27 research outputs found

    Converting Speech to Text Using JAVAscript

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    This article is about the process of working with the Web Speech API. This is a very powerful browser interface that allows to record human speech and convert it to text. We will also consider the way to use it for the opposite procedure of reading lines with a human voice

    Type I restriction enzymes and their relatives

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    Type I restriction enzymes (REases) are large pentameric proteins with separate restriction (R), methylation (M) and DNA sequence-recognition (S) subunits. They were the first REases to be discovered and purified, but unlike the enormously useful Type II REases, they have yet to find a place in the enzymatic toolbox of molecular biologists. Type I enzymes have been difficult to characterize, but this is changing as genome analysis reveals their genes, and methylome analysis reveals their recognition sequences. Several Type I REases have been studied in detail and what has been learned about them invites greater attention. In this article, we discuss aspects of the biochemistry, biology and regulation of Type I REases, and of the mechanisms that bacteriophages and plasmids have evolved to evade them. Type I REases have a remarkable ability to change sequence specificity by domain shuffling and rearrangements. We summarize the classic experiments and observations that led to this discovery, and we discuss how this ability depends on the modular organizations of the enzymes and of their S subunits. Finally, we describe examples of Type II restrictionā€“modification systems that have features in common with Type I enzymes, with emphasis on the varied Type IIG enzymes

    Structure of mitochondrial poly A RNA polymerase reveals the structural basis for dimerization, ATP selectivity and the SPAX4 disease phenotype

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    Polyadenylation, performed by poly(A) polymerases (PAPs), is a ubiquitous post-transcriptional modification that plays key roles in multiple aspects of RNA metabolism. Although cytoplasmic and nuclear PAPs have been studied extensively, the mechanism by which mitochondrial PAP (mtPAP) selects adenosine triphosphate over other nucleotides is unknown. Furthermore, mtPAP is unique because it acts as a dimer. However, mtPAP's dimerization requirement remains enigmatic. Here, we show the structural basis for mtPAP's nucleotide selectivity, dimerization and catalysis. Our structures reveal an intricate dimerization interface that features an RNA-recognition module formed through strand complementation. Further, we propose the structural basis for the N478D mutation that drastically reduces the length of poly(A) tails on mitochondrial mRNAs in patients with spastic ataxia 4 (SPAX4), a severe and progressive neurodegenerative disease

    Crystal structure of the V(D)J recombinase RAG1-RAG2

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    V(D)J recombination in the vertebrate immune system generates a highly diverse population of immunoglobulins and T-cell receptors by combinatorial joining of segments of coding DNA. The RAG1-RAG2 protein complex initiates this site-specific recombination by cutting DNA at specific sites flanking the coding segments. Here we report the crystal structure of the mouse RAG1-RAG2 complex at 3.2A resolution. The 230-kilodalton RAG1-RAG2 heterotetramer is 'Y-shaped', with the amino-terminal domains of the two RAG1 chains forming an intertwined stalk. Each RAG1-RAG2 heterodimer composes one arm of the 'Y', with the active site in the middle and RAG2 at its tip. The RAG1-RAG2 structure rationalizes more than 60 mutations identified in immunodeficient patients, as well as a large body of genetic and biochemical data. The architectural similarity between RAG1 and the hairpin-forming transposases Hermes and Tn5 suggests the evolutionary conservation of these DNA rearrangements.115839sciescopu

    Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the HsdR subunit of the EcoR124I endonuclease from E. coli

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    The purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of the HsdR subunit of the EcoR124I endonuclease are described

    Assembly Pathway and Characterization of the RAG1/2-DNA Paired and Signal-end Complexes

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    Mammalian immune receptor diversity is established via a unique restricted set of site-specific DNA rearrangements in lymphoid cells, known as V(D)J recombination. The lymphoid-specific RAG1-RAG2 protein complex (RAG1/2) initiates this process by binding to two types of recombination signal sequences (RSS), 12RSS and 23RSS, and cleaving at the boundaries of RSS and V, D, or J gene segments, which are to be assembled into immunoglobulins and T-cell receptors. Here we dissect the ordered assembly of the RAG1/2 heterotetramer with 12RSS and 23RSS DNAs. We find that RAG1/2 binds only a single 12RSS or 23RSS and reserves the second DNA-binding site specifically for the complementary RSS, to form a paired complex that reflects the known 12/23 rule of V(D)J recombination. The assembled RAG1/2 paired complex is active in the presence of Mg2+, the physiologically relevant metal ion, in nicking and double-strand cleavage of both RSS DNAs to produce a signal-end complex. We report here the purification and initial crystallization of the RAG1/2 signal-end complex for atomic-resolution structure elucidation. Strict pairing of the 12RSS and 23RSS at the binding step, together with information from the crystal structure of RAG1/2, leads to a molecular explanation of the 12/23 rule.11sciescopu

    Crystals of DhaA mutants from Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064 diffracted to ultrahigh resolution: crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis

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    The enzyme DhaA from Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB 13064 belongs to the haloalkane dehalogenases, which catalyze the hydrolysis of haloalkanes to the corresponding alcohols. The haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA and its variants can be used to detoxify the industrial pollutant 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP). Three mutants named DhaA04, DhaA14 and DhaA15 were constructed in order to study the importance of tunnels connecting the buried active site with the surrounding solvent to the enzymatic activity. All protein mutants were crystallized using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method. The crystals of DhaA04 belonged to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), while the crystals of the other two mutants DhaA14 and DhaA15 belonged to the triclinic space group P1. Native data sets were collected for the DhaA04, DhaA14 and DhaA15 mutants at beamline X11 of EMBL, DESY, Hamburg to the high resolutions of 1.30, 0.95 and 1.15 A, respectively

    Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic characterization of the extrinsic PsbP protein of photosystem II from Spinacia oleracea

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    Degradation-free crystalization of thrombin-digested recombinant His-tagged PsbP protein of photosystem II from Spinacia oleracea resulting in crystals diffracting to 2.06ā€…Ć…