357 research outputs found

    Investigating organic aerosol loading in the remote marine environment

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    Aerosol loading in the marine environment is investigated using aerosol composition measurements from several research ship campaigns (ICEALOT, MAP, RHaMBLe, VOCALS and OOMPH), observations of total AOD column from satellite (MODIS) and ship-based instruments (Maritime Aerosol Network, MAN), and a global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem). This work represents the most comprehensive evaluation of oceanic OM emission inventories to date, by employing aerosol composition measurements obtained from campaigns with wide spatial and temporal coverage. The model underestimates AOD over the remote ocean on average by 0.02 (21 %), compared to satellite observations, but provides an unbiased simulation of ground-based Maritime Aerosol Network (MAN) observations. Comparison with cruise data demonstrates that the GEOS-Chem simulation of marine sulfate, with the mean observed values ranging between 0.22 μg m−3 and 1.34 μg m−3, is generally unbiased, however surface organic matter (OM) concentrations, with the mean observed concentrations between 0.07 μg m−3 and 0.77 μg m−3, are underestimated by a factor of 2–5 for the standard model run. Addition of a sub-micron marine OM source of approximately 9 TgC yr−1 brings the model into agreement with the ship-based measurements, however this additional OM source does not explain the model underestimate of marine AOD. The model underestimate of marine AOD is therefore likely the result of a combination of satellite retrieval bias and a missing marine aerosol source (which exhibits a different spatial pattern than existing aerosol in the model)

    Adaptation of the enterprise’s financial strategy to the modern terms of Ukraine

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню сутності фінансової стратегії та її значенню у загальній системі управління підприємства. Проаналізовано основні види фінансових стратегій та запропоновано власний підхід до їх класифікації в залежності від етапу життєвого циклу підприємства. Наведено проміжні цілі, які формують головну мету управління фінансовими ресурсами підприємства, та визначено основні завдання, реалізація яких повинна бути здійснена відповідно до фінансової стратегії підприємства в умовах сучасного економічного середовища України.The article deals with the research of essence and significance of financial strategy in the general enterprise management system. The main types of financial strategies are analyzed and own approach to their classification depending on the stage of the life cycle of the enterprise is proposed. The intermediate goals, which form the main goal of management of financial resources of the enterprise, are given, and the main tasks, which must be carried out in accordance with the financial strategy of the enterprise in the conditions of the modern economic environment of Ukraine, are defined

    Определение хлорсодержащих соединений в дезинфицирующих средствах с использованием ионообменной хроматографии

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    Objectives. To develop a method for the determination of hypochlorite, chloride, chlorite, chlorate, and perchlorate ions in solution; to determine the limits of detection and quantitation for ClO−, Cl−, ClO2−, ClO3−, and ClO4− ions; to evaluate the applicability of the developed method and its suitability for disinfectant analysis.Methods. Ionic chromatography using a conductometric detection system in isocratic elution mode.Results. The method developed for chromatographic determination of chlorine-containing ions can be used to quantify the content of hypochlorite, chloride, chlorite, chlorate, and perchlorate ions. In isocratic elution mode at 7.5 mM NaOH and a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min, the content of chlorine-containing ions can be determined with high sensitivity. The presented method does not require the use of expensive equipment for the ultrasensitive analysis of the studied compounds.Conclusions. A novel method for the simultaneous determination of hypochlorite, chloride, chlorite, chlorate, and perchlorate ions in case of their combined presence is proposed. The technique can be used to carry out routine control of the content of these disinfectant components during use, increasing their effectiveness at the same time as managing associated toxicological risks.Цели. Разработать методику определения гипохлорит-, хлорид-, хлорит-, хлорати перхлорат-ионов при их совместном присутствии в дезинфицирующих средствах. Определить пределы обнаружения и пределы количественного определения ионов ClO−, Cl−, ClO2−, ClO3−, ClO4−. Провести расчеты валидационных параметров разработанной методики, а также оценить ее пригодность для анализа дезинфицирующих средств.Методы. Ионообменная хроматография с системой кондуктометрического детектирования в изократическом режиме элюирования.Результаты. Новая методика хроматографического определения хлорсодержащих ионов позволяет количественно оценить содержание гипохлорит-, хлорид-, хлорит-, хлорат- и перхлорат-ионов при их одновременном нахождении в модельном растворе и в дезинфицирующих средствах. Изократический режим элюирования 7.5 мМ NaOH при скорости движения потока 0.4 мл/мин позволяет с высокой чувствительностью определять ионы, содержащие атом хлора. Разработанная методика не требует использования дорогостоящего оборудования, необходимого для сверхчувствительного анализа исследуемых соединений.Выводы. Впервые предложена методика определения гипохлорит-, хлорид-, хлорит-, хлорат- и перхлорат-ионов при совместном присутствии. Ожидается, что разработанная методика позволит проводить рутинный контроль содержания этих компонентов в дезинфицирующих средствах при их практическом использовании, что приведет к повышению эффективности применения дезинфектантов на их основе и снижению возможных токсикологических рисков

    Regional and hemispheric impacts of anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions on summertime CO and O3 in the North Atlantic lower free troposphere

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    Copyright © 2004 American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.We report summertime measurements of CO and O3 obtained during 2001–2003 at the PICO-NARE mountaintop station in the Azores. Frequent events of elevated CO mixing ratios were observed. On the basis of backward trajectories arriving in the free troposphere and global simulations of biomass burning plumes, we attribute nearly all these events to North American pollution outflow and long-range transport of biomass burning emissions. There was a high degree of interannual variability in CO levels: median [CO] ranged from 65 ppbv in 2001 to 104 ppbv in 2003. The highest concentrations were associated with transport of Siberian fire emissions during summer 2003, when Siberian fire activity was unusually high. Ozone mixing ratios also increased (by up to ∼30 ppbv) during the fire events. These findings demonstrate the significant hemispheric scale impact that biomass burning events have on background CO and O3 levels. O3 enhancements of similar magnitude were also observed in North American pollution outflow. O3 and CO were correlated during North American outflow events, with a slope averaging 1.0 (d[O3]/d[CO], ppbv/ppbv) when no fire impact was present. This slope is more than 80% larger than early 1990s observations made in the eastern United States and nearshore outflow region, even after accounting for declining U.S. CO emissions and for CO loss during transport to the Azores, and is not consistent with simple dilution of U.S. outflow with marine background air. We conclude that a significantly larger amount of O3 production occurred in the air sampled during this study, and we suggest several potential reasons for this, each of which could imply potentially significant shortcomings in current estimates of the hemispheric impact of North American emissions on tropospheric ozone and should be evaluated in future studies

    Tissue specific promoters from rice and wheat for modifying grain characteristics

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    Trabalho final do 6º Ano Médico com vista à atribuição do grau de mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA tiroidite, inflamação da glândula tiroideia, é, juntamente com o bócio, a afecção endócrina mais frequente, sendo comummente encontrada em medicina ambulatória. Associada a uma função tiroideia normal, aumentada ou diminuída (frequentemente com evolução de uma condição para outra), as circunstâncias da sua descoberta podem ser variadas e a distinção dos seus vários tipos baseia-se, essencialmente, no panorama clínico, rapidez de instalação sintomática, história familiar e presença ou ausência de sintomas prodrómicos e dor no pescoço. Vários critérios podem ser utilizados para a sua classificação, nomeadamente histológicos e clínicos (acompanhada ou não de dor tiroideia), sendo, contudo, a evolução da doença o critério classicamente utilizado. Assim, de acordo com este último, os diferentes subtipos de tiroidite podem ser agrupados em: tiroidite aguda, tiroidite subaguda ou tiroidite crónica. A primeira é uma forma dolorosa de tiroidite extremamente rara causada por uma infecção bacteriana, fúngica ou parasitária da tiróide e surgindo, sobretudo, na criança/adolescente e adulto jovem. Nas tiroidites subagudas, podemos encontrar a tiroidite subaguda granulomatosa ou de De Quervain – causa mais frequente de dor tiroideia, eventualmente, de origem viral – e as tiroidites subagudas linfocíticas – tiroidites esporádica indolor, do pós-parto, iatrogénica (interferão, interleucina-2, lítio), tóxica (amiodarona), por irradiação (iodo 131, irradiação externa) ou traumática (cirurgia, punção, traumatismo externo). Finalmente, nas tiroidites crónicas, caracterizadas, portanto, por um maior tempo de evolução, podemos destacar a tiroidite de Riedel, de natureza fibrótica e fisiopatologia desconhecida, e a tiroidite de Hashimoto, a tiroidite mais frequente e causa mais comum de hipotiroidismo nas regiões com aporte suficiente de iodo e da qual as tiroidites esporádica indolor e do pós-parto se aproximam pelo seu carácter autoimune. O diagnóstico destas afecções é feito pelo contexto e achados clínicos, incluindo a presença ou ausência de dor, textura e autoanticorpos. Adicionalmente, o grau de absorção de iodo radioactivo pela iii glândula é reduzido na maioria dos pacientes com inflamação viral, induzida por radiação, traumática, autoimune ou induzida por drogas. O tratamento é, primeiramente, dirigido ao alívio sintomático da dor tiroideia e restabelecimento do eutiroidismo.Thyroiditis, inflammation of the thyroid gland, is, along with goiter, the most frequent endocrine pathology, being commonly found in ambulatory medicine. Associated with normal, elevated or depressed thyroid function (often with evolution from one condition to another), the circumstances of its discovery are varied and the distinction of its several types is based primarily on the clinical setting, rapidity of symptom onset, family history and presence or absence of prodromal symptoms and neck pain. Different criteria can be used to its classification, namely histological and clinical (with thyroid pain or not). Nevertheless, the evolution of the disease is the classically used criterion. Thus, accordingly with this one, the several subtypes of thyroiditis can be divided into: acute thyroiditis, subacute thyroiditis and chronic thyroiditis. The first one is an extremely rare painful form of thyroiditis cause by a bacterial, fungic or parasitic infection of the thyroid and it in children/adolescents and young adults. In subacute thyroiditis, we can have the subacute granulomatous or de De Quervain thyroiditis – most common cause of thyroid pain, eventually of viral original – and the subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis – sporadic painless, postpartum, iatrogenic (interferon, interleukin-2, lithium), toxic (amiodarone), by irradiation (iodine 131 and external irradiation) or traumatic (surgery, puncture or external traumatism) thyroiditis. Finally, in chronic thyroiditis, characterized, therefore, by a longer time of evolution, we can mention Riedel’s thyroiditis, of fibrotic nature and unknown physiopathology, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the most frequent thyroiditis and the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the regions with an adequate iodine supply, from which the sporadic painful and postpartum thyroiditis are close by their autoimune character. Diagnosis is by clinical context and findings, including the presence or absence of pain, tenderness and autoantibodies. In addition, the degree of radioactive iodine uptake by the gland is reduced in most patients with viral, radiation-induced, traumatic, autoimmune, or drug-induced inflammation of the thyroid. Treatment primarily is directed at symptomatic relief of the thyroid pain and restoration of euthyroidism


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    The article stresses the urgency of improving the quality and efficiency of health care management at all levels, as well as the need to improve the information security management system of healthcare organizations. The aim of this work was to develop methodological bases of quality management of medical activities of medical organization. The study was applied: a method of studying and generalization of experience, analytical method, method of comparative analysis, a sociological method, the method of organizational experiment. It has been proven that the use of the expanded list of criteria indicators and analysis of their changes has allowed to detail the address management decisions aimed at improving the quality of medical practice and increasing patient satisfaction primary health organization. The article presents the analysis of the basic principles of modern health care development. Stresses the urgency of improving the quality and efficiency of health care management at all levels, as well as the need to improve the information security management system of healthcare organizations.В статье подчеркивается актуальность вопросов повышения качества и эффективности управления в здравоохранении на всех уровнях, а также необходимость улучшения информационного обеспечения системы управления деятельностью медицинских организаций. Целью работы явилась разработка методических основ управления качеством медицинской деятельности медицинской организации. При проведении исследования были применены: метод изучения и обобщения опыта, аналитический метод, метод сравнительного анализа, социологический метод, метод организационного эксперимента. Было доказано, что применение расширенного списка критериальных показателей и анализ их изменений позволили детализировать адресные управленческие решения, направленные на повышение качества медицинской деятельности и повышение степени удовлетворенности пациентов базовой медицинской организации