352 research outputs found

    Threes!, Fives, 1024!, and 2048 are Hard

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    We analyze the computational complexity of the popular computer games Threes!, 1024!, 2048 and many of their variants. For most known versions expanded to an m x n board, we show that it is NP-hard to decide whether a given starting position can be played to reach a specific (constant) tile value.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    A Center Transversal Theorem for Hyperplanes and Applications to Graph Drawing

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    Motivated by an open problem from graph drawing, we study several partitioning problems for line and hyperplane arrangements. We prove a ham-sandwich cut theorem: given two sets of n lines in R^2, there is a line l such that in both line sets, for both halfplanes delimited by l, there are n^{1/2} lines which pairwise intersect in that halfplane, and this bound is tight; a centerpoint theorem: for any set of n lines there is a point such that for any halfplane containing that point there are (n/3)^{1/2} of the lines which pairwise intersect in that halfplane. We generalize those results in higher dimension and obtain a center transversal theorem, a same-type lemma, and a positive portion Erdos-Szekeres theorem for hyperplane arrangements. This is done by formulating a generalization of the center transversal theorem which applies to set functions that are much more general than measures. Back to Graph Drawing (and in the plane), we completely solve the open problem that motivated our search: there is no set of n labelled lines that are universal for all n-vertex labelled planar graphs. As a side note, we prove that every set of n (unlabelled) lines is universal for all n-vertex (unlabelled) planar graphs

    Weighted dynamic finger in binary search trees

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    It is shown that the online binary search tree data structure GreedyASS performs asymptotically as well on a sufficiently long sequence of searches as any static binary search tree where each search begins from the previous search (rather than the root). This bound is known to be equivalent to assigning each item ii in the search tree a positive weight wiw_i and bounding the search cost of an item in the search sequence s1,,sms_1,\ldots,s_m by O(1+logmin(si1,si)xmax(si1,si)wxmin(wsi,wsi1))O\left(1+ \log \frac{\displaystyle \sum_{\min(s_{i-1},s_i) \leq x \leq \max(s_{i-1},s_i)}w_x}{\displaystyle \min(w_{s_i},w_{s_{i-1}})} \right) amortized. This result is the strongest finger-type bound to be proven for binary search trees. By setting the weights to be equal, one observes that our bound implies the dynamic finger bound. Compared to the previous proof of the dynamic finger bound for Splay trees, our result is significantly shorter, stronger, simpler, and has reasonable constants.Comment: An earlier version of this work appeared in the Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithm

    Bust-a-Move/Puzzle Bobble is NP-Complete

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    We prove that the classic 1994 Taito video game, known as Puzzle Bobble or Bust-a-Move, is NP-complete. Our proof applies to the perfect-information version where the bubble sequence is known in advance, and it uses just three bubble colors.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Corrected mistakes in gadget

    The Clique Problem in Ray Intersection Graphs

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    Ray intersection graphs are intersection graphs of rays, or halflines, in the plane. We show that any planar graph has an even subdivision whose complement is a ray intersection graph. The construction can be done in polynomial time and implies that finding a maximum clique in a segment intersection graph is NP-hard. This solves a 21-year old open problem posed by Kratochv\'il and Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Measuring Damages in Survival Actions for Tortious Death

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    Survival statutes have been adopted to avoid the effect of common law rules preventing claims for the tortious death of a human being. These statutes give the personal representative such causes of action on behalf of the decedent\u27s estate as the decedent would have had were he still alive. The question the statutes do not answer, however, is the effect of the death of a party on the measure of damages. The Washington Supreme Court\u27s decision in Warner v. McCaughan illustrates the problem. Warner arose out of the death of a twenty-one year old college student. Alleging that the death was caused by improper diagnosis and care and by administration of unsafe drugs, her parents, individually, and her father, as administrator of her estate, brought suit for damages against the doctor, hospital, and pharmaceutical company on the grounds of negligence and breach of warranty. The parents\u27 individual claims were dismissed because the parents were not dependents of the decedent, but the estate\u27s claim was entertained. One of the items of damage claimed by the estate was disability in consequence of a medical condition caused by the defendants\u27 tortious acts and resulting in the decedent\u27s death. This claim presented the major issue of the case: whether the prohibition in the general survival statute against recovery for pain and suffering7 prohibited recovery for the decedent\u27s disability. The court rejected the defendants\u27 argument that the statutory prohibition meant that all claims personal to the decedent abated with her death8 and held that the statute allows the broad common-law claim for personal injury, except for pain and suffering. The principal question remaining, which the Warner court did not fully answer, is how these damages for physical injury are to be measured in a tortious death case. The purpose of this article is to discuss the factors relevant to the damages issue and to suggest appropriate standards for measuring them

    The Four Bars Problem

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    A four-bar linkage is a mechanism consisting of four rigid bars which are joined by their endpoints in a polygonal chain and which can rotate freely at the joints (or vertices). We assume that the linkage lies in the 2-dimensional plane so that one of the bars is held horizontally fixed. In this paper we consider the problem of reconfiguring a four-bar linkage using an operation called a \emph{pop}. Given a polygonal cycle, a pop reflects a vertex across the line defined by its two adjacent vertices along the polygonal chain. Our main result shows that for certain conditions on the lengths of the bars of the four-bar linkage, the neighborhood of any configuration that can be reached by smooth motion can also be reached by pops. The proof relies on the fact that pops are described by a map on the circle with an irrational number of rotation.Comment: 18 page

    Induced Ramsey-type results and binary predicates for point sets

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    Let kk and pp be positive integers and let QQ be a finite point set in general position in the plane. We say that QQ is (k,p)(k,p)-Ramsey if there is a finite point set PP such that for every kk-coloring cc of (Pp)\binom{P}{p} there is a subset QQ' of PP such that QQ' and QQ have the same order type and (Qp)\binom{Q'}{p} is monochromatic in cc. Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and Valtr proved that for every kNk \in \mathbb{N}, all point sets are (k,1)(k,1)-Ramsey. They also proved that for every k2k \ge 2 and p2p \ge 2, there are point sets that are not (k,p)(k,p)-Ramsey. As our main result, we introduce a new family of (k,2)(k,2)-Ramsey point sets, extending a result of Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and Valtr. We then use this new result to show that for every kk there is a point set PP such that no function Γ\Gamma that maps ordered pairs of distinct points from PP to a set of size kk can satisfy the following "local consistency" property: if Γ\Gamma attains the same values on two ordered triples of points from PP, then these triples have the same orientation. Intuitively, this implies that there cannot be such a function that is defined locally and determines the orientation of point triples.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, final version, minor correction