244 research outputs found

    Wind Farms and Their Impact on Environment

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    Physico-chemical characterisation of Slovak wines

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    The aim of the present study was characterisation of selected varieties of still wines produced in Slovak Republic in vintage year 2013 and one 2012. There were tested ten samples of nine varieties of wines originated from Malokarpatská "Lesser Carpathian" and Južnoslovenská "Southern Slovakia" wine regions of Slovak Republic, Dornfelder, Frankovka modrá, Svätovarinecké, Zweigeltrebe, Müller Thurgau, Veltlínské zelené, Rizling rỳnsky, Rizling vlašskỳ and Sauvignon wines. There were studied selected physico-chemical properties of tested wines as a total contents of anthocyanins and polyphenols by means of spectrophotometry, titratable acidity, density and chromatic characteristics. The highest content of anthocyanins (TAC) was found in red wine Frankovka modrá, 183 mg.L-1 and the lowest for sample rose wine St. Laurent 19 mg.L-1. The content of total phenolic compounds as a gallic acid was in range 2833 to 1961 mg.L-1 for red wines, 1016 and 1013 mg.L-1 for rose wines, 1085 to 549 mg.L-1for white wines. Total acidy was average 6.3 0.3 g.L-1 only for Ryzling rỳnskỳ, 8.2 g.L-1 and Sauvignon rose 8.0 g.L-1 and was expressed as the amount of tartaric acid. Quality of wines can be expressed by colour intensity too. Was evaluated and compared intensity of colour in wines by CIE Lab method and the total differences between red, rose and white wine Δ E was calculated. The most differences was found for Svätovarinecké a Frankovka modrá (2.5) - red wines ("clearly perceptible") and 4.9 for Veltlỳnské zelené and Müller Thurgau - white wine ("moderating effect"). © 2017 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    Frequency Synthesizers

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá rozborem a dělením frekvenčních syntezátorů a návrhem syntezátorů DDS a PLL. Jsou rozebrány základní typy syntezátorů a odlišnosti mezi způsoby jejich činnosti. V části návrhu jsou v práci podrobně popsány základní obvody obou syntezátorů a další obvody, které jsou pro návrh důležité. Po jednotlivých částech je podrobně rozebrán návrh DDS a PLL syntezátoru. Oba syntezátory jsou přímo realizovány a jsou k nim vytvořeny samostatné řídící aplikace. PLL syntezátor je přizpůsoben řízení i přes prostředí Agilent VEE. V Agilent VEE je navržena konkrétní vzorová aplikace, která slouží jako podklad pro přiloženou laboratorní úlohu.This diploma thesis concerns with analysis and dividing of frequency synthesizers and design of DDS, PLL synthesizers. Base types of frequency synthesizers are described including differences between methods of their operation. Base circuits of both – DDS and PLL synthesizers and other important circuits are described in details at design part of this thesis. Design of DDS and PLL synthesizer is described in particular sections. Both synthesizers are directly realized and stand-alone control applications are created. PLL synthesizer is also ready to control thru Agilent VEE program environment. Particular example application is designed in Agilent VEE. This application is used as basis of attached lab project.

    Improvement of the Thermal Circuit of the Bioreactor and Its Verification

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    Hlavním myšlenkou této bakalářská práce je na rešerši dosavadních řešení bioreaktorů navázaná jejich praktická realizace s odlišným řešením konstrukcí, složením biomasy, úpravami aerace a tepelného výměníku k odběru tepla z procesu aerobního kompostování. Závěrem této práce budou vyhodnoceny výsledky teplotních měření na funkčních prototypech v závislosti na jejich vlastnostech a výpočty teoretické tepelné bilance včetně jejich srovnání.The main idea of this bachelor thesis is a research of existing bioreactor solutions related to their practical implementation with different design, biomass composition, aeration modifications and heat exchange to recover heat from the process of aerobic composting. The conclusion of this work will be evaluation of the results of temperature measurements on functional prototypes depending on their properties and calculations of theoretical heat balance including their comparison.

    The effect of conformational transition of gelatin-polysaccharide polyelectrolyte complex on its functional properties

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    The blends of gelatin and shear-thinning hydrocolloids (guar gum, kappa-carrageenan and xanthan gum) were examined to determine the effect of the conformational change on the functional properties of the solutions. The polyelectrolyte complexes of 0.5% gelatin/0.5% polysaccharide in 70 mM KCl or 70 mM NaCl were investigated by the laboratory rheometer and conductivity meter in the temperature range 25 - 45 °C. The rheological data were fitted by the power-law and Herschel-Bulkley model to obtain the flow parameters. The functional properties of the samples were substantially affected by the conformational change of the polysaccharide, as well as by the type of the hydrocolloid and salt solution. There was an evident change of viscosity and conductivity of the solutions upon heating, corresponding to the helix-coil transition of the polysaccharide at temperature about 35 °C. The type of the salt solvent had an effect on the gelation properties of the samples. Gelatin/kappa-carrageenan blend in NaCl provided a gel of high consistency at ambient temperature (20 - 25 °C), whereas the blend in KCl did not gel in the studied temperature range. The potential stability of the blends was determined by zeta-potential analysis. The low values of ζ-potential indicate that the gelatin/polysaccharide blends are electrically unstable systems which tend to coagulate. The mixtures of gelatin/polysaccharide electrostatic complexes may have a great potential in many food applications. © 2017 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    Effect of cocoa fat content on wetting and surface energy of chocolate

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    The aim of this study was the quantification of the effect of the cocoa fat content on the wetting characteristics and surface free energy of different chocolate compositions. On the market, there are many different types of chocolate products which differ both in the sensory and physico-chemical properties together with their raw material compositions and the contents of the individual components. This paper focuses on differences in the use of different types of fats - cocoa butter, milk fat, equivalents or cocoa butter substitutes in chocolate products. Studied samples (prepared at Carla, Ltd. Company) were followed by static contact angles of wetting measurements and by calculated surface free energies. There were investigated the effects of fat content and used fat types of the chocolate products on their final wettabilities and resulting surface free energies. There was found a linear dependence between total fat content and the surface free energy, which was gradually increasing with increasing fat content. Additionally, there were performed TG DTG and NIR spectrometry measurements of the tested materials with the aim to determine the melting point of studied fats used, as well as to determine and identify individual fat components of chocolate products which may affect the resulting value of surface free energy. © 2017 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    The Skripal case representation in Czech Television news

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    This article examines the representation of Agent Skripal’s poisoning on the public service broadcasting channel Czech Television (CT) in the first half of 2018, using content, discourse and semiotic analyses. We analysed the representation of this event on the following five television news programmes: Events (Události), Events and Commentaries (Události komentáře), News at 23 (Zprávy ve 23), Horizon CT24 (Horizont ČT24) and 90’ CT24 (90’ ČT24). The event’s representation was based on the presentation of aspects of the event and statements by individual actors. The article shows naturalisation of the British explanation of the event in the Czech television broadcasts. This so-called ‘British narrative’ was the prevailing framing of the event. Differences in the representation of various opinions and in the proportionality of the time devoted to the individual actors were present. However, significant systematic intentional implications, obvious evaluations or identifiable authorial signposting was not evident in the researched sample. We argue that the television coverage of the Skripal case represents a habitual form of the news reporting by the Czech public service broadcaster within the applicable law

    Mapové znaky na školních hospodářských mapách

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    Příspěvek byl podpořen v rámci projektu MUNI/A/1323/2022 Environmentální a socioekonomické změny v geografickém výzku

    Physico-chemical study of steroids from different matureness corn silk material

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    This study shows an ultrasonic assisted extraction procedure of steroids from corn silk (CS). The total steroids contents were positively correlated with the ultrasonic assisted extraction time. The extracted steroids contents varied according to the different maturity stages of CS. There were three tested CS maturity stages: silking stage (CS-S), milky stage (CS-M) and mature stage (CS-MS). The β - sitosterol standardization method with 530 nm wavelength colorimetric measurements were applied to determine the content of extracted steroids. Measured steroids concentrations range were from 38.3 × 10-3 mg.mL-1 to 368.9 × 10-3 mg.mL-1 in different extraction time and CS maturity stages. The highest concentration of steroids, 368.9 × 10-3 mg.mL-1 was found in CS-MS sample with the 75 minutes ultrasonic extraction time. The fluorescence mapping techniques were used to confirm the existence of steroids. The thermal analysis illustrated a typical multistep decomposition process for the CS-S, CS-M and CS-MS samples. Two endothermic peaks were found: The first one was 54.3 °C for CS-S and CS-MS, 60.2 °C for CS-M, the second one, 397 °C (CS-MS), 415.1 °C (CS-M) and 419.7 °C (CS-S) attributed to the total thermal decomposition. The observed exotheric process found at 524 °C corresponded to CS-MS sample decomposition. The optimal ultrasonic-assisted extraction time for all samples under study CS-S, CS-M and CS-MS was about 75 minutes and the optimal steroids extraction contents obtained were 92.8 × 10-3 mg.mL-1 (CS-S), 124.2 × 10-3 mg.mL-1 (CS-M) and 368.9 × 10-3 mg.mL-1 (CS-MS) respectively. © 2019 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences