161 research outputs found

    Orientation of Planar Deformation Features (PDFs) in quartz

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    Differently oriented single crystal quartz was shocked experimentally at pressures of 20 to 32 GPa and pre-shock temperatures up to 630 C. Based on this systematic investigation, we can demonstrate that the orientation of planar deformation features in quartz is not only dependent on shock pressure but also on pre-shock temperature and shock direction. Moreover, the orientation of Planar Deformation Features (PDF's) is strongly influenced by the set-up in recovery experiments. PDF's in quartz are defined as optically recognizable, planar microstructures diagnostically produced by shock compression. PDF's differ from all kinds of microstructures found in volcanic environment and therefore, their presence is a primary criterion for recognizing impact craters and ejecta layers such as the K/T boundary. Because experiments have shown a pressure dependence of the orientation of PDF's, this property is used extensively for shock wave barometry in natural impact sites. However, the unreflected application of experimental results neglects that parameters such as pre-shock temperature, shock direction, or the experimental arrangement may influence the spatial distribution of PDF's. In order to test this assumption, shock experiments on single crystal quartz at pre-shock temperatures of 20, 275, 540, and 630 C, and with shock directions (1010) and (0001) were performed. Most of the recovery experiments were carried out by using a reverberation technique, whereas in only one experiment a single shock was produced (impedance method). In the former case 0.5 mm thin discs of single crystal quartz were used, in the latter a 15 mm thick cylinder. The orientation of PDF's was measured by means of a conventional universal stage and the results are given. Effects of the experimentation technique can be derived showing the orientation of PDF's in quartz shocked at 27.5 GPa. In comparison to the well defined peaks at (1012) found in samples from reverberation experiments, the impedance matching technique causes PDF's with a broad distribution pattern and indistinct maxima. Our results have serious implications for shock-wave barometry in nature: the existing classification scheme which relates PDF orientation exclusively to shock pressure is no longer applicable. In consequence more experimental data is needed

    Where is iron in erionite? A multidisciplinary study on fibrous erionite-Na from Jersey (Nevada, USA)

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    Fibrous erionite is a mineral fibre of great concern but to date mechanisms by which it induces cyto- and geno-toxic damage, and especially the role of iron associated to this zeolite species, remain poorly understood. One of the reasons is that we still don\u2019t know exactly where iron is in natural erionite. This work is focused on fibrous erionite-Na from Jersey (Nevada, USA) and attempts to draw a general model of occurrence of iron in erionite and relationship with toxicity mechanisms. It was found that iron is present as 6-fold coordinated Fe3+ not part of the zeolite structure. The heterogeneous nature of the sample was revealed as receptacle of different iron-bearing impurities (amorphous iron-rich nanoparticles, micro-particles of iron oxides/hydroxides, and flakes of nontronite). If iron is not part of the structure, its role should be considered irrelevant for erionite toxicity, and other factors like biopersistence should be invoked. An alternative perspective to the proposed model is that iron rich nano-particles and nontronite dissolve in the intracellular acidic environment, leaving a residue of iron atoms at specific surface sites anchored to the windows of the zeolite channels. These sites may be active later as low nuclearity groups

    The survivability of phyllosilicates and carbonates impacting Stardust Al foils: Facilitating the search for cometary water

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    Comet 81P/Wild 2 samples returned by NASA's Stardust mission provide an unequalled opportunity to study the contents of, and hence conditions and processes operating on, comets. They can potentially validate contentious interpretations of cometary infrared spectra and in situ mass spectrometry data: specifically the identification of phyllosilicates and carbonates. However, Wild 2 dust was collected via impact into capture media at ~6 km s−1, leading to uncertainty as to whether these minerals were captured intact, and, if subjected to alteration, whether they remain recognizable. We simulated Stardust Al foil capture conditions using a two‐stage light‐gas gun, and directly compared transmission electron microscope analyses of pre‐ and postimpact samples to investigate survivability of lizardite and cronstedtite (phyllosilicates) and calcite (carbonate). We find the phyllosilicates do not survive impact as intact crystalline materials but as moderately to highly vesiculated amorphous residues lining resultant impact craters, whose bulk cation to Si ratios remain close to that of the impacting grain. Closer inspection reveals variation in these elements on a submicron scale, where impact‐induced melting accompanied by reducing conditions (due to the production of oxygen scavenging molten Al from the target foils) has resulted in the production of native silicon and Fe‐ and Fe‐Si‐rich phases. In contrast, large areas of crystalline calcite are preserved within the calcite residue, with smaller regions of vesiculated, Al‐bearing calcic glass. Unambiguous identification of calcite impactors on Stardust Al foil is therefore possible, while phyllosilicate impactors may be inferred from vesiculated residues with appropriate bulk cation to Si ratios. Finally, we demonstrate that the characteristic textures and elemental distributions identifying phyllosilicates and carbonates by transmission electron microscopy can also be observed by state‐of‐the‐art scanning electron microscopy providing rapid, nondestructive initial mineral identifications in Stardust residues

    Oxygen–metal bonding in Ti-bearing compounds from O 1 s

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    Oxygen 1 s

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    Assessment on the Use of High Capacity “Sn4_{4}P3_{3}”/NHC Composite Electrodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries with Ether and Carbonate Electrolytes

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    This work reports the facile synthesis of a Sn–P composite combined with nitrogen doped hard carbon (NHC) obtained by ball-milling and its use as electrode material for sodium ion batteries (SIBs). The “Sn4_{4}P3_{3}”/NHC electrode (with nominal composition “Sn4_{4}P3_{3}”:NHC = 75:25 wt%) when coupled with a diglyme-based electrolyte rather than the most commonly employed carbonate-based systems, exhibits a reversible capacity of 550 mAh gelectrode_{electrode}−1^{−1} at 50 mA g−1^{−1} and 440 mAh gelectrode_{electrode}−1^{−1} over 500 cycles (83% capacity retention). Morphology and solid electrolyte interphase formation of cycled “Sn4_{4}P3_{3}”/NHC electrodes is studied via electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The expansion of the electrode upon sodiation (300 mAh gelectrode_{electrode}−1^{−1}) is only about 12–14% as determined by in situ electrochemical dilatometry, giving a reasonable explanation for the excellent cycle life despite the conversion-type storage mechanism. In situ X-ray diffraction shows that the discharge product is Na15_{15}Sn4_{4}. The formation of mostly amorphous Na3_{3}P is derived from the overall (electro)chemical reactions. Upon charge the formation of Sn is observed while amorphous P is derived, which are reversibly alloying with Na in the subsequent cycles. However, the formation of Sn4_{4}P3_{3} can be certainly excluded

    Marine and freshwater micropearls: biomineralization producing strontium-rich amorphous calcium carbonate inclusions is widespread in the genus <i>Tetraselmis</i> (Chlorophyta)

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    Unicellular algae play important roles in the biogeochemical cycles of numerous elements, particularly through the biomineralization capacity of certain species (e.g., coccolithophores greatly contributing to the organic carbon pump of the oceans), and unidentified actors of these cycles are still being discovered. This is the case of the unicellular alga Tetraselmis cordiformis (Chlorophyta) that was recently discovered to form intracellular mineral inclusions, called micropearls, which had been previously overlooked. These intracellular inclusions of hydrated amorphous calcium carbonates (ACCs) were first described in Lake Geneva (Switzerland) and are the result of a novel biomineralization process. The genus Tetraselmis includes more than 30 species that have been widely studied since the description of the type species in 1878.The present study shows that many other Tetraselmis species share this biomineralization capacity: 10 species out of the 12 tested contained micropearls, including T. chui, T. convolutae, T. levis, T. subcordiformis, T. suecica and T. tetrathele. Our results indicate that micropearls are not randomly distributed inside the Tetraselmis cells but are located preferentially under the plasma membrane and seem to form a definite pattern, which differs among species. In Tetraselmis cells, the biomineralization process seems to systematically start with a rod-shaped nucleus and results in an enrichment of the micropearls in Sr over Ca (the Sr∕Ca ratio is more than 200 times higher in the micropearls than in the surrounding water or growth medium). This concentrating capacity varies among species and may be of interest for possible bioremediation techniques regarding radioactive 90Sr water pollution.The Tetraselmis species forming micropearls live in various habitats, indicating that this novel biomineralization process takes place in different environments (marine, brackish and freshwater) and is therefore a widespread phenomenon.</p
