253 research outputs found

    BiojÀÀtmete kompostimine ringmajanduse tingimustes

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture.VĂ€itekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks pĂ”llumajanduse erialal.Organic wastes can be stabilized by composting and turned into solid organic fertilizers and soil improvers, while closing the cycle of nutrients. Evaluation of total nutrient concentrations, as well as safety and hygiene parameters of composts, are regulated; however, some beneficial properties of compost are not reported. The aim of this PhD thesis was to determine the value of fish by-catch, an underutilized type of biowaste, through proximity composting, and increase our knowledge about the properties and added value of various composts. The distribution of phosphorus forms and concentration and properties of humic substances were determined from the fish waste composts and compared with other common types of compost. This study confirmed that proximity composting of fish waste is technologically feasible and meets hygiene requirements according to regulations (temperature 1 h > 70 °C). Composts made from different input materials varied in relative proportions and concentrations of phosphorus forms. Fish waste compost contained the highest concentration of immediately bioavailable phosphorus (6.90–7.75 g P/kg DW; 57–66% of total phosphorus). All selected composts contained humic substances, including humic acids (HA) and fulvic acids (FA), but their concentrations, properties, and relative proportions depended on compost input materials. The HA/FA ratio, reflecting humification, was highest in horse manure compost (7.88) and lowest in chicken waste compost (1.42). Composts revealed similar peaks of excitation/emission matrices of fluorescence spectra for FA, but varied in their HA spectra. In conclusion, this PhD thesis highlights the potential value of small biowaste streams, which have not been sufficiently considered to date. Such waste can be a valuable source material for high-quality composts that can be used to improve the physical and chemical properties of soil, as well as to increase crop yields.Kompostimine vĂ”imaldab biojÀÀtmeid stabiliseerida, muutes need orgaaniliseks vĂ€etiseks vĂ”i mullaparandusaineks. Komposti kvaliteedi mÀÀrab vĂ€etusainete hulk ning ohutus- ja hĂŒgieeniparameetrite vastavus piirvÀÀrtustele, kuid tĂ€helepanuta on jÀÀnud fosfori kĂ€ttesaadavus ja humiinainete sisaldus, mis annab olulist informatsiooni komposti lisavÀÀrtuse ja kasutamise kohta. Uurimistöö eesmĂ€rk oli anda suuniseid seni vĂ€he kasutust leidnud kala kaaspĂŒĂŒgi vÀÀrindamiseks kompostimise teel jÀÀtmete tekkekohal. Lisaks sooviti vĂ”rrelda erinevatest lĂ€htematerjalidest valmistatud komposte fosforivormide ja humiinainete sisalduse alusel. Kompostimisel saavutati loomsete kĂ”rvalsaaduste hĂŒgieniseerimiseks vajalik temperatuur (1 tund > 70 °C). Eri koostisega kompostides varieerub nii fosfori sisaldus kui fosfori vormide suhteline jaotus, mis mĂ”jutab selle kĂ€ttesaadavust taimedele. Kalakompostid sisaldasid enim taimedele kergesti kĂ€ttesaadavat fosforit (6,90–7,75 g P/kg KA, suhteline osakaal ĂŒldfosforist 57–66%). KĂ”ik kompostid sisaldasid humiinaineid, sh humiinhappeid (HA) ja fulvohappeid (FA), kuid nende kontsentratsioon, omadused ja suhteline jaotus sĂ”ltusid kompostitavast materjalist. Suurim HA/FA suhe, mis kirjeldab kompostitava materjali humifitseerumisastet, oli hobusesĂ”nniku kompostis (7,88), madalaim kanajÀÀtmete kompostis (1,42). Fluorestsentsi ergastus-emissioonispektrid (EEM) viitasid sarnasusele erinevate kompostide fulvohapetes, suuremad erinevused olid humiinhapete jĂ€lgedes. Doktoritöös toodi kalajÀÀtmete nĂ€itel vĂ€lja seni alakasutatud vĂ€ikeste jÀÀtmevoogude potentsiaal bioringmajanduses. Sellised jÀÀtmed saab tekkekohas hĂ”lpsasti muuta kĂ”rge kvaliteediga kompostiks, mida saab kasutada mulla fĂŒĂŒsikaliste ja keemiliste omaduste parandamiseks ning taimede saagikuse suurendamiseks. TĂ€iendavate kvaliteediparameetrite esitamine vĂ”imaldaks paremini hinnata ja esile tuua komposti kasulikku mĂ”ju ja eesmĂ€rgikohast rakendamist

    Uudsete antibakteriaalsete haavakatete valmistamine kasutades elektrospinnimise tehnoloogiat

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneTĂ”usvate kulude ning aina keerulisemate ravijuhtude tĂ”ttu on halvasti paranevad kroonilised haavandid muutunud kaasaegses ĂŒhiskonnas vĂ€ga suureks probleemiks. Haavadega kaasneb alati infektsioonioht, seetĂ”ttu nĂ€eb kaasaegne haavaravi ette, et taastatakse haava homeöstaas ning hoitakse kontrolli all bakterite arvukus. KĂ”ige probleemsemaks osutuvad kaasuvate haigustega patsientidid (nĂ€iteks diabeedihaiged), kelle hĂ€irunud immuunvastus vĂ”ib takistada ravi efektiivsust ning pikendada ravi kestvust. Infektsioosse haavandi raviskeemis on antibiootikumide manustamine vĂ€ga olulisel kohal. Lokaalne antibakteriaalne haavaravi (kasutades enamlevinud traditsioonilisi ravimvorme) on vĂ€ga levinud, kuid selle efektiivsus on siiani kĂŒsitav ravimi lĂŒhikese toimeaja ja pideva manustamise tĂ”ttu. SeetĂ”ttu on kaasaegne ravimvormide teadustöö keskendunud just kohaspetsiifiliste lokaalsete antibakteriaalsete ravimkandursĂŒsteemide vĂ€ljatöötamisele, mis omaksid veel tĂ€iendavat funktsionaalsust (haava paranemise toetamine). Elektrospinnimine (ES) on lihtne ja laialtlevinud meetod polĂŒmeersete fiibermaatriksite tootmiseks, millele iseloomulikeks omadusteks on: kontrollitav morfoloogia, suur eripind ning poorsus. Lisaks on maatriksitesse vĂ”imalik lihtsa vaevaga inkorporeerida erinevaid raviaineid, mis vĂ”imaldab neid kasutada ravimkandursĂŒsteemidena. ES fiibermaatriksid sobivad ideaalselt haavakateteks: omades nahale omase rakuvĂ€lise maatriksiga sarnast struktuuri, mis annab neile hea haavaeksĂŒdaadi absorbeerimise vĂ”ime ning tagab gaasi – ja ainevahetuse haavas. Maatriksite mehaanilised omadused on muudetavad vastavalt vajadusele – lihtsustamaks kasutust ning tagamaks soodsat keskkonda rakkudele, mis vastutavad haavade paranemise eest. Antibakteriaalsete haavakatete vĂ€ljatöötamisel on oluline uurida nende mĂ”ju bakterirakkudele. Haavakate peaks inhibeerima bakterite arvukuse tĂ”usu haavas ning kaitsma haava kontaminatsiooni eest. KĂ€esolevas töös valmistati ES teel antibakteriaalsete omadustega fiibermaatrikseid, mida saaks kasutada lokaalseks haavaraviks. Leiti, et poorseid fiibreid sisaldavate maatriksite valmistamiseks oli oluline sobivate lahustite ning keskkonnaparameetrite valik. Maisivalgul baseeruvate fiibermaatriksite valmistamiseks osutus sobivaimaks koaksiaalse ES ning abiainete kasutamine. Kasutatud lahustid ja abiained mĂ”jutasid fiibermaatriksite morfoloogiat, struktuuri, mehhaanilisi omadusi ning raviaine vabanemise kiirust. Maatriksite ehitus mĂ”jutas oluliselt elusrakkude (bakteri- ning eĂŒkarĂŒootsete rakkude) kĂ€itumist maatriksitel. Leiti, et poorseid fiibreid sisaldav maatriks soodustas fibroblastide kinnitumist ning kasvu, ja omas ka kĂ”ige suuremat E. coli biokile vastast toimet. Maisivalgul baseeruvatel fiibermaatriksitel oli fibroblastide kasv ning kinnitumine vĂ€iksem vĂ”rreldes polĂŒkaprolaktooni sisaldava fiibermaatriksiga.Wound treatment is a worldwide problem with annually increasing costs and insufficient treatment options. There is always contamination related to wounds which increases the risk for the development of infection. Therefore the main treatment strategy has been to restore the homeostasis at the wound site as well as control the bacterial load. The problem arises when the patient's medical condition (for example diabetes) inhibits the native immune response causing failed and long-lasting treatment. The administration of antibacterial drugs is a vital part of chronic wound and infection treatment strategy. Topical treatment with antibiotics (conventional drug formulations such as gels, creams) is frequently used but its efficiency is still uncertain. Therefore novel drug delivery research is focused on finding the site-specific drug delivery systems (DDS) with enhanced antibacterial properties. Electrospinning (ES) is a straightforward method for the production of polymeric fibers with specific features: controlled surface morphology, large specific surface area, tunable porosity and relatively simple incorporation of drugs giving them potential to be used as DDS. ES scaffolds have potential in wound healing due to having structure similar to the extracellular matrix, which offers superior absorption of the wound exudate as well as enhanced gas exchange properties. Furthermore, the scaffolds have suitable mechanical properties which can be designed to ease application and offer suitable surface for cell growth in charge of native wound healing. When developing antibacterial scaffold for wound infection treatment the bacterial/scaffold interactions have to be addressed. Ideally the scaffold should inhibit the bacterial growth at the wound site and protect the wound from further contamination. In the present thesis ES was used to prepare antibacterial fiber scaffolds for wound healing applications. It was seen that the combination of suitable solvent systems, and environmental parameters were vital in order to produce antibacterial drug containing polymer based fibers with surface porosity. The solvent systems had an effect on the morphology, structure, mechanical and drug release properties of the scaffolds. The structural differences also affected the behaviour of cells (bacterial and eukaryotic) on scaffolds . Fibers with surface porosity supported fibroblast attachment and growth as well as provided the best antibiofilm activity against E. coli. Another part of the thesis was to develop zein based antibacterial fiber scaffolds. Coaxial ES method together with plasticisers were used in order to develop zein-based core-shell structured scaffolds. The scaffolds were also characterised and differences were seen compared to the polycaprolactone-based scaffolds.https://www.ester.ee/record=b552587

    Development of boron calibration via hybrid comparator method in prompt gamma activation analysis

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    The prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) facility at the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory at The University of Texas at Austin was utilized to quantify boron concentrations in boron carbide semiconductor films deposited on silicon substrates. Calibration was complicated by the unique and varying sample geometries analyzed. In addition, there was a dearth of solid materials available with quantified boron concentrations having comparable or readily modifiable dimensions to exploit for calibration purposes. Therefore, a novel hybrid comparator method was developed for the quantification of boron utilizing aluminum as an inexpensive and easily machinable reference material. Aluminum samples were manufactured with high tolerances to match the geometry of each sample of interest. Each boron carbide film sample and its congruent aluminum sample were measured in the PGAA system. The measured aluminum responses and relevant nuclear parameters were used to standardize the measurements. A boron standard was created using a procedure derived from a similar approach used by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Quality control measurements using this standard show that the method provided accuracy to within 5% for boron quantification

    Ecological Risks from Agricultural Land Treated with Biosolids

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    Author Institution (Arvai and Basta): School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University; Author Institution (Lanno): Department of Entomology, The Ohio State Universit

    Rubriik „Soome 100“ Postimehes aastal 2017

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    ClassDojo mÔju erituge saavate kÀitumisraskustega Ôpilaste kÀitumisele

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    Regards sur les territoires des ancrages haïtiano-montréalais : les impacts des pratiques transnationales au quotidien

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    À MontrĂ©al, les HaĂŻtiens forment le troisiĂšme groupe ethnique en importance et offrent un exemple de peuple en diaspora. Étudier leurs mobilitĂ©s et pratiques transnationales, ainsi que leurs incidences sur la redĂ©finition des concepts d’identitĂ© et de territoire, permet alors de comprendre les articulations entre le local et le transnational, dans le contexte de globalisation et de rĂ©trĂ©cissement du monde permis par les nouvelles technologies. L’objectif de la recherche est de comprendre l’impact des pratiques transnationales et des mĂ©dias dans la construction territoriale et l’ancrage des HaĂŻtiens montrĂ©alais. Pour ce faire, 18 entrevues de type rĂ©cit de vie ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es auprĂšs d’un Ă©chantillon reprĂ©sentant les diffĂ©rentes vagues d’immigration haĂŻtienne et des tables rondes ont Ă©tĂ© organisĂ©es. L’analyse des discours a permis de mettre en lumiĂšre les trajectoires, les lieux et types d’ancrages ainsi que le rĂŽle des nouvelles technologies dans les liens translocaux de cette communautĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats, non gĂ©nĂ©ralisables, mettent de l’avant le rĂŽle important des mĂ©dias dans l’ancrage. Par exemple, l’ancrage des migrants de la premiĂšre vague a Ă©tĂ© facilitĂ© par la crĂ©ation de radios haĂŻtiennes, ces derniĂšres ayant aidĂ© Ă  cimenter la communautĂ© d’alors. Pour les deuxiĂšmes gĂ©nĂ©rations, les nouveaux mĂ©dias permettent de s’identifier Ă  la diaspora et de s’ancrer en HaĂŻti, avec des projets de dĂ©veloppement, comme Ă  MontrĂ©al, Ă  travers l’expĂ©rience du cosmopolitisme. Finalement, l’analyse des rĂ©cits de vie des nouveaux arrivants le confirme : les mĂ©dias donnent la possibilitĂ© d’un ancrage inĂ©dit gardĂ© Ă  disposition avec les nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication.Montreal’s Haitian community is the third ethnic group in terms of importance and offers an interesting example of diaspora. Studying their mobility practices and how these practices impact concepts such as identity and place allows us to understand their articulations on a local and transnational scale, in a context of globalisation and contraction of the world due to new technologies. Specifically, this study aims to understand how transnational practices and media impact territorial constructions and ancrage of Haitians in Montreal. For this purpose, 18 interviews and two round-table discussions were organized. A careful analysis of these illustrates the trajectories, places and types of ancrage and the role of new technologies in the translocal connections of this community. The results, which cannot be generalized, highlight the crucial role of media in the ancrage process. For example, the first wave’s migrant’s ancrage was facilitated by the creation of local Haitian radios, which have helped build the community. For the second generation’s interviewee, the new media allows the identification to the diaspora and the ancrage, in Haiti with development projects, as in Montreal, with the cosmopolitism experience. Finally, as the interview analysis of the newcomers shows: media gives the possibility of a novel ancrage type, kept at disposal by the new technologies

    Effects of 17ÎČ-Estradiol Exposure on Gamete Development and Viability in Freshwater Unionids

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    Evidence of a functional role for vertebrate steroids has been demonstrated in a number of invertebrate species, including molluscs. This knowledge has generated interest into the possibility of invertebrate endocrine disruption due to exposure to both exogenous steroid hormones and xenobiotics which can mimic the action of these compounds. Exposure to the natural vertebrate estrogen, 17ÎČ-estradiol (E2), for example, has been shown to induce accelerated gamete development in multiple mollusc species. Little information exists, however, for freshwater mussels, a group of exceptional conservation interest. Here, Daniel Sovic, Raoman Lanno, Dr. Kody Kuehnl, and G. Thomas Watters report the findings of two field studies on gametogenesis (Elliptio complanata, Pleurobema clava) as they relate to seasonal estrogenicity of extracts from Polar Organic Compound Integrative Samplers (POCIS) as determined using the Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) assay. In order to investigate effects of E2 exposure on gamete maturation and viability in freshwater mussels, Elliptio insulsa were dosed at one of three exposure levels. Effects on ova and sperm development were determined on biopsies collected 10 days and 6 months post-exposure and biopsy-generated data were compared with histological sections of vicera collected immediately following final biopsy collection. Comparisons of data collected via biopsy and traditional histological techniques provided data to evaluate the potential for utilizing non-lethal biopsy sampling to assess Unionid gametogenesis.https://fuse.franklin.edu/forum-2013/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Open windrow composting of fish waste in Estonia

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    By-catch fish is caught unintentionally during the fishing and is currently thrown back in water bodies to cause the water pollution. Currently fishermen does not have a motivation to bring the by-catch fish to the shore, as it needs to be sorted by fish species, causing fishermen extra work without additional income. Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs decided to give funding to present study with purpose to find solution to this matter. One possible solution for by-catch fish utilization is to produce high value nutrient rich fertilizer in order to close nutrient cycle and return valuable nutrients into soil. The adaptive study of outdoor windrow composting was conducted with consecutive treatments, rather than simultaneously, in order to make adaptive improvements to the set-up of each consecutive treatment. The consecutive treatments showed that fish waste composting is manageable from a technical perspective, feasible in a temperate climate, and that this type of compost holds high potential as an organic fertiliser or soil improver. Composting process started rapidly and, as required by the EU Commission regulation EU 142/2011, temperatures exceeded 70 °C for at least 1 h in all windrows. While initial treatments suffered from odours, as well as events inhibitive to the composting process, these disadvantages were successfully avoided in later treatments by adding a biofilter and inoculant from previous composting windrows, as well as lake sediments. Rather than disposing of low-value fish, these can be recycled into stable and nutrient-rich compost on-site, near fishing harbours
