proteins is obtained from 30 cm3 of rabbit’s serum.Conclusions. The method of ion exchange chromatography on column with DEAE-Sepharose provides a high yield of IgG with few impurities and can be used as a way of pre-treatment of polyclonal antibodies.Проблематика. Разработка новых методов выделения и очистки поликлональных антител.Цель исследования. Анализ эффективности использования ионообменной колонки с DEAE-сефарозой при выделении поликлональных антител к коллагену.Методика реализации. Из осажденной γ-глобулиновой фракции сыворотки крови иммунизированного кролика выделяли IgG методом ионообменной хроматографии на колонке с DEAE-сефарозой.Результаты исследования. Определено, что выход IgG при объемном соотношении нанесенного на колонку исходного материала и носителя 4:3 в 1,67 раза выше, чем при соотношении 2:3. Показано, что одновременно с IgG при выбранных условиях проведения эксперимента с колонки выходит белок, имеющий молекулярную массу около 57–60 кДа. Установлено, что с 30 см3 сыворотки кролика получено 5,123 мг IgG с незначительными примесями белков сыворотки.Выводы. Метод ионообменной хроматографии на колонке с DEAE-сефарозой позволяет получить высокий выход IgG с незначительным количеством примесей и может быть использован как способ предварительной очистки поликлональных антител.Проблематика. Розробка нових методів виділення та очистки поліклональних антитіл.Мета дослідження. Аналіз ефективності використання іонообмінної колонки з DEAE-сефарозою при виділенні поліклональних антитіл до колагену.Методика реалізації. З осадженої γ-глобулінової фракції сироватки крові імунізованого кроля виділяли IgG методом іонообмінної хроматографії на колонці з DEAE-сефарозою.Результати дослідження. Визначено, що вихід IgG за об’ємного співвідношення нанесеного на колонку вихідного матеріалу і носія 4:3 у 1,67 разу вищий, ніж за співвідношення 2:3. Показано, що одночасно з IgG за вибраних умов проведення експерименту з колонки виходить білок, що має молекулярну масу близько 57–60 кДа. Встановлено, що з 30 см3 сироватки кроля отримано 5,123 мг IgG з незначними домішками білків сироватки.Висновки. Метод іонообмінної хроматографії на колонці з DEAE-сефарозою дає змогу отримати високий вихід IgG із незначною кількістю домішок і може бути використаний як спосіб попередньої очистки поліклональних антитіл
Seasonal variation of immune response to heterologous erythrocytes in natural populations of red-backed (Clethrionomys rutilus) and gray-sided (C. rufocanus) voles in Western Siberia
We studied the seasonal variation of adaptive humoral immunity (AHI) in northern red-backed vole (Clethrionomys rutilus Pallas, 1779, RBV) and gray-sided vole (C. rufocanus Sundevall, 1846, GSV) in Tomsk region of Western Siberia. Immunoresponsiveness (IR) to sheep red blood cells was assessed by the number of antibody-producing cells in the spleen. The use of a generalized linear model to analyze the effects of species, sex, year of research, and season of withdrawal of individuals from nature on IR showed a significant effect of species identity, season of animal capture, and the interaction of species with season. The RBV demonstrated higher immune responses during a year, and both species had higher IR in winter. Suppression of IR in spring was greater, started earlier, and lasted longer (March-May) in GSV. In RBV, immunosuppression was restricted to April. The significant negative within year correlations of IR with body mass and masses of reproductive organs in GSV indicated a trade-off between AHI and growth and reproduction processes. A probable explanation for the difference between species in the seasonal variation of AHI may be related to the difference in tropho-energetic requirements of each vole species. GSV is a predominantly herbivorous rodent and its thermoregulation seems less efficient than of RBV. The deeper spring immunosuppression in GSV may explain in part its higher mortality during the season of colds