697 research outputs found

    Performance modeling of ultraviolet Raman lidar systems for daytime profiling of atmospheric water vapor

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    We describe preliminary results from a comprehensive computer model developed to guide optimization of a Raman lidar system for measuring daytime profiles of atmospheric water vapor, emphasizing an ultraviolet, solar-blind approach

    A Positive Relationship Between Religious Faith and Forgiveness: Faith in the Absence of Data?

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    Religious faith and beliefs appear to play an important role in the lives of many individuals and are the topic of much research. The present study investigated the relationship between religious faith and forgiveness in a sample (n = 196) of college students. Students were asked to complete the Heartland Forgiveness Scale and the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire. Analyses of scores on both measures revealed a positive, significant correlation between these constructs, suggesting that there is a meaningful relationship between religious faith and the tendency to forgive. Implications and directions for further research are discussed

    Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Duroc-Anteile von Endmastherkünften auf Aspekte der Mastleistung und Schlachtkörperqualität unter ökologischen Produktionsbedingungen

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    In der ökologischen Schweinefleischerzeugung wird immer wieder die Berücksichtigung der Rasse Duroc zur Verbesserung der Fleischqualität im Mastschwein gefordert Vor diesem Hintergrund werden unter ökologischen Produktionsbedingungen die Effekte unterschiedlich hoher Duroc-Genanteile im Mastschwein auf Mastleistung, Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität geprüft. Insgesamt wurden auf der Leistungsprüfungsanstalt in Rohrsen 190 Tiere in 2 Durchgängen aufgestallt. Es wurden dabei Mastschweine mit 0%, 25%, 50% und 75% Duroc-Genanteil untersucht. Die Haltung erfolgte ökokonform in einem Außenklimastall mit eingestreuten Buchten in 14 Gruppen zu je 6 Tieren und je einer Gruppe mit 5 bzw. 4 Tieren. Es wurde eine Futterration aus 100 % ökologischer sowie weitgehend betriebseigener Herkunft eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass bei einem auf Schlachtkörperqualität, d.h. im Wesentlichen auf Muskelfleischfülle orientierten Vermarktungsziel nicht mehr als 50 % Duroc-Genanteil im Mastendprodukt enthalten sein sollte. Der Muskelfleischanteil wird mit steigendem Duroc-Genanteil signifikant geringer. Die Gruppe mit 75% Duroc-Genanteil zeigt auch eine deutlich schlechtere Futterverwertung. Mit steigendem Duroc-Genanteil wird der intramuskuläre Fettgehalt signifikant gesteigert. Schon bei einem 25 %-igen Duroc-Genanteil wird die Fleischqualität deutlich positiv beeinflusst, ohne dass die Schlachtkörperqualität leiden muss. Damit besitzt diese Variante ein deutliches Optimierungspotenzial sowohl für den ökonomischen Erfolg des Mästers als auch für die Profilierung von ökologisch erzeugtem Schweinefleisch gegenüber dem Verbraucher. Nur wenn ein Bezahlungs- bzw. Vermarktungssystem klar erhöhte intramuskuläre Fettgehalte und bessere sensorische Eigenschaften honorieren würde, ohne dabei die damit einhergehenden verminderten Schlachtkörperqualitäten mit merklichen Mali zu bestrafen, ließe sich ein 75 %-iger Duroc-Genanteil im Mastschwein und der damit verbundene geringere Fleisch- und höhere Fettanteil im Schlachtkörper rechtfertigen

    apex: phylogenetics with multiple genes.

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    Genetic sequences of multiple genes are becoming increasingly common for a wide range of organisms including viruses, bacteria and eukaryotes. While such data may sometimes be treated as a single locus, in practice, a number of biological and statistical phenomena can lead to phylogenetic incongruence. In such cases, different loci should, at least as a preliminary step, be examined and analysed separately. The r software has become a popular platform for phylogenetics, with several packages implementing distance-based, parsimony and likelihood-based phylogenetic reconstruction, and an even greater number of packages implementing phylogenetic comparative methods. Unfortunately, basic data structures and tools for analysing multiple genes have so far been lacking, thereby limiting potential for investigating phylogenetic incongruence. In this study, we introduce the new r package apex to fill this gap. apex implements new object classes, which extend existing standards for storing DNA and amino acid sequences, and provides a number of convenient tools for handling, visualizing and analysing these data. In this study, we introduce the main features of the package and illustrate its functionalities through the analysis of a simple data set

    Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Duroc-Genanteile auf das ökologisch erzeugte Mastschwein

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    It is the aim of the present study with 93 organic fattening pigs of varying Duroc gene portion (0 %, 25 %, 50 %, and 75 %) to deduce the optimal Duroc gene percentage. Increasing Duroc gene portions resulted in an impaired feed conversion ratio, decreasing lean meat content, and increasing intramuscular fat content. It is concluded that in a carcass quality based marketing system Duroc gene percentage should not exceed 50 %, whereas already 25 % Duroc gene portion significantly promotes meat quality. Only for marketing systems very strictly based on meat quality Duroc gene portion should have 75 % due to a significant promotion of intramuscular fat content

    Preclinical assessment of the receptor-binding domain of Plasmodium vivax duffy-binding protein as a vaccine candidate in rhesus macaques

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    The receptor-binding domain of Plasmodium vivax Duffy-binding protein, region II (PvRII), is an attractive candidate for a vaccine against P. vivax malaria. Here, we have studied the safety and immunogenicity of recombinant PvRII in Macaca mulatta (rhesus monkeys). Recombinant PvRII with a C-terminal 6-histidine tag was expressed in E. coli, recovered from inclusion bodies, refolded into its functional conformation, purified to homogeneity and formulated with three adjuvants, namely, Alhydrogel, Montanide ISA 720 and the GSK proprietary Adjuvant System AS02A for use in immunogenicity studies. All the PvRII vaccine formulations tested were safe and highly immunogenic. The overall magnitude of the antibody response was significantly higher for both Montanide ISA 720 and AS02A formulations in comparison with Alhydrogel. Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between antibody recognition titers by ELISA and binding inhibition titers in in vitro binding assays. The PvRII vaccine formulations also induced IFN-γ recall responses that were identified using ex vivo ELISPOT assays. These results provide support for further clinical development of a vaccine for P. vivax malaria based on recombinant PvRII

    Festschrift Symposium: Honoring Professor Samuel Pillsbury

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    The Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review is pleased to publish this Festschrift Symposium Honoring Professor Samuel Pillsbury. The following is an edited transcript of the live symposium held at LMU Loyola Law School on Friday, March 25, 2022

    500,000 fish phenotypes: The new informatics landscape for evolutionary and developmental biology of the vertebrate skeleton: Fish phenotypes

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    The rich phenotypic diversity that characterizes the vertebrate skeleton results from evolutionary changes in regulation of genes that drive development. Although relatively little is known about the genes that underlie the skeletal variation among fish species, significant knowledge of genetics and development is available for zebrafish. Because developmental processes are highly conserved, this knowledge can be leveraged for understanding the evolution of skeletal diversity. We developed the Phenoscape Knowledgebase (KB; http://kb.phenoscape.org) to yield testable hypotheses of candidate genes involved in skeletal evolution. We developed a community anatomy ontology for fishes and ontology-based methods to represent complex free-text character descriptions of species in a computable format. With these tools, we populated the KB with comparative morphological data from the literature on over 2500 teleost fishes (mainly Ostariophysi) resulting in over 500,000 taxon phenotype annotations. The KB integrates these data with similarly structured phenotype data from zebrafish genes (http://zfin.org). Using ontology-based reasoning, candidate genes can be inferred for the phenotypes that vary across taxa, thereby uniting genetic and phenotypic data to formulate evo-devo hypotheses. The morphological data in the KB can be browsed, sorted, and aggregated in ways that provide unprecedented possibilities for data mining and discovery