116 research outputs found

    Exceedance of design actions in epicentral areas: insights from the ShakeMap envelopes for the 2016–2017 central Italy sequence

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    AbstractShakeMap is the tool to evaluate the ground motion effect of earthquakes in vast areas. It is useful to delimit the zones where the shaking is expected to have been most significant, for civil defense rapid response. From the earthquake engineering point of view, it can be used to infer the seismic actions on the built environment to calibrate vulnerability models or to define the reconstruction policies based on observed damage vs shaking. In the case of long-lasting seismic sequences, it can be useful to develop ShakeMap envelopes, that is, maps of the largest ground intensity among those from the ShakeMap of (selected) events of a seismic sequence, to delimit areas where the effects of the whole sequence have been of structural engineering relevance. This study introduces ShakeMap envelopes and discusses them for the central Italy 2016–2017 seismic sequence. The specific goals of the study are: (i) to compare the envelopes and the ShakeMap of the main events of the sequence to make the case for sequence-based maps; (ii) to quantify the exceedance of design seismic actions based on the envelopes; (iii) to make envelopes available for further studies and the reconstruction planning; (iv) to gather insights on the (repeated) exceedance of design seismic actions at some sites. Results, which include considerations of uncertainty in ShakeMap, show that the sequence caused exceedance of design hazard in thousands of square kilometers. The most relevant effects of the sequence are, as expected, due to the mainshock, yet seismic actions larger than those enforced by the code for structural design are found also around the epicenters of the smaller magnitude events. At some locations, the succession of ground-shaking that has excited structures, provides insights on structural damage accumulation that has likely taken place; something that is not accounted for explicitly in modern seismic design. The envelopes developed are available as supplemental material


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pewarisan nilai etis dan estetis dalam tari Silat Gelombang di masyarakat Simeulue Provinsi Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kualitatif, dengan metode Sejarah dan pendekatan multidisiplin dengan kajian Etnokoreologi sebagai grand teori dibantu dengan disiplin ilmu lain seperti Folklore, Nilai dan teori Pendidikan Informal untuk mengungkapkan proses pewarisan nilai dalam tari Silat Gelombang di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini memberi informasi mengenai pewarisan tari Silat Gelombang yang mengandung nilai etis (sosial dan kepribadian) bersumber dari Nandong, Nanga-nanga, Hadih Majah sebagai sumber nilai yang diyakini masyarakat Simeulue, Aceh dan nilai estetis tari Silat Gelombang melalui filosofi teks tari kepada masyarakat Simeulue, Aceh khususnya di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Pewarisan, Nilai Etis, Nilai Estetis, Tari Silat Gelombang, Masyarakat Simeulue, Aceh. ABSTRACT This study aimed to find out the inheritance of ethical and esthetical value in Silat Gelombang dance among Simeulue people in Aceh Province. This study used qualitative paradigm, with History method and multidisciplinary approach with Ethnochoreology as grand theory aided by another discipline knowledge such as Folklore, Value and Informal Education Theory to reveal the process of values inheritance in Silat Gelombang dance in environment and society. Data collection technique by observation, interview, documentation, and literature study. This study result gave information about the inheritance of Silat Gelombang dance which contain ethical value (social and personality) sourced from Nandong, Nanga-nanga, Hadih Majah as source of value believed by Simeulue people, Aceh and esthetical value of Silat Gelombang dance through dance text philosophy to Simeulue people, Aceh particularly in family and society environment. Keywords: Inheritance, Ethical Value, Esthetical Value, Silat Gelombang Dance, Simeulue People, Aceh

    REXELweb: a tool for selection of ground-motion records from the Engineering Strong Motion database (ESM)

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    This paper illustrates REXELweb, an updated online version of REXEL, which is a tool for the automatic selection and scaling of spectrum-compatible ground- motions for dynamic analysis of structures. REXELweb allows to define target spectra according to user-definition or design provisions (Eurocode 8 and Italian building code), as well as to uniform hazard spectra (UHS) based on a European hazard model. REXELweb implements all functionalities and options of REXEL through web-services that are accessible either via a MATHWORKS-MATLAB script or a user-friendly web-interface. The program selects records from the Engineering Strong Motion database (ESM), which is a daily-updated Pan-European repository of high-quality ground-motion records. These features make REXELweb a potentially useful tool for researchers and practitioners.Associazione Geotecnica ItalianaPublishedRome5T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismic

    The engineering strong-motion database: A platform to access pan-European accelerometric data

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    This article describes the Engineering Strong-Motion Database (ESM), developed in the framework of the European project Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation (NERA, see Data and Resources). ESM is specifically designed to provide end users only with quality-checked, uniformly processed strong-motion data and relevant parameters and has done so since 1969 in the EuroMediterranean region. The database was designed for a large variety of stakeholders (expert seismologists, earthquake engineers, students, and professionals) with a user-friendly and straightforward web interface. Users can access earthquake and station information and download waveforms of events with magnitude 65 4:0 (unprocessed and processed acceleration, velocity, and displacement, and acceleration and displacement response spectra at 5% damping). Specific tools are also available to users to process strong-motion data and select ground-motion suites for codebased seismic structural analyses

    Site Amplifications in the epicentral area of the 2016, M 6, Amatrice earthquake (Italy)

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    The first mainshock (Mw 6.0) of the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence, severely struck the Amatrice village and the surrounding localities. After a few days, some Italian Institutions, coordinated by the “Center for Seismic Microzonation and its applications”, carried out several preparatory activities for seismic microzonation of the area. A temporary seismic network was installed that monitored about 50 sites in epicentral area. The network produced a huge amount of records in a wide range of magnitude up to Mw 6.5. For about half of the recording stations, detailed site characterization was undertaken, encompassing single station noise measurements and S-wave velocity profiles. The geological and geophysical data together with the collected dataset of seismic signals were exploited to investigate the site response of selected stations. Significant amplifications are found in the correspondence of several sites that experienced a high level of damage (Imcs >IX), mainly at short and intermediate periodsPublishedRoma5T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismic

    Temporary dense seismic network during the 2016 Central Italy seismic emergency for microzonation studies

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    In August 2016, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Central Italy, starting a devastating seismic sequence, aggravated by other two events of magnitude 5.9 and 6.5, respectively. After the first mainshock, four Italian institutions installed a dense temporary network of 50 seismic stations in an area of 260 km2. The network was registered in the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks with the code 3A and quoted with a Digital Object Identifier ( https://doi.org/10.13127/SD/ku7Xm12Yy9 ). Raw data were converted into the standard binary miniSEED format, and organized in a structured archive. Then, data quality and completeness were checked, and all the relevant information was used for creating the metadata volumes. Finally, the 99 Gb of continuous seismic data and metadata were uploaded into the INGV node of the European Integrated Data Archive repository. Their use was regulated by a Memorandum of Understanding between the institutions. After an embargo period, the data are now available for many different seismological studies.Publishedid 1825T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journa
