266 research outputs found
Helteen terveyshaitat ja niiden ehkäisy Suomessa
Kuumasta säästä aiheutuu merkittävä määrä niin lieviä kuin vakaviakin terveyshaittoja. Suomessa joitakin viikkoja kestävistä helleaalloista voi aiheutua useampia satoja kuolemia. Vakavien haittavaikutusten riski kohdistuu erityisesti ikääntyneisiin ja pitkäaikaissairauksista kärsiviin. Helteen terveysriskit suurenevat tulevaisuudessa ilmastonmuutoksen ja väestön ikääntymisen myötä, jos sääolosuhteiden muuttumiseen ja väestön haavoittuvuuden lisääntymiseen ei varauduta riittävän hyvin. Tässä katsauksessa tarkastellaan kuumaan säähän liittyviä terveysriskejä ja niiden ehkäisyä. Terveyshaittojen torjuntakeinoja kuvataan Maailman terveysjärjestön (WHO) laatimiin suosituksiin ja ohjeistuksiin perustuen. Lisäksi kuvataan hellevarautumisen nykytilaa Suomessa ja muissa Euroopan maissa sekä varautumisjärjestelmien vaikuttavuutta ja niiden toimeenpanoon ja arviointiin liittyviä haasteita. Johtopäätösten pohjalta esitetään suosituksia hellevarautumisen kehittämiseksi Suomessa
Effects of long-range transported air pollution from vegetation fires on daily mortality and hospital admissions in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland
Introduction: Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions from vegetation fires can be transported over long distances and may cause significant air pollution episodes far from the fires. However, epidemiological evidence on health effects of vegetation-fire originated air pollution is limited, particularly for mortality and cardiovascular outcomes. Objective: We examined association between short-term exposure to long-range transported PM2.5 from vegetation fires and daily mortality due to non-accidental, cardiovascular, and respiratory causes and daily hospital admissions due to cardiovascular and respiratory causes in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland. Methods: Days significantly affected by smoke from vegetation fires between 2001 and 2010 were identified using air quality measurements at an urban background and a regional background monitoring station, and modelled data on surface concentrations of vegetation-fire smoke. Associations between daily PM2.5 concentration and health outcomes on i) smoke-affected days and ii) all other days (i.e. non smoke days) were analysed using Poisson time series regression. All statistical models were adjusted for daily temperature and relative humidity, influenza, pollen, and public holidays. Results: On smoke-affected days, 10 mu g/m(3) increase in PM2.5 was associated with a borderline statistically significant increase in cardiovascular mortality among total population at a lag of three days (12.4%, 95% CI -0.2% to 26.5%), and among the elderly (>= 65 years) following same-day exposure (13.8%, 95% CI -0.6% to 30.4%) and at a lag of three days (11.8%, 95% CI -2.2% to 27.7%). Smoke day PM2.5 was not associated with non-accidental mortality or hospital admissions due to cardiovascular causes. However, there was an indication of a positive association with hospital admissions due to respiratory causes among the elderly, and admissions due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma among the total population. In contrast, on non-smoke days PM2.5 was generally not associated with the health outcomes, apart from suggestive small positive effects on non-accidental mortality at a lag of one day among the elderly and hospital admissions due to all respiratory causes following same-day exposure among the total population. Conclusions: Our research provides suggestive evidence for an association of exposure to long-range transported PM2.5 from vegetation fires with increased cardiovascular mortality, and to a lesser extent with increased hospital admissions due to respiratory causes. Hence, vegetation-fire originated air pollution may have adverse effects on public health over a distance of hundreds to thousands of kilometres from the fires. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe
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