46 research outputs found

    Joint Estimation and Control for Multi-Target Passive Monitoring with an Autonomous UAV Agent

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    This work considers the problem of passively monitoring multiple moving targets with a single unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) agent equipped with a direction-finding radar. This is in general a challenging problem due to the unobservability of the target states, and the highly non-linear measurement process. In addition to these challenges, in this work we also consider: a) environments with multiple obstacles where the targets need to be tracked as they manoeuvre through the obstacles, and b) multiple false-alarm measurements caused by the cluttered environment. To address these challenges we first design a model predictive guidance controller which is used to plan hypothetical target trajectories over a rolling finite planning horizon. We then formulate a joint estimation and control problem where the trajectory of the UAV agent is optimized to achieve optimal multi-target monitoring

    3D Ray Tracing for device-independent fingerprint-based positioning in WLANs

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    We study the use of 3D Ray Tracing (RT) to construct radiomaps for WLAN Received Signal Strength (RSS) fingerprint-based positioning, in conjunction with calibration techniques to make the overall process device-independent. RSS data collection might be a tedious and time-consuming process and also the measured radiomap accuracy and applicability is subject to potential changes in the wireless environment. Therefore, RT becomes a more attractive and efficient way to generate radiomaps. Moreover, traditional fingerprint-based methods lead to radiomaps which are restricted to the device used to generate the radiomap and fail to provide acceptable performance when different devices are considered. We address both challenges by exploiting 3D RT-generated radiomaps and using linear data transformation to match the characteristics of various devices. We evaluate the efficiency of this approach in terms of the time spent to create the radiomap, the amount of data required to calibrate the radiomap for different devices and the positioning error which is compared against the case of using dedicated radiomaps collected with each device

    ACCES:Offline Accuracy Estimation for Fingerprint-Based Localization

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    In this demonstration we present ACCES, a novel framework that enables quality assessment of arbitrary fingerprint maps and offline accuracy estimation for the task of fingerprint-based indoor localization. Our framework considers collected fingerprints disregarding the physical origin of the data. First, it applies a widely used statistical instrument, namely Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), for interpolation of the fingerprints. Then, to estimate the best possibly achievable localization accuracy at any location, it utilizes the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) with interpolated data as an input. Our demonstration entails a standalone version of the popular and open-source Anyplace Internet-based indoor navigation service in which the software modules of ACCES are integrated. At the conference, we will present the utility of our method in two modes: (i) Collection Mode, where attendees will be able to use our service directly to collect signal measurements over the venue using an Android smartphone, and (ii) Reflection Mode, where attendees will be able to observe the collected measurements and the respective ACCES accuracy estimations in the form of an overlay heatmap.© 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. A. Nikitin, C. Laoudias, G. Chatzimilioudis, P. Karras and D. Zeinalipour-Yazti, "ACCES: Offline Accuracy Estimation for Fingerprint-Based Localization," 2017 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Daejeon, 2017, pp. 358-359. doi: 10.1109/MDM.2017.6

    Indoor Localization Accuracy Estimation from Fingerprint Data

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    The demand for indoor localization services has led to the development of techniques that create a Fingerprint Map (FM) of sensor signals (e.g., magnetic, Wi-Fi, bluetooth) at designated positions in an indoor space and then use FM as a reference for subsequent localization tasks. With such an approach, it is crucial to assess the quality of the FM before deployment, in a manner disregarding data origin and at any location of interest, so as to provide deployment staff with the information on the quality of localization. Even though FM-based localization algorithms usually provide accuracy estimates during system operation (e.g., visualized as uncertainty circle or ellipse around the user location), they do not provide any information about the expected accuracy before the actual deployment of the localization service. In this paper, we develop a novel frame-work for quality assessment on arbitrary FMs coined ACCES. Our framework comprises a generic interpolation method using Gaussian Processes (GP), upon which a navigability score at any location is derived using the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB). Our approach does not rely on the underlying physical model of the fingerprint data. Our extensive experimental study with magnetic FMs, comparing empirical localization accuracy against derived bounds, demonstrates that the navigability score closely matches the accuracy variations users experience.© 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. A. Nikitin, C. Laoudias, G. Chatzimilioudis, P. Karras and D. Zeinalipour-Yazti, "Indoor Localization Accuracy Estimation from Fingerprint Data," 2017 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Daejeon, 2017, pp. 196-205. doi: 10.1109/MDM.2017.3

    Survey on indoor map standards and formats

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    With the adoption of indoor positioning solutions, which enable for a variety of location-based spatial services, a number of indoor map standards and formats have been proposed in the last decade. As each of these indoor map standard has its own purpose, the strengths and weaknesses are necessary to be understood and analyzed before selecting one of them for a given application. The Indoor Map Subcommittee has been established under IPIN/ISC in 2017. Among others, the goal of this working group is to compare available indoor map standards, provide a guideline for their application and advise on changes to their standardization development organizations if necessary. In this paper we present a survey of indoor map standards as an achievement of the subcommittee. The scope of the survey covers official standards such as IFC of BuildingSmart, IndoorGML and CityGML of OGC, and Indoor OpenStreetMap. We present several use-cases to show and discuss how to build indoor maps.The work of K.-J. Li was supported by a grant (19NSIP-B135746-03) from National Spatial Information Research Program (NSIP) funded by MOLIT of Korean government. The work of C. Laoudias has been supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 739551 (KIOS CoE) and from the Republic of Cyprus through the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development. Torres-Sospedra and Perez-Navarro want to thank the Spanish network of excellence, REPNIN+,TEC2017-90808-REDT. The work of A. Moreira has been supported by FCT -Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019

    Cyber Hygiene Methodology for Raising Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Awareness in Health Care Organizations: Concept Study.

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    Cyber hygiene; Cybersecurity; Health careCiberhigiene; Seguridad cibernética; Cuidado de la saludCiberhigiene; Seguretat cibernÚtica; Atenció sanitàriaBackground: Cyber threats are increasing across all business sectors, with health care being a prominent domain. In response to the ever-increasing threats, health care organizations (HOs) are enhancing the technical measures with the use of cybersecurity controls and other advanced solutions for further protection. Despite the need for technical controls, humans are evidently the weakest link in the cybersecurity posture of HOs. This suggests that addressing the human aspects of cybersecurity is a key step toward managing cyber-physical risks. In practice, HOs are required to apply general cybersecurity and data privacy guidelines that focus on human factors. However, there is limited literature on the methodologies and procedures that can assist in successfully mapping these guidelines to specific controls (interventions), including awareness activities and training programs, with a measurable impact on personnel. To this end, tools and structured methodologies for assisting higher management in selecting the minimum number of required controls that will be most effective on the health care workforce are highly desirable. Objective: This study aimed to introduce a cyber hygiene (CH) methodology that uses a unique survey-based risk assessment approach for raising the cybersecurity and data privacy awareness of different employee groups in HOs. The main objective was to identify the most effective strategy for managing cybersecurity and data privacy risks and recommend targeted human-centric controls that are tailored to organization-specific needs. Methods: The CH methodology relied on a cross-sectional, exploratory survey study followed by a proposed risk-based survey data analysis approach. First, survey data were collected from 4 different employee groups across 3 European HOs, covering 7 categories of cybersecurity and data privacy risks. Next, survey data were transcribed and fitted into a proposed risk-based approach matrix that translated risk levels to strategies for managing the risks. Results: A list of human-centric controls and implementation levels was created. These controls were associated with risk categories, mapped to risk strategies for managing the risks related to all employee groups. Our mapping empowered the computation and subsequent recommendation of subsets of human-centric controls to implement the identified strategy for managing the overall risk of the HOs. An indicative example demonstrated the application of the CH methodology in a simple scenario. Finally, by applying the CH methodology in the health care sector, we obtained results in the form of risk markings; identified strategies to manage the risks; and recommended controls for each of the 3 HOs, each employee group, and each risk category. Conclusions: The proposed CH methodology improves the CH perception and behavior of personnel in the health care sector and provides risk strategies together with a list of recommended human-centric controls for managing a wide range of cybersecurity and data privacy risks related to health care employees

    CARAMEL: results on a secure architecture for connected and autonomous vehicles detecting GPS spoofing attacks

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    The main goal of the H2020-CARAMEL project is to address the cybersecurity gaps introduced by the new technological domains adopted by modern vehicles applying, among others, advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques. As a result, CARAMEL enhances the protection against threats related to automated driving, smart charging of Electric Vehicles, and communication among vehicles or between vehicles and the roadside infrastructure. This work focuses on the latter and presents the CARAMEL architecture aiming at assessing the integrity of the information transmitted by vehicles, as well as at improving the security and privacy of communication for connected and autonomous driving. The proposed architecture includes: (1) multi-radio access technology capabilities, with simultaneous 802.11p and LTE-Uu support, enabled by the connectivity infrastructure; (2) a MEC platform, where, among others, algorithms for detecting attacks are implemented; (3) an intelligent On-Board Unit with anti-hacking features inside the vehicle; (4) a Public Key Infrastructure that validates in real-time the integrity of vehicle’s data transmissions. As an indicative application, the interaction between the entities of the CARAMEL architecture is showcased in case of a GPS spoofing attack scenario. Adopted attack detection techniques exploit robust in-vehicle and cooperative approaches that do not rely on encrypted GPS signals, but only on measurements available in the CARAMEL architecture.This work was supported by the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the CARAMEL project (Grant agreement No. 833611). The work of Christian Vitale, Christos Laoudias and Georgios Ellinas was also supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant 739551 (KIOS CoE) and from the Republic of Cyprus through the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination, and Development. The work of Jordi Casademont and Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas was also supported by FEDER and Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya through projects Fem IoT and SGR 2017-00376 and by the ERDFPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Radio Location of Partial Discharge Sources: A Support Vector Regression Approach

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    Partial discharge (PD) can provide a useful forewarning of asset failure in electricity substations. A significant proportion of assets are susceptible to PD due to incipient weakness in their dielectrics. This paper examines a low cost approach for uninterrupted monitoring of PD using a network of inexpensive radio sensors to sample the spatial patterns of PD received signal strength. Machine learning techniques are proposed for localisation of PD sources. Specifically, two models based on Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are developed: Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Least-Squares Support Vector Regression (LSSVR). These models construct an explicit regression surface in a high dimensional feature space for function estimation. Their performance is compared to that of artificial neural network (ANN) models. The results show that both SVR and LSSVR methods are superior to ANNs in accuracy. LSSVR approach is particularly recommended as practical alternative for PD source localisation due to it low complexity