2,094 research outputs found

    Corporate social responsibility and competitiveness within SMEs of the fashion industry:evidence from Italy and France

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    Our paper analyses the link between the adoption of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and competitiveness performance among small and medium enterprises operating in the fashion industry. The study refers to a sample of 213 SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) located in Italy and France and is based on a correlation analysis between competitiveness variables and the CSR practice adopted. The results show a significant correlation with regard to the innovation process, both from the technical and the organizational point of view, and the intangible performances. On the other hand, another competitiveness macro-category, which is the market performance (measured as demand trend, turnover and business attraction), presents deceptive results, although a positive correlation with the adoption of market-oriented CSR practice emerges. The study is explorative and represents a relevant basis to future studies concerning the nature of the emerged co-relations

    La condotta etica nell'organizzazione aziendale

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    L’obiettivo della presente tesi è quello di riuscire a capire perchè ad un’organizzazione aziendale dovrebbe convenire investire risorse affinché si diffonda, o mantenga, il rispetto dell’eticità nei rapporti interpersonali delle proprie risorse umane. La ricerca si compone di due parti: la prima teorica e la seconda applicativa. Diversi aspetti di un’organizzazione vengono analizzati (quali ad esempio la cultura, la struttura, la comunicazione, i codici etici, la selezione del personale), in relazione a come questi possano esser predisposti affinché si consolidino condotte etiche tra i lavoratori e si evitino spiacevoli situazioni relazionali. In questi ultimi casi potrebbero infatti sorgere ad esempio casi di mobbing o straining, in cui le vittime sarebbero non solo i lavoratori mobbizzati, ma anche l’azienda stessa. Un clima sereno ed equilibrato in un’organizzazione non potrà quindi che facilitarne il pieno sviluppo delle capacità impiegate, una maggiore efficacia ed efficienza, e quindi una rinnovata forza competitiva sull’attuale mercato globalizzato

    De la terapia cognitivo conductual para el estrés post-desastre 14 meses después de ser aplicada en trabajadores de un centro de salud de constitución expuestos al 27 de febrero de 2010 efectividad

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    78 p.Introducción: después del terremoto y tsunami del 27 de febrero de 2010 (27-F) el trastorno clínico más común es el estrés post-traumático (TEPT). Para tratarlo, la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual (TCC) es la más efectiva y, en particular después de un desastre, la TCC post-desastre (TCCPD). Objetivo: determinar la efectividad de la TCCPD, realizada a personal de un Centro de Salud de la ciudad de Constitución, 14 meses después de su aplicación. Método: utilizando un diseño cuasi-experimental longitudinal, se midió los síntomas intensos de TEPT en 3 grupos (sin TCCPD y sin síntomas intensos; sin TCCPD y con síntomas intensos; y con TCCPD y sin síntomas intensos) y en 3 ocasiones (antes, inmediatamente después y 14 meses después de la TCCPD). La muestra corresponde a 31 participantes (de los cuales 6 recibieron TCCPD). Se utilizó la escala SPRINT-E para evaluarlos. Resultados: A los 14 meses finalizado el tratamiento, la media de síntomas intensos del grupo que recibió TCCPD (M=2.2) se mantiene igual que la del grupo de quiénes no la recibieron y no tenían síntomas intensos (M=0.4; I-J=1.798; p>.05) y tampoco es significativamente distinta de la media del grupo que teniendo síntomas intensos no recibió el tratamiento (M=0.4; I-J=-1.167; p>.05). Conclusión: La TCCPD es efectiva para disminuir sintomatología intensa de TEPT y su efecto se mantiene 14 meses después de ser aplicada. Esto se explica porque la TCCPD resulta ser una herramienta breve y que pone énfasis en la participación de las víctimas en el proceso terapéutico.Palabras claves: estrés post-traumático, terapia cognitiva conductual para estrés post-desastre, terremoto, tsunami, 27-F

    The contribution of virtual enterprises to competence-based learning: An assessment from the students' perspective: Case study

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    The use of virtual enterprises has evolved from secondary, vocational and professional education to the university level, becoming in recent times a relevant experiential e-learning tool based on the simulation of the functioning of a company. The purpose of this study is to analyze the perspective of students taking part in virtual enterprises about their acquisition of generic and specific managerial skills fostered by this e-learning methodology. We analyzed data of 76 students from Faculties of Business and Economics, who had participated during the academic year 2014-2015 in a virtual company during the development of their degrees at two different Italian universities, University of Bologna and Parma. Our results show that the most valued generic skills were related to the capacity of learning and adaptation, problem solving and teamwork, whilst the least valued ones were related to the skills of communication and interaction with people of other countries and cultures. In the case of specific managerial skills, the most valued ones were about understanding managerial concepts and the role and functions of economic agents, and the least valued were skills related to providing managerial advice, dealing with risks and analyzing financial statements. Besides, the analyses conducted to determine the existence of a learning profile in the students reveal that the skills acquired were quite similar, not being affected by the students' gender or the economic activity developed by the virtual enterprise. This study makes a contribution in terms of the effectiveness of virtual enterprises for competence-based learning

    Senhoras e senhores, respeitável público : Albano Pereira e seus circos estáveis em Porto Alegre e Rio Grande, 1875-1887

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    Esta é uma história que teci a partir do estudo da trajetória do artista e empresário circense português Albano Pereira. Num contexto em que o uso de estruturas provisórias ou móveis era corrente entre as companhias circenses, detive-me aos esforços deste empresário no intuito de erigir e manter estruturas de caráter estável em duas cidades da província do Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre e Rio Grande, entre os anos de 1875 e 1887. A partir da análise dos casos do Circo Universal, do Anfiteatro Albano Pereira, do Teatro de Variedades e do Polytheama Rio-grandense, através de fontes diversas, tais como atas de câmaras municipais, processos judiciais, jornais e textos de memorialistas, investigo o processo de construção e manutenção de tais estruturas, as relações estabelecidas entre empresário e municipalidades, os termos de cedência de áreas públicas ao uso do circo, o estabelecimento de sociedades particulares, bem como aspectos relativos à produção circense ligada à Albano Pereira. Nesse estudo, formulei a hipótese de que o investimento deste empresário na construção de estruturas estáveis representou não apenas, a criação de espaços adequados e capazes de comportar a realização de espetáculos circenses – sob sua direção ou de companhias convidadas – mas também, a criação de espaços disponíveis à realização de variadas atividades culturais locais. Nesse sentido, os circos estáveis de Albano Pereira representaram significativa contribuição à cultura local, dada a criação de espaços voltados ao lazer e à diversão num contexto caracterizado por sua quase escassez ou precariedade.This is a story that I’ve wove from the study of the career of the portuguese artist and circus entrepreneur Albano Pereira. In a context where the use of temporary or mobile structures was current by the circus companies, I’ve stopped in the efforts of this entrepreneur in his intention to build and maintain stable structures in two cities in the province of Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre and Rio Grande, between the years of 1875 and 1887. Since the analysis on the cases of the Circo Universal, the Anfiteatro Albano Pereira, the Teatro de Variedades and the Polytheama Rio-grandense, from different sources, such as the cities councils proceedings, court cases, newspapers and texts from memorialists, I investigate the construction and maintenance process of these structures, the relations established between the entrepreneur and the municipalities, the terms of transfer of public areas to the use of the circus, the establishment of private societies, as well as aspects related to the circus production linked to Albano Pereira. In this study, I’ve formulated a hypothesis that the investment of this entrepreneur in the construction of stable structures represented not only the creation of suitable spaces, capable of accommodating circus spectacles – under his direction or invited companies – but also the creation of available spaces for different cultural local activities. In this way, the permanent circus of Albano Pereira represented a significant contribution for the local culture, given the creation of spaces for leisure and fun in a context characterized by its almost scarcity and precariousness

    (Re-)Thinking a Collaborative Research Model After Covid-19: Introducing Colabora.Lat

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    Colabora.Lat is a project that examines the promise and the utility of collaboration for crafting better public policy in response to dynamic, complex problems such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Ultimately, in addition to being a project on collaboration, we found that the project itself was best carried out with our partners in a collaborative way. In this article, we identify four lessons that we learned as we sought to oversee a project on collaboration in a more collaborative way. These lessons should be applicable to any context that, like a pandemic, is unstable and dynamic in nature

    Infusione continua di detomidina durante chirurgia laparoscopica nel cavallo

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    RIASSUNTO L’anestesia in stazione quadrupedale è una pratica che permette l’esecuzione di diverse manualità mediche e chirurgiche nel cavallo, senza dover sottoporre il soggetto ai maggiori pericoli di un’anestesia generale. Questa tecnica anestesiologica prevede l’impiego di sedativi in associazione con una tecnica analgesica (somministrazione sistemica, anestesia loco-regionale) qualora la manualità da eseguire comporti l’insorgenza di uno stimolo dolorifico. La laparoscopia prevede l’inserimento intraddominale dei trocar e dello strumentario necessario per eseguire la tecnica. Per evitare danni agli organi da parte dello strumentario in addome, il soggetto deve mantenere una posizione adeguata e non deve effettuare movimenti bruschi. Nello studio è stato formulato un protocollo che ha previsto la sedazione del soggetto mediante la somministrazione di detomidina in associazione con buprenorfina per via endovenosa ed anestesia loco-regionale della porzione interessata dalla chirurgia mediante lidocaina. Per il mantenimento è stata attuata l’infusione endovenosa continua di detomidina con lo scopo di ottenere un livello di sedazione costante nel tempo ed adeguato alla manualità. Infatti la somministrazione di un farmaco per via endovenosa continua permette di variare più rapidamente il livello ematico di questo e, conseguentemente, di poterne modulare gli effetti. La detomidina è un farmaco che produce un accumulo nell’organismo, per cui è stato adottato un protocollo che prevede il dimezzamento il dosaggio dell’infusione ogni quindici minuti. L’impiego di questo protocollo anestesiologico ha permesso di effettuare la procedura laparoscopica senza difficoltà da parte del chirurgo. Il piano analgesico ottenuto è risultato efficace ed adeguato per lo svolgimento della manualità chirurgica. A fine intervento tutti i soggetti hanno ripreso la capacità di deambulare in breve tempo, non presentando complicazioni. SUMMARY Standing horse anesthesia is a practice that allows the execution of medical and surgical techniques, without applying to general anesthesia that is a very stressful and more dangerous event for a horse. In this kind of anesthesia, sedatives are employed in association with an analgesic technique (sistemic analgesia or loco-regional anesthesia) when the practice is supposed to be painful. The abdominal introduction of trocars and of laparoscopic tools is necessary in order to perfom a laparoscopic surgery; for this reason the patient is expected to stand motionless and it is important that it does not make roguh movements during the procedure. The wording of the anesthesia protocol for this study implied the use of detomidine for sedation in association with intravenous buprenorphine as analgesic and loco-regional anesthesia with lidocaine of the surgical area. For the maintenance, detomidine by intravenous continuous infusion was employed with the purpose to obtain a constat sedation level and adequate to the procedure. In fact the constant infusion of drugs permits to change blood concentration more rapidly and consequently it is possible to easily modulate the effects of drugs. Detomidine is a sedative that can accumulate in the organism, so the anesthestic protocol foresaw to halve the dosage every fifteen minutes. This anesthetic protocol provided a good sedation and the laparoscopic technique was performed without problems. The obtained analgesic plan resulted efficacious and adequate for the course of the surgery. At the end of the procedure all the subjects were able rapidly to walk and did not present complications

    Gobernanza regional 3M: Hacia una convergencia del multilateralismo en América Latina en tiempos pandémicos

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    La pandemia de la covid-19 irrumpió en medio de un (des)orden internacional. Lamentablemente, en América Latina no se produjo una acción concertada en respuesta a las amenazas de la pandemia. Estas amenazas ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de renovar o dar impulso a otro estilo de gobernanza multilateral, colaborativa, que implique la participación de distintos niveles en su interior, así como también de distinto tipo de actores. Una gobernanza 3M: multilateral, multinivel y multiactoral.IDRC | CRD
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