139 research outputs found

    Trois scénarios d'évolution prospectifs pour le front pionnier de la réserve forestière de Ticoporo

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    International audienceDans le cadre d’une recherche d’aide à la décision pour l’aménagement régional, l’analyse des différents cheminements d’évolution empruntés par un front pionnier pastoral en domaine forestier tropical permet de présenter un modèle spatial du territoire de Ticoporo (piémont des Andesvénézueliennes). Ce dernier sert de référence pour envisager les modifications futures selon trois logiques prospectives

    Linhas gerais para construção de um modelo de avaliação de impacto da inovação aplicável a organizações de pesquisa agropecuária

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    This article is focused on a conceptual model of the innovation impact assessment process, especially directed to agricultural research organisations. This research proposes an existing methodology based on a literature review. The innovative contributions of this article are I. theoretical lines for constructing a model of impact assessment as a base for a future data based management system; II. a conceptual base of innovation impact assessment process that considers a cross-cut view of sustainability, integrating the environmental, social, policy, and economic dimensions. This article intends to present a theoretical model addressed to research and innovation organisations that will contribute to fulfilling the United Nations’ sustainable development goals towards more productive and sustainable agriculture and accomplishing stakeholder challenges and demands.  This article is focused on a conceptual model of the innovation impact assessment process, especially directed to agricultural research organisations. This research proposes an existing methodology based on a literature review. The innovative contributions of this article are I. theoretical lines for constructing a model of impact assessment as a base for a future data based management system; II. a conceptual base of innovation impact assessment process that considers a cross-cut view of sustainability, integrating the environmental, social, policy, and economic dimensions. This article intends to present a theoretical model addressed to research and innovation organisations that will contribute to fulfilling the United Nations’ sustainable development goals towards more productive and sustainable agriculture and accomplishing stakeholder challenges and demands.  This article is focused on a conceptual model of the innovation impact assessment process, especially directed to agricultural research organisations. This research proposes an existing methodology based on a literature review. The innovative contributions of this article are I. theoretical lines for constructing a model of impact assessment as a base for a future data based management system; II. a conceptual base of innovation impact assessment process that considers a cross-cut view of sustainability, integrating the environmental, social, policy, and economic dimensions. This article intends to present a theoretical model addressed to research and innovation organisations that will contribute to fulfilling the United Nations’ sustainable development goals towards more productive and sustainable agriculture and accomplishing stakeholder challenges and demands.  Este artigo está focado em um modelo conceitual de avaliação de impacto, especialmente direcionado a organizações de pesquisa agropecuária. Baseado em revisão de literatura, suas contribuições inovadoras são: I. linhas teóricas para a construção de um modelo de avaliação de impacto como base para um futuro sistema de gestão; II. uma base conceitual para avaliação de impacto de inovação que leva em conta uma perspectiva transversal de sustentabilidade, integrando as dimensões ambiental, social, política e econômica. O artigo apresenta um modelo teórico aplicável a organizações de pesquisa e inovação em sintonia com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas, bem como buscando uma lógica sistêmica que atenda aos desafios e demandas das partes interessadas da instituição de pesquisa.

    From scientific models to companion modelling: engaging a dialogue with local actors in an Amazonian floodplain about biodiversity management at a territorial level

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    The Amazonian floodplain is among the most productive and diversified ecosystems in the world. The moving littoral enables a rapid nutrient recycling, explaining the large productivity and biodiversity of the system. Attracted by such favourable conditions for agricultural activities and fishing, populations have settled in the floodplains and developed complementary activities to cope with important variations in their environment, between the flood season and the dry season. However, in the past decades, the rhythm of these floodplains has changed, obliging the actors to deal with great uncertainty. Based on several years of hydrological and biogeochemical studies to understand the reasons of these environmental changes, the “life scientists” of our team invited the “social scientists” with the following question: Can the results about the dynamics of these floodplains help local populations better anticipate the future fluctuations of the river and adapt their activities to be less vulnerable to such change? To address this, we first chose to turn the perspective around: what were the preoccupations and strategies of local populations and what did they expect from scientists? The challenge was to enable the perceptions and knowledge of local populations to dialogue with scientific knowledge. Based on a Companion Modelling approach, we engaged a participatory process to collectively discuss the current situation and possible future scenarios. Using a role-playing game as an interface for this dialogue, we have progressively built a model to integrate both the knowledge of the local actors regarding their practices and possible environmental impacts and the knowledge of the scientists on environmental dynamics. This has obliged researchers to learn to work together and simplify their knowledge, and requires finding common points of interest with local populations, translating “biodiversity” into concrete issues that have a meaning for local actors. (Texte intégral

    Environmental control index of the protect areas of Maranhão

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    O presente estudo objetiva expor o desenvolvimento do Índice de Controle Ambiental –ICA das Unidades de Conservação do Maranhão, a partir da mensuração de indicadores ambientais e institucionais. Busca-se dessa forma, representar a influência da dinâmica territorial sobre a efetividade das 11 UCs do Maranhão. Metodologias como esta tornam-se cada vez mais indispensável, em um cenário de institucionalização de área protegidas e efetivação de parques outrora somente existentes em papel. Avança-se nesse contexto, a partir da proposição e desenvolvimento de métodos capazes de considerar as complexidades envolvida na questão, como a relação entre a escala local e regional, rápida aplicação, alta capacidade de reprodução e baixa subjetividade. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, utilizou-se o método de análise multicritério conhecido como Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), alicerçados por técnicas ligados ao Sistema de Informação Geográfico –SIGs. Desse modo foi possível identificar que entre as UCs em análise, 18% possuem nível insatisfatório de efetividade, enquanto que outros 18% possuem grau pouco satisfatório, 54% possui nível medianamente e 18% nível reconhecido como satisfatório. A consolidação desta metodologia traz consigo contribuições aplicadas a otimização do planejamento, implantação e gestão das Unidades de Conservação do Maranhão, bem como emoutros estados, a partir deste estudo.The present study aims to develop the Environmental Control Index –ECI (ICA, in portuguese) of the protect areas of Maranhão, based on the measurement of environmental and institutional indicators. This research seeks to represent the influence of territorial dynamics on the effectiveness of protected areas applied in 11 PAs of Maranhão. Methodologies such as the aforementioned become increasingly indispensable, in a scenario of institutionalization of conservation units and implementation of paper parks. It advances in this context, from the proposition and development of methods capable of considering the complexities of protected areas, such as the relation between local and regional scale, rapid application, high reproductive capacity and low subjectivity. For the development of the research, we used the multicriteria analysis method known as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), based on techniques linked to the Geographic Information System (GIS). In this way it was possible to identify that 18% of the PAsunder analysis have an unsatisfactory level of effectiveness, while 18% have an unsatisfactory degree, 54% have a medium level and 18% have a satisfactory level. The consolidation of this methodology brings with it applied contributions to the optimization of planning, implementation and management of the protect areas of Maranhão, as well as in other locations, from this study


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    Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar e espacializar a evolução dos estados de transformação da complexidade, de diferentes Tipos de Paisagens do Projeto de Assentamento Benfica, Mesorregião Sudeste Paraense. Foram utilizadas imagens de satélite Landsat-TM correspondentes a 1987, 1992, 1996, 2001 e 2005 e técnicas de Geoprocessamento conduzidas no sistema SPRING, além de dados de campo e modelos gráficos da paisagem. A metodologia aplicada permitiu a identificação, classificação e quantificação de seis Tipos de Paisagens: Florestal (TP0), Mosaico Agrícola (TP1), Mosaico Agrícola com Pastagem (TP2), Grandes Extensões de Pastagem (TP3), Grandes Extensões de Pasto com Babaçu (TP4) e Babaçual (TP5). A integração dos resultados deu origem a uma Escala de Complexidade dos Tipos de Paisagens, em que os graus de intensidade variaram do mais “simples” (0) ao mais “complexo” (12), sendo os de maior intensidade os Tipos de Paisagens Florestal (TP0), Mosaico Agrícola (TP1) e Mosaico Agrícola com pastagem (TP2). A abordagem geográfica refletiiu diferentes dinâmicas que se estabelecem a partir das condições e chances de manter ou não os sistemas produtivos, fazendo aumentar ou diminuir o seu grau de complexidade. O enfoque na complexidade de uma tipologia de paisagens permitiu tratar questões ligadas à sua dinâmica e mostrou ser aplicável para qualquer planejamento ou estratégia de conservação ambiental. Palavras-chave: Sudeste Paraense. Projeto de assentamento. Tipos de paisagens. Complexidade da paisagem. Complexity of settlement project landscapes in Benfica, southeastern of Pará, State Pará This work has as main objective to analyze and spot the evolution of complexity conversion of different types of landscapes in Benfica Settlement Project, southeastern region of Pará. We used images from Landsat-TM corresponding to 1987, 1992, 1996, 2001 and 2005 and geo processing techniques conducted by SPRING system, as well as field data and graphical models of landscape. Applied methodology allowed the identification, classification and quantification of six types of landscapes: Forest (TP0), Agricultural Mosaic (TP1), Mosaic of Agricultural Pasture (TP2), large areas of pasture (TP3), large areas of pasture with Babassu ( TP4) and forest of Babassu palms (TP5). Integration of results led to a range of complexity of the types of landscapes, where the degrees of intensity ranging from “simple” (0) to more “complex” (12), being the more intense the Types of Forest Landscapes (TP0), agricultural Mosaic (TP1) and Mosaic Agricultural pasture (TP2). The geographical approach reflected different dynamics that are established based on the conditions and chances of maintaining or not the production systems, thus increasing or decreasing its complexity. The focus on the complexity of a typology of landscapes allowed addressing issues related to their function and proved to be applicable to any plan or strategy for environmental conservation. Key words: Southeast of Pará. Settlement project. Types of landscapes. Complexity of the landscape

    Água e floresta na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Uatumã

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    Even though remote from public authorities, the riverside Amazon has been able to adapt to and overcome struggles. There are similarities between the local vegetation’s connection with water rhythms and communities’ adaptive capacity to forest ecosystem and rivers. This riverside Amazon, that lives in its own rhythm and reproduces itself while showing its weaknesses and also its resilience, was discovered during a scientific expedition held in the Uatumã Sustainable Development Reserve (Uatumã SDR). The research team that integrates the bilateral Project Brazil-France designated by SINBIOSE “Système d’INdicateurs de BIOdivérsité à l’uSage des actEurs: Biodiversité terrestre et aquatique” (Biodiversity Indicators System for the use of actors: Land and aquatic biodiversity) made the journey in August 2017Trata-se de artigo exploratório-descritivo da expedição científica realizada na Reserva de Desen-volvimento Sustentável do Uatumã (RDS do Uatumã) em agosto de 2017 pela equipe de pesquisa do projeto conjunto entre Brasil-França denominado por SINBIOSE “Système d’INdicateurs de BIOdiversité à l’uSage des actEurs: Biodiversité terrestre et aquatique (Amazone & Oyapock)” ou “Sistema de INdicadores da BIOdiversidade para o uSo dos atorEs: biodiversidade terrestre e aquá-tica (rio Amazonas e Oiapoque)”, aprovado no Programa Internacional de Cooperação GuyAmazon - Edital n.022/2014 da FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas. O ar-tigo descreve os aprendizados adquiridos no chão das comunidades da RDS, trazendo questões ini-ciais para aprofundamento pela pesquisa sobre temas como: a efetividade do Programa Bolsa Flo-resta, as técnicas de monitoramento de sua implementação, possibilidades de conflitos socioambien-tais entre práticas tradicionais na conservação da biodiversidade e novas práticas econômicas como o turismo de pesca esportiva, possíveis descaracterizações do sentido comunitário a partir do surgi-mento de pousadas particulares, o nível de incorporação do conhecimento dos locais na imple-mentação de políticas públicas e também se os Sistemas Agroflorestais poderiam estar, em certas situações, promovendo no curto prazo um aumento do desmatamento para no médio prazo contri-buir com a proteção florestal