2,094 research outputs found

    Field Utilization and Analysis of AIS 128-channel Imagery Using Microcomputers: Application to Yerington, Nevada Field Area

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    Geologists in exploration need to be able to determine the mineral composition of a given outcrop, and then proceed to another in order to carry out the process of geologic mapping. Since April 1984 researchers have been developing a portable microcomputer-based imaging system (with a grey-scale of 16 shades of amber), which were demonstrated during the November 1984 GSA field trip in the field at Yerington, NV. A color-version of the same technology was recently demonstrated. The portable computer selected is a COLBY 10-Megabyte, hard disk-equipped repackaged-IBM/XT, which operates on either 110/220 VAC or on 12VDC from the cigarette lighter in a field vehicle. A COMPAQ PLUS or an IBM Portable will also work on modified software. The underlying concept is that the atmospheric transmission and surface albedo/slope terms are multiplicative, relating the spectral irradiance to the spectral color of the surface materials. Thus, the spectral color of a pixel remains after averaged log-albedo and log-irradiance have been estimated. All these steps can be carried out on the COLBY microcomputer, using 80 image lines of the 128-channel, 12-bit imagery. Results are shown for such an 80-line segment, showing the identification of an O-H bearing mineral group (of slightly varying specific characters) on the flight line

    On The Importance Of The Interclump Medium For Superionization: O VI Formation In The Wind Of Zeta Puppis

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    We have studied superionization and X-ray line formation in the spectra of zeta Pup using our new stellar atmosphere code (XCMFGEN) that can be used to simultaneously analyze optical, UV, and X-ray observations. Here, we present results on the formation of the O VI lambda lambda 1032, 1038 doublet. Our simulations, supported by simple theoretical calculations, show that clumped wind models that assume void in the interclump space cannot reproduce the observed O vi profiles. However, enough O vi can be produced if the voids are filled by a low-density gas. The recombination of O vi is very efficient in the dense material, but in the tenuous interclump region an observable amount of O vi can be maintained. We also find that different UV resonance lines are sensitive to different density regimes in z Pup: C IV is almost exclusively formed within the densest regions, while the majority of O vi resides between clumps. N v is an intermediate case, with contributions from both the tenuous gas and clumps

    Complex asteroseismology of the Slowly Pulsating B-type star HD74560

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    We present the results of complex seismic modelling of the Slowly Pulsating B-type star HD74560. The star pulsates in five frequencies detected in photometric observations. For all these frequencies, we identify the mode degree, ℓ\ell. For two of them, found also in spectroscopic data, we are able to derived the empirical values of the complex nonadiabatic parameter ff. We test effects of chemical composition and opacity data. Our results show that the properties of seismic models of SPB stars differ significantly from those of the more massive β\beta Cephei stars.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, conference proceedings, to appear in ASS

    Subdynamics as a mechanism for objective description

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    The relationship between microsystems and macrosystems is considered in the context of quantum field formulation of statistical mechanics: it is argued that problems on foundations of quantum mechanics can be solved relying on this relationship. This discussion requires some improvement of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics that is briefly presented.Comment: latex, 15 pages. Paper submitted to Proc. Conference "Mysteries, Puzzles And Paradoxes In Quantum Mechanics, Workshop on Entanglement And Decoherence, Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano, Garda Lake, Italy, 20-25 September, 199

    NLTE analysis of spectra: OBA stars

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    Methods of calculation of NLTE model atmosphere are discussed. The NLTE trace element procedure is compared with the full NLTE model atmosphere calculation. Differences between LTE and NLTE atmosphere modeling are evaluated. The ways of model atom construction are discussed. Finally, modelling of expanding atmospheres of hot stars with winds is briefly reviewed.Comment: in Determination of Atmospheric Parameters of B-, A-, F- and G-Type Stars, E. Niemczura et al. eds., Springer, in pres

    Incoherent dynamics in neutron-matter interaction

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    Coherent and incoherent neutron-matter interaction is studied inside a recently introduced approach to subdynamics of a macrosystem. The equation describing the interaction is of the Lindblad type and using the Fermi pseudopotential we show that the commutator term is an optical potential leading to well-known relations in neutron optics. The other terms, usually ignored in optical descriptions and linked to the dynamic structure function of the medium, give an incoherent contribution to the dynamics, which keeps diffuse scattering and attenuation of the coherent beam into account, thus warranting fulfilment of the optical theorem. The relevance of this analysis to experiments in neutron interferometry is briefly discussed.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    SUMO monoclonal antibodies vary in sensitivity, specificity, and ability to detect types of SUMO conjugate

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    Monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to members of the Small Ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) family are essential tools in the study of cellular SUMOylation. However, many anti-SUMO MAbs are poorly validated, and antibody matching to detection format is without an evidence base. Here we test the specificity and sensitivity of twenty-four anti-SUMO MAbs towards monomeric and polymeric SUMO1-4 in dot-blots, immunoblots, immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation. We find substantial variability between SUMO MAbs for different conjugation states, for detecting increased SUMOylation in response to thirteen different stress agents, and as enrichment reagents for SUMOylated RanGAP1 or KAP1. All four anti-SUMO4 monoclonal antibodies tested cross-reacted wit SUMO2/3, and several SUMO2/3 monoclonal antibodies cross-reacted with SUMO4. These data characterize the specificity of twenty-four anti-SUMO antibodies across commonly used assays, creating an enabling resource for the SUMO research community

    Effect of NLTE model atmospheres on photometric amplitudes and phases of early B-type pulsating stars

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    We study all possible sources of inaccuracy in theoretical values of the photometric observables, i.e. amplitude ratios and phase differences, of early B-type main sequence pulsators. Here, we discuss effects of parameters coming from both models of stellar atmospheres and linear nonadiabatic theory of stellar pulsation. In particular, we evaluate for the first time the effect of the departure from the LTE approximation. The atmospheric input comes from line-blanketed, LTE and NLTE plane-parallel, hydrostatic models. To compute the limb-darkening coefficients for NLTE models, we use the Least-Square Method taking into account the accuracy of the flux conservation. We present effects of NLTE atmospheres, chemical composition and opacities on theoretical values of the photometric observables of early B-type pulsators. To this end, we compute tables with the passband fluxes, flux derivatives over effective temperature and gravity as well as the non-linear limb-darkening coefficients in 12 most often used passbands, i.e. in the Str\"omgern system, uvbyuvby, and in the Johnson-Cousins-Glass system, UBVRIJHKUBVRIJHK. We make these tables public available at the Wroc{\l}aw HELAS Web page, http://helas.astro.uni.wroc.pl.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables, 17 figues submitted to A&

    Dynamical Semigroup Description of Coherent and Incoherent Particle-Matter Interaction

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    The meaning of statistical experiments with single microsystems in quantum mechanics is discussed and a general model in the framework of non-relativistic quantum field theory is proposed, to describe both coherent and incoherent interaction of a single microsystem with matter. Compactly developing the calculations with superoperators, it is shown that the introduction of a time scale, linked to irreversibility of the reduced dynamics, directly leads to a dynamical semigroup expressed in terms of quantities typical of scattering theory. Its generator consists of two terms, the first linked to a coherent wavelike behaviour, the second related to an interaction having a measuring character, possibly connected to events the microsystem produces propagating inside matter. In case these events breed a measurement, an explicit realization of some concepts of modern quantum mechanics ("effects" and "operations") arises. The relevance of this description to a recent debate questioning the validity of ordinary quantum mechanics to account for such experimental situations as, e.g., neutron-interferometry, is briefly discussed.Comment: 22 pages, latex, no figure
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