96 research outputs found

    Skin vascular resistance in the standing position increases significantly after 7 days of dry immersion

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    Actual and simulated microgravity induces hypovolemia and cardiovascular deconditioning, associated with vascular dysfunction. We hypothesized that vasoconstriction of skin microcirculatory bed should be altered following 7 days of simulated microgravity in order to maintain cardiovascular homeostasis during active standing. Eight healthy men were studied before and after 7 days of simulated microgravity modeled by dry immersion (DI). Changes of plasma volume and orthostatic tolerance were evaluated. Calf skin blood flow (laser-Doppler flowmetry), ECG and blood pressure signal during a 10-min stand test were recorded, and skin vascular resistance, central hemodynamics, baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate variability were estimated. After DI we observed increased calf skin vascular resistance in the standing position (12.0 +/- 1.0 AU-after- vs. 6.8 +/- 1.4 AU-before), while supine it was unchanged. Cardiovascular deconditioning was confirmed by greater tachycardia on standing and by hypovolemia (-16 +/- 3% at day 7 of DI). Total peripheral resistance and indices of cardiovascular autonomic control were not modified. In conclusion, unchanged autonomic control and total peripheral resistance suggest that increased skin vasoconstriction to standing involves rather local mechanisms-as venoarteriolar reflex-and might compensate insufficient vasoconstriction of other vascular beds

    Legal protection of inventions within medical practice in Ukraine

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    Legal protection of inventions within medical practice in Ukraine / Bezpalova О.I., Yusupov V.A., Avramova O.Ye., Krasiuk T.V., Larina N.B. // Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2019. Tom LXXII. № 3. p. 484-488. http://wl.medlist.org/2019_03_30/The aim of this article is theoretical and practical study of the legal protection of medical inventions in Ukraine based on the analysis of Ukrainian patent law, issued patents for inventions applied within medical practice, as well as data from the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukrain

    Возможности реабилитации детей с синдромом ДЦП с применением роботизированных устройств и биологической обратной связи

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    This article overviews and systemizes published data on the ways of implementing different methods of biofeedback, robotic devices, and brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy (CP).Aim. To survey implementation practices and clinical outcomes of rehabilitation technologies and possible neurophysiological mechanisms underlying their efficacy in patients with CP. We searched PubMed, Web of Science and eLIBRARY.ru databases for relevant publications using specified keywords.Results. The analysis of relevant literature has shown that robotic technologies and BCIs with biofeedback based on electroencephalography and electromyography parameters are rapidly developing and implemented for the rehabilitation of children with CP. The first evidence of effectiveness for such methods and approaches has been found. However, there is a lack of fully developed conventional standards for the use of such rehabilitation methods and protocols in children. Control groups comprising of children with CP are often absent in such studies. In many cases, the variations of neurophysiological and neurochemical parameters before and after a course of rehabilitation are not evaluated. Having such data would help clarify physiological mechanisms underlying effective rehabilitation of motor functions and then design more adequate rehabilitation procedures and medication protocols.Обзор литературы посвящен систематизации имеющихся данных о применении методики биологической обратной связи, роботизированных устройств и интерфейсов «мозг – компьютер» в реабилитации детей с синдромом детского церебрального паралича (ДЦП).Цель – изучить опыт применения, клиническую эффективность реабилитационных технологий у пациентов с ДЦП и возможные нейрофизиологические механизмы, лежащие в их основе. Поиск по ключевым словам (дети, ДЦП, биологическая обратная связь, роботизированные устройства, интерфейс «мозг – компьютер», экзоскелеты) был проведен с использованием баз научной литературы Pubmed, Web of Science,  eLIBRARY.ru.Результаты. Проведенный анализ данных литературы показывает, что в настоящее время в реабилитации детей с синдромом ДЦП активно развивается применение роботизированных устройств и интерфейсов «мозг – компьютер» с биологической обратной связью по параметрам электроэнцефалограммы и электромиограммы. Получены первые доказательства эффективности указанных методов и подходов. В то же время не полностью разработаны стандарты использования таких методов в реабилитационной практике и протоколы работы с детьми. Не всегда создавались контрольные группы из детей с ДЦП. Во многих исследованиях не оценивалась динамика нейрофизиологических и нейрохимических показателей до и после курса реабилитации. Такие данные позволили бы уточнить физиологические механизмы восстановления моторных функций и более корректно подходить к назначению реабилитационных процедур и медикаментозного лечения

    Optical coherence tomography—current technology and applications in clinical and biomedical research

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    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Clinical implications of osteoporosis in chronic heart failure

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    The paper focusses on the problem of impaired bone metabolism in patients with chronic heart failure. The authors discuss the importance of this problem, prevalence of osteoporosis, pathophysiological mechanisms of bone metabolism impairment, and common risk factors of heart failure and osteoporosis. The therapeutic strategy in patients with heart failure and osteoporosis is described