462 research outputs found

    Coloring decompositions of complete geometric graphs

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    A decomposition of a non-empty simple graph GG is a pair [G,P][G,P], such that PP is a set of non-empty induced subgraphs of GG, and every edge of GG belongs to exactly one subgraph in PP. The chromatic index χ([G,P])\chi'([G,P]) of a decomposition [G,P][G,P] is the smallest number kk for which there exists a kk-coloring of the elements of PP in such a way that: for every element of PP all of its edges have the same color, and if two members of PP share at least one vertex, then they have different colors. A long standing conjecture of Erd\H{o}s-Faber-Lov\'asz states that every decomposition [Kn,P][K_n,P] of the complete graph KnK_n satisfies χ([Kn,P])n\chi'([K_n,P])\leq n. In this paper we work with geometric graphs, and inspired by this formulation of the conjecture, we introduce the concept of chromatic index of a decomposition of the complete geometric graph. We present bounds for the chromatic index of several types of decompositions when the vertices of the graph are in general position. We also consider the particular case in which the vertices are in convex position and present bounds for the chromatic index of a few types of decompositions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    New nonlinear approaches for the adjustment and updating of a SAM

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    We believe that any adjustment and updating process (AUP) should try to minimize the relative deviation of the new coefficients from the intial ones in a homogeneus way. This homogenity would mean that the magnitude of this relative deviation is similar among the elements of each row or column, therefor avoiding the concentration of the changes in particular cells of the SAM. In this work, we propose some new adjustment criteria in order to obtain a homogeneus relative adjustment of the sructural coefficients. We also test the usefulness of this proposal by comparing its results with the ones obtained with more standard approaches.nonlinear approaches SAM

    La lengua imita a la música: comentario al cap. 18 del "Perì diaítes" hipocrático

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    El escrito médico hipocrático Peri\ diai/thj cuyo tema es, grosso modo, la infl uencia de la dieta en la salud del hombre, la interacción entre régimen alimenticio y hábitos de vida con la salud, es uno de los más representativos del grupo de textos hipocráticos infl uenciados por doctrinas fi losófi cas. En términos generales se le sitúa cronológicamente a fi nales del s. V o comienzos del IV. En sus primeros capítulos el escrito contiene una serie de refl exiones muy próximas a planteamientos fi losófi cos del momento, o anteriores, que le llevan a aplicar una doctrina del micro-macrocosmos, en la que es dominante el infl ujo pitagórico y de los presocráticos.Peer reviewe

    Aproximación al Bronce Antiguo y Pleno en el sureste de la campiña cordobesa: los yacimientos del Cerro del Castillo de Aguilar y de Zoñar

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    This paper analyses the Middle Bronze Age in lhe Middle Valle of Guadalquivir river by means of two archaelogical settlements in the province of Córdoba. They offer a distinctive material cullure -pottery, metalwork- and also an increasing influence from two of me most important cultural areas of Iberia.En este trabajo se presentan dos yacimientos arqueológicos que con una ocupación del Bronce Pleno, documentan una etapa que hasta el momento se había mostrado poco clara en el contexto general de Andalucía occidental y, en especial, en la Cuenca Media del Guadalquivir. Definido en base a una serie de objetos cerámicos y métalicos, este horizonte cultural cobra una especial relevancia como punto de encuentro de influjos procedentes de dos de las principales áreas culturales de la Edad del Bronce peninsular

    Perspectivas del profesorado sobre la implementación del AICLE: Comparación intragrupal de variables clave

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    This article reports on the outcomes of a qualitative study carried out with teachers in four eastern Andalusian provinces (Granada, Almería, Jaén, and Córdoba) into their perspectives on the implementation of CLIL programmes. Data triangulation, methodological triangulation, and location triangulation have all been employed to obtain a comprehensive and representative picture into the way in which CLIL programmes are playing out in this context. After framing the topic against the backdrop of the projects, the paper expounds on the objectives, methodology, variables, and procedure employed in the study. The bulk of the article is devoted to outlining its main findings in relation to the ten main fields of interest which have been canvassed: L2 use in class, L2 development: discursive functions, competence development, methodology, materials and resources, evaluation, teacher training and motivation, mobility, coordination, organization, workload, and overall appraisal of bilingual programmes. Within-group comparisons are also carried out to determine the existence of statistically significant differences within the cohort of teachers in terms of a series of identification variables. A detailed diagnosis of where we currently stand in this process of adaptation to CLIL models is provided and the main lacunae to be addressed in this area are pinpointed.Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio cualitativo realizado con profesorado de las cuatro provincias orientales andaluzas (Granada, Almería, Jaén y Córdoba) para conocer sus perspectivas sobre la implementación de los programas AICLE. Para obtener una imagen representativa y completa del modo en el que dichos programas se están desarrollando en ese ámbito, se ha empleado triangulación de datos, metodología y lugar. Tras situar el tema en el contexto de los proyectos, el artículo explica los objetivos, metodología, variables y procedimiento del estudio. El resto del artículo expone los principales hallazgos en las diez áreas de interés consideradas: uso de la lengua extranjera en clase, desarrollo de la misma (funciones discursivas), desarrollo de competencias, metodología, materiales y recursos, evaluación, formación del profesorado y motivación, movilidad, coordinación, organización, carga de trabajo y valoración general de los programas bilingües. También se han realizado comparaciones intragrupales para determinar la existencia de diferencias estadísticamente significativas dentro del profesorado en función de una serie de variables de identificación. Se proporciona un diagnóstico detallado de la situación actual en el proceso de adaptación a los modelos de AICLE y se explican las principales lagunas que han de afrontarse.This paper reports on some of the outcomes of the R&D projects FFI2012-32221 and P12-HUM-2348, funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and the Junta de Andalucía, respectively

    The origin of the pyramids in the Protodynastic (c.3200-3000 BC) and Early Dynastic (c. 3000-2682 BC) periods

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    The evolution of the power of Archaic Egyptian royalty, has been reflected in the funerary buildings, from simple holes covered with mud, moments in which the state is being formed, until the completion of the great stone pyramid complexes of the 3rd Dynasty, as a symbol of political stability. The Thinite real tomb with the form of a mastaba will developped in the necropolis of Abydos and Saqqara, focusing sites of this article, in which I pretend to develop the evolution of the different tombs and burial sites and to conclude with its evolution towards the construction of the first pyramidal complexes into which they evolved.La evolución del poder de la realeza del Egipcio Arcaico, ha sido reflejado en la construcción funeraria, pasando de simples hoyos revestidos de adobe, momentos en el que el Estado se está formando, hasta la culminación de los grandes complejos piramidales de piedra de la Dinastía III, como símbolo de estabilidad política. La tumba tinita real en forma de mastaba se va a desarrollar en las necrópolis de Abidos y Saqqara, yacimientos en los que se centra el artículo, donde pretendo desarrollar la evolución de las diferentes tumbas y recintos funerarios y concluir con su evolución hacia las construcciones de los primeros complejos piramidales en las que se van a ir desencadenando

    Cyanate Assimilation by the Alkaliphilic Cyanide-Degrading Bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344: Mutational Analysis of the cyn Gene Cluster

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    The alkaliphilic bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 can grow with cyanate, cyanide, or cyanide-containing industrial residues as the sole nitrogen source, but the assimilation of cyanide and cyanate takes place through independent pathways. Therefore, cyanide degradation involves a chemical reaction between cyanide and oxaloacetate to form a nitrile that is hydrolyzed to ammonium by the nitrilase NitC, whereas cyanate assimilation requires a cyanase that catalyzes cyanate decomposition to ammonium and carbon dioxide. The P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 cynFABDS gene cluster codes for the putative transcriptional regulator CynF, the ABC-type cyanate transporter CynABD, and the cyanase CynS. In this study, transcriptional analysis revealed that the structural cynABDS genes constitute a single transcriptional unit, which was induced by cyanate and repressed by ammonium. Mutational characterization of the cyn genes indicated that CynF was essential for cynABDS gene expression and that nitrate/nitrite transporters may be involved in cyanate uptake, in addition to the CynABD transport system. Biodegradation of hazardous jewelry wastewater containing high amounts of cyanide and metals was achieved in a batch reactor operating at an alkaline pH after chemical treatment with hydrogen peroxide to oxidize cyanide to cyanate